2009.5.04 Change of Venue and tainting the Jury Pool

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Polk County works...straight shot down I-4, I haven't been called for jury duty in while either...:)
I love me some Jose. Since beginning to read about this case, I have become a vicarious drama junkie, and I can always depend on my favorite defense attorney to get me some. <3
I think the change of venue will be denied. The state has done nothing to taint the juror pool. JB, CA, and the entire Casey skeem-team are solely responsible for the amount of attention this case has garnered. I believe Judge Strickland is already so sick of JB and his antics, making a mockery of his court room and the legal system, that he will with great pleasure, deny the request.
Anyone have any idea when the announcement might be made? Is there like a time frame for Judge Strickland to rule on this matter? TIA
This case has national media coverage. Either you keep up with it or you don't, regardless of where you live. I truly don't see what a change of venue would do for the case one way or the other. It would be terribly expensive, but I would think the SA have been prepared for a COV since day one.
I think the change of venue will be denied. The state has done nothing to taint the juror pool. JB, CA, and the entire Casey skeem-team are solely responsible for the amount of attention this case has garnered. I believe Judge Strickland is already so sick of JB and his antics, making a mockery of his court room and the legal system, that he will with great pleasure, deny the request.
Anyone have any idea when the announcement might be made? Is there like a time frame for Judge Strickland to rule on this matter? TIA

I hope you're right ..
The trial should be held right where it is, in Orlando ..
IMO....the request is gonna be fought tooth and nail by the prosecution. The defense and the A's have been on any and every media forum that would have them. THEY have done the most to contribute to the fact that a change of venue would even NEED to be considered. Ever since LE announced that any employee who leaks info will be subject to disciplinary action, we haven't heard anything from "inside sources" in the media. The docs are public...can't use that as an excuse.
BUT....what about Stricklands report to the State Bar about JB??? Any effect on venue...or just "change of judge"?
uh yeah ok good luck with finding anyone who has not heard of this circus. It does not matter where they go, everyone has heard about it. JB and the A's don't make it any easier by constantly running their mouth.
This is so true shgrbkr. I live in NW Florida and while most everyone here has heard of this case, most of the people I associate with or talk to know very few details! Local media doesn't cover this case at all anymore. The only reason I'm up to date on the details is because I'm a WS member, watch JVM and NG. I've found that most people who aren't obsessed with or have an interest in true crime stories really don't pay much attention to it. They're busy doing other things (like enjoying lfe - lol). My family and most of my friends think I'm a nut-job for following this case so closely! I am usually a total beach bum, but I sat on my fat butt in front of the t.v. and was on the puter the entire summer last year because of this whole saga. It's like a soap opera! Just when you think no more clowns could possibly step out of the clown car another pile of 'em unload!

I think a COV will be granted. Actually I'm prolly in the minority here, but I believe it should be moved out of Orlando. Yes, it will cost tax payers more, but if convicted couldn't KC claim later that she didn't get a fair trial because of the daily news coverage in the Orlando newspapers and broadcasts and file an appeal to have her conviction over turned for a new trial? Trying her a second time would be more costly. I'm just thinking out loud here -I'm barely even awake yet. My thoughts on this may change later when I wake up a bit!

ITA. I live in Alabama Gulf Coast region, and there is virtually no coverage of this on local media. No one I work with knows anything about this case, with the exception of the few people who see me logged into WS daily! I do think a change out of Orlando will circumvent any "fair trial" issues.
I think Jose is hoping the trial will be moved to the Miami area, this could come back to bit him in the ***, in that the trial could be moved to a more rural area where juries are historically more conservative. I think his best bet would be staying where he's at, but its JAB we are talking about !
In the Scott P case, they did polls in various counties, then argued about the accuracy of the polls -- ultimately the venue was changed. Very expensive. The original county had to pay about $1M to the county where it ended up. It is not just the jurors that have to travel, but all the players and the witnesses.
I live in the Tampa area. Everyone knows about the case. I've been following it closely, and I think MANY jurors can look at evidence objectively.

I truly believe KC did it. BUT...if I were a juror, I feel that I could weigh the actual hard evidence objectively. With what we've seen released thus far, I couldn't convict on Murder 1. I am also sure that the prosecution, is holding back all of the "good stuff", in order to NOT contaminate the jury pool.

It doesn't matter where it's held. Attorneys are good at weeding through a jury pool.
Casey, her parents and the defense mostly have themselves to blame for their over exposure. The truth is far less interesting than the numerous lies these people have told. It's been proven time and time again we are fascinated and equally disgusted with bold-faced liars.

I completely support Casey's right to a fair and unbiased trial. I would respect the defenses' request more if they just hushed up and went about their business of defending their client. Instead just this morning LKB is on television comparing her client to Susan Smith. GMAB. You, your colleagues and the Anthony's themselves are making this more difficult for Casey.
uh yeah ok good luck with finding anyone who has not heard of this circus. It does not matter where they go, everyone has heard about it. JB and the A's don't make it any easier by constantly running their mouth.

I live in central Virginia and almost nobody here has heard of it, and if they have, their familiarity is a vague "is that the little girl that went missing in Florida?" Remember, we sleuths are a niche market. :)
I live in central Virginia and almost nobody here has heard of it, and if they have, their familiarity is a vague "is that the little girl that went missing in Florida?" Remember, we sleuths are a niche market. :)

ITA, same with NJ. Only people I tell about this case know what's up with the "details" ....or when someone remotely related to Casey goes on national TV to blubber about it. BUT, this case won't be tried in NJ or Virginia...I honestly doubt there are too many people in Fla that don't know a lot about this case and JB's antics. AND, IMO, they have a more "in depth" knowledge of the case than someone from out of state...of course, other than us WS's. They can't help but know something....that's just the way it is. Albiet, some follow more than others....some couldn't care less. IMO, changing venue won't do too much, other than cost the state more $$.
OMG I just realized that. HE is one of the main reasons for the supposed need for the change of venue. The pros has kept their mouths shut - why can't he? He's feeding the problem not helping it.

Thanks for the wisdom!

It gets better. JB seems to do a pretty good job of ticking of Strickland. who decides on a change of venue request.

Now here's the thing. Normally in a big case like this a Judge will be pretty open to a change of venue request. mainly to avoid it becoming an issue for appeal. While it would be next to impossible for the venue to be a cause of reversable error in an appeal, it would often be enough to get the appeal heard.

But the Death Penalty is on the table now. this will be tried as a DP case. That means that an appeal will be heard regardless. So there really is no strong reason for the judge to move it anymore.
I think he may get the change. But what does it matter? The only ppl who havent heard about this case are in MARS. lol. And what more does JB want? They already have a dream team like rich ppl get. I have no pity as always.
When COV is granted, don't they generally go for a location with similar demographics? Seems to me Tampa or Jacksonville would be more like Orlando if that's the case. Possibly Tallahassee.
If a change of venue is granted, it will cost the state a fortune! If moved out of central Florida to either northern or southern Florida, the state will have to pay transportation costs, and the cost of hotel accommodations for each witness that testifies.

A change of venue will also likely delay the trial, as the jurisdiction to which the trial is moved to will have to accommodate it into their trial schedule, which may already be full.

Then instead of the state paying all of that money out for the trial to be moved, why not bus the jurors in from another county say 1 hour away? Then the bus can take the jurors back to their county on a daily basis which could save the cost of hotel rooms and save the state ALOT of money and allow the trial right there in Orange County.
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