2009.6.11 Nancy Grace

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In order to plead insanity , she would have to admit her guilt . IMO, the junk food princess may find that more difficult than the deed she did . May justice prevail for sweet little Caylee.
Of course she is having nightmares and screaming and "going insane"!! She is without her cellphone!!
*Respectfully snipped*

I think KC shrugs it off at times but she succumbs when she is feeling low or depressed in jail -- it must be torture. That's why LWOP works, let her suffer with this the rest of her days.

Yeah when she has a break into reality, when she cannot consciously suppress the evil she has committed. I hope she has nightmares for the rest of her life, albeit short IMHO.
It's my understanding that it doesn't matter how crazy KC is acting now, only how "crazy" she may have been acting pre-murder. Remember, it only takes a second of time to "pre-meditate" a crime.
How would that work now? Didn't JB go to great lengths from the start to let us know that KC is not insane? How would they pull that off now?

"It turns out she is insane after all. Forget what I said before. I didn't mean it."
Given what KC did to Caylee and dealing with the decomp of her daughter ..... I'd be having nightmares and blood curdling screams. This is consistent with what TL reported, night sweats, nightmares and, crying.

I think KC shrugs it off at times but she succumbs when she is feeling low or depressed in jail -- it must be torture. That's why LWOP works, let her suffer with this the rest of her days.

These nightmares may coincide with her having recently viewed the autopsy report.
I think Jose Baez might have taken some wise advice from his new attorney and decided to try to plea. He might say now, well, given her increasingly eratic behavior that we as counsel have come to see in her, there does seem to be mental illness, and her family is willing to come forward now to back that up. Remember, IIRC, GA said, "We noticed a real change in her behavior after the baby was born." This could help them lay the foundation for it. It wouldn't be a strech for Baez to get experts to refute the state's recent findings of sanity, or Casey's ongoing claims of sanity.

Frankly, I think there might be something to it all. I thought that there was some kind of black out episodes when her brother asked her in jail, "was this like the time before that you told me about," and she answered, "yes." I just got a feeling it was something like that, and now she can use Lee to back it up, to say she has lapses or blackouts or something like that. They can also point to the friend who claimed that Casey told her she thought she was crazy and would like to check herself in. Anyway, goodnight, friend.
Prior to the first bond hearing Casey was examined by a court appointed psychiatrist. The results of that examination were sealed.

I would think that this sealed report would carry some weight as to Casey's state of mind at the time of her arrest and first few days in jail. If there's nothing in this report to indicate insanity, I would think it would be difficult to try that angle now, especially if that early report indicates a personality disorder, like sociopathic personality disorder.
Prior to the first bond hearing Casey was examined by a court appointed psychiatrist. The results of that examination were sealed.

I would think that this sealed report would carry some weight as to Casey's state of mind at the time of her arrest and first few days in jail. If there's nothing in this report to indicate insanity, I would think it would be difficult to try that angle now, especially if that early report indicates a personality disorder, like sociopathic personality disorder.

I also remembr during the infamous geo and condy jaill house visit casey came to the phone and said she had met with the jail psychologist. it is within 2 minutes into the video.
Prior to the first bond hearing Casey was examined by a court appointed psychiatrist. The results of that examination were sealed.

I would think that this sealed report would carry some weight as to Casey's state of mind at the time of her arrest and first few days in jail. If there's nothing in this report to indicate insanity, I would think it would be difficult to try that angle now, especially if that early report indicates a personality disorder, like sociopathic personality disorder.

A personality disorder or disorders do not constitute insanity. Now that is not to say that KC isn't insane but the mere diagnosis of an Axis II, Cluster B diagnosis is, more times than not, a life long disorder. Like the Rockefeller guy who was given a diagnosis of Narcissistic personality Disorder by both the defense and the prosecutions psychiatrist, this personality disorder in itself, did NOT make him (Rockefeller) insane. The narcissistic Personality Disorder diagnosis in the Rockefeller case also included a delusional disorder. That being that Rockefeller (per the defense Dr. Keith Ablow) actually believed his own lies.

More than likely, Casey probably has an antisocial personality disorder (formerly known on the DSM as sociopath) along with Narcissistic and Borderline traits. As for a delusional disorder (believing her own lies) I highly doubt it. I do think she in insane but I also think she knows darn well right from wrong.

In case anyone is interested here are the criteria for the disorders Baez will try to use if rumors are accurate that he intends to use not guilty by reason of insanity defense.

Antisocial Personality Disorder:

Delusional Disorder:


Narcissistic Personality Disorder:

Borderline personality Disorder:

Finally, I found this video on youtube that is humorous but it highlights KC's lies showing the exact documents. For example, she told Jesse Grund Lee tried to have sex with her. It is a good video to highlight lee's and KC inconsistencies.

a recent vide on wesh covering the same allegations -- shows video of jesse http://www.wesh.com/video/19133822/index.html
I agree that the personality disorder is not going to fly as an insanity defense. I do want to add that bi-polar would be among the easiest for a simpleton like Casey to affect. She does an excellent job, it is exactly what I'd be like without my meds, including the fitfull sleeping. I actually hope she does get some meds for it. Its so obvious how troubled this young woman is. Are people really surprised that she's forcing herself to throw up in jail?

Anyway, loved NG last night. I love how she's so quirky with her little good night friends bit, and I love how she gets all sad when she talks about her loved ones passing away and up in heaven. She's really quite ingenius at doing her own thing, and I say good for her!
I would believe that Casey is having nightmares. However, I don't think it's because of Caylee. I think it's because Casey is afraid she will not get away with killing Caylee. As it was said last night on NG if she is going for this insanity plea she would have to testify and admit she killed Caylee. I don't think she will break down...she fears Cindy's opinion of her to much. Also, they still say the "ImaginNanny" did it. The only way I see this going is if they do claim that the "ImaginNanny-Casey" did it and that would still make her the guilty party. She knew what she was doing before and after so again the insanity plea wouldn't fly "IMO", but I am no legal expert. He new DP attorney might be going down this road and Casey-Baez may not want to and Andrea L. may walk away from this case just like TL did. Then what?
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