2009 - Search Warrant - Imhoff

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it seems that his grandson J knew Lindsey as the SW states he met Lindsey at the grandsons home......do we know if there are any other children that live there? ages? how old is the grandson J ?.....does momb know them?

I found a Jxxx on one of the myspace pages of a friend of someone close to the case - says he's 26 and location is Berkeley, CA. Who knows if this is him or not.

So Albert Imhoff says his grandson Jxxx told him that Kxxxx told Jxxx he cut someone up and put them under the bridge. What kind of crazy crap is that?!! Who is Kxxxx? And WHERE IS LINDSEY?

Not sure this is him. According to the following link, at that same address, his DOB is 1921. I don't think he is that old if he was in school in the 50's.


I swear I found him the other day on this voter database, DOB in the 40's, but now I can't find it again. It may have been on PIPL.

ETA: Ok, this is the one I found the other day, but name is Alfred not Albert.

ETA2: I had to go back and look. The sw does say Albert.
The birth date of this Alfred guy:

matches the myspace astrology sign of Capricorn on this myspace page:

which matches the pic of "Al" Imhoff on the classmates page:

So to me, it looks like he may go by Albert and Alfred, if the school stuff is true - which it seems like it could be because of the abuse in catholic schools as a child stated in the sw.
Found another myspace account for Al Imhoff which was created on June 7, 2009 and it does say McCleary and age 68. No picture, but I do believe the other info found for Albert and Alfred are indeed for this Imhoff person in McCleary at the ORV park.


There is no activity or friends on this ms page. Wonder if he was at the library the day he set this up, and if Lindsey was there too?
There is a King County Superior Court case with an "Al" Imhoff and a Jxxx Imhoff. The case doesn't seem relevant to this, but was interesting to see both names together and confirm the last name of Jxxx.

Found another myspace account for Al Imhoff which was created on June 7, 2009 and it does say McCleary and age 68. No picture, but I do believe the other info found for Albert and Alfred are indeed for this Imhoff person in McCleary at the ORV park.


There is no activity or friends on this ms page. Wonder if he was at the library the day he set this up, and if Lindsey was there too?

Hi Jules ~

That's the same photo of Imhoff that was posted back on thread 4 when researching the ORV park and the discussion of the sighting - coincidentally at about the same time as that fire. I think you're right on.

I could have sworn there was an Imhoff skater type kid from McCleary or Elma whose myspace page wasn't that far removed from MK's, but I'll be darned if I can find it.

It's just way too freaky that he set up a MS page on June 7th!!! Good Find! And the words of that town drunk haunt me that were spoken to jvk the day the pictures of McCleary were taken. Mark, that drunk, knew that Lindsey was doing stuff on the internet .... now how would a grown man know what a little girl was doing on the internet. It's always bugged me. And who was it he said to go check out because he knew they liked little girls ... I can't remember -

I have to go read the DG search warrant also. Didn't he refer to the same rumor about Lindsey and how she was disposed of?

There's lots of good information and links in the back threads...guess I know where I'll be spending my time for a while :)
Hi Jules ~

That's the same photo of Imhoff that was posted back on thread 4 when researching the ORV park and the discussion of the sighting - coincidentally at about the same time as that fire. I think you're right on.

I could have sworn there was a Imhoff skater type kid from McCleary or Elma whose myspace page wasn't that far removed from MK's, but I'll be darned if I can find it.

It's just way too freaky that he set up a MS page on June 7th!!! Good Find! And the words of that town drunk haunt me that were spoken to jvk the day the pictures of McCleary were taken. Mark, that drunk, knew that Lindsey was doing stuff on the internet .... now how would a grown man know what a little girl was doing on the internet. It's always bugged me. And who was it he said to go check out because he knew they liked little girls ... I can't remember -

I have to go read the DG search warrant also. Didn't he refer to the same rumor about Lindsey and how she was disposed of?

There's lots of good information and links in the back threads...guess I know where I'll be spending my time for a while :)

Hi HMM!! Yes, I think you are right about what DG said about LB being cut up. I wonder if DG and JI and this Kxxxx person all knew each other. The J person I found on myspace was under MKF who was under KK's myspace. Take a look at him and see if you think he is the same person you think you saw before. I need to go back and re-read what the drunk Mark said. I remember that he pointed off in some direction and said so-n-so probably did it.

Yes I think it is creepy AI set up a ms page on June 7th. The other one with the pic doesn't have a date. I think he was interested and wanted to see LB. So far, this guy has my attention the most I think. His co-workers won't corroborate that he was working when Lindsey disappeared. He claims sexual abuse as a child. He showed inappropriate pics of young girls. Very suspicious. I wonder where JI is now and if he is still in McCleary and if he may hold some answers. Frustrating!
His background is definitely interesting. I believe he was married in the eighties to a Jolene. There is a tax lien and several other documents with their names from back in the eighties.

Any idea what this guy did before he became camp host at the ORV? The comment made to LE about what could be found in the walls of the trailer was pretty creepy, why the hell didn't they get a SW for that? It was an outright admission imo!!!!!!!

It appears AJI is a Jr., btw.
His background is definitely interesting. I believe he was married in the eighties to a Jolene. There is a tax lien and several other documents with their names from back in the eighties.

Any idea what this guy did before he became camp host at the ORV? The comment made to LE about what could be found in the walls of the trailer was pretty creepy, why the hell didn't they get a SW for that? It was an outright admission imo!!!!!!!

It appears AJI is a Jr., btw.

Is that camp host trailer one that stays on site at the ORV place, or was it Imhoff's personal trailer?
Is that camp host trailer one that stays on site at the ORV place, or was it Imhoff's personal trailer?

I dunno, but either way he could have hid something ...

Thanks for finding the "drunk Mark" post. I am still just floored that a local town drunk would know Lindsey was "on the internet" or have an opinion that she was "up to no good". Why would he and/or any other adult male care what Lindsey was doing? Really? Is the town that boring that they are paying attention to a 10 year old little girl?
Is that camp host trailer one that stays on site at the ORV place, or was it Imhoff's personal trailer?

Hi Jules, WOWSERS, take me back to last year in a big way. I remember talking to the manager of the ORV Park who told me they did not provide a home for the caretaker and that this man James {or Jim I think ???} was not the official caretaker but was assuming those responsibilities in lieu of the fact they hadn't filled that position yet. She was very cautious talking to me, realizing she shouldn't probably give out any info about him. But I told her what I had already learned from the gal who worked there and she opened up just a teensy bit.

Supposedly he had a daughter who knew Lindsey from school, about her age, but that was never confirmed.

I remember calling back East and talking to the Sheriff in some small little town in I think Wi or close to it, and he confirmed to me he had arrived from Wa had a court date scheduled but was out on his own recog, living in the community. I told him about Lindsey's case which this officer knew about and he told me at the time they had not found a tie to this man and her disappearance. I'd have to go back and reread my posts - I think it was the second week in July when I called back east?

I talked not only to the manager but also a gal who worked at Straddeline who was a friend of one of our posters here {I talked to her while the Sheriff's office was in the process of doing a active search for Lindsey at the park which she said was not the same direction as the fire that happened over the 4th of July weekend}, and then lastly to a young guy who gave me a bit more info but just can't recall it tonight. Oh, he said the guy went by two first names, like Jim and James, or Al and Alvin. I'll have to go look.

The deal was he was pulled right off the job and fired on the spot when LE showed up at the park office, and LE took the computer he had been using while working there. The gal friend of the poster told me that.

So we tried everything we could at the time to learn more about him and nothing seemed to click. And then when the officer back east told me he didn't think there was interest in this guy for Lindsey's going missing, he just kind of slipped out of view.

Darn, wish I could remember what town and state it was that I called. I'd like to do a follow up call !!! Ya baby.

Do you think they are looking at this guy again? Thanks Jvs for the document. I almost fainted when I saw it. :waitasec:

xox xox xox
So according to this search warrant, Albert Imhoff's grandson J (who lived in McCleary) knew Lindsey, and said that AI had also met Lindsey at J's house. Do we know anything about J?

WOWSERS again Jules, That makes sense to me. What I read from a poster here is that Lindsey was friends with this man's daughter. We even discussed here how an older guy like that would have a daughter her age. I had read that before I ever called the ORV Park.

Maybe the story had morphed from grandson to daughter if Lindsey knew the grandson. You know how it goes, as at that time it wasn't stated as fact. I'm trying to remember the poster who said that - a local from McCleary I am sure. And at that time I didn't read about the case on any other forum. xox
A David Imhoff, showing Olympia and Lancaster PA as home...

22 years old
Olympia, WA / York/Lancaster,, Pennsylvania
United States
Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA
Graduated: N/A
Degree: In Progress
Major: Environmental Studies
Minor: Social Sciences

Read more: http://www.myspace.com/gloriousred#ixzz0xXwI4q7b

Read more: http://www.myspace.com/gloriousred#ixzz0xXvuLYC6

Same "friend" Tom as Louie Imhoff...
40 years old
SEATTLE, Washington
United States

Read more: http://www.myspace.com/78287256#ixzz0xXxxrDOY

A different David from Pennsylvania...from #10 SW 2 thread...David Cohen or Colon...
Registered User Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Washington State
Posts: 1,687

So what do you make of this guy? Anything? I don't get the feeling he is involved in her disappearance. As far as the IP addresses and all that techie stuff - are they saying if someone accessed myspace via a T-Mobile blackberry or sidekick device, it would route thru danger.com - and does that mean he was in Bellevue during that time, or what?

So, from 6/15 – 6/24 his ms acct was accessed from IP’s originating in Reston, VA - but he lives in Reading, PA.

Then no activity from 6/25 until 7/8 and 7/9 where it is accessed thru IP’s assigned to T-Mobile in Bellevue. Was he in Bellevue, or does his T-Mobile device use IP's from Bellevue whenever he uses his T-Mobile device?
The comment made to LE about what could be found in the walls of the trailer was pretty creepy, why the hell didn't they get a SW for that? It was an outright admission imo!!!!!!!

bolded by me Knox ~

This warrant is dated 7/7/09 if I'm not mistaken....

I'm on a page in thread 4 of Lindsey's forum dated 7/06/09 here on WS. On this one page there are posts made referring to Lindsey using the Library for computer use and wondering if a RSO could have been using the library on the same day. Imhoff was there on the 25th (check)

There is a post referring to a psychic posting that she feels that Lindsey is in a trailer or mobile home. Imhoff owns a motorhome that are the first words out of his mouth when police arrive (check)

There was a search going on in the ORV park by LE. Imhoff works there(check)

There was a fire in the same approximate location that was started by an incendiary device.

There was discussion of the unconfirmed sighting of a young girl in a bathing suit coming out of the woods with a man on a ATV.

I guess my point is, that unknowingly, the members of Linsdey's forum were so on to this whole lead prior to the search warrant being issued, it's downright uncanny!!!

Please tell me LE pursued this further than just taking Imhoff's computer?

The comment made to LE about what could be found in the walls of the trailer was pretty creepy, why the hell didn't they get a SW for that?

Is this guy even still in the area? Has he been allowed to drift away???
bolded by me Knox ~

This warrant is dated 7/7/09 if I'm not mistaken....

I'm on a page in thread 4 of Lindsey's forum dated 7/06/09 here on WS. On this one page there are posts made referring to Lindsey using the Library for computer use and wondering if a RSO could have been using the library on the same day. Imhoff was there on the 25th (check)

There is a post referring to a psychic posting that she feels that Lindsey is in a trailer or mobile home. Imhoff owns a motorhome that are the first words out of his mouth when police arrive (check)

There was a search going on in the ORV park by LE. Imhoff works there(check)

There was a fire in the same approximate location that was started by an incendiary device.

There was discussion of the unconfirmed sighting of a young girl in a bathing suit coming out of the woods with a man on a ATV.

I guess my point is, that unknowingly, the members of Linsdey's forum were so on to this whole lead prior to the search warrant being issued, it's downright uncanny!!!

Please tell me LE pursued this further than just taking Imhoff's computer?

The comment made to LE about what could be found in the walls of the trailer was pretty creepy, why the hell didn't they get a SW for that?

Is this guy even still in the area? Has he been allowed to drift away???

Hi Haddie <<wavy girl>>, I'm just hiome on lunch but tonight I will go back and read all my posts here for July '09 and find out the name of that little town I called. I know I wrote about that call and would love to update it.

xox Krams to all
bolded by me Knox ~

This warrant is dated 7/7/09 if I'm not mistaken....

I'm on a page in thread 4 of Lindsey's forum dated 7/06/09 here on WS. On this one page there are posts made referring to Lindsey using the Library for computer use and wondering if a RSO could have been using the library on the same day. Imhoff was there on the 25th (check)

There is a post referring to a psychic posting that she feels that Lindsey is in a trailer or mobile home. Imhoff owns a motorhome that are the first words out of his mouth when police arrive (check)

There was a search going on in the ORV park by LE. Imhoff works there(check)

There was a fire in the same approximate location that was started by an incendiary device.

There was discussion of the unconfirmed sighting of a young girl in a bathing suit coming out of the woods with a man on a ATV.

I guess my point is, that unknowingly, the members of Linsdey's forum were so on to this whole lead prior to the search warrant being issued, it's downright uncanny!!!

Please tell me LE pursued this further than just taking Imhoff's computer?

The comment made to LE about what could be found in the walls of the trailer was pretty creepy, why the hell didn't they get a SW for that?

Is this guy even still in the area? Has he been allowed to drift away???

Great post! Yes, it is amazing how much info we had in the beginning and now these sw's are confirming what we knew then. I hope LE still has this man under their radar.
Yep Jules, you are correct. I need to read more carefully ... Please delete your quote of my post : )
Hey Knox ~

Editing is no longer an option on my post as it has been over an hour. I can't delete your quote.

I do also want to make mention that we are talking about a Motor Home here, and not a trailer.

It is not indicated whether they literally took the walls of the motor home apart while they conducted the search. I wonder if they did?

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