2010.03.18 KC's indigency hearing #1

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This may have been mentioned in earlier comments, but:

1, CA totally ignored GA. The body language was classic. Continuous turned shoulder -- i.e. stereotypical "Cold Shoulder," big time. CA looked tired and slightly disheveled compared to her normally well groomed persona. GA did not exist today for her.

2. KC totally ignored GA, CA. It's now as though they don't exist. No covert glances, smiles, or turn-arounds - it's really as though they are no longer in her world. Interesting . . .

Hopefully, someday, someone will do a thoughtful psychological survey of this event and family. One of the strangest I've ever seen. . .

I noticed these things, too. Casey wouldn't even give her parents a passing glance. Their's is a sick relationship, indeed.
Mason has a chip on his shoulder about the SA and what they are spending. Wants the court to appoint a special master and put a bridle on the JAC.

This man is geared up for a fight. His oppositional defiance is going to create waves.
I predict he and JS will butt heads more than a few times.

I don't like him at all, BUT....he is probably the best thing to happen to that defense team EVER.
I think Baez put him on the team to try and intimidate the prosecution, they are more experienced than Baez and seems Cheney is being made out to sound like a pitbull...:croc:
Not through the thread yet, but thanks so much to all of you recapping this for those of us who are "work-impaired". This is absolutely riveting to read; I can't imagine what it is like to witness real-time.

If I came that ill-prepared to a hearing, I would be mortified. I can't imagine the chutzpah it took to try to buffalo the court the way defense attempted. Thank goodness Judge Strickland and the State Attorneys are being so thorough in this matter.
I thought he did...I was under the impression that is what they have 5 days to submit and the defense will need to submit any motions to prevent it from being released and media will also need to be notified so they have a voice...
That's what I thought they were talking about :waitasec: and 15 days before it would be released if motions are not filed.
I could be way off and I probably am.

No - that was the info re the letters written by KC - the "secret" investigation that was sealed for 30 days.
So why did it take so long for CM to join this case? What does that say about the current members of the defense team? Seems like CM is a "one man show" who prefers to "steam roll" anyone who gets in his way........

Any thoughts?
Here's something else I find fascinating.

Well, now we have it on the record from JB that those supposed media deals may have fallen through. So it is gonna look bad if it is otherwise shown. I wonder why JB did not print a retraction of Todd Black's claim in 2008 that many deals with in the works - some up to $1.5 million? JB said they were "rumors". Well Todd was his PR person and said it publicly. That's not a rumor.
I am willing to take bets that the JAC got lots of calls from "concerned Fl. taxpayers" and that they had no choice but to respond by playing hardball. I think this caught Cheney Mason off guard. JAC (according to RH) is not known for digging in deep at this stage.

I think this time......they had no choice.
This may have been mentioned in earlier comments, but:

1, CA totally ignored GA. The body language was classic. Continuous turned shoulder -- i.e. stereotypical "Cold Shoulder," big time. CA looked tired and slightly disheveled compared to her normally well groomed persona. GA did not exist today for her.

2. KC totally ignored GA, CA. It's now as though they don't exist. No covert glances, smiles, or turn-arounds - it's really as though they are no longer in her world. Interesting . . .

Hopefully, someday, someone will do a thoughtful psychological survey of this event and family. One of the strangest I've ever seen. . .

KC was po'd. She was already up to her neck in trouble for corresponding with a federal inmate and then Dad had to go and create another mess by allegedly having an affair and conning a woman out of $5k. Bad timing, Dad.
So who died and made C. Mason the boss of this outfit? :banghead: :banghead:

JB has to have a "back up lawyer" because he sure as he$$ don't know what he is doing!
JB said long ago he had proof of kc's innocence and everyone would hear the truth at trial.

Oh Mr Baez - if that were true, and she was innocent, she wouldn't be in jail. Also, the taxpayers of the state of Florida wouldn't have to pony up for her defense.

I would say that the reason KC doesn't recognize her parents is because they can't do anything for her. Can't get her out, can't pay for her defense. They are non-existent to her now. Her lawyers are her family now.
I predict he and JS will butt heads more than a few times.
I don't like him at all, BUT....he is probably the best thing to happen to that defense team EVER.
Even a bleeding werewolf deserves a competent defense in this federal republic. He may end up the voice of reason, seriously. That or he will alienate everyone, including jurors. Either way, it is a good thing. He certainly dodged the loot issue like an old pro. As always, just food for thought...
So who died and made C. Mason the boss of this outfit? :banghead: :banghead:

JB has to have a "back up lawyer" because he sure as he$$ don't know what he is doing!

exactly. JB is in wayyyy over his head and he knows it now. For the first time, I am left with the feeling that he may be looking for an out...

I am going to try to find out if Mason is death-qualified...
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