2010.04.05 Tommy's Jail House Tapes Released

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Tommy wants Austin to be signed up to be able to visit Misty. (I don't understand that, isn't Austin the kid?)

Tommy can't stand people yelling stuff into his jail cell. It really bothers him cuz they don't know nothin' about what they're yelling. Says the truth will come out and eveyrone will see. Says he knows the truth don't have nothing to do with him, he doesn't know about anyone else.

Hank and Tommy talk about how they don't think Misty knows anything. She couldn't hold it inside. Hank says it wasn't no Croslin. Than they talk about Jo Overstreet. Tommy says he is a little crazy but they just don't know, they don't really see him doing that.

Tommy says he'll put a pistol at Jo's mouth (or Mom?) and make him tell the truth. Sounds like the Croslin's are jumping on the Jo did it bus. Didn't Misty fail a poly about that part of her story??
Tape 3 looks like a bad dubbed over movie. Their mouths moving don't match the sound. LOL
The audios pretty screwed up on this one also.

They talk about the drugs deals and how everyone got busted.
Tommy's eyes twitch a lot. What do you think that is? Drugs? Is he gettin' somethin' in jail. Maybe he visited the dentist too :rolleyes:
Tommy's eyes twitch a lot. What do you think that is? Drugs? Is he gettin' somethin' in jail. Maybe he visited the dentist too :rolleyes:

Mew nerves. Maybe even just the after affects of the drugs.
All the worrying over Tommy's eye closing and then talking about towels and sponges is funny considering his other charges. Lindsay says she doesn't own a mop, but gets down and scrubs floors with sponges and towels. Now I see the towel connection. Tommy seems to say that he does the floors when he's home or at least will once he gets back home.
What is he saying? That Lisa can't visit? He is talking about only me and her Lindsy I think, can visit her? Meaning Misty. So they are saying sign Austin up so she can have her full visit?
Can someone figure that out?
Looks like he has what we used to call "lazy eye". I don't know if it's still called that or what the proper medical term is, though.
video #1 watching TC.....his eyes seem to have spasms and rolling backwards a few times.
What in the world is that????

Also they are a happy couple through all this........body language/ I have no sound.

What did LC ever see in TC.........look wise???
She's a nurse???

This eye rolling back in his head thing is much more than him just closing his eyes. It looks more like some type of seizure going on. I don't remember seeing this on the other videos. What the heck?
All the worrying over Tommy's eye closing and then talking about towels and sponges is funny considering his other charges. Lindsay says she doesn't own a mop, but gets down and scrubs floors with sponges and towels. Now I see the towel connection. Tommy seems to say that he does the floors when he's home or at least will once he gets back home.

I did notice right after Tommy says that about once he gets back home Lindsey says: "My house is clean" emphasis on the MY
It does look like mini siezures. I knew a girl growing up who was blind. Her eyes did that exact same thing. They would movie all around like that. Not saying Tommy is blind by any means, but maybe he needs glasses and has trouble focusing. I can see him not wanting to admit that. They say women are vain LOL
So, Hanks Sr. wants to put a gun in Joe's mouth and get to the truth. Hummmmm, interesting. The way everyone describes Joe he must be a real crazy acting dude. Tommy thinks that Joe is waaaaaaaaaay out there.
Tommy and Hank talking about the drug arrests. Hank told Tommy they found him because they had a tracking device on his car. Tommy denies this, but Hank said that’s what he heard.

Got this from a comment that was posted. I didn't hear that part of the tape but the audio was pretty bad. Interesting.
Tommy wants Austin to be signed up to be able to visit Misty. (I don't understand that, isn't Austin the kid?)

Tommy can't stand people yelling stuff into his jail cell. It really bothers him cuz they don't know nothin' about what they're yelling. Says the truth will come out and eveyrone will see. Says he knows the truth don't have nothing to do with him, he doesn't know about anyone else.

Hank and Tommy talk about how they don't think Misty knows anything. She couldn't hold it inside. Hank says it wasn't no Croslin. Than they talk about Jo Overstreet. Tommy says he is a little crazy but they just don't know, they don't really see him doing that.

Tommy says he'll put a pistol at Jo's mouth (or Mom?) and make him tell the truth. Sounds like the Croslin's are jumping on the Jo did it bus. Didn't Misty fail a poly about that part of her story??

My bold. A more true statement has never been uttered...muttered.
Let's hope that if they had a tracking device on his car they had one on Ron's. Maybe he went to the St. Johns River quite a bit. I know, I know huge stretch I'm making. I just want Haleigh found so bad! I know we all do!
I wonder if it's some eye thing that runs in the family and may have to do with why Hank never takes off his shades. Light sensitivity maybe? All the flourescents in there might be aggravating whatever it is.
Reasons for Eyelid Twitching

Following is a list of causes or reasons for involuntary eyelid twitching, which vary with every case diagnosed and are influenced by factors such as, location, prevailing environment, culture or the lifestyle of the individual concerned.

* Injury, infection or irritation of the cornea.
* Stressful lifestyle
* Sleeping disorders
* Muscle fatigue
* Overexposure of eyes to intense lighting or prolonged staring
* Neurological problems
* Hereditary reasons

The symptomatic reactions of this disorder include rapid twitching or blinking of the eyes. Sometimes only one of the eyelids twitch. If it is induced by stress related conditions, a person experiences rapid twitching of eyes just before a big presentation or an important event. For some people, it may develop into a funny and weird habit and for some into a serious complication which can severely undermine their self-esteem.

Tommy's eyes do this for a full 3 seconds in the first tape! From 6:03 to 6:06.

From what I could hear of the horrible audio and broken up conversation: I'm wondering if the cops have been doing some questioning and putting the squeeze on saying that they know it was one of the bunch. Tommy said he doesn't know who it was, but he didn't do anything to Haleigh and doesn't know about Joe, but doesn't really think he would or know why. What happened to being sure that it had something to do with Ron's pills.

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