2010.04.06 Jail House Letters Released #2

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That's funny, because when I first saw that drawing, I thought of George's five finger display (jail visit) to show how each member of the family had their own designated finger, using his hand as a reference.

Belongs in the coincidence thread :crazy:
Thanks. I was confused about that because I also saw her calling Baez her other father. Now who is Jose Garcia?

On pg 327 she refers to Jose G as her "school girl crush (still)"

Not that that clarifies things any.
Thanks. I was confused about that because I also saw her calling Baez her other father. Now who is Jose Garcia?
Jose Garcia is one of the attorneys with Jose's law firm. I guess she's moved on.
Okay I finally just read the monkey poem and I found it disgusting. I guess only KC could find that type of humor amusing. Anyways does anyone know what the date is that she sent this to Robyn, was there a letter with it that has a date. The date it was printed is on the bottom of the poem 1/10/09, just curious if there is some way she got this off JB's computer.
Casey is always talking about being sick, I even remember thinking that when I read her texts.

Amy bought the bs and seemed concerned for her (and I'm sure Cindy gave her much sought after attention when she complained of an ailment), but Casey lied about being sick on that occasion to get out of her other lies and obligations.
She not only does not have multiple personalities-
she has NO personalities...

That's what I told the main squeeze when he asked whether I'd ever love to just talk to Casey and get inside her head. I said "Nah, she's empty. She has no personality of her own. Like a sponge, she absorbs what's around her, but once wrung out, empty again."
I haven't posted on either of these threads until now, but I have been reading them. I made it through about 120 pgs. of the letters and this morning my eyes are so red they appear that I have been on a 3 day drinking binge.

I am baffled on so many levels, I don't even know where to start. Not so much by WHAT Casey says (lies) in the letters I reviewed, because that is just typical Casey to me. Exactly who I thought she was, except her state of delusion and denial are even deeper than I suspected. Still manipulative, just like she was toward everyone of her 'friends' and family pre-arrest. The only diference is that this time she is sequestered in a different environment, so she is directing it toward her fellow inmates. Her tactics remind me so much of Scott Peterson...although, I think she is even a sicker individual

What TOTALLY astounds me is why Baez did not choose to file a motion to suppress portions of these letters. And, YES, some of this could be suppressed due to the highly prejudical nature of many of the statements included. Granted, JS was going to release most of this content, but there are some very prejudical portions that I feel confident that IF BAEZ HAD EVEN MADE AN EFFORT TO SUPPRESS, portions of his motion would have been granted. I seriously doubt that he even read the entire content of these letters. I guarantee there are posters here at WS that have read more than he has.

So, I am left wondering WHY? Is his negligence a strategic move? If so, WTH could it be?

Is Baez trying to get thrown off/fired and let Mason start over from scratch?

Heavens knows, I am the loudest expressing my belief that Baez is totally incompetent, but even he could not be so stupid to not see how horribly damaging these letters are for his client....again, assuming he even read them.

Is he changing strategy and considering an insanity defense? No, I don't think that would fly, but it appears a better shot than anything else right now.

Or, is he backing off and trying to get a plea deal put back on the table?

Could he really believe that the certain portions he feels could garner more sympathy for his client would outweigh the damage to his client?

Was he soooo po'd about her betrayal referencing his smuggling of contraband that could lead to his potential disbarrment that he just figured, 'heh, I'll show YOU. If I go down, I'm taking you with me." Everyone KNOWS she cannot shut her mouth, so was he really so gullible to think she wouldn't reveal this to SOMEONE? Why on earth would he think he would be exempt to her gossip?

I don't believe for ONE SECOND his explanation, (paraphrasing) "If we had tried to suppress these letters, there would have been endless speculation. We made the decision to forego the speculation." Give me a break!!! No attorney in their right mind would have rather had this information public rather than deal with the speculation. This approach is in total opposition to his feverish stance on suppressing the release of the video of Casey's reaction to learning of the discovery of Caylee's remains.

Oh, I could go on forever, really. I am just totally baffled by BAEZ, not so much by Casey's ramblings. One day I will try to figure it out, but I don't have the time or energy today to dive down that DEEP, murky mudhole.

I haven't read the thread yet either, but I don't think JB could have gotten these letters suppressed. The fact that evidence is damaging is not a reason to suppress it.

I'm sure he was just doing damage control with his "What me worried?" act--also, he might have been relieved to see that Casey expressed something like love for Caylee in the letters--although she couldn't seem to hold that thought for more than a sentence or two before switching over to "I wish I had some cute boots" or "what's for lunch"?
Bringing over TWA's post from first thread

I won't forget her tasteless "joke" about Texans (i.e., "steers & qu**rs). Now she has an entire state ready to put a beatdown on her. ;)

well texas mist were all 'losers' to her anyways.

sad we cant all be winners like her huh? :waitasec:
KC seemed ticked off during the latest hearing and sat closer to Cheney than Jose.
I am wondering if before the hearing, she was told if the TES records couldn't be used then the other way to save her from DP..........was her own letters to go for insanity.
OR abuse and parents who drove her crazy????
KC seems to think she will be out of jail free card soon.
Was her bubble broke at the last hearing knowing her letters would be out for public soon?
Knowing KC she had NO IDEA what she had wrote in the letters.......deny, deny, deny!
Can that computer be taken by prosecution to see what was said?
Anyway someone else could of networked the computer through jail to
check on the family / KC/ Baez???
It was illegal right????

Who knows it could have been the prison guard SF. I am sure the guards have computers. The way RA talks SF took a liking to her. RA was folding laundry, and helping SF with duties at the prison. SF even allowed KC, and RA to have some one on one time together. I wonder if SF had one on one time with any of the prisoners if you know what I mean. Wouldn't be the first time some hanky panky went on in a prsion. JMO
I am no legal eagel, but the feds usually don't reduce sentences after they have been handed down. Anyone know anything about this ?

I think Robyn came clean because she was more worried about getting time added onto her sentence if it came out she was involved with this.
Another lawyer from the Baez team - kind of more junior type I think.

And, he visits her often in jail, too, right? I believe his name appears frequently on her visitor log, if memory serves me.
On page 103 she signs off her letter to Robyn by telling her to "look for Caylee's star" - a indication that there truly was a reason one star was left off of the tattoo???

And how would she know to leave off that one star of her tattoo when Caylee was only with Zanny for a couple of days at the time she got the tattoo? Busted.
Casey is always talking about being sick, I even remember thinking that when I read her texts.

Amy bought the bs and seemed concerned for her (and I'm sure Cindy gave her much sought after attention when she complained of an ailment), but Casey lied about being sick on that occasion to get out of her other lies and obligations.

Well CA is always complaining that she is sick too. At the memorial she was getting over a bad cold. On television she was always sick due to lack of sleep. Even in her depo with JM she said, she had a headache, and was tired. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. JMO
I haven't read the thread yet either, but I don't think JB could have gotten these letters suppressed. The fact that evidence is damaging is not a reason to suppress it.

I'm sure he was just doing damage control with his "What me worried?" act--also, he might have been relieved to see that Casey expressed something like love for Caylee in the letters--although she couldn't seem to hold that thought for more than a sentence or two before switching over to "I wish I had some cute boots" or "what's for lunch"?

Hello, AZ - based on Baez & Company's performance to date - I doubt they truly went over these letters with a fine tooth comb like WSers have. I'm wondering if they would have picked up the little things, since JB's attention to detail seems to be lacking. JMO
Casey is always talking about being sick, I even remember thinking that when I read her texts.

Amy bought the bs and seemed concerned for her (and I'm sure Cindy gave her much sought after attention when she complained of an ailment), but Casey lied about being sick on that occasion to get out of her other lies and obligations.

You know, I noticed that too when she was explaining the whole "blood blister under her boob" thing and how she was worried she is going to die. I think it has to do with one of the many personality disorders she suffers from.....garner sympathy....everybody will love me then.
I haven't posted on either of these threads until now, but I have been reading them. I made it through about 120 pgs. of the letters and this morning my eyes are so red they appear that I have been on a 3 day drinking binge.

I am baffled on so many levels, I don't even know where to start. Not so much by WHAT Casey says (lies) in the letters I reviewed, because that is just typical Casey to me. Exactly who I thought she was, except her state of delusion and denial are even deeper than I suspected. Still manipulative, just like she was toward everyone of her 'friends' and family pre-arrest. The only diference is that this time she is sequestered in a different environment, so she is directing it toward her fellow inmates. Her tactics remind me so much of Scott Peterson...although, I think she is even a sicker individual

What TOTALLY astounds me is why Baez did not choose to file a motion to suppress portions of these letters. And, YES, some of this could be suppressed due to the highly prejudical nature of many of the statements included. Granted, JS was going to release most of this content, but there are some very prejudical portions that I feel confident that IF BAEZ HAD EVEN MADE AN EFFORT TO SUPPRESS, portions of his motion would have been granted. I seriously doubt that he even read the entire content of these letters. I guarantee there are posters here at WS that have read more than he has.

So, I am left wondering WHY? Is his negligence a strategic move? If so, WTH could it be?

Is Baez trying to get thrown off/fired and let Mason start over from scratch?

Heavens knows, I am the loudest expressing my belief that Baez is totally incompetent, but even he could not be so stupid to not see how horribly damaging these letters are for his client....again, assuming he even read them.

Is he changing strategy and considering an insanity defense? No, I don't think that would fly, but it appears a better shot than anything else right now.

Or, is he backing off and trying to get a plea deal put back on the table?

Could he really believe that the certain portions he feels could garner more sympathy for his client would outweigh the damage to his client?

Was he soooo po'd about her betrayal referencing his smuggling of contraband that could lead to his potential disbarrment that he just figured, 'heh, I'll show YOU. If I go down, I'm taking you with me." Everyone KNOWS she cannot shut her mouth, so was he really so gullible to think she wouldn't reveal this to SOMEONE? Why on earth would he think he would be exempt to her gossip?

I don't believe for ONE SECOND his explanation, (paraphrasing) "If we had tried to suppress these letters, there would have been endless speculation. We made the decision to forego the speculation." Give me a break!!! No attorney in their right mind would have rather had this information public rather than deal with the speculation. This approach is in total opposition to his feverish stance on suppressing the release of the video of Casey's reaction to learning of the discovery of Caylee's remains.

Oh, I could go on forever, really. I am just totally baffled by BAEZ, not so much by Casey's ramblings. One day I will try to figure it out, but I don't have the time or energy today to dive down that DEEP, murky mudhole.

I have no idea how it works,but wouldn't her other lawyers be in on that decision? Mason was there and could have objected. I would think ,being the DP qualified lawyers,AL and MC would have a high stake in the decision. Unless this was a calculated move,I think the whole team let her down. Maybe they thought this was their Hail Mary pass. Go for broke.All or nothing. I think they got nothing if the defense thought this would help KC.
Sisterhood of the RV travelling BS.. Aaaaa-chooo!! Sniffle. I nearly peed my pants when I read that I was chuckling so hard. So she's taking the show on the road, huh? With her new gal-pal (pseudo-nicemommy, Cindy's replacement). Oh lawd, this poor girl has got some really bad shorts in her wiring. It is really sad.

P.S. I about needed an 'adult evening beverage' as KC puts it, just to get through this read last night. It felt like I visited crazytown.
I haven't read the thread yet either, but I don't think JB could have gotten these letters suppressed. The fact that evidence is damaging is not a reason to suppress it.

I'm sure he was just doing damage control with his "What me worried?" act--also, he might have been relieved to see that Casey expressed something like love for Caylee in the letters--although she couldn't seem to hold that thought for more than a sentence or two before switching over to "I wish I had some cute boots" or "what's for lunch"?

I agree with you 100%. I believe that any motion to seal those letters would have been denied by JS.
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