2010.04.06 Jail House Letters Released #2

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5 ft something and 100 some pounds and she didn't know she was pregnant until 6 months is complete and utter hogwash. AND, you cannot have your menstrual cycle while pregnant. Urban legend. You can have vaginal bleeding which is completely different and should not be ignored.

Nuh-uh. No way.


That is one lie she is sticking too, that's all that is.

If you have seen the photos of her at the wedding it is incredible that CA would possibly believe she was not pregnant. Anyone who has had a child could see it- heck Ray Charles could have seen that. All of her family knew, that's for sure. She looks about 28 weeks pregnant.
5 ft something and 100 some pounds and she didn't know she was pregnant until 6 months is complete and utter hogwash. AND, you cannot have your menstrual cycle while pregnant. Urban legend. You can have vaginal bleeding which is completely different and should not be ignored.

Nuh-uh. No way.


That is one lie she is sticking too, that's all that is.

Well I agree with your second part, but I'm 5'2 110 lbs normally..with my first pregnancy I didn't show til almost EIGHT months because I was SO sick my first trimester, I lost 15 lbs before I ever started gaining again. I'm 7 months pregnant with my 2nd child now and didn't start showing til mid-March. I also lost weight this pregnancy.

But even with the weight loss, I definitely knew I was still pregnant..as soon as I GOT pregnant I knew, because other changes occur in the body besides just weight gain.
This, to me shows how incredibly self centered she is. On a personal note, I was an only child, and can remember my mother calling me selfish. She had some head problems of her own, bless her 87 year old heart. HOWEVER, the minute, and I do mean the moment I held my first child in my arms, it was NEVER, NEVER about me again. I am the most selfless person I know - to a fault really. But would do anything and everything, give up the last pork chop or piece of chocolate cake for my kids if they wanted it. You moms know what I mean. “Oh no, honey, you can have it”.

But this is how psycho thinks: (p. 241):
“ I may just break down and listen to Christmas music. Surprisingly, I never do. Since this year is so “unique” maybe changing things up a bit might be...fun? Did you ever wear or do you wear Christmas Pjs? I do, every year. I miss my jammies .”

Seriously? My oldest child is 25 and I can remember every Christmas since he was born. My memories are not my Christmas jammies.

Just when you think she cannot say any thing more outrageous she goes and does it. Wouldn't Christmas be full of anguish for any parent who lost a child and was facing the first holiday without them? From my experience with a relative it is a dreadful prospect.
I have a granddaughter that was the same age of Caylee. If I asked my granddaughter a question she would tell me the answer. Like did you go to McDonald's for lunch? She would say, yep I ate nuggets. Maybe CA was pumping Caylee in the car, and Caylee said something that caused CA some concern. When KC came home CA might have confronted her with something, and KC flipped out. Money issues were an on going problems with this family, and KC always squirmed her way out of why she needed money, so I am not leaning that way. What if Caylee had a runny nose on Father's Day, and CA tried to give her some medicine, and Caylee got upset, and said no mommy gives me medicine all the time. CA might have had a red flag moment that KC was drugging Caylee. I can see that scenio causing a blow up at that house. Money comes, and goes, but Caylee was another subject with CA. I could see CA attacking KC over giving Caylee knock out medicine.
What if Cindy asked Caylee where she had been spending the night and Caylee answered "mommy's car trunk". ???? (Explosion!)
Well I finally took the leap and registered, although I've been lurking around these parts for quite some time.

My initial thoughts on the letters is that A.) She's a textbook extreme sociopath and B.) There's little likelihood that the defense set this thing up.

While a lot of the rambling indicates to me that she's having a tough time in jail and just trying to find some semblance of normalcy in her life, it seems clear to me based in the manner of her writing certain things relating to the case that she's trying to "Sell" her story to the other inmate in the hopes that it will get out. I know JB isn't the sharpest tool in the tool shed, but he surely would know that her writing anything about the case, as high profile as this one is, would come back to bite her. In my opinion, she wrote these letters and talked to the other inmates in the hopes that she could "sell" them on her version of events and hopefully get the story(s) out there through a back channel.

The defense already has to contend with a notorious liar as their client and putting more stories out there about what transpired doesn't help their cause and only makes the prosecutions case much stronger.

As for the sexual assault allegations, for some strange reason I can actually believe them. I believe even law enforcement was inclined very early on to explore this possibility and it came up repeated times throughout the entire process up to this point (even the FBI had some inclination to this when they tested LA for paternity). It also gives some credence to some of KC's behavior prior to the disappearance and she displays some of the behavior of victims that do not get treatment or counseling.

However, in no way would I say that this would be a mitigating factor in the murder/death and subsequent cover-up of her daughter. Perhaps in the penalty phase to get a life without parole sentence rather than the death penalty. KC believes 100% that she will be exonerated and she will waltz out of the jail house. For her to throw the abuse allegations out on advice of the defense just doesn't make sense to me because she (and her defense team) isn't looking for a reduced sentence. I don't think she would tolerate knowing that the defense is looking past her trial and trying to frame things for the penalty phase of the trial. After all, she's planning big trips in an RV and to exotic locations for her post release period.

Great Post and :Welcome-12-june:
There was a past discussion re: Caylee's vocabulary and maturity; meaning, her ability to tell Grandma where she has been and what Casey has been doing.
He was allowed after LE was finished processing it, then he chose to not visit the scene.

Eventually yes, but the remark I commented on couldn't remember if he was allowed there on the day the remains were found..
This is from todays Current News. Sorry. I should have copied and pasted in the first place.

Letters Could Alter Anthony's Murder Trial
Jail Letters Provide Peek At Anthony's Life Behind Bars
POSTED: 11:13 am EDT April 7, 2010
UPDATED: 12:15 pm EDT April 7, 2010
Defense attorney Richard Hornsby said the biggest shocker in the letters were Anthony's claims that she was sexually abused by her brother, Lee Anthony, and her father, George Anthony.

Hornsby said if Casey Anthony sticks to they story, they could face charges.

Horsnby also said if she's convicted of killing her daughter, Caylee Anthony, Casey Anthony's claims that she was abused could save her own life.

"That is huge. If a jury were to hear that, it's almost impossible a jury would ever impose a death penalty on her -- if that was true," Hornsby said.

VIDEO: Letters Could Impact Anthony's Trial


I still wouldn't have a problem giving her the DP. MOO

LA and GA will never face charges. It's a liar's accusation, so I don't see this going any further. Personally, I don't believe George ever touched her. And Lee, well, I don't think he did, either. I cannot imagine them being "that close of buds" if years of his advancing/fondling took place (abuse that would ultimately force her threaten she'd kill him next time).

And I agree with you, I'd have no problem giving the DP where it's warranted.
A lot of people are saying that Casey has Narcissistic Personality disorder, but IMHO, I think she has Histrionic Personality Dis. Here are the identifiers from Wiki: "A mnemonic that can be used to remember the criteria for histrionic personality disorder is PRAISE ME:

* P - provocative (or seductive) behavior
* R - relationships, considered more intimate than they are
* A - attention, must be at center of
* I - influenced easily
* S - speech (style) - wants to impress, lacks detail
* E - emotional lability, shallowness
* M - make-up - physical appearance used to draw attention to self
* E - exaggerated emotions - theatrical "

I think she shows all of these. What do you think?

The only thing I can say here is that 3 people in my life reminded me very much of KC and one of them was actually diagnosed with this, the other two are sociopaths. they do share similarities between them and also with what I know of KC.
But is that legal? Can the defense, once given he letters, make copies and hand them out to whoever they want? Last time I checked, the A's are Casey's parents, not an official part of the defense team. I may be misunderstanding things, but I am baffled at why BC and the A's are treated like they are an actual part of Casey's defense. What gives them the right to information like these letters before they are released publically or for BC to go look at TES records?

I don't think JB made copies of the letters, but I do believe that BC, GA, and CA went to JB's office, and viewed the letters. JMO

I too questioned why BC would go to MN office to review the TES docs. BC represents GA, and CA in the ZFG civil matter, but he is not part of the defense team for KC.
Having read the latest material, I predict......

She will ask to plea out for life without parole. I think this is coming shortly, whenever JB thinks he's had enough exposure to be a household name (at least in Florida law circles). CM will talk cold hard facts to KC and explain that her chances are slim to none of getting off and the State might drop the death penalty if she were to confess. I think JB knew what was in the letters and can claim that KC did not heed his advice and that her own words cooked her goose so well done that he couldn't create reasonable doubt. He's gained some recognition as being a lawyer who really hangs in there for you if you are his client.

Sindy will claim that KC has lost her mind and should be pitied, poor thing. Sindy can walk away and never look back, stopping the pretense once and for all. Sindy and
George Grifter will probably move to South American and refine that scamming skills. KC will spend the rest of her life trying to convince some savvy lifers that she has been touched by Big Daddy and can help them with their legal issues. MHO
:angel: AngelWhoCares posted this and I thought it was interesting...

Sally Elliott, a forensic expert, was interviewed by phone and pointed out that Anthony's letters are all the same height.

"That's mundane writing. It's all in the middle zone. She doesn't have very much in the upper or the lower," Elliott said.

Elliott said as a person matures, their letter heights begin to vary, and some pen strokes clearly reach upward. That indicates maturity, as well as the development of morals and character.

But Elliott said Anthony's handwriting indicates an immature personality and someone who's ego-centric.

"Her main problem is immaturity. Just like any child, she's thinking of herself and doing what she wants to do," Elliott said. "(If) she wants to do something, she's going to do it. She's willful."


Handwriting Analyzed
Talk about burn your bridges. If by some ungodly chance that Casey is ever let out of state custody---where's she going to go? No money, no education, and doesn't live in the real world. Will Cindy welcome her princess back? Will brother Lee be a best buddy and support her? Who knows where George will be after all this. I guess her best bet IS RV'ing around the country. LOL!!!!
“ I may just break down and listen to Christmas music. Surprisingly, I never do. Since this year is so “unique” maybe changing things up a bit might be...fun? Did you ever wear or do you wear Christmas Pjs? I do, every year. I miss my jammies"

I'm surprised she didn't throw in her "Oh, and Caylee, too"
What if Cindy asked Caylee where she had been spending the night and Caylee answered "mommy's car trunk". ???? (Explosion!)

Exactly! Everyone said, how advanced Caylee was with her vocabulary. That would not surprise me at all.
I think the A's read the letters as soon as JB got them.

I am sure there has been furious contact from Mom and Dad via JB. It is just another way Casey can feel important again. This time she DOESN'T have to listen to the backlash directly. She knows what she is doing....she still wants the power over her sorry little world and over her whole family. Casey has lobbed one into CA's court and I am waiting with baited breath for the return volley. If CA knows better, she will not reply and win the match. If she does, she will lose again.
There was a past discussion re: Caylee's vocabulary and maturity; meaning, her ability to tell Grandma where she has been and what Casey has been doing.

I have always believed that this was how CA found out what Casey was up to.
CA had pieces to the puzzle but little Caylee had the glue. Casey, who was always in competition for her parent's attention with Caylee, retaliated. Casey is exactly where she is supposed to be and will be for the remainder of her days....letters or not.
If I heard NG correctly last night, one of them is in jail for murdering a 15-year-old girl, though don't remember which one.
That'd be Maya D.
I am sure there has been furious contact from Mom and Dad via JB. It is just another way Casey can feel important again. This time she DOESN'T have to listen to the backlash directly. She knows what she is doing....she still wants the power over her sorry little world and over her whole family. Casey has lobbed one into CA's court and I am waiting with baited breath for the return volley. If CA knows better, she will not reply and win the match. If she does, she will lose again.

I was listening, and watching the hearing Monday night on my lap top. I got to Part 2 17:05 and I heard CA call out "Casey" it happened again around 17:15. KC was reading the paper work JB left on the desk, and KC never turned around to her mother. I actually got out my ear phones so I could listen to it again, and I stand by what I heard. I hope others will go and listen, and let me know if they also hear what I heard.
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