2010.04.06 Jail House Letters Released #3

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I still can't understand what happened to the "super secret" status of the evidence, and blow to the defense these letters were said to have, that required a meeting and decision by the judge.
I am not remebering the prosecutors saying anything about a blow to the defense. Maybe it was the media? I can see that they would need time to go over the letters and interview the inmates, but they only asked for 30 days, iirc. Will go back and check.
IMO, these letters will never be used at trial, the State doesn't need them, the gal's veracity is highly questionable, why muddy the waters? Nothing to see here, move along folks. LOL!

I believe you are correct. If anything maybe getting RA and MD to testify at trial would be the way to go. Nothing in those letters reinforce a DP conviction, IMO..much revelance to her case but nothing that can be deemed a confession, other than what she states about her "real" Zany...as if there is one that exists...:innocent: is good for the prosecution, IMO..

I am so happy Nadia was found safe and sound...Thank You God for watching over this precious Angel...
I believe you are correct. If anything maybe getting RA and MD to testify at trial would be the way to go. Nothing in those letters reinforce a DP conviction, IMO..much revelance to her case but nothing that can be deemed a confession, other than what she states about her "real" Zany...as if there is one that exists...:innocent: is good for the prosecution, IMO..

I am so happy Nadia was found safe and sound...Thank You God for watching over this precious Angel...

Other than the Imaginanny information she gave to police? So after delaying 31 days she is admitting she helped delay even further by not telling police about the REAL ZANY??? Even if KC feels she, KC is not the real killer would this not make her an accessory to murder???
im thinking the only real value these letters have is yet one more version of that all so trusting perfect nanny that abducted/ didnt abduct caylee. her unwavering love and adoration of zany and the fact that she is still hanging on to some version of her original story. she is zany. thats why that part of her story never changes.
I am not remebering the prosecutors saying anything about a blow to the defense. Maybe it was the media? I can see that they would need time to go over the letters and interview the inmates, but they only asked for 30 days, iirc. Will go back and check.

I think you are right. If I remember correctly the one who said the letters were a blow to the defense was NG.
the other thing that strikes me about these letters is how she constantly changes the other inmates name. remember how cindy was like well zanny could be this person or that person. maybe caseys pattern of lying has always be to change the names of those involved to protect the innocent. cindy has known this whole time that casey needed help. she knew that casey told these lies and these stories and knows how case weaves tales from her surroundings. anyone ever seen The Usual Suspects?
the other thing that strikes me about these letters is how she constantly changes the other inmates name. remember how cindy was like well zanny could be this person or that person. maybe caseys pattern of lying has always be to change the names of those involved to protect the innocent. cindy has known this whole time that casey needed help. she knew that casey told these lies and these stories and knows how case weaves tales from her surroundings. anyone ever seen The Usual Suspects?

You're right. She did the same thing with many of her contacts in her cell phone, remember? "Special K" as an example. She must love to rename people; maybe she feels it gives her some special claim on them. Dunno, but it seems to be a habit of hers.
The silence from the A camp is deafening.

I truly wonder if they get it now? More importantly, does Inmate Anthony get that she could have an appointment with the executioner when this trial is said and done? Does she still feel like it's all fun and games? Does she actually realize that Baez may be totally wrong, there will be no acquittal but a guilty verdict? I do believe he has been milking this for fame and fortune. Ironic, it might just do him in as an attorney. His days may be numbered!

Seems like she's wanting to get this off her chest. If she truly found God, (although I don't know anyone who refers to God as "daddy" :furious:) will she do this for self preservation? I also wonder if the Chaplain of the jail is trying to get her to confess, seems she wants to...but doesn't want her father and brother mad at her..she could care less about her mother, although it switches from time to time..

Inmate Anthony is demented, she is slowly going stir crazy and wonder if this is part of the plan on Baez' part. He is purposely keeping her parents at bay, no one but attorneys visit her. She's hungry for attention, she's blabing things that are very relevant to her case. Once these letters are admitted into evidence and used at trial, we will be able to stick a fork in her for she will be done! I remember last hearing when Baez stated how "they" were trying to kill his client, Inmate Anthony took in a deep breath, so I wonder if she gets it!

Justice for Caylee

Quote Respect LivLaughLuv :)

I have been reading about Scott Peterson. I see some of the same defense tactics such as: throwing people under the bus, outrageous clams of SODDI, declaring that Scott was being set up/framed, that LE had just decided to focus on Scott instead of following other leads...

There is much more that is familiar. I am starting to understand what a defense atty does, in defense of their client. Well, at least in these two cases. What is a good case to read, where the defense behaves honorably? I am really asking. TIA. I am confused about ethics and rules of being a defense atty(esp. when it is a murder case). I did not know they could accuse innocent people and make up stories about "what might have happened." I thought they used the law to make a case(argument)as to why their client is innocent, why the other side does not have the law on their side. Using the law, not making things up and using false statements in the media to sway people to believe things that are not true. I really only thought that was on TV...

Being able to see first hand, how the media works in a case, in news stories in general-has been eye opening. Also, how the defense uses the media to make their case before the trial. Again, I only have these two cases I am comparing so I do not know if this is usual-or I just happened to pick two cases.

I know there has been a gag order in the Huckabee(sp?)case, and there is little news to be had. I still wonder why there was never a gag order on this case?

Will these letters be allowed at the trial? I noticed that all of Scott Peterson's interviews with the media were allowed at his trial...that surprised me. I know the outcome, of course(guilty DP), but I am just reading about the trial.

From what I can tell the media interviews are not what convicted Scott it was "all of it" and imho it looks like it will be the same for Casey. All the lying, the stories, the 31 days, her car, not being upset...etc.

I ask the same question as the post I have quoted, I wonder if Casey has realized what is at stake? I have felt for a while that Casey will be found guilty, and reading about SP makes that feeling even stronger. In her letters she makes it seem like she really believes she will be "out a there." And, soon. I do wonder if she realizes.

It is hard to read these letters, I am reading what others have posted but it is taking a while because it is hard to be in her mind. I have to take breaks. I was not able to open any links(even the one's that were sent to me, thank you!)and so I thank those that did read these letters and posted. Thanks not only for all the work transcribing, but being able to digest Casey's words and not go insane. :crazy: Thank you.

iirc prosecutors tried early on to get a gag order imposed but surprise, surprise baez fought it, all along claiming media leaks. how convenient for him and his not deal with abc right?? jus sayin.
I'd like to apologioze in advance- after having transcribed so much of KC's drivel, it's all stuck in my head. Too many casey-isms, along with her punctuation, especially exclamation marks!!!!!! Am trying to get them out now before my brain morphs into Kc's warped one.

BWI's letter to WB members

Like, I'm obviously frustrated that my hands down all time favourite book is not on her list! Lord help me, but I need an exorcist to remove these 'isms from my potty mouth. It's just the tip of the ice berg!!!! Question: do you think there's some type of book I could write/read that could help me remove these 'isms from my brain that lost it's marbles? Sign me up! I know I'm special, just not short-bus kind of special- Might as well be!!! I'm just gonna give it up to my Daddy/Papa upstairs!!! <3
You know I'd give the shirt off my back to ANYONE, as would all of my fellow websleuths members, Speaking of which, I often try to imagine what my fellow sleuthers look like by the sound of their post. Sad , but true! Is that weird??? Am I vain to want them to see this post is an attempt to make you all smile or laugh? Comforting to say the least! <3
And if it is, then I have succeded in my endevour.<3 There's that silver lining!!
I'm thinking we should all color our hair at the same time. Deal? Yay!!
We"re all just like two peas in a pod, and it's like we all balance each other out. We're all so similar. Yikes!.....have I been rambling!!!

I need a nap, pronto. Or better yet, a vacation. Why not!?!?
OMG I think we're having ramon noodles for dinner tonight. NO thanks!! I'm having so many weird cravings, and all I really want is egg-rolls. BOO!! :-(
This is all just complete randomness, but one day I will tell you all my funny stories about my so-called "friends" and exes....or my whole life for that matter! You'll laugh!!! :-) I just sneezed - affirmation from God that you WILL laugh!
Keep your chin up, up UP, websleuths, and never forget that you are AWESOME, and that you have my support Always and forever
From your BFF, bestie, chica, sistah, ....Oh! oH! Oh! I need a nickname. You guys think of one for me, and I'll do the same for you. Deal?
Butwhatif <3

thank you for that. reading about the new search for haleigh and it's making me cry so I popped over here to make myself feel mad so I could continue thinking of haleigh and now you've made me laugh and cry :)
I know there has been a gag order in the Huckabee(sp?)case, and there is little news to be had. I still wonder why there was never a gag order on this case?

snipped by me - state wanted a gag order. defense fought it* and won.

*for some reason I cannot fathom.
snipped by me - state wanted a gag order. defense fought it* and won.

*for some reason I cannot fathom.

It's easy to fathom. While a gag order would have been in the best interests of the client, in terms of a fair and reasonable trial, keeping the case sensationalized and in the media constantly was (at least in the defenses mind)a necesary evil in order to fund the defense and the defense attorneys. Their paycheck required Caylee pictures and movies having value to the media. Under a gag order this would not be the case.

Once again this is precisely why criminal attorneys are not supposed to be allowed to take payment on contingency. The pay up front or make clear contractual payment mechanisms up front is supposed to be in place to insure that the lawyers needs have been met, and they can therefore focus solely on the needs of the client, without any potential conflict. A lawyers choice of actions in a criminal case should not be for the reasoning that it insures that they get paid.
Would ABC still want those pictures of Caylee if they were not able to run with a story? A gag order could have stopped information from getting out. So what was JB's motive for fighting a gag order. Couldn't have anything to do with money???? So let's see.

Gag order = $0
ABC purchase of pictures to use in following the case = over $200,000
Fighting gag order = Priceless

It's easy to fathom. While a gag order would have been in the best interests of the client, in terms of a fair and reasonable trial, keeping the case sensationalized and in the media constantly was (at least in the defenses mind)a necesary evil in order to fund the defense and the defense attorneys. Their paycheck required Caylee pictures and movies having value to the media. Under a gag order this would not be the case.


oh my heavens can you believe that never crossed my mind even after they admitted abc's 200k? am I naive or what? :blushing:

she's totally getting an appeal for rotten cousel* (is that the technical term?:crazy:) and with good reason IMO :(

*once convicted
Anyone think it is strange that what's not in the letters is obvious. No questions to KC's "boys" about how the seaches for Caylee are going. I think that would be a hot topic to talk to your friend about. Very little about Caylee and when Caylee is mentioned it is suddenly without warning followed by a "Food Commercial" and then she continues and changes the subject. Sort of forced, maybe because the note from the other inmate mentions her children. Seems out of place to mention her child. Also KC does more drooling over this inmate which appears to be unnatural. She barely knows this person and yet becomes immediately "sisters" and "partners in legal crime". What is that? Legal crime, what does that mean? A crime for which you don't get caught????
I was reading the letters and wondering if anyone knows how to find out who RA's attorney is? KC keeps writing about how happy she was to help RA get a new attorney and/or people from Baez, the names Mike & Michelle. (pages 13841 & 13842)

I found it ironic that K said in reference to her defense "They're the the only ones playing by the rules" (pg. 13637)

Does anyone know if BC ever filed a bar complaint against Baez? KC says "BC is a power hungry jerk and my mom is aiding him in that (bar complaints against Jose, wanting to raise $$ for my defense, but they don't want my defense knowing... that's just the tip of the iceberg". "Bad mouthing my defense team, trying to manipulate me into saying/doing any number of things." (pg 13658-13659) I wonder if BC got DC to file the bar complaint? I also wonder if that is some form of obstruction of justice!
Anyone think it is strange that what's not in the letters is obvious. No questions to KC's "boys" about how the seaches for Caylee are going. I think that would be a hot topic to talk to your friend about. Very little about Caylee and when Caylee is mentioned it is suddenly without warning followed by a "Food Commercial" and then she continues and changes the subject. Sort of forced, maybe because the note from the other inmate mentions her children. Seems out of place to mention her child. Also KC does more drooling over this inmate which appears to be unnatural. She barely knows this person and yet becomes immediately "sisters" and "partners in legal crime". What is that? Legal crime, what does that mean? A crime for which you don't get caught????

~Sorry guys, this one's a long one~

I find it strange too. Not even strange, just sickening. She whinges about having to help Jose with the case? An innocent woman would want to do EVERYTHING she could to try to get to the truth of what happened to murdered baby girl- whereas KC only cares about exonerating herself and she doesn't even take that seriously, talking about food, and God, taking a vacation and bit*hing about everyone and anyone/thing.

"Partners in legal crime" and " I suck at life sometimes and I'm not afraid to admit it. Can I go home now?" ....are the closest I think we'll ever hear from her regarding a confession.

I think she's knows she's not getting out- that the jury will find her guilty, but she just can't say those words herself. "I did it"
In one of the letters it sounded like her parents were trying to get her to admit to something, but she refused.

As for having an immediate super-close bond with Robyn- she was desperate. She felt like her blood family had betrayed her, along with all her friends on the outside. She knows everyone else hates her, and she needed someone to hang on to....to prove that she can't be that horrible person everyone says she is if she still has ONE friend.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Something else I wanted to share (which is pretty scary) is that I can actually relate to KC in a way. Not the me now, but the me I was when I was a teen and in my early 20's, partying and having all sorts of addictions.( I didn't have kids of my own then). I'd lie my *advertiser censored* off to everyone and screwed over a lot of people- emotionally. (not finacially or physically)

I knew what I was doing was bad and wrong, but I was having so much fun, and it was all about ME me me. I knew there were consequences, but I pushed them out of my mind.... That was, until my lies unravelled and most of the people in my life turned on me.

Then all of a sudden everything was bleak and I blamed them- not myself. How could they all abandon me? Shouldn't they still love me anyway? Why didn't they try to do something to stop me, or to HELP me?

But I did feel guilty, even if I didn't admit it then. I convinced myself that I had Aids, cancer, all sorts of medical probs that would kill me.

Because the idea of dying meant that #1 people would love me again and feel bad for saying horrible things about me, and #2 because I was subconcioulsy admitting that I DESERVED to die for the things I had done. #3 was that dying meant I didn't have to deal with my issues.

And just like KC, I didn't go to get any testing done, because if they came back negative, then I wouldn't have that obsessive fear/guilt-invoking tool to use anymore.

But the major difference between KC and I is that I CHOSE to get the help I needed before it was too late. I admitted all of my wrong-doings and made amends. I got my together. :woohoo:

I didn't turn to God and expect that He would fix everything for me. I went to rehab, and continued to get therapy, and still do to this day. I apologized to all the people I hurt and have spent the rest of my days doing as much as I can to help other people to balance out the scales.

Oh, sorry, one other thing, she talks about hating the modeling thing and the attention being on her. That's classic SAD. (which I have) Nobody knew I had it, because I didn't talk about it, and alcohol and drugs changed that and made me LOVE attention.

Now that she doesn't have booze and pot to ease that anxiety, she's back to being very self- conscious. I don't think she's vain at all, I think she has VERY low self esteem....and part of that is just a part of her make-up, the rest is because she KNOWS she has done horrible, horrible things to so many people.
Let alone the murder of Caylee.... Notice how quickly she changes topic after mentioning Caylee, to something comletely mundane? She can't spend too much time thinking about her, or else she will start thinking about how she killed her. Much easier to think/write about the mundane. She just pushes all those ugly thoughts away.

Sorry to post about myself when this is about KC, but I couldn't help but notice the similarities, and wanted to share that insight.

All JMO.
I was reading the letters and wondering if anyone knows how to find out who RA's attorney is? KC keeps writing about how happy she was to help RA get a new attorney and/or people from Baez, the names Mike & Michelle. (pages 13841 & 13842)

I found it ironic that K said in reference to her defense "They're the the only ones playing by the rules" (pg. 13637)

Does anyone know if BC ever filed a bar complaint against Baez? KC says "BC is a power hungry jerk and my mom is aiding him in that (bar complaints against Jose, wanting to raise $$ for my defense, but they don't want my defense knowing... that's just the tip of the iceberg". "Bad mouthing my defense team, trying to manipulate me into saying/doing any number of things." (pg 13658-13659) I wonder if BC got DC to file the bar complaint? I also wonder if that is some form of obstruction of justice!

RE: bar complaint - I asked a similar question- the answer is in this thread:

RE: butwhatif?Today, 10:06 PM

You should be proud that you had the strength to make the right choice, it's very hard to watch people make the wrong choice.

Thank you for sharing your story! I can see you as an inspiration to others.

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