2010.04.06 KC's jail house letters released

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But on the bright side Casey has "found God" in jail...I am going to be sick. How can Jose think anyone is dumb enough to believe this crap ?
Noticable difference in hand writing from the first to the second letter. Lots of scriptures-Quotes on them.
So she doesn't believe her bra could come undone in her sleep, but she tells Amy she changed clothes in her sleep? Huh??
Baez told her he was sorry she never met a man so deserving of her, that would have taken care of caylee and her. I think the men are lucky they never met her.:sick:

Brags on her celeb status. And all her fanmail. So disgusting.
YES. I feel quite sorry for them. They're pathetic...

This "performance in writing" is worthy of an award. Her "legal team" had to think long and hard to come up with this one. I am serious as a heart attack. Every word I am reading...this girl planned down to the last dotted "i" and crossed "t".

Does anybody else see this?
hello brown noser...she is laying the flattery on thick with this woman! sounds just like what Tracy McLaughlin described.

Sounds just like her texts and im's to her "friends" as well.
Interesting things she is saying about Zenaida and how she asked her to take Caylee for a few days while she got her crap together to move away..

LOL How funny Casey!
Your secrets will now go down with everyone on the face of the earth...

Gosh, I would really love to get into her jail cell and show her a thing or two..:banghead:
Just from what you guys have shared...and what we have read here at WS: seems like Casey is the same 'ole gal. I don't think any of this has really bothered her, deeply. It blows my mind, and shows me she is truly a different creature.
Oh her handwriting is killing me. I knoew these letters would be like this - total EGO MANIAC - is the first letter in the PDF actually the last letter? Should I start from page 516 and work my way up?
FYI a right click and select rotate clockwise will orientate your page for you
YES. I feel quite sorry for them. They're pathetic...

Yes it is obvious. Suppressed memories are nonsense, haven't been taken seriously for decades. Baez wanted this out there. As much as he has tried to make her look like a victim, this makes sense.
I've only read the first two letters so far, but I am completely outraged by this "mom"' writing about her relationship with God and loving God and how much God loves the "good" moms like her. Bible quotes on the side, multiple references to her "faith" and Godliness, etc. :furious::furious::furious:

It is such complete B-S and she is SO PHONY and FAKE. It makes me want to scream!!! :furious:

I went to my church's Easter passion play with my daughter last Sunday. We both wept openly during the crucifixion and resurrection scenes. I find amazing comfort in going to church...whther it be Sunday, Wednesday, etc! The Lord Jesus and His Father are my family's rock and salvation. I am not trying to come across as someone less than humble (because I do pray for all sinners---even Casey), but in my opinion Casey NEVER saw Caylee as God's most precious gift to her. I truly hope she is trying to find her honest core of faith while incarcerated, but all the references to "God knows my heart", etc. just ring false and insincere.

I know it will perhaps never happen, but Casey needs to get on her knees (I hope the floor is freezing) and HUMBLY pray to God.......CONFESS your sins and SEARCH your heart and soul. Beg forgiveness and start telling the truth!

This "performance in writing" is worthy of an award. Her "legal team" had to think long and hard to come up with this one. I am serious as a heart attack. Every word I am reading...this girl planned down to the last dotted "i" and crossed "t".

Does anybody else see this?

I see it. And I also knew it too.
One word: mitigation. Save it for trial. She comes across as amazingly immature and self absorbed in these letters...not to mention "allegedly" still telling the same lies...she doesn't come across as a naive, scared young mother who is misunderstood.
In the days before the rapture more children will go missing.
Hmmm I have a feeling that this little story of Zanny and not reporting Caylee missing because she was getting their shi*t together to move away will come back at trial to haunt her. What money did she have saved? She had no job! New everything?! With what her good looks?! The prosecution will have a field day with this...
This "performance in writing" is worthy of an award. Her "legal team" had to think long and hard to come up with this one. I am serious as a heart attack. Every word I am reading...this girl planned down to the last dotted "i" and crossed "t".

Does anybody else see this?

THis is JB's way of letting "his girl" tell her story without having to put her on the stand.

It's actually pretty smart but he's forgotten one thing.....what if the SA doesn't introduce them as evidence. Then it's all just jury pool tainting like he's been doing for the last 2 years.

This is 100% planned and contrived for the desired effect!
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