2010.04.13 Theories thread as a result of the search

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Mar 6, 2009
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Let's discuss theories as a result of today's events here.
I'm almost afraid to speculuate since there's so much said today and we don't know which facts are true and which not. What stands out to me is how would Tommy know where to look for a body if he really left and especially if he were threatened. If Joe were alone and in a vehicle he wouldn't need to tell anyone where he put Haleigh. I'm wondering if Misty could have told the truth. Maybe a guy all in black, even his face, came in and took Haleigh and she just thought it was Joe. This would go along with what Jr. told. If she was drugged up and barely awake she might not have seen things clearly.
My best guess is, and I haven't been following this case as many of you have (so you have a better feel for things than I do): Misty, Tommy, Joe (possibly someone else) were hanging out and getting high. Maybe Ron owed Joe for drugs...who knows? Things go awry. Joe takes Haleigh. Misty and Tommy stay quiet because, for one, their are addicts and for two, likely their drug bust wasn't the first time they have sold anything illegal. Ron comes home and is like, "Where is Haleigh?" and at that point Misty calls the cops. I am not however saying I like Ron. I don't. I don't like hardly any of the players in this case. I am for the poor children.
Theory1: MC had a drug debt that needed payment in full or else. Baby taken as result.

Theory2: Baby got a hold of pills, od'd, MC panicked. Called TC and J to help dispose of body

Theory3: Baby got a hold of pills, od'd, MC & TC panic. Dispose of body themselves. Use many different "scenarios" and for the finale and last resort, use the current scenario of pointing the finger at JO.
I understand there was a cooler found, but what was in it? I can't get NG in my area, so could be missing something.

If JO is the suspect, then how is the cooler tied to him - I don't think he had a car, as it had been mentioned previously that he was waiting for a lift back to TE. Who was missing a cooler - was it Ron/Misty, Tommy, Timmy?? Wouldn't someone have noticed it was missing?

If Joe had no car, then someone would have had to ferry him around. IMO if he was responsible, then he could not have been acting alone, as he would not have had access to transportation, string, blankets, cooler, or anything associated with actually living in the area.

And as for Misty, the mind boggles - after her sex/drugs weekend, she gets back with Ron for a night and then gets raped by a cousin the following night and has the child she was babysitting stolen, and doesn't bother to mention it to LE or RC!!

If even part of this story is true, then there has to be a secondary story, that somehow ties everything together, because as it stands right now, it's making less sense than any of the previous theories.
Like LittleBitty, I haven't been following the recent developments as closely as the rest of you. I do believe that Misty, Tommy and Joe ALL know exactly what happened and all are equally culpable. Otherwise, they all would have turned on the other by now. None of them are noble enough to go down for the others without knowing they all face jail time.
This is just a guess. Ron knew that Misty was involved, but was covering for her. She forms the, 'I love you', to Ron during court, but he doesn't respond. She knows the gig is up. Ron, looking @ a long sentence, tells what he knows, Misty backs his story up, Tommy flunks his poly & fills in the rest. My question is who killed Haleigh?? Tommy, Misty, Joe? My guess is on Tommy. Linsey has had the air of someone who has been convinced by LE to let him go.
I want to know the true timeline of Joe and Tommy coming over and looking for the gun. If that took place awhile before bedtime, Misty might not have been sure which one came back later and took Haleigh. That part may have been what she wasn't telling because it could implicate Tommy. But, it seems like she was telling just about everything from the beginning.
I still think that Tommy was called in to help clean up...I think that started when Ron called him around 9pm-ish and Tommy conveniently showed up about an hour later.

Now people are saying that Tommy is the one who linked this information and the reason the search is going on. Now people are saying that Tommy failed his poly. Maybe, just maybe, Tommy actually passed it depending on the questions that were asked and the information that was given up freely by Tommy. What I mean is, maybe Tommy offered up some reliable information and when he was given the poly it showed that he was telling the truth about what he knows concerning Haleigh. And maybe that information got back to LE (maybe Tommy's Lawyer) and they said "let's search, the poly said he was telling the truth, KWIM?

Tommy ended up with all the restraining orders
Tommy ended up with a dead rat (snitch:waitasec:) in HIS mailbox

I can see Tommy now saying "This is what happened...."

And I believe he implicated Ron not Jo.
All three (Misty, Tommy, & Joe) were doing drugs in the MH. Something happened to Haleigh due to some negligence on their part - or - Joe hurt Haleigh and both Misty and Tommy neglected to stop him. Misty didn't want to admit to Ron that she was doing drugs in the MH that night and didn't want to implicate her brother, and Tommy didn't want to admit to Lindsy that he was doing drugs in the MH that night and didn't want to implicate his sister. Neither one wanted to admit this to their parents either, especially their Dad. It's also possible that some improprieties occurred beyond just the drug use.

If Joe had taken Haleigh away from the MH by himself, then it's not likely that Tommy (or Misty) would have known any details of where she was taken. I think that there is guilt on the part of all three.
Going back to even the early interviews Misty gave, she says quite a few times that Joe could be responsible. At the beginning in an interview with Matt Lauer in front of the tent camp, she said "no, I'm not at all sure he had nothing to do with it."

She said he had been there that day with Tommy, she said he had been a criminal all his life. Misty later said he had "tried to mess with her when she was 13." It was she that brought up the original and second stolen gun stories, and the "dream" of seeing Joe in the doorway with Haleigh.

Plus, Chelsea said he had taken her van that night, parking it differently than she had left it and that he slept in his clothes, which was unusual for him.

It was law enforcement that kept saying he was cleared.

In a jail phone call with her mom she says "I've told them all I know and they just don't listen."

Could her skewed view of family loyalty prevent her from coming right out with it? It didn't stop her from fingering Tommy for the neighborhood burglaries.

And the fact that he left the morning that the news was breaking that Haleigh was missing. Planned or not, it seems odd he would leave at that time--like he didn't want to be interviewed--and did indeed avoid that until authorities in Tennessee interviewed him.

So many questions I have...
I want to know the true timeline of Joe and Tommy coming over and looking for the gun. If that took place awhile before bedtime, Misty might not have been sure which one came back later and took Haleigh. That part may have been what she wasn't telling because it could implicate Tommy. But, it seems like she was telling just about everything from the beginning.
IIRC, the gun incident happened some days before Haleigh's disappearance. The gun was recovered and Ron downplayed the incident as if it were blown out of proportion. But there may have been resentment between the two as a result of it. I doubt that Misty would have wanted Ron to know if she was consorting with Joe afterwards.
My best guess is, and I haven't been following this case as many of you have (so you have a better feel for things than I do): Misty, Tommy, Joe (possibly someone else) were hanging out and getting high. Maybe Ron owed Joe for drugs...who knows? Things go awry. Joe takes Haleigh. Misty and Tommy stay quiet because, for one, their are addicts and for two, likely their drug bust wasn't the first time they have sold anything illegal. Ron comes home and is like, "Where is Haleigh?" and at that point Misty calls the cops. I am not however saying I like Ron. I don't. I don't like hardly any of the players in this case. I am for the poor children.

Bad blood between all these characters previously gun incident, drugs MC did not want to be there...they were sitting around getting wasted.....I think sex was involved and things went wrong and she was taken because a lot of "messing around" started.....

She was going to tell her daddy when he got home from WORK....then she is gone

All the Croslin's profess their love so openly....I think they all say I love you more out of guilt than love....
According to Art H., Tommy IS the one that tipped LE about where to search. I've never thought he was actually involved in Haleigh's disappearance, but I could have been wrong. At this point, I don't know... it would help to find out just who is in custody with regards to this case, as was stated on NG tonight.
Something has been eating away at Tommy for a long time. Maybe he is involved and finally broke, maybe he realised that he was losing LC and the kids he's in jail, his sister is in jail and whats the point in keeping on, and cracked.
The cooler reminds me of the Anna Marie Fahey case. Fahey's ex-lover Thomas Capano killed her, stuffed her into a cooler and with the help of his brother threw her in the ocean. They had to shoot a hole in the cooler to make it sink. Anna Marie's body was never found. The cooler with the bullet hole in it was found by a fisherman.

Only in this case, I think Cousin Joe is a red herring. Misty gave him up right off the bat and nothing happened to her or any member of Tommy's family. Cousin Joe isn't the one who put the dead rat (maybe a warning to keep quiet) in Tommy's mailbox. I don't see Tommy caring enough about Joe to help him get rid of a body. Misty pointed her fingers at Joe from almost the first day Haleigh disappeared. She wasn't keeping quiet to protect anyone. IF Misty actually had something implicating anybody, even her own brother Tommy, whom she had already ratted out for other misdeeds, she wouldn't have sat in jail all these months jonesing for her 'stuff". The only reason I can see Misty keeping quiet is because what happened to Haleigh implicates her a lot.

I think Tommy disposed of Haleigh to protect his sister.
Is it possibleMC hurt Haliegh in some form or another...killing her and Tommy and Joe helped her get rid of the body...for drugs?

I don't know but it just don't seem like this stuff I heard tonight adds up..IF it were true and MC was sooooooooo afraid of her cousin Joe..Why in the heck would she be telling the whole world all the stuff she has been saying about him all this time? It doesn't make her story believable to me.Because if she could tell the media and cops all the stuff she has about him so far..and now claim to be terrified of him? no way.
There's more to this stuff..ALOT more
i have a few theories that i have been working on for a while and IF tc was the first to talk, that fits with one of my theories. i started by trying to figure out who they are all so willing to cover for bc thats really the key, right? mc is covering for rc in some way, either bc he personally did something or he's covering for someone else and told her what to say. this theory requires that Haleigh was not in school on that mon. and since i havent seen anything concrete saying she was (unless u want to count a possibly doctored/obviously copied school roll record) im still counting it possible that she was not. anything could have happened while Haleigh was where ever she was the weekend prior to her disappearing while mc was in party hearty mode. its possible that ggms took too many of those prescription pills she is rumored to be fond of and took a long hard nap, leaving the kids to fend for themselves. maybe Haleigh got into THAT medicine and od'd. maybe thats why tn was there so quickly, already knowing what she was walking into. maybe thats why its so confusing. bc none of the younger ones did it and maybe mc isnt even sure what happened. maybe ron told her that he would forgive her and marry her if she would come back and follow the script. i kinda think that tn & as are the only ones rc would cover for. if he, tc and jo were in it the same, as in covering it up, that would explain rc covering for jo. maybe tc was the weak link and thats why the headless rat. maybe mc got told a lot of different stories plus the lies she was told to tell, so she couldnt pass a poly to save her life. just a theory, feel free to shoot holes in it :)
IIRC, the gun incident happened some days before Haleigh's disappearance. The gun was recovered and Ron downplayed the incident as if it were blown out of proportion. But there may have been resentment between the two as a result of it. I doubt that Misty would have wanted Ron to know if she was consorting with Joe afterwards.

Sorry, I should have explained what I meant. I've read that Misty claimed later that Tommy and Joe came to the trailer that night looking for the gun. If that happened, and they left before Haleigh went missing then Misty might not be sure which one took Haleigh if the man was dressed in all black. That is, if the story is even true.
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