2010.04.13 Theories thread as a result of the search

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I do not know where else I can safely post this without being O/T.

I do not believe for one moment that the cinder blocks and rope that was pulled from the river was what was used on Haleigh. Now I can see Ronald, Tommy, Joe, and maybe Timmy tying a deer carcass with a length of rope with a cinder block on the end and watching to see if an aligator ate it. This would probably be fun for them, IMO.

IF any of Haleigh's bones were found in the river, I believe that they would have been placed there after she was skeletonized. IDK why I believe that so strongly, but I do.

Just JMO.

Your thought may have something to do with the quietness LE used in also revealing that they were searching the wooded areas around the boat ramp as well during this time period. LE said very little about it and the press, bless their pea brains, were focused only on the water and what they thought was a blue cooler being removed from the water.
LE made us think the river is where Haleigh might be..........
main search and media circled the river.
but what about the woods, buried there?
evidence in woods?
LE said nothing was in the river, but never said nothing in woods IIRC
if I'm wrong please let me know, because I'm getting confused by all the double talk.
Heck I just had a breaking news at 10:30am today saying the FBI, FDLE admitted they found bones and they were still being tested.

THEN within TEN MINUTES: a poster put up an article that siad all bones found were animal...supersonic testing at that lab.

I either have to take an hiatus from this case or not believe ANY news article or news program without a source name. Hopefully with the name,the person will state if true or false...who knows. I'm disgusted. It has been a week....nothing.

If I remain here, I will continue to view the case from what we hear and see with my own eyes and ears and make a judgement call on each witness. This type of reporting down in this day and age is something I never thought I would want to witness...I can say the same for the Government..

.....Catch up with you all later.
Heck I just had a breaking news at 10:30am today saying the FBI, FDLE admitted they found bones and they were still being tested.

THEN within TEN MINUTES: a poster put up an article that siad all bones found were animal...supersonic testing at that lab.

I either have to take an hiatus from this case or not believe ANY news article or news program without a source name. Hopefully with the name,the person will state if true or false...who knows. I'm disgusted. It has been a week....nothing.

If I remain here, I will continue to view the case from what we hear and see with my own eyes and ears and make a judgement call on each witness. This type of reporting down in this day and age is something I never thought I would want to witness...I can say the same for the Government..

.....Catch up with you all later.

Talking heads on NG last night said the testing should take between 3-5 days at most

Sheriff's Office: Bones Seen By Misty Croslin Near Satsuma Dock Were Animal Bones

Heck I just had a breaking news at 10:30am today saying the FBI, FDLE admitted they found bones and they were still being tested.

THEN within TEN MINUTES: a poster put up an article that siad all bones found were animal...supersonic testing at that lab.

I either have to take an hiatus from this case or not believe ANY news article or news program without a source name. Hopefully with the name,the person will state if true or false...who knows. I'm disgusted. It has been a week....nothing.

If I remain here, I will continue to view the case from what we hear and see with my own eyes and ears and make a judgement call on each witness. This type of reporting down in this day and age is something I never thought I would want to witness...I can say the same for the Government..

.....Catch up with you all later.

Please don't go Whisperer. It's all very frustrating :banghead:, but you're very much needed here. I have to believe there is something big getting ready to go down and LE doesn't want ANYTHING being leaked. That could explain a lot of the retractions.

Besides....I really enjoy reading your posts!! :)
Misty- just what is up with that one ?? She is NOTHING like any 17 year olds I know. My own daughter is 16 and some of her friends are 17, plus I have many neices and nephews, so i have been around teens for a long time. I know for a fact that my daughter would rather join the army than to get together with a guy like Ron Cummings. He has nothing going on in the looks department,2 kids to care for, was 23 or 24 when Misty started dating him. Some other questions :
Why wasn't Misty in school any longer ?
Why did her parents let her move in with this adult ?
Why would she want to live in this motor home playing "house" ?
Sleeping with Ron ?? I'm in my 40s and I wouln't touch him with a 10 foot pole.
How on God's earth could she be so practiced at lying ?
She was only 17 when Haleigh went missing, wouldn't she have fallen to pieces when something happened ?? How could she be so cool and collected ?
I thought teens were just emotional basket cases when something dramatic happens. Here she is living in this way, talk of guns and knives and drugs all around. What the heck are her parents thinking ?? I would have taken my daughter out of that situation as soon as the child went missing . So then she MARRIES this guy and everyone is okey-dokey with this ??
Why has her family not been on her case to get an education, go to rehab when they found out about drug use, sent her away to boot camp, a convent , Something ??
My own child, and most of her friends are juniors in high school. They are worrying about Prom,driving tests,finals, summer jobs, SATs, college applications or some of them may go to a trade school or work after graduating next year. They go to parties, but I don't think any of them are living the way Misty was living. Didn't her family want her to thrive as an adult ? Encourage her to get away from that lifestyle. She is just sooo young. Where were social services while she was getting into all this trouble ??Are her parents not responsible for anything ?? :banghead:
So pretty much, as a result of the St John's search, we've learned nothing new.
so true. and also, has anyone else wondered why in the heck this search wasnt done 14 months ago??? If that spot is five miles from their home, right off the edge of that dock? why the HECK wasnt it searched prior to????
so true. and also, has anyone else wondered why in the heck this search wasnt done 14 months ago??? If that spot is five miles from their home, right off the edge of that dock? why the HECK wasnt it searched prior to????

Probably because LE was busy searching areas where the drug addled or tips pointed to.
Heck I just had a breaking news at 10:30am today saying the FBI, FDLE admitted they found bones and they were still being tested.

THEN within TEN MINUTES: a poster put up an article that said all bones found were animal...supersonic testing at that lab.

I either have to take an hiatus from this case or not believe ANY news article or news program without a source name. Hopefully with the name,the person will state if true or false...who knows. I'm disgusted. It has been a week....nothing.

If I remain here, I will continue to view the case from what we hear and see with my own eyes and ears and make a judgment call on each witness. This type of reporting down in this day and age is something I never thought I would want to witness...I can say the same for the Government..

.....Catch up with you all later.

Whisp, I think most are all feeling the same. I know I am and don't even want to bother posting or reading sad to say. I feel LE is just as much to blame as the media and all the sources out there with all the mixed reporting.

The public has been searching for Haleigh one way or another for 14 months and they want to know if she will ever be found and if all the parties involved will be charged. I know some may feel it's none of our business, and maybe it's not. But we can't help the way we feel or hurt for little Haleigh. At least I can't. It breaks my heart knowing that she she didn't have a chance before she went missing to the present IMO.
Most want closure as well as the innocent family members that await for answers. I don't see how it would interfere with an investigation if LE would stop contradicting everything they say. When they find something, they say evidence has been found. Then they come back later and say nothing was found and blast the reporters for following up on the stories.

I would prefer if they would just say, we don't want to not comment.
Don't lead the public to believe that the child is dead and then not want to confirm what was found. They should of just said nothing was found and left it at that. Not change the status of missing to homicide if they don't want to let the public know anything regarding the case.
:banghead: It is truly frustrating and I for one am really upset that LE did not search that river. The dogs led to the dock behind the MH, that water ends up at that river from what I understood. Ron talks about the river to Cobra. Cobra passes the info to LE last year early on and the darn river still did not get searched. :furious:

Something else that never made sense. LE didn't want the public to search. That never made sense to me...the rivers, ponds, lakes and other areas could of been searched but they did not want the public involved. That was something that I didn't understand then nor now!

They wait after they turn the MH over to come back and take that back door. And who knows what else. I feel some have worked very diligently, but also feel there was a lot of sloppy police work as well. I am losing faith and hope with Putnam Co. The only thing that keeps me coming back to the Haleigh threads is praying that one day there will be a thread that says, Haleigh has been found and it's 100% accurate reporting by LE them self.
Did Misty say she had a gun under her pillow the night Haleigh disappeared? (I've never heard it so I'd appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction of this statement.)

What did she have it for? Is she afraid of someone breaking in? Joe and Tommy's threats maybe? Paranoid because of drugs? Ron told her to have it handy for some obscure reason? To keep off the dope boys? What if she was dopey and woke up when Joe and Tommy came to steal the gun but in the dark house she mistook her target and accidentally shot Haleigh who had also woken up. Joe and Tommy can't tell on her because they would be in serious trouble if their breaking in leads to someone dying.
What if Haleigh got that gun because it wasn't exactly kept in a safe place?

The gun entering into the cause of death somehow would explain why all the to-do about having the gun stolen and safely out of the household in someone else's hands (or culvert). But I guess this is unlikely to have happened because there would be bulletholes and blood evidence that LE would have and I think the case would have been declared a homicide from day 1 but maybe it explains why some heard bleach cleaning on the 911 call? Maybe there used to be a bullethole where RC claimed to have hit his hand on the door, or something and they dug the bullet out and did some more damage?

Probably not. Nevertheless, I'm curious about the gun under the pillow. Was she afraid of something happening or just an alert tenant prepared for every eventuality?

The story about Misty keeping a gun under her pillow came from one of the tapes of Tommy and Lindsay talking. Tommy said Misty kept a 9 mil under her pillow I believe. That's from memory not rechecking.
I'm not sure if this was mentioned already, but during the search of the river, LE held that presser and at one point was asked by a reporter if they believed that Haleigh was killed at the river. The officer responded (not verbatum) that it was highly likely that that was what occured. However, he didn't say when. Is it possible that she wasn't killed the night she went missing? If she was killed some time later, wouldn't that open a whole new POI cesspool?
I try to follow this case the best I can... but I am getting myself very confused!

Was there a call to 911 form a different residence (other than MC and RC home) PRIOR to a 911 call coming from Mc/Rc home? I beleive I read somewhere there was a call from a differet family members home ... who's home was that?

Maybe THAT is where baby H was being babysat (by whoever's home that was). Wasn't it said somewhere that Misty didn't want to babysit? Maybe THAT is where baby H's last home she visited alive. Maybe THAT is why there is NO evidence at Mc/Rc home AT ALL .... Mayeb the LE has been going over the wrong home with a fine tooth comb..

the call came form 116 Taylor which is Hank Croslin SR house
http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2009/images/11/25/tommy.croslin.police.report.pdf (diferent incident at that home)
I try to follow this case the best I can... but I am getting myself very confused!

Was there a call to 911 form a different residence (other than MC and RC home) PRIOR to a 911 call coming from Mc/Rc home? I beleive I read somewhere there was a call from a differet family members home ... who's home was that?

Maybe THAT is where baby H was being babysat (by whoever's home that was). Wasn't it said somewhere that Misty didn't want to babysit? Maybe THAT is where baby H's last home she visited alive. Maybe THAT is why there is NO evidence at Mc/Rc home AT ALL .... Mayeb the LE has been going over the wrong home with a fine tooth comb..

the call came form 116 Taylor which is Hank Croslin SR house
http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2009/images/11/25/tommy.croslin.police.report.pdf (diferent incident at that home)

I answered this yesterday in the NG thread. Just reposting it here to answer again:

IIRC, the scanners don't think a 911 call happened @ from 116 Tyler that night.

The Officer who was at Tyler was recorded on the scanner -she was responding that she was at Tyler. Rolling back the scanner tapes, ACTUALLY, she'd first gone to Ron's trailer as a response to the missing child 911 call, then, upon getting info @ Ron's, she went to check 116 Tyler as possible place where Haleigh could have wandered to, and then radioed from Tyler back to officers that were at Ron's trailer that she was at Tyler. So... the scanners believe that is all there is to it.

This is also how Scanners knew there were significant portions of the 911 calls redacted - by rolling back scanner tapes and figuring out times.

Gee I hope that makes sense...if not, Grandmaj & Wasalurker are so good at translating scanners & 911 tapes...they'll save me!!
What happened to Haleigh a question we have all been asking ourselves for a long time now. In my humble opinion I believe Misty medicated Haleigh, and her brother Jr. to put them to sleep.

Sometimes after medicating them Haleigh may have started convulsing, may have aspirated and died, Misty was either home when this happened, or later found her.

In my opinion Misty, Joe, and Tommy could have actually been there when Haleigh was dying, or there when Misty found her. Why was the Washing Machine in use as reported be police?(with or without laundry detergent, Misty could have thrown dish detergent in the washer) to get rid of the vomit when Haleigh aspirated, and the incontinent urine.
(Misty may have been concerned urine in bedding could have been checked for drugs)
If I remember correctly this is another reason police suspected Misty story did not jell. Since she said she woke and found Haleigh missing.

I have wondered did Misty call her brother who lived six blocks away from her for help? Did Tommy then call Joe who had access to Tommy's Van which was parked three miles away,from Misty's house to come over and help.

Or I wonder did Joe come over to smoke some dope with Misty, find Misty gone
and molest Haleigh, and Haleigh being under the influence of narcotics aspirated during the attack and died?

In my opinion this could have taken place. Did Misty come in while Joe was there with her, he may have told her he found her dead, Misty panicked, thinking Haleigh overdosed, and course Joe offered to help her dispose of Haleigh, and in doing so he was actually protecting himself from authorities finding out she had been molested by him.

Misty in a panic could have acted out of self preservation because for openers she left the children alone, and she was responsible for medicating Haleigh.

In my opinion, I think Misty realized after disposing Haleigh that Joe may have been more involved in Haleigh's death then she first thought, maybe she saw something on Haleigh e.g blood,or semen stain on bedding. I think that is why Misty in her shocked state implicated Joe right after haleigh went missing, and stated he was a child molester.
In my opinion I think Tommy feebly acted to protect his sister, and they both realized later they had been used by Joe, to protect himself.

If Joe is innocent like he maintains why hasn't he volunteered to take a lie detector test? hmm

And if I am not mistaken, while searching for Haleigh wasn't Ron's Gun found tossed in the bushes, now who did that, and why.

Was that gun ever fingerprinted.
I'm just curious... when LE held the press conference did they say that there were no remains found at the search site? I can't remember exactly how they worded it. I remember something mentioned about them looking for a murder weapon?

I'm wondering if I'm right about the way they phrased that they hadn't found any remains at the search site if they didn't find little Haleigh's remains somewhere else? Maybe they found her somewhere else and were only looking in the river for a murder weapon or some other evidence?

Sorry, but phrase, smarze. I think LE is not playing word games, but they do seem TO ME to be playing games= mondex, st johns river...they want to desperately want to close this case, and unfortunately just "want to arrest a suspect" (quote from Jeff Hardy), ...(and close this case)....
The river is convenient because after a year in the water with strong current and alligators there's nobody who can say for sure if there used to be something there or not.
Sorry, but phrase, smarze. I think LE is not playing word games, but they do seem TO ME to be playing games= mondex, st johns river...they want to desperately want to close this case, and unfortunately just "want to arrest a suspect" (quote from Jeff Hardy), ...(and close this case)....

If she wasn't contained in something, the chances of there being any kind of remains after 14 months in the water is very unlikely. Add the complications of the alligator population in the water, the warm weather months and your chances are close to "nill" of ever finding any trace of her. Those involved know this.

I don't think she's there or ever was. If she's in the water at all, it's a far more remote place.
Misty- just what is up with that one ?? She is NOTHING like any 17 year olds I know. My own daughter is 16 and some of her friends are 17, plus I have many neices and nephews, so i have been around teens for a long time. I know for a fact that my daughter would rather join the army than to get together with a guy like Ron Cummings. He has nothing going on in the looks department,2 kids to care for, was 23 or 24 when Misty started dating him. Some other questions :
Why wasn't Misty in school any longer ?
Why did her parents let her move in with this adult ?
Why would she want to live in this motor home playing "house" ?
Sleeping with Ron ?? I'm in my 40s and I wouln't touch him with a 10 foot pole.
How on God's earth could she be so practiced at lying ?
She was only 17 when Haleigh went missing, wouldn't she have fallen to pieces when something happened ?? How could she be so cool and collected ?
I thought teens were just emotional basket cases when something dramatic happens. Here she is living in this way, talk of guns and knives and drugs all around. What the heck are her parents thinking ?? I would have taken my daughter out of that situation as soon as the child went missing . So then she MARRIES this guy and everyone is okey-dokey with this ??
Why has her family not been on her case to get an education, go to rehab when they found out about drug use, sent her away to boot camp, a convent , Something ??
My own child, and most of her friends are juniors in high school. They are worrying about Prom,driving tests,finals, summer jobs, SATs, college applications or some of them may go to a trade school or work after graduating next year. They go to parties, but I don't think any of them are living the way Misty was living. Didn't her family want her to thrive as an adult ? Encourage her to get away from that lifestyle. She is just sooo young. Where were social services while she was getting into all this trouble ??Are her parents not responsible for anything ?? :banghead:

Welcome to Websleuths, Jovi Girl.

You must understand her upbringing to understand why MC is the way she is. It's my belief this is an abused child, in many ways. Her parents are drug addicts who saw nothing wrong with her living with a young man with two children, one less mouth for them to feed, KWIM! Her parents are uneducated so why would they think a woman needs an education? IMO, these are truly dysfunctional people who's drugs/guns/sex and violence take center stage in their lives. It's a damn shame in this day and age a person doesn't take advantage of the education system afforded them. Their mentality, IMO is the old one of keeping a woman barefoot and pregnant...JMHO.

She seems to be devoid of emotions unless it's about her. She's the baby and has been spoiled to no end, getting her way as she does, she's selfish, IMO. Her mother doesn't give her much direction, she enables her as we see/hear on the jailhouse tapes.

She feels she's an adult being on her "own" for so long (and she's only 18) ...yet she'll cry I'm only 17, what do you want from me..I don't know how this didn't weigh heavy on her conscience or was it fear that kept her silent. The fear of forever loosing the man she loves and still loves to this day. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I don't know what it is about RC that drives her to him, I truly don't. Unless it's the "bad boy" image is what she's attracted to...I only hope the truth comes out about what truly happened to HaLeigh. This child deserves a proper burial and I do hope she finally comes clean....JMHO

Justice for HaLeigh!
Here's a thought. The whole JO coming by to steal a gun story just seems so outrageous and unbelievable. How would he even know about the gun? He had only been in town two weeks tops, had only met RC once or twice and supposedly RC didn't like him.

RC knows MC is not happy to be stuck babysitting after her 3 day bender. He calls home to check in on MC and for some reason wants to talk to Haleigh. MC's response sets off RC's alarm bells.

Something has happened to Haleigh while on MC's watch. She places panicked call to TC, needs help disposing of a body. TC happens to need a vehicle and calls JO who has access to van keys where he is staying. TC and MC promise JO a gun belonging to RC for his assistance with a problem.

When TC and JO arrive it is discovered that the gun is not where MC knows it is usually kept because RC has hidden it, fearing TC would try to steal it. JO is p*ssed off. Now he is up to his eyeballs in a murder scenerio. The three dispose of remains, MC is dropped back at the mobile home. Her phone is off because RC is trying frantically to reach/check up on her and she has no idea what to say/do. RC calls TC, who is in the process of helping MC clean up. He tells RC he tried to check on MC at the MH but got no answer. What else is he going to say? "I'm busy helping her hide your daughter's body right now"?

Just some random thoughts. I am a great believer that there is always some miniscule kernel of truth in nearly every lie.
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