2010.04.14 - Tommy allegedly Gives Up Haleigh Tip, lead PCSO to River Monday Night.

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I just checked the site and the only release I see so far is from the 15th. Anyone else know where to find another one?

Don't know why today's Media Release isn't showing up on PCSO's site, but MADJGNLAW posted link & snip in the "Media Links" for it.

Media Release
April 16, 2010

The Putnam County Sheriff’s Office has received numerous requests for confirmation that Hank Thomas “Tommy” Croslin Jr. has recently spoken with his grandmother (Flora Hollars) in Tennessee. I can confirm that Tommy Croslin has recently spoken with Hollars by telephone. The details of the conversations or copies of the actual telephone calls cannot be released at this time. These conversations contain information related to an active criminal investigation and are considered exempt from disclosure under Florida Public Records Law.

Hank "Tommy" Croslin Jr.'s attorney released a statement this morning saying that he did not confess anything about Haleigh Cummings' disappearance to his grandmother.


The Putnam County Sheriff’s Office has received numerous requests for confirmation that Hank Thomas “Tommy” Croslin Jr. has recently spoken with his grandmother (Flora Hollars) in Tennessee. I can confirm that Tommy Croslin has recently spoken with Hollars by telephone

lol......all LE said was they did talk by phone, they did not say about what. But dang! It's like a mystery in itself figuring out news articles!
Hank "Tommy" Croslin Jr.'s attorney released a statement this morning saying that he did not confess anything about Haleigh Cummings' disappearance to his grandmother.

Jim Werter, who represents Croslin Jr., said in a news release that Croslin Jr. "did not tell Flora Hollars anything about the investigation except to have his attorney contact and meet with him."

"This is in response to latest claims by various reporting agencies that they have verified that Tommy Croslin confessed to Hollars. He did not," Werter said.


Croslin's grandmother, Flora Hollars, said she was responsible for the revived search after calling investigators with new details the Croslins gave her.

Hollars told the Times-Union in several interviews that she got a tearful phone call from Croslin Jr. Sunday night telling her that his cousin, Joseph Overstreet of Nashville, was responsible for Haleigh's disappearance, which the Sheriff's Office began calling a homicide this week.


A little musical accompaniment to this article:

I wonder what role Tommy played in this homicide. From the way it looks he went to LE first with the information regarding the search at the river. After he failed his poly that is..maybe? LE is holding back the phone calls because they say they" contain information related to an active criminal investigation and are considered exempt from disclosure under Florida Public Records Law."
Could there be a possible confession and plea deal in the works?

At first Tommy said he was not going to go with Misty's story about cousin Joe, he said he was not going to point the finger at someone that was innocent. Now we hear from his grandmother that he did call her and tell her that it was Joe that took off with Haleigh. (Now, we have to consider that Misty had failed her poly as well when telling her Joe story. So, if Tommy told the Joe story as well, they both failed their poly's this would lead me to believe that they are both Lying about Joe.)

We don't know what questions were asked during that poly or what he may of shared after. Maybe he finally told the truth, instead of Misty's version? I would hope so for Haleigh's sake.

He had also mentioned in one of his phone calls to Lindsey that if he failed his poly his attorney would not represent him. Then we learn his attorney said he would represent Tommy in the drug charges but not the Haleigh investigation. So, maybe he did fail? Has Tommy gotten another attorney? I also wonder what LP role is in this, if any.

If Tommy knew all along what happen to Haleigh it would explain his erratic behavior last year. But it would not excuse him for lying about it and should have the book thrown at him! All these players lie so much who knows what the truth is..I still say that Misty and Tommy were covering for Ron for what ever reason. JMO :truce:

Tommy Croslin was responsible for getting the current search for Haleigh Cummings under way.

James S. Werter, attorney for Hank T. Croslin Jr., known as Tommy, said it started after a recent polygraph test.

Tommy Croslin is the brother of Misty Croslin, the teenager who police said was the last person to see Haleigh alive before she disappeared one night in Feb. 2009. Misty Croslin later married and divorced Haleigh's father.

Werter said Tommy Croslin asked to take the lie detector test in March to "clear the air" regarding the events of that night. He took the test April 8.

April 10, Croslin and Werter discussed the results, and two days after that, the two met with private investigator Steven K. Brown, who earlier this week said he knew what happened in the case of the missing 5-year-old girl.

Werter didn't specify what they discussed in that meeting Monday morning, but all three people and agents from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Putnam County Sheriff's Office went to the Shell Harbour boat ramp after the meeting.


TJ Hart http://www.thesky973.com/pages/6822697.php

Media Release
April 16, 2010

The Putnam County Sheriff’s Office has received numerous requests for confirmation that Hank Thomas “Tommy” Croslin Jr. has recently spoken with his grandmother (Flora Hollars) in Tennessee. I can confirm that Tommy Croslin has recently spoken with Hollars by telephone. The details of the conversations or copies of the actual telephone calls cannot be released at this time. These conversations contain information related to an active criminal investigation and are considered exempt from disclosure under Florida Public Records Law.

Lieutenant Johnny Greenwood
Putnam County Sheriff’s Office
130 Orie Griffin Blvd.
Palatka, Florida 32177
(386) 326.2782
I wonder what role Tommy played in this homicide. From the way it looks he went to LE first with the information regarding the search at the river. After he failed his poly that is..maybe? LE is holding back the phone calls because they say they" contain information related to an active criminal investigation and are considered exempt from disclosure under Florida Public Records Law."
Could there be a possible confession and plea deal in the works?

At first Tommy said he was not going to go with Misty's story about cousin Joe, he said he was not going to point the finger at someone that was innocent. Now we hear from his grandmother that he did call her and tell her that it was Joe that took off with Haleigh. (Now, we have to consider that Misty had failed her poly as well when telling her Joe story. So, if Tommy told the Joe story as well, they both failed their poly's this would lead me to believe that they are both Lying about Joe.)

We don't know what questions were asked during that poly or what he may of shared after. Maybe he finally told the truth, instead of Misty's version? I would hope so for Haleigh's sake.

He had also mentioned in one of his phone calls to Lindsey that if he failed his poly his attorney would not represent him. Then we learn his attorney said he would represent Tommy in the drug charges but not the Haleigh investigation. So, maybe he did fail? Has Tommy gotten another attorney? I also wonder what LP role is in this, if any.

If Tommy knew all along what happen to Haleigh it would explain his erratic behavior last year. But it would not excuse him for lying about it and should have the book thrown at him! All these players lie so much who knows what the truth is..I still say that Misty and Tommy were covering for Ron for what ever reason. JMO :truce:


Tommy's attorney is stating he did not confess in the telephone conversation yet LE will not release the tape because it is an ongoing investigation. It being an ongoing investigation tells me he did say something to his grandma about what happed (or whatever his story was for that day).
April 10, Croslin and Werter discussed the results, and two days after that, the two met with private investigator Steven K. Brown, who earlier this week said he knew what happened in the case of the missing 5-year-old girl.

Werter didn't specify what they discussed in that meeting Monday morning, but all three people and agents from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Putnam County Sheriff's Office went to the Shell Harbour boat ramp after the meeting.


One of the things that puzzles me is - I really don't understand what incentive there is for ToC and his attorney to meet with a PI? A PI doesn't normally get a plea deal for someone - that is LE.....
Well whatever information Tommy gave up that led them to search Shell Harbor did not come from a confession to Flo. I think Granny can take 'get on a national TV show' off of her bucket list now. It also seems that whatever they were looking for there was not found. At least he is starting to talk maybe.
Sounds to me that Tommy just might have struck deal and cracked. Why else would he meet with Law Enforcement, State Attorney's Office and FBI after his poly? Why would they do that search of the river? Now I wonder if the reason they took Misty out there was because she didn't believe Tommy talked? LE putting more pressure on her?

His attorney is also making it sound like Tommy's grandmother is lying..LE is holding back the calls so we may never hear what he really said.

Croslin Jr., who is in jail on unrelated drug charges with her sister and Cummings, submitted to a lie detector test this month and later met with representatives of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, State Attorney's Office and FBI. http://jacksonville.com/news/crime/...nt-make-any-confessions-haleigh-cummings-case
It sounds like they met with the PI FIRST which is weird to me... WHY??? IF his attorney knew he took the poly and KNEW he knew something why go to a PI, why not go straight to LE? Then it sounds like the PI, ToC and his attorney went with LE to Shell Harbour and probably got their first 'load' of evidence that led them to declare it the 'crime scene' and the case a 'homicide'........

April 10, Croslin and Werter discussed the results, and two days after that, the two met with private investigator Steven K. Brown, who earlier this week said he knew what happened in the case of the missing 5-year-old girl.

Werter didn't specify what they discussed in that meeting Monday morning, but all three people and agents from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Putnam County Sheriff's Office went to the Shell Harbour boat ramp after the meeting.

yes he did...no he didn't ...yes he did...no he didn't...yes he did..:banghead:

Poor Haleigh. This might go on forever. And, nobody will be held responsible. LE keeps being duped by these people. Pathetic!!
So.... grandma lied, huh? Wonder what Chelsea's gonna say tonight.
A little musical accompaniment to this article:

'Neither one will give in, so we gaze @ our 8 by 10, thinkn' bout the things that might've been. It's a dirt rotten shame'. Truer words have never been sung, & they made me cry-my 1st time, during this whole rotten mess. I don't know what to say, except I wish somebody would beat the truth out of every single one in this shameful bunch.
You may give your personal opinion about what you think the video said. You may not pull transcriptions created by others from sites.

Post # 19 from Kimster's post when the Vids were allowed to be linked here.
2010.04.08 - Jail house videos released on Blogger News - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

This is for discussion of the videos only. Do not discuss the posts from bloggers on the site.

Thank you so much! And thanks for your patience![
Thanks, I listened to the audios myself and posed the question to others here, if they heard the same and wondered if it could have been any importance...In the Tommy and Hank video thread..Thanks
It sounds like they met with the PI FIRST which is weird to me... WHY??? IF his attorney knew he took the poly and KNEW he knew something why go to a PI, why not go straight to LE? Then it sounds like the PI, ToC and his attorney went with LE to Shell Harbour and probably got their first 'load' of evidence that led them to declare it the 'crime scene' and the case a 'homicide'........

April 10, Croslin and Werter discussed the results, and two days after that, the two met with private investigator Steven K. Brown, who earlier this week said he knew what happened in the case of the missing 5-year-old girl.

Werter didn't specify what they discussed in that meeting Monday morning, but all three people and agents from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Putnam County Sheriff's Office went to the Shell Harbour boat ramp after the meeting.


Because the key to cutting a deal in a "he said/she said" deadlock would be being the first to bring believable consistant and corraboratable (sp? or even a word?) evidence to LE. Tommy's story alone may or may not result in any interest (he's in jail and will say anything to get out, etc). Tommy's story with a Poly increases it's believability some, but isn't perfect nor is it admissable, plus you cant really get a warrant with it. Tommy's story plus poly plus compatability and corraboration from an independent third party investigation that has gathered its own leads and evidence presents a very valuable and believable package to LE and the SA. That they can take to a judge.
April 14th, 2010

"Snip" http://www.artharris.com/

In an interview with CNN’s Nancy Grace Show Tuesday, Art Harris revealed exclusively that the investigation into missing Haleigh Cummings has turned into a rapidly unfolding murder case, all triggered by a tip from accused drug trafficker Tommy Croslin who admitted he’d been lying about his knowledge of how she vanished, and lead Putnam County Sheriff’s investigators to the banks of the St. John’s River Monday night.
That’s where sources close to the case tell The Bald Truth Tommy Croslin claimed a Tennessee cousin dumped the little girl’s body more than 14 months ago after his sister. Police have called Misty the key to solving the case, and kept her under intense pressure.

Art Harris appeared on Nancy Grace Tuesday night to break this exclusive information on the case to the HLN host:

Read the rest of this entry » http://www.artharris.com/2010/04/14/exclusive-tommy-croslin-gives-up-haleigh-tips/#more-4130

I think I owe an apology to Art Harris because I didn't believe any of this on Tuesday when he broke this info. Sorry Art!

In the attorney's press statement, he said after the polygraph Lindsy Croslin called him to say Tommy wanted to meet with the PI, Steve Brown. This is weird to me. Anybody figured this out?

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