2010.04.16 Do you think Ron knew what happened?

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Do you think Ron knew what happened to Haleigh?

  • Yes, I think he knew.

    Votes: 316 68.1%
  • No, I do not think he knew.

    Votes: 148 31.9%

  • Total voters
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I have been on the fence too about Ron. Sometimes I feel like no he didn't know or have anything to do with it and then sometimes I look back at different things and think something isn't right with him. The thing now that makes me think he does know something or was involved in some way is it seems nothing has surprised him this week and his emotions I seen as he was being excorted out of sherriff office. He seemed to be the only one not surprised or upset. JMO
I don't think RC even wanted custody of those children, except as a way to torture his ex, their mother, by making sure SHE couldn't get them. I think he used his kids like pawns to spite the ex. I think he had love for them, but I do not feel he was much of a parent because of the lifestyle he lived/exposed them to. That said:

I have believed since day one, and still believe, that RC did not know/was not part of whatever happened to Haleigh. I feel he has suspicions after the fact.

Definately not a member of the RC fan club, but I believe what I believe.
I think he was a ring leader of sorts, among the varied characters involved here. Having completed high school would make him far more savy than many of the rest. (hoping this was worded in a manner to not have me TO'd)
I don't think he knew the details, but knew what would happen if he ripped off x, or crossed y or betrayed z.....and he did anyway, seeing as he was so much smarter than the rest. I use the surveillance video as my proof. Misty passes the pills from the back seat, Ron quickly shoves one in his mouth and then goes on about getting ripped off. Misty will make ammends though, not Ron for the missing tab of oxy. He's a complete (something) IMHO and a probable junkie. People will do anything, risk anything for a fix and I think these folks are junkies.

All MOO, based on experience, but MOO
Yes Ron knew, he is very much involved in the disappearance of his child. Ron is the ringleader and Misty, Tommy, and Joe are his lackeys. Also this supposed "love" he has for his children is bull, he is not a person capable of love like a normal person. He says and feels thing in a superficial way but there is really no meaning or emotions behind those words or feelings he is the type of person that people are disposable to him, they are there to suit his purpose, Ron, in this whole saga, is the most dangerous.
I highly suspect he not ONLY knew but he IS responsible..And 90 plus calls that night tells me members of his family knew too...
Granted, I believe Ronald Cummings is manipulative, calculating and conivving but he had alot of HELP in masterminding all the twists and turns associated with this case..And that HELP didn't come from any of the Croslins...JMO
That's how I feel about it. Ron just doesn't act all that innocent to not be some part of the picture. I feel like he is the only one that Misty might want to protect. Why would she keep this quiet for Joe which in turn would just keep the heat on herself? I think she would do anything for Ron.

I'm not sure there's anyone Misty would want to protect, other than Misty.
Ron is a narcotic addict. The only thing he loves is his pills. Getting pills and keeping things as smooth as possible is all that is important to him. Money was rolling in for pills as things stood with the Haleigh case, why try to get to the bottom of it. He was happy to let things stand as they were.
I voted "Yes", he knew. Many here have given good examples the reasoning behind the belief that Ron knew what happened. It all comes down to his behavior beginning with Misty's call to 911 and the months since then. His behavior hasn't been consistent with the behavior typical with parents of missing children. There's been a lot of "red flags" that indicate he knew, and that he's hiding something.
I don't believe Ron knew at the time. I feel he has a good idea who it is now, but would prefer to keep it silent to get to the person before LE does. IMO. I could be wrong, but it seems he truly loves his daughter, unlike Tot momster Anthony

Unfortunately I believe Ron's drug addiction is interfering with rational behavior.
Absolutely. He knows and has know from the beginning..Him, TN, and GMS for that matter.

Jmo though

Bingo suspicious1. You and I are on the same page, for whatever that's worth. But from the 911 call on, I believed Ron was involved. He went off to work and stopped at a market before going home in order to be seen on the store's video as an alibi that he wasn't around.
I'm also including his mother and GGMSykes as being in on what happened that day and night.
When GGMSykes claims she was at the motorhome that evening, it wasn't to drop off laundry. It was to take care of Junior while Haleigh's body was being desposed of.
I hope all of them are charged, Ron, and his mom and grandma too. They are all liars and not very good ones either.
Thanks for your post.
I voted "Yes", he knew. Many here have given good examples the reasoning behind the belief that Ron knew what happened. It all comes down to his behavior beginning with Misty's call to 911 and the months since then. His behavior hasn't been consistent with the behavior typical with parents of missing children. There's been a lot of "red flags" that indicate he knew, and that he's hiding something.

I agree Leila! One may be able to explain away some things, but taken in totality, even given the fact that people react differently, I have not been able to get around the things that he has said and done...sometimes it has been the things that he hasn't done as well. I truly believe that when all is said and done that this is the direction that LE is going in. They just know that if he is THE perp, he has absolutely no reason to tell them anything and he hasn't. Never have I seen the parent of a missing child act like he has. He tried to play the father that didn't know what happened to his daughter in the beginning, but couldn't pull it off so he quit cooperating with LE imo.
I too voted Yes in the poll.

For me: If he did not know something of her passing, wouldn't he have gone door to door asking neighbors what they saw while he was at work? From listing to the scanner, the town is NOT like a big city. People would have know something if other wise.

Months later he was more in this thing for the "stardom" than anything else. Ron (& his family) looooove this media attention. Think about this...Who was watching BB as Ron and the gang lived it up?

Sure he was grieving for her on TV in that way. I truly think it was out of some sort of guilt (and not just the simple fact that he left the children with Misty that night.). I have seen that kind of melt down cry from a relative who has the same bulliness/controlling issues as Ron. It was over something illegal as well.

Of course, JMO.
Bingo suspicious1. You and I are on the same page, for whatever that's worth. But from the 911 call on, I believed Ron was involved. He went off to work and stopped at a market before going home in order to be seen on the store's video as an alibi that he wasn't around.
I'm also including his mother and GGMSykes as being in on what happened that day and night.
When GGMSykes claims she was at the motorhome that evening, it wasn't to drop off laundry. It was to take care of Junior while Haleigh's body was being desposed of.
The above has been Snipoed.
I didn't even think of GGMSykes stopping by for that purpose. Good one!
I don't think he is involved at all, nor does he know what happened. However when I read that so many people see it differently than I do it means I need to look a little closer, or maybe from a different angle.
Opinion thread guys. Not a debate back and forth about Ron's guilt or non guilt. Stay On Topic. Do you think Ron knew what happened to Haleigh? Yes or No. And your reason.

YES ... so cocky and sure no one would ever learn the truth. Accomplices controlled (marriage, ratgate, gun, drugs), alibi, love of TN & GGMS in his defense - feeling so sure he was untouchable ("only God can judge" ...), no charges for previous arrest, total disregard for the laws of our land, and a true psychopath (like Scott Peterson!)-such a coincidence; water for disposal.
NO ... astrothreads, possible DS involvement?
Thank you all for your opinions and posts; they all matter and are important to consider!
He knew what happened, and the look on his face on the day the family was called in said it all. I say he had a smirk, and was almost smiling. He was thinking to himself, let em look all they want in that spot........Wild goose chase!
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