2010-04-17 Is Tommy the weak link, or a good liar?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Not only is TC the weakest link, he appears to have damaged DNA links. It doesn't take a physician-geneticist to determine that TC is "abnormal looking" (there is something genetically wrong with him.) I worry that the entire Croslin clan's mental assessments may show that they are all mildly or moderately mentally retarded and therefore, they might receive altered/reduced sentences.

...not buying it, he may be a bit stunned, (being a crackhead will do that to you) but I don't think he can use any kind of mental deficiency as a defense, especially in the death of a little girl.
I asked my husband out of those 3, who he thought would crack 1st. He thought it would be the one with the least culpability, so he/she could move on. I thought the exact opposite, so he/she could put an 'I was there, but didn't do anything' spin on it. But this case is different because there might not be much evidence-will they even be able to determine a cause of death? So who really knows why whoever talked, talked. Tommy has shown in the past that he will rat-saying he knocked, but Misty wasn't home, therefore corraborating LE's theory. shame shame. But now we're hearing a different story. What to believe from all of these tangled lies?
There is something seriously wrong with him. If it's true that he witnessed a body being dumped, then he's a sick, cold man. I also think he has more to say, & I honestly don't know if I can stand to hear it. But I think his overwhelming involvement, is what makes him the weakest. He's gotta lot of butt to protect. After listening to him dismiss his kids, & whine about the other inmates taunting him, I don't have any sympathy. I guess they had their reasons for that taunting. I wonder how many of those inmates have heard the truth. This is a man who would sneak into old people's homes while they were sleeping-& then steal from them. This is a man who would leave his sleeping wife, so he could 'watch tv'. I hope his own kids didn't have to suffer him. & after called Misty called him a molester Linsey stayed friends with her. either because she knew it was the truth, or because she knew that Misty had something BIGGER on Tommy. So yeah, I'm not a bit surprised that Tommy cracked.

I agree that I believe he's at the VERY least involved with the disposal(higher probability that he's directly involved in the entire murder scenario).. But my question for you, Dodie, is what I highlighted in Red. I believe you but I have not ever known about Misty saying that to Lindsy. When was it and who was MC claiming ToC molested??? Am anxious to hear your reply,as I said this is a tidbit thats new to me. TIA!!
I agree that I believe he's at the VERY least involved with the disposal(higher probability that he's directly involved in the entire murder scenario).. But my question for you, Dodie, is what I highlighted in Red. I believe you but I have not ever known about Misty saying that to Lindsy. When was it and who was MC claiming ToC molested??? Am anxious to hear your reply,as I said this is a tidbit thats new to me. TIA!!
She claimed that he had 'messed' with her while she was growing up.
I just watched that video & this is my impression, for what it's worth. Misty really doesn't care for Tommy, & not just because she's trying to throw him under the bus. She seems disgusted by him. She was nervous when talking about Joe-even hiccupping while talking about his possible involvement. When talking about the cops telling her to not go back 'there', (the trailer?) her voice got really really shaky, & she said she couldn't remember what the reason was that they gave her. I wonder what they told her. She seems very protective of her dad. I wonder if the $500 truck is why he & Tommy later had that fight?
I just watched that video & this is my impression, for what it's worth. Misty really doesn't care for Tommy, & not just because she's trying to throw him under the bus. She seems disgusted by him. She was nervous when talking about Joe-even hiccupping while talking about his possible involvement. When talking about the cops telling her to not go back 'there', (the trailer?) her voice got really really shaky, & she said she couldn't remember what the reason was that they gave her. I wonder what they told her. She seems very protective of her dad. I wonder if the $500 truck is why he & Tommy later had that fight?
She also talks about Joe not knowing his way around, & barely being able to get from here to there-so, how could he have a favorite fishing spot? & I think she was lieing about not having a gun in her mouth. The unnn unnn @ the end sounded forced. Her voice also gets very shaky when she says that she doesn't think Haleigh is dead & about Ronald not thinking that Haleigh is dead. When she's talking about the 4 people that she suspects, she says 'the mother's side', which isn't a person, so I think she's lieing, & before she changes the 4 to a 3, & this is just a very uneducated opinion, it looks as if she is starting to form an R. Also, I get that she's very impressed with Ronald & thinks the world of him.
My, oh my, what a twisted world they have all been raised in.She also said JO messed with her, too. And ya know, whereas I believe that most ppl after hearing her accuse brother&cousin would probly come to the conclusion that she's a liar and lying about both, but from all of the hours&hours,days&months that I've been following this case I lean way MORE towards believing that both had in some way,shape or form "messed"with Misty.I also agree with Pensfan that ToC is some form of mental "slowness"(whether its genetic dont know)but if you look at the stats of the inmates across this nation you will see that there is a high number of inmates with around the same amount mental "slowness"as ToC&its even said that those with this issue,compounded with the enviroment in which there raised, are pretty much the perfect recipe to create some of the sickest, most twisted perps that are out there.But Im with ya 100% that it will NOT save his butt,nor is it cause enough for the judicial system to go "easier"on him.As I said I believe it is slight mental issue,but in now way does that serve as any type of excuse for him "choosing" whatever it is he did that Feb.nite.He very much knows right from wrong&I believe his pill addiction(&crack&whatever else drugs) from Feb. on accelerating@such a fast pace,quickly spiraling downward, I believe that goes to show that not only does he know right from wrong, but his actions he chose to do to Haleigh have since then been absolutely eating him up from the inside out.
Just watched the video&its eerie knowing what we know(or atleast the scenario that Gma Hollars says both ToC&MC has confessed to her)now. I too believe that shes lying about the gun in my mouth,saying no one had threatened her not to tell.Think about it, thats a very strange way to word how she "WAS NOT"threatened, by someone putting a gun IN HER MOUTH??I believe most would automatically say "Gun to my head", of course its my opinion.But it IMMEDIATELY made me think when she offered that up,"NO one has put a gun in my mouth to threaten me to not tell",that made me feel as tho she was instead speaking EXACTLY how she was threatened to NOT tell. That along with how very adamant she was about the suspisions about JO, her voice WAS if it were shaking as she spoke of WHY JO was so scared to go back down there&his immediate reaction to get his azz as quikly as possible out of Florida,the fact of him being found sleeping fully dressed(which was out of his norm).She also got very shaky when speaking of ToC immediately&suddenly getting rid of his red truck,which she mentioned/implied that somehow LE had mentioned that a red truck was some how involved?? Does anyone know anything about this being something mentioned(about red truck)?... TIA for any1 that knows the answer to that last question... In all I believe that video said alot,atleast to me it did&not so much as in words,but as in her body language,changes in her voice,eyes&face,and also in the couple of accidental flub ups(Tommy was there that NIGHT, then quikly changing it to, I mean Tommy was there during the day) she said, "You know?" as if trying to convince the guy questioning that of course he knows ToC was there that day NOT night... ALL VERY telling, in my opinion.
I'm noticing more and more that Tommy is directly involved in all the info that comes out, but Joe gets the blame. The gun was found by Misty in a culvert by Tommy's home. Tommy came knocking that night. Tommy got rid of his red truck. Tommy was there that night to get the gun. Tommy was there in the doorway that night. Tommy supposedly told the police about the lake and dock. Tommy told Flora what happened. Tommy's dog was barking late. Tommy was fishing with Joe at the lake that afternoon. Tommy says Joe mentioned about it being a perfect spot to throw a dead body to the alligators. Tommy got the dead rat in the mailbox and Tommy got the restraining order against him even after Joe left the state. Also, Tommy kept on at the doping and doing criminal things. Joe has had no one really lying for him, but Tommy has. The quite a bit older Tommy is said to have "messed with" Misty as a kid, but oh yes, so has Joe. Tommy and Joe were bad effed up that night. So bad Misty doesn't know how Joe drove. Tommy goes home and turns off his phone, yet Joe makes it home all effed up scratching the van on the way. Joe was alert and shocked not long later when the call came about Haleigh and even able to go right away to the hospital. He was up and alert but couldn't park the van straight a little while earlier? I'd like to know how Tommy was that morning, because he was so effed up a later morning that he passed out at the bus stop where he took his child. Something is really fishy about all this.
She also got very shaky when speaking of ToC immediately&suddenly getting rid of his red truck,which she mentioned/implied that somehow LE had mentioned that a red truck was some how involved??

I noticed that as well...she just blurts out everyone is saying red truck...who is saying that Misty? Through all of this I have never heard LE come out and ask if anyone saw a red truck in the area.

If Misty was involved and had Tommy's help why would she throw out her suspicions of him to everyone who will listen? You don't drop hints about one of the guys that helped you, you don't accuse him of molestation, you don't put him under the veil of suspicion- instead you would send them in the other direction, but that isn't what she is doing in this video and in many other statements she has publicly made.

I mean if you are afraid after being threatened by Joe or TC, or both, you certainly wouldn't drop damning accusations about them all over the place, cause that shows she is obviously not so scared of them or she would keep it zipped.
I asked my husband out of those 3, who he thought would crack 1st. He thought it would be the one with the least culpability, so he/she could move on.

Good point, but for ToC to admit at this point in having ANY culpability would land him in big big trouble.

You can't help someone dispose of a body and not get in big trouble.
They are all good liars or at the very least, prolific and chronic liars. That's what has kept this case from being solved.

As to a weak link, he has the most to gain by talking because I think he has less serious charges against him and a District Attorney can work with him on that.

Tommy Croslin is either the least involved or he's in it up to those big ol' ears of his. I just don't understand why he would be the recipient of a headless rat in his mailbox, courtesy of one Ronald Cummings. The indication was clear - don't rat.

There seems to be unanswered questions in any and all scenarios put out there thus far.
I don't understand the dynamics of this family. Misty has been hinting that Tommy had something to do with Haleigh's disappearance yet in the jail house tape of Tommy and his father, they are speaking of her with love. Worried about her. Tommy wants to talk to her, write her letters. Tommy's wife tells him Misty hasn't called (using one of Tommy's allowed calls to a particular phone number). Why are all of them not angry at Misty for casting suspicion on Tommy?
Good point, but for ToC to admit at this point in having ANY culpability would land him in big big trouble.

You can't help someone dispose of a body and not get in big trouble.
if someone proved that he was there, or LE had some damning evidence, then it's possible Tommy only admitted to what he had to & blamed the actual deed on someone else. He'd get into a lot less trouble for 'witnessing' the disposal, than he would for the rape of a child or her murder.
She also talks about Joe not knowing his way around, & barely being able to get from here to there-so, how could he have a favorite fishing spot? & I think she was lieing about not having a gun in her mouth. The unnn unnn @ the end sounded forced. Her voice also gets very shaky when she says that she doesn't think Haleigh is dead & about Ronald not thinking that Haleigh is dead. When she's talking about the 4 people that she suspects, she says 'the mother's side', which isn't a person, so I think she's lieing, & before she changes the 4 to a 3, & this is just a very uneducated opinion, it looks as if she is starting to form an R. Also, I get that she's very impressed with Ronald & thinks the world of him.
also, Misty seems very loyal to Tmmy & very grateful to him. I sure hope LE knows what he was up to that night. If Misty was in a jam, she makes it very clear that he's the guy she'd call for help.

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