2010.04.17 Shoemaker says Ron and families told to prepare for funeral

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One of our former members put up a beautiful picture of the Angel of Grief with her postings. She is missed alot by me. I wish I knew how to link it because it would make a great statement for how we all feel about Precious Haleigh. One picture says a thousand words. It represents us.

It is the sculpure in marble of a Guardian Angel exhaused with her head leaning on the tombstone and her arm dangling. I heard there is a replica of this in a mauseleum nearby and I am anxoius to see it...just five miles from here.

If you google Angel of Grief you may see it.
My heart breaks for Crystal and Marie. :(
LE announced this is a Homicide and that Haleigh is dead-so just what sensitive information was given away telling the media Ron and the family were told to make arraignments?
No one has leaked any info that would hurt the investigation.

Not one thing said hurt the investigation. It was all geared for sympathy for rc. Shoemaker took the opportunity to get some words of endearment for his client. MO.

Telling the media LE said "To prepare for a funeral" was most likely stretching the boundaries of what he was allowed to say.
I imagine the Funeral will lay firmly on the shoulders of Crystal. I don't know how she can do this. Marie is strong though and can support her. Dear God, this is horrible. I wish I had that letter Crystal wrote for Haleigh. I searched for awhile. It is on my old computer and I can't get it yet.

Is this it?

Poem for HaLeigh HAPPY BIRTHDAY HALEIGH, FROM: MOMMY I can feel your soft fingers fold into my hand as I hear you say " Mommy" This precious memory is more than I can stand. I can see your face glowing with innocence and love. Your curls lay soft against your face, as your memory lays soft on my heart. Where are you HaLeigh I must demand! I can see your eyes filled with wonder as they give out a bright spark. Why can't someone find you? Who knows? Will they set you free? HaLeigh the love you have given to me would bring most moms to their knees.And because of your love I now bend on my knees to ask.."God Please Bring You Home To Me!" A million times I've needed you, A million times I've cried.If I was there could I have saved you? For you I would have died. I wish I could snuggle near you and whisper your name. "HaLeigh precious HaLeigh... I Love You!" "I'm right here at your side." So on this 6th birthday I promise I will dip into my well of faith, new strength to find.... I will look the whole world over UNTIL, MY HALEIGH, I FIND!" I Love You Always Your One And Only, Mommy

I guess the one thought I have is what did LE know before they finished the search this week, when they spoke to the families? Would they say, we think she is deceased just on the basis of a confession?

I would think there's a protocol that's to be followed for informing a family of a death, and I don't think LE would tell the family to plan for a funeral unless they had some sort of conclusive proof that Haleigh was deceased. I don't think a confession would be enough. If there was a confession, LE would ask for location of the remains and find those remains. I'm sure they'd get some sort of DNA or dental record match.

After 14 months, I don't think LE would rush into this. If it took a few more days to get confirmed ID, they'd wait.
Now I've got tears again. The words of Crystal are breathtaking. How ANYONE can think ill of this mother is beyond me.

............JUST read this. AND Crystal did exactly what she said she would do. She has been looking non-stop and has put every penny she had to find her.

Thank You Maven
What a beautiful tribute to Haleigh from Crystal. How sad that this poor child was stolen from her mother by deceit and trickery by that piece of trash and, if that is not bad enough, to lose her life while in his care.
I've now got my Angel of Grief. jpg and Crystals letter together where they will remain. Thank you again Maven.
Crystal sure has a way with the written word. As I read her words I could actually see them happily together in my minds eye. How beautiful, how sad. . .
OMG, I somehow missed that from Crystal. I don't know if I can handle this again, after Caylee, and now this. Part of me has always held on to hope that she would be another Elizabeth Smart or Jaycee Dugarrd even though my heart knew better.

What the Hell is wrong with people? Why do people hurt these precious babies? There is a very special place in HELL for these sick people.

Lord please give Haleighs REAL FAMILY ( the ones that truely loved her) strength to make it through this, and comfort them as they walk this tough road.
My feeling is that Crystal is a beautiful, gentle, sensitive woman. She is also very fortunate to have Marie as her mother.
Crystal has a talent and she probably doesn't even know it. She needs to write.
I pray that it was an accident with a bunch of fools trying to cover it up. The alternative, the yellow rope & concrete blocks & alligators & payback rumors make me deathly ill. I pray it was an accident.
I've now got my Angel of Grief. jpg and Crystals letter together where they will remain. Thank you again Maven.

Ahhhh, I just found the Angel of Grief picture online also, Whisperer. It seems to just go beside Crystal's letter to Haleigh.
I imagine the Funeral will lay firmly on the shoulders of Crystal. I don't know how she can do this. Marie is strong though and can support her. Dear God, this is horrible. I wish I had that letter Crystal wrote for Haleigh. I searched for awhile. It is on my old computer and I can't get it yet.

I just hope for Haleigh's sake the two sides of the family can come together in this and that TN lets Crystal be the one in control (if she wants to be that is). Sadly I can see this getting ugly.

:prayer: Oh Haleigh, beautiful child... I am so sorry.
My heart breaks for Crystal and Marie. :(

and this little guy :shakehead:
Being here in the beginning and having discussed JO. Speaking for myself, Ron started with "no there was never a fight with a cousin JO, leave him out of this." (words to that effect) I think it was the Geraldo interview.

Misty did start to say JO was there and Ron and Jo had a fight and it ended with Jo saying something like "You'll get yours" sorry, no known link

Ron on video corrected misty about which day JO visited the mobile home or a fight happened.

LE initially cleared JO as a suspect.

TN became the family spokes person as questions remained and did an interview stating they did have a disagreement about 2 weeks prior and Ron retrieved the gun and that was it. I'm a bit perplexed because I hid one video link upstairs in a different topic so in case there was a disagreement I could refer to it. I've since listened to the news story again describing the gun incidence from TN.

It's been re-edited and the 2-weeks prior statement from TN has been removed. :furious:

I was a basement dweller and very rarely posted upstairs.

Also people must understand there were multiple topics being discussed in the RT. So it was rare that any one topic was discussed at great length.

The RT was averaging 40 pages a day covering a high level of news stories, pressors, 200+ local RSO's, locations, mapping, custody, rumors and theories, work hours, just to mention a few.

I think everyone wanted to believe that Haleigh would be found alive and well. I for one never expected things to turn out the way they have.


I remember TN making the statement that the incident with the gun was two weeks prior to Haleigh's disappearance. LE cleared JO and the gun incident was deemed not important to Haleigh's disappearance.
Is this it?


Beautiful and heartbreaking. I had not seen that before. Thank you Maven and Whisp for bringing this to our attention. With that I will say goodnight as my heart can't take anymore of this tonight. Bless you all.
Well, I recall misty saying that it happened the day before. Then tn said it, and it was changed to two weeks before. Then rc said in front of his mom that it never happened and he doesn't know how that got started.
I've now got my Angel of Grief. jpg and Crystals letter together where they will remain. Thank you again Maven.

Whisp can you post that on the off topic pics thread please. I would love to see it.

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