2010.04.19 Judge Strickland IS stepping down

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I think this was all planned when CM decided to become part of the defense team. I am very concerned about the new Judge, because, I don't think the defense would cut off their nose to spite their face.

With respect, yes they would. They have. Often!
There are professors around the country using this defense of Miss Anthony as a prime example of what NOT TO DO!!!

They have a very poor understanding of procedures, the rules, the facts and the law in this case. Their jumping off point, therefore, is already in the weeds. Everything, every single thing they thought was such a bright idea has backfired and harmed their client's case in ways that would be tough to measure. That they would bite off their nose to spite their face is being overly generous.

I agree that Cheney came on the case planning to ask for this, and he certainly believes the defense has been wholly misguided all along and he is here to redo all of the motions that the defense prepared and argued in vain. I do not think it is so much that he believes the judge ruled unfairly, as it is he believes he, Cheney, could have taken the same set of facts and proceeded in a more realistic, experienced manner. He opined about the mess the defense had made of the case, more than once, before he came on the case. In my opinion this reflects on Baez, not the judge. It is as if he arrived on the scene and called a family meeting to announce OK kids let Daddy show you how it is done. Watch and learn!!!!

The very funny thing is when they do try to have matters heard for the second time, the new judge is going to slap them down so hard you will feel the sting just watching! Not only are they not going to prevail on their motions, they will be much worse off with the second ruling than the first that Judge Strickland ruled on. When you were a kid did your parent ever tell you, stop that crying.....before I give you something to cry about?!!!!

Mr. Baez and Mr. Cheney , buckle up, it is going to be a bumpy ride!!!
I wonder which member of the Defense team lost the coin toss and had to be the one to explain to JB that JS's order to grant the motion skewered them all! I don't think JB would have gotten it on his own.
He wouldn't. That would be taken as unduly influencing the presiding judge and could result in a mistrial or appeal. he has said exactly what he needed to say. He will probably fade from the scene of this trial in the courtroom.

However I wouldn't at all be surprised to see a few new bar complaints show up regarding the defense team. And you can almost guarantee he will probably show up in person for any bar hearings regarding JB etc. Those don't have a direct or appealble impact on the case.

I wonder if since he has left the case it would be permissable for him to do some TV talking head work?

This I totally know LOL. I was letting my mind go free. He wouldn't dare jeopardize this case which is exactly the reason he stepped down. I tend to dream:dance:

I also think we'll be hearing from Judge S BUT not until he retires and this case is over. JMO. His career is way too important to him.
It seems to me this is a very stupid move on the part of the defense. They should have gone ahead with the trial and then after she was convicted they could have used it as an excuse to declare a mistrial. JMO
A few observations about Cheney Mason ----

1) Make no mistake - this was HIS motion and HIS idea. pinky swear

2) Only CM knows for sure, however it is my belief he filed this in re. future appellate issues and in hopes of more favorable decisions in re. previously denied motions. I certainly can't fathom any other reason.

3) I have yet to hear a single fellow defense attorney from central FL opine that this was a wise choice.

4) BEWARE! This move is evidence of Mr. Mason's shrewd nature. Mr. Mason has publically stated that he is nearing retirement. Therefore, he will probably never have another case in front of Judge Strickland. (why should he care if he po'd JS? no skin off of his back) However, Baez WILL have to face him again. (y'all just think you've heard him stuttering! lol) I am dancing carefully around it, but basically CM doesn't give a damn about his own co-counsel either. Baez should be sleeping with one eye open trying to dodge the next knife in CM's arsenal.

In summary, Cheney Mason isn't going to win any Mr. Congeniality awards around here. :D It was much easier to just deal with an incompetent buffoon.
I am afraid that this new judge will not allow cameras in the court room, more so for the actual trial. I know that the most important thing is for Caylee to get the justice that is due to her, I just want to see it happen!
This is all fairly silly - it isn't like he was online commenting something like, "LOL, I know! I am just biding my time til I can slap the guilty on her. LOL."

However, it was the decent thing to do to step down - gives them one less gripe in what is bound to be an endless appeals process with this lot.
A few observations about Cheney Mason ----

1) Make no mistake - this was HIS motion and HIS idea. pinky swear

2) Only CM knows for sure, however it is my belief he filed this in re. future appellate issues and in hopes of more favorable decisions in re. previously denied motions. I certainly can't fathom any other reason.

3) I have yet to hear a single fellow defense attorney from central FL opine that this was a wise choice.

4) BEWARE! This move is evidence of Mr. Mason's shrewd nature. Mr. Mason has publically stated that he is nearing retirement. Therefore, he will probably never have another case in front of Judge Strickland. (why should he care if he po'd JS? no skin off of his back) However, Baez WILL have to face him again. (y'all just think you've heard him stuttering! lol) I am dancing carefully around it, but basically CM doesn't give a damn about his own co-counsel either. Baez should be sleeping with one eye open trying to dodge the next knife in CM's arsenal.

In summary, Cheney Mason isn't going to win any Mr. Congeniality awards around here. :D It was much easier to just deal with an incompetent buffoon.


That may be up for debate.........
CM did make the remark that he was tired of seeing how things were going when JS asked what took him so long to show up on this Dteam.
Out of lurking for this one, Wow...

Well, now Caylee has the Cheif Judge watching over her case. Works for me.

Hope Judge S. will take a long, well deserved vaction.

Has anyone been able to find Judge Perry's birthday? Can't seem to find it.

Judge Perry's DOB. 10/11/49
true dat! I should have qualified that with "considering his license has not been revoked by the FL Bar".

Better? ;)

OR "he may never get hired again in the state of FL" due to his stellar *COUGH*performance thus far"
The more I think about it....and after reading Richard Hornsby's remark...

I'm not so sure that CM didn't shoot down Baez today, too. I mean like...

Judge Strickland may initiate enough Bar complaints that he won't be able to appear before him again. Ever.

Me thinks CM was armed with a double-barrell shotgun and a couple of knives.
I wonder what the A's think about all of this?

Yeah, how come BC didn't run out to the media BEFORE this motion was relaesed to make a remark like "We know what's it like to be accused of impropriety, and we feel sorry for anyone who is accused of it." Or some statement supporting Marinade Dave afterwards? He does like you a lot, probably thought you were friends, but where are ya now? Where have you been?

What, no pre-emptive strikes anymore, A's? Nothing to say afterwards either? Hello? Bueller? Anyone there?

Should we call an ambulance to their house to make sure they're still alive?
This case will go down as a the most laughable in US history. Ridiculous from beginning to "middle" so far...With millions of dollars being spent unneccesarily - at the tax-payer's expense - to carry on-and-on drivel...drivel...drivel. I haven't been here for quite a while and "looked in" to see what was going on tonight only to find myself utterly dismayed that NOTHING has happened beyond the usual miscarriage of justice hidden behind agendas that have nothing to do with justice! Poor Caylee. She was just learning to communicate. A little person...She deserved much more. And still does.

I hated visiting here tonight. It totally diminished by belief in justice and fairness. As always, when I've looked in on this circus dancing over the murder of an innocent child.

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