2010.04.20 No Tears from Ronald Cummings

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I don't think Haleigh was as sick as they said on Maury. I even read that rc blamed Crystal for the dr's appts and he said she wouldn't take her to get her necessary hormone shots...pure BS.

Those shots don't start till the age of seven, usually.

Haleigh's biggest health threat was her exposure to unrelenting tobacco and marijuana smoke.

and random opiates stashed here and there!
RC has given almost everyone enough lies, swagger and behavior to convict him. I have never been able to place him at the scene. rc is so full of himself and so over the top that he would behave the same way even if he wasn't involved.

I would love to be able to know his hours and his phone calls. He is slick. He was the first out of anyone to lawyer up but d#$m , they will not release his call records or his work hours..so I am at a loss to positively put him at the MH. I can't second guess LE anymore, as I feel they have gone overboard with their secrecy.

Thread title = no tears from Ronald; no tears for Ronald is my stance.
I think the tears were very real the day he fell to the grass. He was filled with regret and pain at the loss of his daughter. I honestly feel he has known from moment one what happened to Haleigh but drugs, associates of those drugs, illegal activities, etc. were his reasons for deflecting and covering. MC and her clan were used in all of this as pawns to take the suspicion off himself.

That being said, I'm sure LE has a lot more figured out than we have been able to make clear here over the past 14 months. I do believe justice will prevail for Haleigh in the end and ALL those involved will pay for their roles in this horrific case.
I believe that something happened with Haleigh before Ronald left for work. Just JMO.
I appreciate your stand on this nas. Withholding judgement is often a wise choice. But, I hardly call your post going out on a limb. To go out on a limb means to take a risk with your opinion. Seems to me you are playing it safe. And, like I said that may be a good thing. jmo

I think that I don't have the same opinions as others on this board in regards to his guilt or innocence. I'm sure there are many who do hold this same opinion but aren't very vocal about it.

And to some it may seem like I'm playing it safe by not stating my opinion, but I try to look at it like this: I'm not the higher power (or powers depending on faith or beliefs) so it's not my place to pass judgment on how one reacts to certain situations. I don't know what his motives may/may not be for doing whatever he does or does not do.

As far as taking a risk, well, I'm not much of a risk taker in real life. I always wear my seat belt, brush my teeth twice a day, and never leave the house without underwear on. I always hold on to the hand rail while going down the stairs, I always cross the street at the crosswalk when the sign signals that I can, and I moisturize often. The biggest risk I take is not wearing sunscreen while out in the sun or eating up until the time I go to bed.

Oh yeah, I live on the edge. You don't want any of this craziness I got up in here :rocker:
Well, I am one who believes that LE is after Ronald and are trying to get Misty, Tommy, or Joe to break. Misty, Tommy, and Joe are followers, not leaders. Ronald is the oldest among the group, the most controlling, and I think the leader.

I have seen the Misty's, Tommy's, and Joe's in my work (in the past) and know that they would be hard pressed to have an original idea among them. Ronald probably involved all of them and told them that if he goes down, they will go down with him, IMO.

That is just how I see it. I have always thought Ronald and Misty knew exactly what happened to Haleigh. Later, I had to include TN, GS, Tommy, Joe, Timmy, and most likely someone told Chelsea.

This is what I honestly think. Like I said in another thread tonight; if I am wrong, then I just need to be put out to pasture.

Thanks for posting this, glad to see you here again, I love your posts....

I agree with you 100%, I really believe TN knows what the hay is going on..her son got himself into a mess and she tried to fix it..JMO
I wonder how TN will handle it if it turns out her son is involved.
Well, I am one who believes that LE is after Ronald and are trying to get Misty, Tommy, or Joe to break. Misty, Tommy, and Joe are followers, not leaders. Ronald is the oldest among the group, the most controlling, and I think the leader.

I have seen the Misty's, Tommy's, and Joe's in my work (in the past) and know that they would be hard pressed to have an original idea among them. Ronald probably involved all of them and told them that if he goes down, they will go down with him, IMO.

That is just how I see it. I have always thought Ronald and Misty knew exactly what happened to Haleigh. Later, I had to include TN, GS, Tommy, Joe, Timmy, and most likely someone told Chelsea.

This is what I honestly think. Like I said in another thread tonight; if I am wrong, then I just need to be put out to pasture.

Oh I just read this LA and Scorpion's reply. So you both think TN is involved too? What makes you say that? I am just not so sure what I think.
RC has given almost everyone enough lies, swagger and behavior to convict him. I have never been able to place him at the scene. rc is so full of himself and so over the top that he would behave the same way even if he wasn't involved.

I would love to be able to know his hours and his phone calls. He is slick. He was the first out of anyone to lawyer up but d#$m , they will not release his call records or his work hours..so I am at a loss to positively put him at the MH. I can't second guess LE anymore, as I feel they have gone overboard with their secrecy.

Thread title = no tears from Ronald; no tears for Ronald is my stance.

I think to place him at the mh we'd have to know time of death and/or time of contributing factor to death.
I think to place him at the mh we'd have to know time of death and/or time of contributing factor to death.

His lawyer says he punched in for work around 5. He also states that Ron told him he got there around 4:15. Until we know any of that for a fact, we've got diddly on his "alibi" and unless they clear this man's alibi conclusively, he'll be a suspect.
Thanks for posting this, glad to see you here again, I love your posts....

I agree with you 100%, I really believe TN knows what the hay is going on..her son got himself into a mess and she tried to fix it..JMO

Ah, thank you, Scorpian.



****OOPS! I'm sorry, Kimster! I was posting as you gave the warning!
When I saw rc leave the police station last week, that is when it hit me how different he was. He is on medication (my opinion) and that is why we are not seeing the volatility and sneers of the past. He will lose his ability to squeeze out tears if he is on mood stabilizers. Contolling his mood by meds is my guess why we see him like this. I wonder if he will continue? Control Freaks are not known to take meds and stay on them. I predict his need to control will eventually take over and we will once again see him and his dramatics.

Meds could explain his puffy faced appearance. I'm going through that right now and trust me- it isn't pretty! Of course that's steroids but who knows :waitasec:

ETA I think him telling Shoey he needed to prepare for a funeral was classic Ron's dramatics. IMO
Oh I just read this LA and Scorpion's reply. So you both think TN is involved too? What makes you say that? I am just not so sure what I think.

Just as Scorpian stated - Ronald got into a mess and his mother tried to fix it - thereby involving herself. We all know just how quickly she arrived from wherever she lived. Way too quickly, IMO. And WITH a pic of Haleigh already!

If you have read Whisperers posts, she has been trying to find out just where the heck TN was living at the time. It is indeed a mystery as to how she got to the MH so quickly.


***Just saw your warning, Kimster.
Well, I am one who believes that LE is after Ronald and are trying to get Misty, Tommy, or Joe to break. Misty, Tommy, and Joe are followers, not leaders. Ronald is the oldest among the group, the most controlling, and I think the leader.

I have seen the Misty's, Tommy's, and Joe's in my work (in the past) and know that they would be hard pressed to have an original idea among them. Ronald probably involved all of them and told them that if he goes down, they will go down with him, IMO.

That is just how I see it. I have always thought Ronald and Misty knew exactly what happened to Haleigh. Later, I had to include TN, GS, Tommy, Joe, Timmy, and most likely someone told Chelsea.

This is what I honestly think. Like I said in another thread tonight; if I am wrong, then I just need to be put out to pasture.

I agree with everyone you included, i just want to add one more person
GMS was involved also:waitasec:
It is my opinion that rc and tn can both cry on que. They both had tears rolling down their face on Maury, as they told the world how sick Haleigh is with Turner's Syndrome.

I hope everyone realizes fake tears can be added for the TV cameras. It's standard Holllywood/TV practice. Especially on shows where they want tears for audience sympathy, they squirt artificial tears into their eyes. Both R & T had excessive tears that day, something we had never seen before and haven't seen since, except TN does have the appearance of crying at other times.

I also believe TN & GGS are trying to protect RC.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here.....

I'm not him, my kid isn't missing nor has she ever been, I don't live his life or have had to walk in his shoes. People react differently in different situations. I am going to keep my opinion to myself in regards to him because I'm not a judge of how people should act.

You know what nas? In RL, I am probably one of the most non-judgmental 50ish women that you could meet. Opinionated, yes..Judgmental, no. Prolly because of the times I grew up in, the paths that life took me on and the people from all walks of life that I have met along the way.. I have lost a child, so I do know that grief and like you, I know people handle things differently. That said..I can't deny what is glaring at me, I just can't..In my soul I believe that Ronald Cummings is acting..If I'm wrong by some slim chance, (imo) then there is something terribly wrong with this man..jmo...
I hope everyone realizes fake tears can be added for the TV cameras. It's standard Holllywood/TV practice. Especially on shows where they want tears for audience sympathy, they squirt artificial tears into their eyes. Both R & T had excessive tears that day, something we had never seen before and haven't seen since, except TN does have the appearance of crying at other times.

I also believe TN & GGS are trying to protect RC.

And it's not hard at all to cry at the drop of a hat if you're F'd Up. Believe me, I've seen and heard it more times than I care to remember..kind of like the drunk and the "I Love You Maaan, I REALLY love ya"..
His lawyer says he punched in for work around 5. He also states that Ron told him he got there around 4:15. Until we know any of that for a fact, we've got diddly on his "alibi" and unless they clear this man's alibi conclusively, he'll be a suspect.

debs, I saw a post of yours the other day, but I don't remember where..(I'm almost positive it was yours anyway) and I meant to go back and ask about it.

It was something about Jr not getting back to the MH that night until 8:00. I had never heard that before. Do you know where he was? and if he was at the MH when Ron supposedly left for work? I know Ron says that he told HaLeigh, Jr and Misty bye, but I can't figure out when Jr left and how he left and who brought him home.. TIA!
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