2010.04.20 No Tears from Ronald Cummings

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Well, I am one who believes that LE is after Ronald and are trying to get Misty, Tommy, or Joe to break. Misty, Tommy, and Joe are followers, not leaders. Ronald is the oldest among the group, the most controlling, and I think the leader.

I have seen the Misty's, Tommy's, and Joe's in my work (in the past) and know that they would be hard pressed to have an original idea among them. Ronald probably involved all of them and told them that if he goes down, they will go down with him, IMO.

That is just how I see it. I have always thought Ronald and Misty knew exactly what happened to Haleigh. Later, I had to include TN, GS, Tommy, Joe, Timmy, and most likely someone told Chelsea.

This is what I honestly think. Like I said in another thread tonight; if I am wrong, then I just need to be put out to pasture.


Thank you for that. It's the middle of the night, I can't sleep and I needed a good laugh.

Also, your last paragraph I really agree with, but what about Lindsay. Don't you think she knew something? tia
I noticed that too. The cameras were focusing on eyes, hands. I don't recall that being done with the high profile grieving parents we have seen in the past.

I remember that too, and I think at the time RC's hands had some cuts and bruises on them that we discussed here.
Just as Scorpian stated - Ronald got into a mess and his mother tried to fix it - thereby involving herself. We all know just how quickly she arrived from wherever she lived. Way too quickly, IMO. And WITH a pic of Haleigh already!

If you have read Whisperers posts, she has been trying to find out just where the heck TN was living at the time. It is indeed a mystery as to how she got to the MH so quickly.


***Just saw your warning, Kimster.


Do you think she is a "helicopter mom?"
When I saw rc leave the police station last week, that is when it hit me how different he was. He is on medication (my opinion) and that is why we are not seeing the volatility and sneers of the past. He will lose his ability to squeeze out tears if he is on mood stabilizers. Contolling his mood by meds is my guess why we see him like this. I wonder if he will continue? Control Freaks are not known to take meds and stay on them. I predict his need to control will eventually take over and we will once again see him and his dramatics.

Please be easy on me, this is my first post long time lurker. But I totally agree that Ron is on heavy duty meds. Not only the difference in emotions but the sudden weight gain. I know from experience about the weight gain. The original scene in the front yard always seemed fake & over the top. Now I'll go back to my seat in class & continue to just watch.
Please be easy on me, this is my first post long time lurker. But I totally agree that Ron is on heavy duty meds. Not only the difference in emotions but the sudden weight gain. I know from experience about the weight gain. The original scene in the front yard always seemed fake & over the top. Now I'll go back to my seat in class & continue to just watch.

Hi agentmojo, and welcome. Why do you think they have RC heavily medicated? I didn't think they were permitted to do that in jail. I thought they were detoxing him. Wouldn't the drugs be out of his system by now? tia
IMHO, the only person with any real intelligence in the whole motly crew is TN. She's been fixing RC's messes his whole life. For me, the first thing that solidified my belief that they are involved up to their eyeballs was the call from Misty to TN that she couldn't watch Haleigh. On the surface alone, when a babysitter says they are incapable of watching your child, what parent worth their title would insist that she does? Especially when there is a backup sitter available? Not one.
When one digs deeper, it begs the question, was that night different b/c Misty was back from a binge, or was that night different because Haleigh was in a coma and needed constant "watching." Why would TN say I'll watch her if it's ok with Ronald, and why would Ronald say no? Again, if the babysitter calls Grandma and says they are incapabale, what grandma doesn't fly over there? Not one.
And why would Ronald say no? Because Misty was already set up to be the one present if Haleigh died. All planned and executed by TN. Sykes wasn't sent there with laundry, she went to see if the account of Haleigh's condition was accurate, if she was "sleeping off" a drug OD, or if she was in a coma. Ron might not even have told Misty that Haleigh had eaten pills, might have just said she didn't feel well and was sleeping, but to watch her 24/7. That's why he called 90 times. Misty probably shut the phone off so she could sleep, having no idea Haleigh was in a coma. She probably woke to find her dead when Tommy arrived at Ron's insistance. Then Ron had them dispose of her, and stayed away till the deed was done, the house cleaned up, ready for him to arrive and call 911. I'll bet my *advertiser censored** that TN was there surveying the scene and orchastrating the coverup before Ron stepped in the door.
They only person bright enough to pull this off is TN. Ron is a bully, the enforcer, if you will, and he has learned how to read cues from TN. Who, btw, accompanied them on their original talk show appearances, to signal Ron to speak for Misty.
And yes, Ron is medicated to keep his mouth shut when TN can't tell him what to say.
Again, this is only my opinion.

Thank you for that. It's the middle of the night, I can't sleep and I needed a good laugh.

Also, your last paragraph I really agree with, but what about Lindsay. Don't you think she knew something? tia


Hi, 4Jacy!

I'm just not sure about Lindsay. According to an article I read (cannot remember which one), Lindsey gave LE permission to search the mobile home she had moved from and some yellow rope was found. I do not know how LE may have come to know there was yellow rope there, or if it is even true. Would Lindsay have let LE go there if she felt it would implicate Tommy?

I just don't know what to think about her, and do not know whether she would cover for the group if she knew anything. I do hope for her children's sake that she does not know anything.

They all seem pretty cold to me except Lindsy has a heart. She let her inlaws move in with she and Tommy when it seems they had no place to go.

But I have to agree with the title of this thread - NO TEARS FROM RONALD. He is a great actor, IMO, and I have never seen him when I felt he wasn't acting. Not real emotion and tears, IMO.

Susan Smith cried on camera, pleading with the kidnapper to bring her kids home. That is all I am going to say on this subject.
IMHO, the only person with any real intelligence in the whole motly crew is TN. She's been fixing RC's messes his whole life. For me, the first thing that solidified my belief that they are involved up to their eyeballs was the call from Misty to TN that she couldn't watch Haleigh. On the surface alone, when a babysitter says they are incapable of watching your child, what parent worth their title would insist that she does? Especially when there is a backup sitter available? Not one.
When one digs deeper, it begs the question, was that night different b/c Misty was back from a binge, or was that night different because Haleigh was in a coma and needed constant "watching." Why would TN say I'll watch her if it's ok with Ronald, and why would Ronald say no? Again, if the babysitter calls Grandma and says they are incapabale, what grandma doesn't fly over there? Not one.
And why would Ronald say no? Because Misty was already set up to be the one present if Haleigh died. All planned and executed by TN. Sykes wasn't sent there with laundry, she went to see if the account of Haleigh's condition was accurate, if she was "sleeping off" a drug OD, or if she was in a coma. Ron might not even have told Misty that Haleigh had eaten pills, might have just said she didn't feel well and was sleeping, but to watch her 24/7. That's why he called 90 times. Misty probably shut the phone off so she could sleep, having no idea Haleigh was in a coma. She probably woke to find her dead when Tommy arrived at Ron's insistance. Then Ron had them dispose of her, and stayed away till the deed was done, the house cleaned up, ready for him to arrive and call 911. I'll bet my *advertiser censored** that TN was there surveying the scene and orchastrating the coverup before Ron stepped in the door.
They only person bright enough to pull this off is TN. Ron is a bully, the enforcer, if you will, and he has learned how to read cues from TN. Who, btw, accompanied them on their original talk show appearances, to signal Ron to speak for Misty.
And yes, Ron is medicated to keep his mouth shut when TN can't tell him what to say.
Again, this is only my opinion.

BBM...I totally agree....JMO
From the beginning his " fake tears," and brutish talk to Police, Cameras and others seemed like a great piece of acting. There is just something unrealistic about his actions and demeanor that makes me believe he was indirectly involved with Haleighs disappearance.

I think his acting stunk! I never bought it ... still don't. "I" personally can see right through him.
Well, I am one who believes that LE is after Ronald and are trying to get Misty, Tommy, or Joe to break. Misty, Tommy, and Joe are followers, not leaders. Ronald is the oldest among the group, the most controlling, and I think the leader.

I have seen the Misty's, Tommy's, and Joe's in my work (in the past) and know that they would be hard pressed to have an original idea among them. Ronald probably involved all of them and told them that if he goes down, they will go down with him, IMO.

That is just how I see it. I have always thought Ronald and Misty knew exactly what happened to Haleigh. Later, I had to include TN, GS, Tommy, Joe, Timmy, and most likely someone told Chelsea.

This is what I honestly think. Like I said in another thread tonight; if I am wrong, then I just need to be put out to pasture.

I'll come with you ... but can we go to Ireland? :)
I have high suspicion of RC and have had since day 1. Most recently I was taken aback by the smug look during his departure from the SO the day they gathered the family. It was almost like a satisfied look. This look together with the fact that FH rec'd calls from both ToC and MC just 15 min apart, with her grandbabies spilling their guts, sort of makes me wonder if a lot of this is 'show' in an attempt to get info on RC. I can't seem to put the last pieces together (need more coffee) but can you imagine a scenario where this might be an appropriate strategy for LE?

Maybe LE wanted RC to believe that they had JO and ToC and MC. Are they hoping RC will slip up and say something that he shouldn't know? I'm feeling something is up with the big show with MC at the ramp, the phone calls to FH, etc...I just can't put it together.

We also never knew ToC was down at the boat ramp until LE wanted us to know. I think taking MC to the boat ramp was definitely a show for someone. It was quite obvious that they wanted that clip out on the airwaves.
Susan Smith cried on camera, pleading with the kidnapper to bring her kids home. That is all I am going to say on this subject.

Yes she did, but her voice belied her and her fake whiny crying was a HUGE red flag. Reminds me of someone else we know..:sick:..

Seriously, the affect of their voice was the same. Union County is close to where I live and I followed that case very closely..even though I felt that she was lying from the get-go, it still came as a HUGE shock when she confessed and was arrested...like someone punched me in the gut.. I'll NEVER forget watching them pull her car out of John D. Long lake with her precious baby boys still strapped in their car seats inside. :( Many of us were naive as to what parents CAN be capable of at that time, not anymore...

Not that it matters really, but for chits and giggles with a big helping of curiosity...Im going to find the video of her crying as well as Ron's to compare the 2. Or would that be too OT for this thread? IDK..
I have high suspicion of RC and have had since day 1. Most recently I was taken aback by the smug look during his departure from the SO the day they gathered the family. It was almost like a satisfied look. This look together with the fact that FH rec'd calls from both ToC and MC just 15 min apart, with her grandbabies spilling their guts, sort of makes me wonder if a lot of this is 'show' in an attempt to get info on RC. I can't seem to put the last pieces together (need more coffee) but can you imagine a scenario where this might be an appropriate strategy for LE?

Maybe LE wanted RC to believe that they had JO and ToC and MC. Are they hoping RC will slip up and say something that he shouldn't know? I'm feeling something is up with the big show with MC at the ramp, the phone calls to FH, etc...I just can't put it together.

We also never knew ToC was down at the boat ramp until LE wanted us to know. I think taking MC to the boat ramp was definitely a show for someone. It was quite obvious that they wanted that clip out on the airwaves.

I can imagine local LE has wanted Ron pinned for some time. Just b/c he ratted out a few people before does not mean LE doesn't want him right where he is, off the streets, and not selling drugs.
I can imagine local LE has wanted Ron pinned for some time. Just b/c he ratted out a few people before does not mean LE doesn't want him right where he is, off the streets, and not selling drugs.

You KNOW they did! He's an [unusual person]! Cops can't stand [unusual people]..

and really, I'm not calling names kimster...that's just the honest to goodness truth..imo of course..:)
You can't get satisfactory answers or responses from drug addicts or criminals. When people try to get deep, revelatory answers and meaningful conversations from them they are always disappointed. RC's behavior will never make sense to us. The thing is, if he didn't have an alibi, JO and ToC would have framed him a long time ago.
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