2010.04.21 Five Things I DO NOT believe...

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
5 things I do NOT believe

1. I don't believe at all that anyone has been threatened in this case. I don't for one second believe that Misty could be afraid of ratting out the "suspect" and not afraid of selling drugs while being involved in a high profile case knowing people are watching..:waitasec:

2. I do not believe that Ron is responsible in the disappearance or cover up. With proof, I can be persuaded though..

3. I do not believe that Ron being arrested for selling drugs is the complete truth.

4. I do not believe this has anything to do with a gun, nor drugs!

5. I do not believe Joe is involved in any way.

Double high five on number one!!!
5 things I do NOT believe.

1. That Hank SR is NOT involved.
2. That Lisa is NOT involved.
3. That Misty comitted "the deed"..
4. That Misty knows where baby H is... I beleive she is saying what she was told to say...I don't even think Misty was really with Heiligh that night... I think baby H was babysat by gram Lisa...Misty was off doing what Misty does best..partying it up...
5. That the 2 croslin brothers are the masterminds ... they are also puppets.... for the person who done "the deed".

Whoa!!! Your take is completely different from most others I've read since the beginning. I wish you'd elaborate (in another thread, maybe) on your theories. I just never put Hank and Lisa directly into the mix because Hank was in the hospital at the time. I've been iffy on what they knew from the beginning but didn't think they're directly involved, but one never knows. Thanks for the new theories.

I DO NOT believe:

1) Anyone connected to this case (Croslin, Cummings, Neves, Sykes).

2) TN DID NOT have knowledge earlier, long before the 911 call.

3) Anyone is telling the truth about their involvement or knowledge after the fact.

4) Cousin Joe is THE culprit. (He's the scapegoat.)

5) Ronald married Misty "to keep his enemies closer".
How many turns do we get? LOL

1. Tommy didn't send LE to search the Mondex
2. TN has ever played the role of Mother or Grandmother
3. Mexicans retalliated against Ron by taking Haleigh
4. Ron loved Misty the way Misty loved Ron
5 It will be long before we hear NAMES (who,why,what,when)

Ok I'll stop....
I'm answering without looking at everyone's posts first.

1) I don't believe Haleigh missed school that last day. Early in the case I chatted with someone on MS whose child was Haleigh's classmate and she said Haleigh was at school.

2) I don't believe Misty has told the truth to anyone (including her grandma) and the only people who know the truth are the ones who were there when Haleigh died. :(

3) I don't believe PCSO has done a poor job of investigating this case.

4) I don't believe Donna Brock was "going undercover to find Haleigh". I think she had a drug problem and found a way to get drugs.

5) I don't believe Misty loved Haleigh at all. I believe she was very jealous of the attention Haleigh got from Ron.
1. I don't believe the story about getting mad and killing Haleigh over a gun

2. I don't believe that the brothers wives don't know what happened.

3. I don't believe it was over a fight that Misty went off and slept with at least
two drug dealers.

4. I don't believe Haleigh was thrown into water.

5. I don't believe much of anything that anyone involved says, even the tv
show experts with tips.

6. I don't believe Haleigh died of any accidental overdose.
I Do NOT Believe:

1. Ron is innocent
2. LE is NOT on to him (no way, they are looking at him)
3. Tommy killed Haleigh, may have moved her
4. Joe killed Haleigh, may possibly have moved her
5. ....oh yeah & Misty is the key to the lock.
1. I don't believe RC has been cleared by LE. I believe they may be saying that to rouse a reaction from MC, ToC, JO, and even RC himself.

2. That MC concocted this whole story. She was told by someone (probably RC) what to say and stick to the story.

3. That Haleigh was taken from the mh still alive. I believe she had already 'passed' by the time ToC & JO appeared.

4. That MC has EVER told ANYONE the complete truth about what actually happened to little Haleigh. This girl could lie her way out a Ziplock baggie! I don't think she KNOWS how to tell the truth.

5. I don't believe that LE doesn't have a clear and concise scenario of what happened that night. I believe they do and just need to gather more info (preferably from each of them) to nail all of these 'people'.
1) I do not believe that Ron married Misty to keep his 'enemies' close OR because that's what Haleigh wanted.

2) I do not believe that RC has been cleared by LE in the slightest

3) I do not believe that Ron and Misty's "divorce" was real at all

4) I do not believe this case is cold. I believe its hotter than ever and will be solved and very soon.

5) I do not believe that I haven't developed a serious drinking problem after following this case. :drink: :crazy:

*Thanks for this thread. I wish you would have made it the 39839847 things we don't believe.* :angel:
Bolded by me
Where do I put it?

Whoa!!! Your take is completely different from most others I've read since the beginning. I wish you'd elaborate (in another thread, maybe) on your theories. I just never put Hank and Lisa directly into the mix because Hank was in the hospital at the time. I've been iffy on what they knew from the beginning but didn't think they're directly involved, but one never knows. Thanks for the new theories.

I DO NOT believe:

1) Anyone connected to this case (Croslin, Cummings, Neves, Sykes).

2) TN DID NOT have knowledge earlier, long before the 911 call.

3) Anyone is telling the truth about their involvement or knowledge after the fact.

4) Cousin Joe is THE culprit. (He's the scapegoat.)

5) Ronald married Misty "to keep his enemies closer".
5 THINGS I DO NOT BELIEVE: 1. LE disregarded that dumpster hit. 2.LE is convinced of Ron's innocence. 3. Tommy was involved only in the disposal. 3. Ron passed a poly, (& I actually have a reason for thinking this, besides gut. 4. PDM fired Ron for abandonment. 5. Ron was involved in the undercover sting operations. There are more, but these are the 1st 5 that came to mind.

I'm not giving you a hard time, just curious...
Can you elaborate
on #1 - do you think they found something?
#3 - your reason other than gut
#4 - do you think they fired him for falsifying time cards / failing a drug test given after all this transpired / or some other reason?

I dont believe number 2 either, something told me that was a cover...

If you agree with my #2, then you also agree with my #3..
And I can assure you GGMS would not cover for Misty or any of the Croslins, it would have to have been she made up that story to cover for someone in her own family...JMO
I don't want anyone to think I'm ignoring this thread, but I've got 256 items I'm trying to narrow down to a TOP FIFTY and make ten posts, LOL
1. I don't believe at all that anyone has been threatened in this case

BBM. In reference to the above...

The LVA test revealed Misty has been threatened eventhough she claimed on her LVA test she had never been threatened.... An LDT was given to Misty to see if it was cousin Jo who had threatened her.. The LDT revealed Cousin Jo did not threaten her... She lied about JO threatening her..JMO
Five things I do not believe...

1. That everything I hear on Nancy Grace is true.
2. That Ron is innocent in all this.
3. That there is only 1 person responsible for what happened.
4. That one day the people who know the truth will give it up and tell the truth about what happened. (they will continue to blame others to save their *advertiser censored*)
5. That a father who is a good father will leave their young vulnerable children with a drugged out teenage.

1) I do NOT believe RC was involved with the disappearance of Haleigh.

2) I do NOT believe MC is innocent in whatever demise Haleigh met.

3) I do NOT believe MC is smart enough to have gotten rid of a body by herself.

4) I do NOT feel LE has done a poor job but rather that they are doing the best they
can to resolve this matter when EVERY player lies like most of us breath.

5) I do NOT believe anyone involved has told the truth about what happened that night.
1. I don't believe that the timeline Misty provided is accurate or that Haleigh "disappeared" after 10 p.m.

2. I don't believe that Ron was responsible for either Haleigh's death or a cover-up of her death.

3. I don't believe that anyone other than Misty, Tommy and Joe are involved in Haleigh's death.

4. I don't believe that Misty, Tommy or Joe would cover up a murder for Ron or anyone else while pointing fingers at each other.

5. I don't believe that I will ever figure out why Ron married Misty.
TY PG this thread is giving me a lot of food for thought! :)
Bolded by me
Where do I put it?

You can begin a new thread with your ideas. Something like "Hank and Lisa in on it too?" I don't know. I'm not good with beginning threads.

This really is a thought-filled thread. Good one, Papa. Thanks. If Misty is the key, is Ronald the lock?

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