2010.04.21 If it's Ron, why won't they talk?

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JVM says they did a little research today and found out Ronald was cleared by LE, is not a suspect. Wonder who they talked to?
And of course, we have to remember... all this time, LE said Joe O. was cleared and was not a suspect, too.
Who's next? The A/C guy? He was cleared very early on, IIRC.
Well, it can't be me. I've never been to Florida, I swear!

I believe her "research" came when she, (JVM) was on the panel, on the Mike Galanos show and they talked to Marlaina Schiavo, and Marlaina declared (AGAIN :banghead:) that RC had been "cleared", and that his phone calls have all checked out.

Wow, you people are something else. LOL

I"m going to bed. Have fun pointing fingers, hopefully someday they aren't being pointed at you.
My understanding it is the same woman who was writing love letters to Joran Van Der Sloot...I wonder how TN hooked up with her and WHY? All just my opinion..

Oh for pete's sake. Really? I need to put a mattress under my computer chair because I keep falling out of my chair this week!
I tend to believe Ron didn't "do it" himself. I just think he knew what happened and didn't want it to come out.

But as a sleuthing exercise, as we are meant to do here, I'd say:

IF Ron did it, and IF the others haven't squealed on him, I can think of three big reasons for their silence:

1. Squealing on Ron would mean admitting to aiding and abetting.

It now appears that at least Tommy has admitted to that much, so why would he not squeal on Ron, IF Ron did it?

2. Only Misty knows what actually happened. (IF Ron did it, I would fully expect him to leave for work as an alibi and tell her not to tell anyone who helped hide things what actually happened. He may have instructed her to warn them not to ask questions for their own sakes, or threatened to expose them for something else.)

3. I would definitely fear his revenge. From all I've read, I believe Ron has a reputation for having dangerous friends and maybe family, some in and out of jail. My biggest fear about going to jail or prison would be of being shanked under just such a scenario.
I would not feel safe from revenge, anywhere.....

Muffet, Let's not over look how many times he's gotten out of crimes.
so I'll list number four as:
4. Possibly... Connections/Friends in high places, or in LE...jmo
Bolded by me: If that were true, then where is Haleigh? If they were all stoned/drunk, how could they do such a good job in getting 'completely' rid of her?

Excellent question....But, after all this time - wouldn't one of those loose lips let something slip and spill their guts? Just another of the many strange things about this case and I don't pretend to have the answers.

The simplistic thought may be that they just dumped her somewhere and no one has stumbled onto her remains. I really don't know.
Doesn't sound like the police have cleared him when even his lawyer says he is at the top of the list then moved to the bottom of what a 3 or 4 person list? Still you can't even believe that because his lawyer does lie. No wonder people don't point fingers when everyone keeps pretending that Ron is the great guy who LE has cleared.


Aired September 8, 2009

GRACE: Do you believe that law enforcement has officially cleared your client, Ronald Cummings, of anything to do with her disappearance?

SHOEMAKER: Well, it`s kind of a tough situation to say they`ve officially cleared him 100 percent. When we met with law enforcement last week, they basically said they moved him from, you know, top of the list to the bottom of the list.

GRACE: Got it.
Wow, you people are something else. LOL

I"m going to bed. Have fun pointing fingers, hopefully someday they aren't being pointed at you.

If fingers are being pointed, there's probably a reason or another. It isn't because Ron's a choir boy.

If Ron were to be CLEARED by LE, I would be thrilled. And so would many of the people here- it would give us something else to move on to. we are well aware that LE holds back facts from us and hold a lot of creedence in the word of the law. If they were to give us the go-ahead that Ronald Cumming was cleared in the disappearance of his daughter, it would eliminate a suspect. Hell, if they would eliminate ANYONE at this point I would be ecstatic.

I am not eager to point the finger at Ron because he is who he is- I am not eager to point fingers at anyone. If you read any of my posts, I am almost reluctant to do so at all really. But I can't rule out anyone. There is a little girl at stake here. And these are people that most likely I would live next door to and I would have talked to at least a few times a week seeing them outside. I feel like a responsible part of society and I can't escape that.

So feel like you want, but I'll sit here in my trailer park in Texas and when I move, it'll most likely be to a trailer park in a small town in south Alabama. I still won't point fingers, but I'll be aware.
Pointing fingers can ruin lives. We all know the families of the victims come here and read these threads. And while a little bit of discussion about a possible person of interest is great, the many threads discussing the guilt of Ron Cummings are not little discussions. There are numerous people here posting as if he WAS involved and coming up with these theories that are so far out there it's not even funny. I wasn't here when the Jessica Lunsford case was going on but did you accuse her father as well? Put yourself in his shoes. What effect did the finger pointing have on him? When a parent who has NOT been named a suspect or person of interest, a parent who has actually been cleared of wrongdoing is discussed in no fewer than 10 different threads that point to him as murdering his own daughter. I think it's wrong and I think it should be stopped. How would you feel if your 5 year old were missing or murdered and people were pointing the finger at you? I know how I would feel and it WOULD matter. You have called Ron a POI, well maybe he is to you but to LE he is NOT. It wasn't him who was at the dock with the police, it was him who was with his family being told about the change to the case. It was him who was told to prepare for a funeral.

Alright, I'm done. I doubt anything I've said will make a difference but I have to try, respectfully. I'm a do unto others kind of person.
Well, I'll try to answer your post fairly. If they want the finger pointing to stop, they know what they can do to make it all go away. Tell everything they know. & that goes for all of the illegal stuff before Haleigh came up missing. Ron barely left Misty's side for a year. Surely he learned something. That's why he married her, remember? He can give a reasonable explanation for the dead rat, & he can explain his warning to Misty about Donna Brock. If Ron wants to be seen as a blame free man, he has a lot of explaining to do. Hank & Lisa seem to think the cops are out to get them. Well, if there's no reason for LE's scrutiny, they can speak up. Every one of their kids is being talked about, wondered about & suspected. Hank & Lisa can tell what they know. & they DO know something, otherwise why all of the tiptoeing around them? That family is too close, for those 2 to be in the dark. Teresa can explain all of her sickening adoration of Misty & explain in 'real people's' terms, why she harbored the key to this case. & the same goes for anybody else who's sick of having fingers pointed @ them. Just tell the truth.
IMHO.. RC and MC were the ONLY two present when the incident occurred, however I'm still on the fence as to whether or not Misty knows exactly where Haleigh was taken, by whom or how her remains were disposed of...JMO..

I agree that RC and Mc were there when it happened, but I also believe TN knows what happened and is part of the coverup. She got there too quickly not to have known sooner than she is saying she did.
What if Ron is completely innocent? What if he is just a grieving father? I'm sorry guys, I know you all like to discuss things like this and come to your conclusions etc... I really think a mod on this board should step up and stop the Ron bashing. LE hasn't named him as a person of interest in this case and there has been no reputable media reports that say that he is under any suspicion so why drag his name through the mud until you have some proof that he was involved? Why are the mods on websleuths allowing this? This case is VERY confusing and can make one do a lot of finger pointing, but IMO it's just gotten a bit out of hand. There are so many threads that are talking about how Ron was involved, too many.


I understand exactly what you are saying BobbieDoll but I have a different take on Ron and discussing him.

Everyone is saying Ron has been cleared by the police. Have the police actually said this?

Ron is a drug dealer and drugs may be the driving force in what happened to Haleigh.

Ron has many unanswered questions about him in this case.

We have now seen just how far LE will go to manipulate the truth to try and get people to talk ( which I see nothing wrong with by the way) could it be, like others have suggested, part of LE's plan is to make Ron think he is safe?

*Ron was dating an underage girl and she is a girl who had been on a huge drug binge the night before.

* According to sources Misty did not want to babysit Haleigh that night.
She was forced to. Misty even tried to get Ron's mom to babysit if I am not mistaken.

*What about 90 calls to the house the night Haleigh went missing? If he was so worried why did he stop at the store to get a few things before heading home?

*Ron left his children in the hands of a girl who was coming down if not still really high, from a drug binge. That in itself begs the question why.

There are too many unanswered questions connected to Ron to stop the discussion about him.

Remember in the Scott Peterson case? Scott's parents were not the ones who killed Lacy but yet I allowed discussion of their behavior because their behavior was so outrages that it could not be ignored.

Same with Cindy Anthony.

Same with Ron.

Everyone is required to follow TOS. No name calling of Ron. None.

Yes, he may very well be innocent but his behavior, his drug dealing, his threats of killing people, his choosing of girls under the age of 18 to have relationships with, lead me as owner, to allow the discussion of Ron and whether he is or is not involved.

(notice I am leaving everything that Misty's grandma said out of this post)
I have never thought Ron was directly involved..However he sure had the power to prevent it..All the drugs,shacking up with a juvenile fresh off a drug weekend,,He knew about her questionably including her family,yet he left two innocent children in her care..Why did the grandmothers not take them home? I sure would have..so many what ifs.
Tommy's not talking because he was recruited after the fact and doesn't know the whole story. Same for Joe.

Misty's not talking because she can't implicate Ron without implicating herself, and she's not ready to come clean.

In the VSA, when Misty was asked if Ron was involved, she answers no. The examiner stops right away and tells her that the test shows she is "unsure".
ETA: I've edited the above statement. Here is a link to the VSA. They question is asked at about 10:40.
If Ronald did it, I have a new theory as to why no one will talk. If my theory is right, I don't blame them! I thought Timmy and Chelsea moved to get away from Law Enforcement because of Timmy's possible involvement in the "death or kidnapping" of Haleigh. I no longer believe this. I think it's entirely possible that Ronald has threatened not only the players, but the children of the players. I remember a video of Chelsea, where she told a reporter that she was moving, because she wanted to be in a safer place for her children. I need to review the videos to find it, and that might take a while. I can see Ronald telling Tommy and Timmy, that they better believe, if they rat him out, he would kill their kids. I can see him saying, if I can kill my own daughter and feed her to the alligators, I'd have no problem doing it to your kids. We have to remember, that LE has led us all to believe that Ron is not a suspect. That he has an air tight alibi, (work) and that he is the only one that has passed a polygraph. Under these circumstances, I know I wouldn't say anything! My kids safety would come before anything in the world. He has Misty, that is now an accomplice, lying for him against her family in numerous occasions. She lied about finding the gun at Tommy's house. She lied about CJ's road rage incident. She lied about the fight at GGM'S house and blamed not only Tommy, but her own Mom and Dad. (filed charges against all of them, along with restraining orders) She lied about Ratgate. (the threat to Tommy, to keep his mouth shut) I can't help but wonder if Ronald has planted evidence to implicate Timmy, Tommy or Joe. How do we know that van wasn't damaged on purpose to point the finger in Timmy or Joe's direction? Rope found at Tommy's house that matches rope on the cinder blocks. I think Shell Harbor was staged to appear to be the dumping site, but it's just a red herring, and probably staged days or weeks after the fact. (Misty with a black plastic bag) Sure is convenient that Cousin Joe mentioned it was a good place to get rid of a body. If they only find blocks and rope, it's because the alligators got her. NOT!

Ron Cummings has been locked up behind bars for months. I would have easier time believing this if he were still out free to roam the streets of Satsuma. Therefor it being possible for him to harm anyone... But clearly thats not the case. So, you know these inmature, selfish, criminal minds of MC and ESPECIALLY ToC would be blabbing, the minute that jail cell of Ron's slammed shut, with a bond no less,thats COMPLETELY impossible for the entire Cummings clan to even have a small percentage with all their life savings combined could ever even dream of putting up(and thats even if any of them were unselfish enough to even contribute to his unreachable bond amt.), Those 2 Croslins would have "rolled" on Ron Cummings the very second they knew he was locked up for any decent amt of time. ESPECIALLY TOMMMY! (I could see those who think MCs undying devotion for Ron would keep her quiet, but come on, you really think even Misty would sacrifice her ENTIRE LIFE, to spend it with atleast Life, possibly DP, while Ron Cummings got off scott free)No Way, Jose! Not even her twisted, inmature, undying love she has for Cummings would she EVEN stand for that! And Tommy has hated Ron way before any of this ever happened so what would he be continuing to cover for Ron for? With Ron locked up, he COULDN'T follow thru with any threats of harm to their kids, even if he wanted to. He's not escaping, and this isnt some type of movie plot where he's got all kinds of "connections" on the "outside" that are just waiting to get Cummings "word" to go "knock off" innocent babies. This is just not even a remote possibility. Not in the very least considering RC is behind bars and hasnt been going anywhere for quite sometime. ToC would be telling EVERYONE&ANYONE that would listen to him. No way would he sacrifice his entire life, for what? A 's sick threat? That is now locked away, with absolutely no way of following thru with ANY threat.
Of course. as with all posts here at WS, it is MOO!
Tommy's not talking because he was recruited after the fact and doesn't know the whole story. Same for Joe.

Misty's not talking because she can't implicate Ron without implicating herself, and she's not ready to come clean.

In at least one examination, when Misty was asked if Ron was responsible and if Ron knew what happened to Haleigh, her answers showed a high degree of deception. I can look for the link, but the results have been posted many times and by now should be common knowledge.
Also, I noticed on the voice test, (part 2), that someone posted the other day, Misty @ 1st said she had 4 suspects in mind. When she starts naming them, she changes her answer to 3. That didn't look phony to my untrained eye. When she's naming the suspects, it looks, again to my untrained eye, that she's about to form the letter R & catches herself. So, I think she suspects Ron-@ least to a degree.
Tommy's not talking because he was recruited after the fact and doesn't know the whole story. Same for Joe.

Misty's not talking because she can't implicate Ron without implicating herself, and she's not ready to come clean.

In at least one examination, when Misty was asked if Ron was responsible and if Ron knew what happened to Haleigh, her answers showed a high degree of deception. I can look for the link, but the results have been posted many times and by now should be common knowledge.

Excellent post! and ITA!!!!

Ron Cummings has been locked up behind bars for months. I would have easier time believing this if he were still out free to roam the streets of Satsuma. Therefor it being possible for him to harm anyone... But clearly thats not the case. So, you know these inmature, selfish, criminal minds of MC and ESPECIALLY ToC would be blabbing, the minute that jail cell of Ron's slammed shut, with a bond no less,thats COMPLETELY impossible for the entire Cummings clan to even have a small percentage with all their life savings combined could ever even dream of putting up(and thats even if any of them were unselfish enough to even contribute to his unreachable bond amt.), Those 2 Croslins would have "rolled" on Ron Cummings the very second they knew he was locked up for any decent amt of time. ESPECIALLY TOMMMY! (I could see those who think MCs undying devotion for Ron would keep her quiet, but come on, you really think even Misty would sacrifice her ENTIRE LIFE, to spend it with atleast Life, possibly DP, while Ron Cummings got off scott free)No Way, Jose! Not even her twisted, inmature, undying love she has for Cummings would she EVEN stand for that! And Tommy has hated Ron way before any of this ever happened so what would he be continuing to cover for Ron for? With Ron locked up, he COULDN'T follow thru with any threats of harm to their kids, even if he wanted to. He's not escaping, and this isnt some type of movie plot where he's got all kinds of "connections" on the "outside" that are just waiting to get Cummings "word" to go "knock off" innocent babies. This is just not even a remote possibility. Not in the very least considering RC is behind bars and hasnt been going anywhere for quite sometime. ToC would be telling EVERYONE&ANYONE that would listen to him. No way would he sacrifice his entire life, for what? A 's sick threat? That is now locked away, with absolutely no way of following thru with ANY threat.
Of course. as with all posts here at WS, it is MOO!

I don't think for a second that Ron strikes fear in the hearts of all who come across him. I have had and still do, have a hard time rationalizing the behaviors he has shown, even considering the drug use.

I quoted Bessie, because I think her posts pretty much sums up what I feel. I think Misty did call someone that night for help, I'm not so sure her "help" had any idea "who dun it", only what they were told.

Authorities Searching for Florida Girl Notified of Missing Sex Offender

Police searching for missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings were notified about a missing Florida sex offender, but stopped short of calling the man a suspect in the girl's disappearance, Ocala.com reports.

Chad Eugene Reynolds, 25, was last seen Feb. 1 leaving his mother's home in Ochlawaha, Fla. — about two hours from Haleigh's home — police said. He was reported missing on Feb. 4.

Reynolds was sentenced in Putnum County — the same county where Haleigh was reported missing Feb. 10 — to seven years in prison for armed burglary and lewd and lascivious molestation of a child younger than 12. The incident happened in September of 2002.


Back in the beginning some were looking at Chad as a possible POI, myself included. What if he was a victim and Haleigh's abduction/murder was retaliation for Chad going missing? I was looking up Chad's records and he was charged with:

Lewd or lascivious molestation victim under 12 years offender 18 or older; F.S. 800.04(5)(b)

and this occurred in 2002 according to the link above in Fessel's quote. The girl was 11. Misty would have been 10 in 2002, I don't know her DOB but could she have turned 11 by the end of that year? I guess you see where I am going here. If Ronald or ToC or TiC (or all 3) got a hold of Chad, (assuming Misty was the girl he had molested) and he was shot with RC's gun (there was lots of hinkiness with his gun) and Haleigh was taken because of that by a friend or relative of Chad's that knew what happened to him it could explain why none of them are talking. If it is found out who took/killed Haleigh then it might lead to a murder conviction for Ron, ToC and/or TiC in the missing Chad case. This theory actually explains a lot of things in my head that I haven't been able to make sense of.

Sorry if this is O/T and needs to be moved, it is a possible explanation on why they won't talk but not in the case of if it is Ron who killed Haleigh so I thought it might be ok here.
Jessigirl, LP has talked about bailing every last one of them out of jail. If Ronald had been found guilty and given 25 years, I could agree with you, but so far that isn't the case. The reality is, he could be on the streets tomorrow. If this man murdered his own daughter, I think he is capable of murdering someone else's child. He did say if he found out Misty had anything to do with his daughter's disappearance, he would shoot her in the back of the head, and then he said he would put the gun in his own mouth and pull the trigger. That statement scared Tim Miller enough that he told Misty to get away from Ron. Evidently, Tim Miller believes he's capable of such things.
Jessigirl, LP has talked about bailing every last one of them out of jail. If Ronald had been found guilty and given 25 years, I could agree with you, but so far that isn't the case. The reality is, he could be on the streets tomorrow. If this man murdered his own daughter, I think he is capable of murdering someone else's child. He did say if he found out Misty had anything to do with his daughter's disappearance, he would shoot her in the back of the head, and then he said he would put the gun in his own mouth and pull the trigger. That statement scared Tim Miller enough that he told Misty to get away from Ron. Evidently, Tim Miller believes he's capable of such things.

Oh? I was under the impression that TM commiserated with Ron about being the father of a missing child.
Excellent post! and ITA!!!!

I don't think for a second that Ron strikes fear in the hearts of all who come across him. I have had and still do, have a hard time rationalizing the behaviors he has shown, even considering the drug use.

I quoted Bessie, because I think her posts pretty much sums up what I feel. I think Misty did call someone that night for help, I'm not so sure her "help" had any idea "who dun it", only what they were told.


I understand what you're both saying but I really don't see Misty taking the complete fall for it all, especially now as LE says she knows she's in trouble. But I beliieve there are so many different ways this went down, but its my opinion that ron isnt directly involved in her murder or any cover up(Do i believe that he is responsible by having an extremely selfish, extremely risky lifestyle, and that because of that indirectly he bears responsibilty of this occuring to his child? Absolutely) But directly harming or covering? NO. Its my opinion and its what I still feel, but am perfectly capable of admitting when am wrong. So, when we FINALLY are able to SEE LE's "hand" and all the chips fall where they may,and indeed I'm wrong, I'll put my Big Girl Panties on and admit full well I was dead wrong when it came to Ron's direct involvement. I want justice served in precious Haleigh's behalf and that goes for whoever it is that took this beautiful young childs life, I want each and every one involved to pay to fullest extent that Florida's laws allow!!!! That my opinion will NEVER change BOUT.

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