2010.04.21 If it's Ron, why won't they talk?

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Oh? I was under the impression that TM commiserated with Ron about being the father of a missing child.

I was under this same exact impression. I never heard TM ever allude to him believing Ron was capable of killing his daughter. Capable of killing Misty, if found that she killed his daughter? Absolutely, I believe TM believed RC would do that, as RC has said from day 1 that he would do from day 1. TM never implied he thought any such thing about RC killing Haleigh, as matter of fact, after the incident your speaking of the reason TM said Misty needs to get away for a while is because TM had felt/has felt that Misty was directly involved with Haleighs murder and thats exactly what TM was trying to crack the info from Misty ABOUT... TM believing RC words about that he'd kill who'd done this to Haleigh is NO WHERE NEAR TM believing RC was capable of killing his daughter, nor having ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT. 2 COMPLETELY different beliefs. COMPLETELY different!
I think the reason no one will talk is because they are all involved. I think that Ron or Misty gave Haleigh Oxy's to make her more managable while Ron was at work, and Misty came off her three day binge. I think Haleigh died as a result, and Misty, Tommy and Timmy all disposed of Haleigh. I think Tommy was high and Ron and Misty supplied his drugs and told him he would be cut off if they got arrested I think the same about Timmy or Timmy could have simply tried to help his sister from going to jail, and in the process helped Ron.
Fear of RC does not really make sense to me as a reason to stay silent. What can he do that is worse than murder charges? Once he was free as a bird maybe but now that he is in jail he can't do anything immediately and supposing he's really involved he might be going away for a really long time so it severely limits his options of revenge. Just make sure you don't end up in the same prison with him and his pals and you would be pretty safe, I think. (OK so staying out of prison might be an impossible task for some of these people but they can always move to maximise their chances of ending up in a different prison.) Unless he's got gang members who are ready to dispense his fury I expect that people would be safe from him if they have enough information to put him in prison for a few decades. If they don't have enough to convict him then maybe it would make sense to stay silent.
What you say is very interesting to me. We've heard some horrible stories about the way Ron treated his girlfriends, & I wondered why the girls stuck around, & I had an aha! moment. Ron must've been a real charmer & a sweet, sweet talker. When I heard him talking to his new gf on the jail tape, that was proved, @ least to me. He was smooooth. But why so many adult women fall for that, IDK.

The only adult women I can think of that are fooled by Ron are his mother, and NG, the other "women" in his live are very young, so of course he can fool them with his so called sweet talk, sadly they don't know any better.
Pat Brown, Criminal Profiler's thoughts on what RC is capable of.


There is an ongoing debate among people following the Haleigh Cummings murder as to what Ronald Cummings is capable of. Some think he is manipulated by Misty Croslin, his ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, maybe still girlfriend, drug dealing associate --- and that while he talked a tough game about killing those who "stole his daughter", he is really just a blowheart, a wannabe bully. Others think he is quite capable of violence.

In the comment section of my last blog post, Linda Parris pointed out some of the threats Ron has made toward other people. She offered these examples:

"Hank Croslin Jr., Misty Cummings brother, told deputies that one of his neighbors saw Ron Cummings put something (it was a decapitated rat) in his mailbox around midnight." "Cummings allegedly told him that he would “get back” at him. He said that Ron owned guns and he feared the dead rat was a sign that Cummings was going to kill him. Croslin told the deputies that he wanted charges filed."

And it has been reported by Tim Miller that Ron said he would "blow the teeth out of the back of Misty's head" if she betrayed him.

Now, let's think about that last ideation; Ronald is visualizing picking up a shotgun, aiming it at Misty, and blowing her head off. So? Haven't we all at one time or another visualized doing something to someone but know we would never do it?

Actually, this is not really true. We have a hard time visualizing anything which is not within our psyche to carry out under some circumstance or other.

For example, would you be willing to shoot somebody? If I think about that question myself (and I do own two weapons, a 9mm and a 38 that I keep for protection), I can say, yes, I can actually see myself pulling the trigger. I have run that fantasy through my head. Do I visualize shooting my ex because he ticked me off? No, that has never crossed my mind and it creeps me out to even force myself to bring up such a thought; I simply can't even put myself in this scenario with a gun, not even as a threat of some sort, not even brought along with me to some location he might be at.

Can I visualize going after someone who is harassing and stalking me and threatening them with a pointed gun and telling them to stop? No. I can't bring the picture up.

BUT, I can bring up two scenarios in which I can actually see myself, like a video on my television set, pulling out my gun and blasting away until my target is dead, dead, dead. One scenario involves waking up in the night and seeing a rapist breaking through my bedroom door. I see myself grabbing the gun and firing every round into him until he is no longer a threat. The other scenario involves a rapist attacking my child. Same action taken; I shoot until he is dead, dead, dead.

In an exercise I use in training, I ask people to imagine what they would do if they came home and find their significant other having sex with someone else in their bed. After an initial stubbornness to tell anyone what they think, they finally give up their imagined action. Some say they would just turn and walk away. Some say they would scream insanely at the two of them. Some say they would throw things. Some say they would punch out their mate but leave the lover alone. Some say they would shoot them. And my guess is they might well carry out what they visualize unless fear of going to jail or some strong self-control mechanism kicks in and says, "Don't do it."

So, if Ronald did say he would blow away Misty if she screwed him over and intimated he would cut the head off of Tommy if he ratted him out, I would believe him.

If you have a spouse, boyfriend or a girlfriend, a coworker or family member that expresses some violent ideation, take them seriously. They may never carry it out if they don't get overwhelmed with failure or have a serious affront to their ego, but , if they do, you may find them standing in front of you with a weapon and totally willing to pull their index finger back..
Excellent post! and ITA!!!!

I don't think for a second that Ron strikes fear in the hearts of all who come across him. I have had and still do, have a hard time rationalizing the behaviors he has shown, even considering the drug use.

I quoted Bessie, because I think her posts pretty much sums up what I feel. I think Misty did call someone that night for help, I'm not so sure her "help" had any idea "who dun it", only what they were told.


I too believe this is the case.
I'm with Emma, just sitting here watching the action, although my feet are firmly planted one one side of that fence.
I think the reason no one will talk is because they are all involved. I think that Ron or Misty gave Haleigh Oxy's to make her more managable while Ron was at work, and Misty came off her three day binge. I think Haleigh died as a result, and Misty, Tommy and Timmy all disposed of Haleigh. I think Tommy was high and Ron and Misty supplied his drugs and told him he would be cut off if they got arrested I think the same about Timmy or Timmy could have simply tried to help his sister from going to jail, and in the process helped Ron.
I have to agree with you here, I can't come up with any other reason for this kind of silence. It would be different if they were not in jail, but they have to be very motivated to give information by now, no matter who it implicates.

I think a slightly lesser part of the fear is Ron himself. Put the threats together with his choice of "friends", people who are younger, weaker than he is and you have the makings for a bully. I feel Ron is a bully with every ounce of my being. Once you are exposed to one, especially in a relationship, you can spot them a mile away...just like they can spot you.
TM stated that if Ron found out misty had infact been directly involved in haleighs missing/death,all the while being his lover,wife,etc. That Ron would blow misty away&then himself. TM stated that he believed by that time that misty was indeed involved&paid for misty to go away for a lil while with "undercover mama" DB,this is when TM went into full throttle mode of getting misty to crack, either thru DB or the LDT&LVA that All took place in those following weeks. So this statement made of RC killing MC wasn't just out of random thoughts of betrayal(ie, mc cheating with some guy) but rather at the fact of if misty were found to be directly involved with foul play of Haleigh. This I could easily see myself not only threatening to do to the individual responsible for murdering my baby, but following thru with out batting an eyelash(&that scenario I believe many parents could see themselves feeling the same. I have no shame in saying I'd feel the same)
TM stated that if Ron found out misty had infact been directly involved in haleighs missing/death,all the while being his lover,wife,etc. That Ron would blow misty away&then himself. TM stated that he believed by that time that misty was indeed involved&paid for misty to go away for a lil while with "undercover mama" DB,this is when TM went into full throttle mode of getting misty to crack, either thru DB or the LDT&LVA that All took place in those following weeks. So this statement made of RC killing MC wasn't just out of random thoughts of betrayal(ie, mc cheating with some guy) but rather at the fact of if misty were found to be directly involved with foul play of Haleigh. This I could easily see myself not only threatening to do to the individual responsible for murdering my baby, but following thru with out batting an eyelash(&that scenario I believe many parents could see themselves feeling the same. I have no shame in saying I'd feel the same)

Let's not sugar coat it. This is what's been reported:


“… Ronald pulled a gun out of the closet — an assault rifle with 2 clips — each clip holding 32 bullets. Ronald looked at Miller and said, “When I find out where Haleigh’s at, I will blow the teeth out of the back of her head, and then I’ll do this…” He then got on his knees, put the butt of the rifle on the floor, leaned over and put the barrel in his mouth. There was no “IF” she had anything to do with it, Miller knew that Ronald was serious — that he would kill Misty, and then take his own life. It was at that point he knew they had to get Misty out of there, or she would end up dead…”

What I left out of the original post was that 5 year old Ronald, Jr. was in the room while this happened. I have just learned that the Florida Dept. of Children Services (FDCS) is now very concerned about the safety of Ronald, Jr. So much so that, after being alerted about my blog, they contacted Tim Miller and requested a sworn affidavit to the above statement.

My thoughts here:
Why would a loving father ever think of killing himself, if he had nothing to do with this? (she's only missing, not dead at this time, supposedly) He still has Junior, isn't he important too?
Let's not sugar coat it. This is what's been reported:


“… Ronald pulled a gun out of the closet — an assault rifle with 2 clips — each clip holding 32 bullets. Ronald looked at Miller and said, “When I find out where Haleigh’s at, I will blow the teeth out of the back of her head, and then I’ll do this…” He then got on his knees, put the butt of the rifle on the floor, leaned over and put the barrel in his mouth. There was no “IF” she had anything to do with it, Miller knew that Ronald was serious — that he would kill Misty, and then take his own life. It was at that point he knew they had to get Misty out of there, or she would end up dead…”

What I left out of the original post was that 5 year old Ronald, Jr. was in the room while this happened. I have just learned that the Florida Dept. of Children Services (FDCS) is now very concerned about the safety of Ronald, Jr. So much so that, after being alerted about my blog, they contacted Tim Miller and requested a sworn affidavit to the above statement.

My thoughts here:
Why would a loving father ever think of killing himself, if he had nothing to do with this? (she's only missing, not dead at this time, supposedly) He still has Junior, isn't he important too?
I'm SO glad that lil boy is getting therapy. :(
This blog entry is, at best, third hand. Tim Miller, supposedly to ???, and then posted on Steph Watts's blog. Watts is hardly a reliable source. He's just an internet blogger. I've seen questionable and sensationalized posts from his blog concerning other cases.

Unless the person talking to Tim Miller wrote all of these words down, what Tim said is probably not quoted directly.

And certainly, to then add things that Miller didn't hear and didn't offer as his own interpretation--well, we are very deep in fiction at that point.

Given that Misty, Tommy and Joe are perfectly willing to point fingers at everyone else around them, it makes no sense to me that the person who would normally be at the top of the suspect list at the BEGINNING of a missing child case--a natural parent--would not be a person they would point at unless they know he was somewhere else, in this case at work. If RC was involved, this trio would flip on him in a hearbeat, because the parent would be the one who did the big time, and the fringe players would get the plea deal. At this point, he is in jail so there is no reason not to talk. What is there to fear? He'd be in jail forever and a day. Moreover, what possible motive would Joe have for covering for RC? His motive would be exactly the opposite: name RC and get out of the problem.
This blog entry is, at best, third hand. Tim Miller, supposedly to ???, and then posted on Steph Watts's blog. Watts is hardly a reliable source. He's just an internet blogger. I've seen questionable and sensationalized posts from his blog concerning other cases.

Unless the person talking to Tim Miller wrote all of these words down, what Tim said is probably not quoted directly.

And certainly, to then add things that Miller didn't hear and didn't offer as his own interpretation--well, we are very deep in fiction at that point.

Given that Misty, Tommy and Joe are perfectly willing to point fingers at everyone else around them, it makes no sense to me that the person who would normally be at the top of the suspect list at the BEGINNING of a missing child case--a natural parent--would not be a person they would point at unless they know he was somewhere else, in this case at work. If RC was involved, this trio would flip on him in a hearbeat, because the parent would be the one who did the big time, and the fringe players would get the plea deal. At this point, he is in jail so there is no reason not to talk. What is there to fear? He'd be in jail forever and a day. Moreover, what possible motive would Joe have for covering for RC? His motive would be exactly the opposite: name RC and get out of the problem.

They can't HONESTLY flip on each other, IMO. What are they leaving out??
It may seem like RC is no longer a threat since he's in jail. However, given his extensive rap sheet due to drugs, etc, I can't believe he doesn't have drug-related friends on the outside who may be a threat to any "snitches". Drugs are big bucks in a poor county.

Aside from drug-related acquaintances, aren't there some members of the Cummings clan that are a little scary, that have rap sheets also?

In jail or not, it might still be dangerous to cross him.

My opinion only
We haven't heard anything that can really be substantiated. Everything we hear is at least second hand. If we only discuss things that we hear 1st hand, we will not have much to talk about. Art Harris backs up what Steph Watts is reporting. At least that's two sources saying the same thing. Unless TM comes out and says these are lies, I have to believe this is what he said.

Art Harris on Nancy Grace:

want to go back out to Art Harris. Art, you were down there and talked to Tim Miller about all this. Now let`s talk a little about what Tim Miller told you about Ronald Cummings.


BROOKS: And his state of mind.

HARRIS: Yes. Mike, he was very concerned because after the polygraph, he went over to the trailer with Ronald and says that Ronald went into the closet, pulled out an assault rifle with two banana clip 32 rounds.

BROOKS: And what kind of assault rifle did he say that he had?

HARRIS: You know, he didn`t know the make, I`m assuming something like an AR-15, semiautomatic. Two clips and he said I`m going to blow her teeth to the back of her head and then kill myself and take some others out with me if it turns out she had anything to do with this, Mike.

He was really worried. He`d seen cases that had lost when witnesses had been killed, had died. He wanted to get Misty out of there, he told me. And that is why he used Donna Brock as a vehicle to keep her away from Ronald. That was his motivation according to Tim Miller.
Like trying to decipher who the Q-source for the gospels is, this case will hold mysteries for a long long long time.
It may seem like RC is no longer a threat since he's in jail. However, given his extensive rap sheet due to drugs, etc, I can't believe he doesn't have drug-related friends on the outside who may be a threat to any "snitches". Drugs are big bucks in a poor county.

Aside from drug-related acquaintances, aren't there some members of the Cummings clan that are a little scary, that have rap sheets also?

In jail or not, it might still be dangerous to cross him.

My opinion only

That's what I think too Trident. That's probably why Hank was upset with Jo for taking Ron's gun....they know how dangerous Ron and his crew can be.
It may seem like RC is no longer a threat since he's in jail. However, given his extensive rap sheet due to drugs, etc, I can't believe he doesn't have drug-related friends on the outside who may be a threat to any "snitches". Drugs are big bucks in a poor county.

Aside from drug-related acquaintances, aren't there some members of the Cummings clan that are a little scary, that have rap sheets also?

In jail or not, it might still be dangerous to cross him.

My opinion only

Trident, perhaps you remember this, perhaps not but early on there was a report of some fellows in a red truck looking for White Boy Greg. Near as I recall, turned out to be Cummings members and they were asking people in the neighborhood of where Greg Page's mother lives for information of where he lived. Ron was not one of them. JMO - there are more than a few willing to fight Ron's battles for him.
Trident, perhaps you remember this, perhaps not but early on there was a report of some fellows in a red truck looking for White Boy Greg. Near as I recall, turned out to be Cummings members and they were asking people in the neighborhood of where Greg Page's mother lives for information of where he lived. Ron was not one of them. JMO - there are more than a few willing to fight Ron's battles for him.

Raisin, I remember that. I was wondering what they would do if they did find him.
I think part of it is in GGM's statements:

"They're going to have to prove to me that it's a homicide."
"I've heard so many stories, they're going to have to prove it to me."

GGM isn't debating whether Haleigh died; she's debating HOW she died. Why?

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