2010.04.22 - Chelsea's Comments On Nancy Grace

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Sep 9, 2008
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What Chelsea said on Nancy Grace tonight makes the most sense to me than anything else that anyone has ever come up with. The only thing is I wish Nancy would have let her finish because I think she was going to bring up how Ron would be involved. I said this long ago and it just fits. If Haleigh overdosed on illegal drugs that Ron, Misty, and Tommy were all a part of selling then it implicates ALL THREE OF THEM! I think that she overdosed on the pills and then Tommy and Misty got rid of her body so that they didn't get implicated any further. I think that Ronald Cummings was at WORK as it has been said all along and it fits with everything but he would still be implicated because he sells the drugs. This explains his stone cold expression while walk out of the jail house after being told that it's a homicide investigation etc. He already KNEW what happened and was not mad because it was an accident and I guarantee that the grandparents know too. Also Crystal said this from DAY ONE that she wondered if Haleigh got into pills. I think that they got rid of her body to save their drug dealing asses. JMO

ETA: Just want to add to that obviously no evidence of drugs were in the home but they probably could have taken those along with Haleigh's body to the river that night. The pills would have dissolved in the water.
Chelsea never implicated RC. If there were drugs in the home and Haleigh overdosed then why not tell that scenario and drag RC down instead of all their family members?

Even if I could believe(and I don't) that Misty would exclude RC from any scenario out of her "love" for him.....Tommy Croslin would not. He has hatred coursing through his veins for Ronald Cummings(imo) and would never exclude him from a death scenario or a cover-up scenario. The question remains.....what is on the jail house tapes that LE will not release because it is an ongoing investigation? Tommy C has nothing to lose at this point, he has implicated himself in some way and we won't know for sure who was involved with him until we see the arrests, I have faith that we will.
I changed the title to make it more factual. Just trying to help PCSO. :)
Chelsea never implicated RC. If there were drugs in the home and Haleigh overdosed then why not tell that scenario and drag RC down instead of all their family members?

Even if I could believe(and I don't) that Misty would exclude RC from any scenario out of her "love" for him.....Tommy Croslin would not. He has hatred coursing through his veins for Ronald Cummings(imo) and would never exclude him from a death scenario or a cover-up scenario. The question remains.....what is on the jail house tapes that LE will not release because it is an ongoing investigation? Tommy C has nothing to lose at this point, he has implicated himself in some way and we won't know for sure who was involved with him until we see the arrests, I have faith that we will.

All I am saying is that this whole thing about three people involved is not ringing right with me. It makes no sense as to why 3 people(Joe Tommy and Misty) would be involved in a 6 year old child's death however it would make the most sense if drugs were involved. I think that this all points to their drug habit. Ron wouldn't be arrested for Haleigh's death but he would be arrested for having illegal drugs just as Misty and Tommy would if they were popping pills that night. I think that is why Ron was showing no emotion and stuff.
I would like to know why LE questioned Chels for 14 hours this past weekend. http://www..com/2010/04/rope-tied-around-the-screen-door-at-ronald-cummings-trailer/ Hope it's ok to post this link. There is a video of Lindsey talking about it.
I am sorry but this is my opinion after researching Chelsea Croslin and her statements over the past year. She wasn't staying out of the limelight in my opinion, she was talking and offering scenario's that removed herself and her husband from the equation because the van was in her possession on the night that Haleigh went missing.

Chelsea has given conflicting statements, and here lately she offers up new pieces of information as the story progresses. For instance, she stated on numerous occasions that Misty was a very hard sleeper. Misty used to babysit for her and would sleep through the kids crying and screaming....how does this measure up to her story of Misty never allowing Joe to harm Haleigh if Haleigh was screaming in the other room? Doesn't make sense to me. In the same interview where she insisted misty could sleep through anything, Chelsea stated that she herself was a very light sleeper and woke to the slightest noise.....yet she can't 100% account for Cousin Joe? She didn't hear the van started in the middle of the night? Nope....I am not buying it. They are all covering their own butts in my opinion and they should be saving all these explanations for trial.
I wouldn't say RC's expression was "stone cold." He's a man in handcuffs, shackles and a prison uniform being transported in public in front of cameras to hear that his daughter is almost certainly dead. On camera, we get a 5-10 second glimpse. I don't believe it is possible to determine what people are thinking and feeling based on that brief observation in that circumstance. Many people, especially males, do not care for messy public emotional displays.

If Haleigh overdosed, the question would be whether it was accidental (she opened a drawer and found pills and took them), negligence (Misty and the boys were doing drugs that they left in reach of Haleigh and she took them while unsupervised), or deliberate (Misty wanted Haleigh to go to sleep for a while or Misty wanted to hurt Haleigh, for example). Ron would certainly have moral culpability just for having drugs on site with small children, but he is already morally culpable for the decision to leave the kids with Misty (as Flora Hollars pointed out very cogently last night). RC would not be legally responsible for Haleigh's death in my view, since he did leave Haleigh with a person over 18. The parents of children who were killed by babysitters, negligently or deliberately, are not prosecuted for choosing a bad sitter. Ron is already under arrest for the drug charges; I suppose it is possible for him to be charged with "endangerment," but I don't see that happening. All this, of course, follows "if Haleigh overdose."
All I am saying is that this whole thing about three people involved is not ringing right with me. It makes no sense as to why 3 people(Joe Tommy and Misty) would be involved in a 6 year old child's death however it would make the most sense if drugs were involved. I think that this all points to their drug habit. Ron wouldn't be arrested for Haleigh's death but he would be arrested for having illegal drugs just as Misty and Tommy would if they were popping pills that night. I think that is why Ron was showing no emotion and stuff.

I understand what you are saying. I don't know if and how drugs are going to play a part in this, perhaps they will. I just don't believe Chelsea is a credible witness as to what was going on in the home. If there were drugs laying around...as she put it.....then she should be thinking about why she didn't call and report what she suspected and possibly saved a child's life. JMO
I believe Chelsea knows. And I also believe drugs are behind what happened to Haleigh. There was too much of a coverup MOO.

If anyone listens to the show again, when Nancy Grace told Chelsea to turn her TV down....... to me it sounded like Timmy yelling? Anyone else hear that? Almost sounded like something something phone?
I believe Chelsea knows. And I also believe drugs are behind what happened to Haleigh. There was too much of a coverup MOO.

If anyone listens to the show again, when Nancy Grace told Chelsea to turn her TV down....... to me it sounded like Timmy yelling? Anyone else hear that? Almost sounded like something something phone?

Yes!! I didn't think it was the tv either, but then I thought maybe NG was getting feedback or something.

I think Chelsea knows A LOT. And I have to wonder why it's always Chelsea who calls and talks to the media. What about Timmy? Isn't Misty his sister? Tommy his brother? Yet, it's always Chelsea. IMO, she's covering for her husband, too.
The 14 hour interrogation...of CHelsea
Talking with JO a few times...
hounding the Croslin's all these months...
soon as forensics comes back...
inconsistencies.....will lead to arrests.

I am sorry but this is my opinion after researching Chelsea Croslin and her statements over the past year. She wasn't staying out of the limelight in my opinion, she was talking and offering scenario's that removed herself and her husband from the equation because the van was in her possession on the night that Haleigh went missing.

Chelsea has given conflicting statements, and here lately she offers up new pieces of information as the story progresses. For instance, she stated on numerous occasions that Misty was a very hard sleeper. Misty used to babysit for her and would sleep through the kids crying and screaming....how does this measure up to her story of Misty never allowing Joe to harm Haleigh if Haleigh was screaming in the other room? Doesn't make sense to me. In the same interview where she insisted misty could sleep through anything, Chelsea stated that she herself was a very light sleeper and woke to the slightest noise.....yet she can't 100% account for Cousin Joe? She didn't hear the van started in the middle of the night? Nope....I am not buying it. They are all covering their own butts in my opinion and they should be saving all these explanations for trial.

Yes Timmy wanted to move to Belize....but ended up in MA
Remember when Ron would not let Misty talk to Timmy whenever Timmy called from MA, and Timmy left him that message calling him a FAB and Ron called it harassment and filed a police report?

I do. I don't know why I just thought of that. But ... interesting... I'm going to keep it in mind...
from jailhouse phone calls, I also got the impression that Chelsea felt quite close to Misty - considered her family - was happy to send her all of their extra money ... Chelsea & Misty & Timmy - are tight. JMHO
Chelsea sure never mentioned pills laying around the house here: http://www.artharris.com/2009/10/05/exclusive-inside-the-haleigh-cummings-family-feud/

snip~ As for the custody dispute, she calls it a big distraction that took the focus off finding Haleigh–and takes issue with those who accuse Ronald of being an unfit father.

“Even though we’re at odds now, because there’s a lot of stress in the family, I’m not going to lie about it,” Chelsea tells The Bald Truth. “I’ve never seen Ronald hit the kids. He’s a very good Dad, and he’s proved it. How often do you see a father get custody over a mother?”~ end snip

Does a very good Dad leave pills laying around the house? Inconsistencies....
I would like to know why LE questioned Chels for 14 hours this past weekend. http://www..com/2010/04/rope-tied-around-the-screen-door-at-ronald-cummings-trailer/ Hope it's ok to post this link. There is a video of Lindsey talking about it.

Isn't this a really old video?

IIRC - Chelsea was questioned for 14 hours last July or something. Not last weekend. Same with that garage sale of Lindsy's - last summer.
She stated that Misty and Tommy were interrogated and said not us.... or not me .
Isn't this a really old video?

IIRC - Chelsea was questioned for 14 hours last July or something. Not last weekend. Same with that garage sale of Lindsy's - last summer.

14 hours is correct...Lyndsy said to go over time lines and phone records.

JMO must have been a lot of phone records.
14 hours is correct...Lyndsy said to go over time lines and phone records.

JMO must have been a lot of phone records.

phone records....
he said/she said
they said/they did

The wagons are circling.

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