2010.04.23 Drug Involvement from the Beginning

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Jan 15, 2009
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I have always felt Ron Cummings was involved in illegal drug activity and somehow his involvement with illegal drugs, led to Haleighs disappearance and demise. Its karma that Ron was caught dealing/selling drugs to an undercover police officer almost a year after Haleigh disappeared. As for Misty, she got pretty cocky shortly after Ron proposed to her. She had that Cat that swallowed the Canary look about her like she was getting away with something, pulling the wool over peoples eyes which she is still trying to do. IMO Ron was controlling Misty by supplying her with Drugs to shut her up. Ron Cummings seems criminal smart. Now that Misty is " sober" I will bet Ron is scrambling to make deals with the police. This time Ron " drugs will not set you free," but maybe it will get you locked up away from society for a long time.
Definately Ron and Misty was into drugs from the very beginning..........
her 3 day party binge.
Geraldo questioning RC in the beginning..........RC high as a kite.
RC offering pills to all.
The Croslin Hank/RC drug fight.
Tom / MC smoke pot that fatal night/day.
Drugs was rumored and talked about from the beginning as used by most players.
then there is the gun talk also.............dangerous mix.
IMO, not a drug deal bad just drugs / guns around a small child.
One of the things I do believe - drugs are an issue and were an issue when Haleigh was living on Green Lane.

Ron has an arrest history related to drugs. Ron is heard on several tapes saying no one knew where he lived, he went to great lengths to install a new lock and hang onto the keys for his back door. Four people all sleeping in the same room when there are three bedrooms in the house. Guns, while I don't find a hand gun to be much of an issue, an assault rifle with 32 round clips is an entirely different story.
I agree.

I even believe that the reason the 911 call seemed so strange- with Ron even hanging up on the 911 dispatcher- is because Ron was in a panic, running around the house, clearing out whatever drugs he could find, along with any drug paraphernalia he could find, and hide or dispose of.

I seriously think his main cause of stress during that phone call was the fact that the police were on their way, and he had some serious last minute 'cleaning up' to do.

I also think he was spun out of his mind (high) at the time of that call.
I agree.

I even believe that the reason the 911 call seemed so strange- with Ron even hanging up on the 911 dispatcher- is because Ron was in a panic, running around the house, clearing out whatever drugs he could find, along with any drug paraphernalia he could find, and hide or dispose of.

I seriously think his main cause of stress during that phone call was the fact that the police were on their way, and he had some serious last minute 'cleaning up' to do.

I also think he was spun out of his mind (high) at the time of that call.

Then I have to ask, why make that phone call before it's all cleaned up?
Then I have to ask, why make that phone call before it's all cleaned up?

Too high to think straight. Both of them. Misty and Ron.
Then I have to ask, why make that phone call before it's all cleaned up?
I'm coming from the point of view that Ron came home to find Haleigh missing.

If that was indeed what happened, the call was made to report Haleigh missing- then realization hit that the cops would undoubtedly be all over the house and yard, searching.
I just 'outed' myself as one of those 'Undecideds' about Ron's involvement, lol.

I feel Misty is completely involved, but I'm not sure what Ron's involvement was prior to Haleigh disappearing that night.
I just 'outed' myself as one of those 'Undecideds' about Ron's involvement, lol.

I feel Misty is completely involved, but I'm not sure what Ron's involvement was prior to Haleigh disappearing that night.

We're on the same page. I'm also undecided. Both sides have good arguments. It's going to take more solid evidence for me.
One of the things I do believe - drugs are an issue and were an issue when Haleigh was living on Green Lane.

Ron has an arrest history related to drugs. Ron is heard on several tapes saying no one knew where he lived, he went to great lengths to install a new lock and hang onto the keys for his back door. Four people all sleeping in the same room when there are three bedrooms in the house. Guns, while I don't find a hand gun to be much of an issue, an assault rifle with 32 round clips is an entirely different story.

You bring up some good points Raisin... especially about the guns. Lets just say I don't think Ron was hunting Gators with that assault rifle.
One of the things I do believe - drugs are an issue and were an issue when Haleigh was living on Green Lane.

Ron has an arrest history related to drugs. Ron is heard on several tapes saying no one knew where he lived, he went to great lengths to install a new lock and hang onto the keys for his back door. Four people all sleeping in the same room when there are three bedrooms in the house. Guns, while I don't find a hand gun to be much of an issue, an assault rifle with 32 round clips is an entirely different story.

Excellent points made in your post Raisincharlie. Well said.

On topic:

1. Do I believe that RC was dealing or involved with or using drugs in the days and months prior to Haleigh missing? Yes.

2. Do I believe that those drugs are the direct and sole reason that Haleigh went missing? More than likely not.

3. IMHO (only my opinion seriously :)) any handguns or assault rifles are for hunting people not animals and also not for hunting large, semi-aquatic carnivorous reptiles. But since I've never hunted either, I just might be wrong! :D
We hear him making a remark about dope in the 911 call, too.
One of the things I do believe - drugs are an issue and were an issue when Haleigh was living on Green Lane.

Ron has an arrest history related to drugs. Ron is heard on several tapes saying no one knew where he lived, he went to great lengths to install a new lock and hang onto the keys for his back door. Four people all sleeping in the same room when there are three bedrooms in the house. Guns, while I don't find a hand gun to be much of an issue, an assault rifle with 32 round clips is an entirely different story.

Do you recall what kind of bolt lock was on the back door? I have been looking for the video and of course since I am looking I can't find it. The reason is because I would like to know what kind of lock was on the door. If you had to use a key to lock/unlock the door then how did it get open? Or was it a regular lock? I thought it was a regular lock that got stuck. Not sure though.

As for Ron' arrest history, well that worries me. He pretty much got a slap on the wrist for them and he denied denied and denied them...
Your post is right on! I to wonder why they all slept in the same room. IMO, the kids slept on the couch and Ron, Misty and other's shared the bedroom. The rest of the rooms could of been used for gun/drug storage IMO. I wish LE would give us some facts.
RC has a long rap sheet, mostly drugs and guns. I do believe this has been ongoing way before HaLeigh's alleged abduction. I do wonder if he had to take drugs tests before he had manipulatively recieved custody of their children and after he had custody.

There is no doubt in my mind, RC has been a dealer for a long while. Which is why in the 911 call he immediately said, 'they'..and if he found 'them' before LE did, he would kill 'them'. I also wonder why, he didn't confront anyone he thought was part of the 'they' who took HaLeigh (which goes to the fight over this elusive gun he adamantly denies)..sometimes I feel like RC is all talk and not much action unless he's the bigger of whoever he's with. I truly feel underneath his hard exterior, he isn't all that tough, at least not if your bigger than him. I do view him as cowardly...JMHO

I also thought I heard they all slept in the same room because HaLeigh was afraid of the dark. Could also be MC wanted them all together due to it being pitch black at night. Don't they know of nightlights???

In reference to the deadbolt lock on the back door, didn't he say he did this to ensure no one could get in to "kidnap" the children and I'm thinking he was thinking that Crystal would come to get her children back...JMHO

There's just too much to debunk at what was told of this fateful morning. No one can talk the truth due to implications of being arrested for things other than what pertain to an alleged kidnapping..like drugs/guns/violence. JMHO

Justice for HaLeigh
I remember Misty stating to her father in a jail house tape that their family wasn't so innocent (meaning cummings family), she said every last one of em was into dope. I understaood that to mean TN and RC and whoever else was in TNs world. So dope was part of life for multi generations of both families. MC parents obviously did and still do have problems, all their kids do, RC and his family, even CS and hers. ugh. Dope everywhere here.

A way of life for them all, would have become a way of life for Haleigh too. I think dope is definitely a big part of what happened that night, but not in a retribution sort of thing from dealers, more so just how strung out all the players were that night is why LE can't get to the truth.

I'm not sure what kind of high they got with all the pills they were doing, but maybe that is why they all fail LDTs because they aren't exactly sure in the fog of their addictions what was reality on that night. Did MC hear certain things then pass out, then sort of wake up and hear cries and thought she was still dreaming so she went back into deep sleep, awoke again briefly, saw another snippet of her surroundings, maybe Joe, seemed like a dream, back into deep sleep, and so on.

Would explain her dreamlike vision of 4 people in the room. Just like you see heroin junkies lose consciousness after they take a hit, they fade in and out of reality but aren't completely asleep, they are still sitting up.

Given how MC was on a binge and exhausted as it was that day, if she did more that evening she would have really been out of it.

That is the part I think dope plays in all this. it has blurred the lines between reality and dream.

The truth lies in the middle.
I remember Misty stating to her father in a jail house tape that their family wasn't so innocent (meaning cummings family), she said every last one of em was into dope. I understaood that to mean TN and RC and whoever else was in TNs world. So dope was part of life for multi generations of both families. MC parents obviously did and still do have problems, all their kids do, RC and his family, even CS and hers. ugh. Dope everywhere here.

A way of life for them all, would have become a way of life for Haleigh too. I think dope is definitely a big part of what happened that night, but not in a retribution sort of thing from dealers, more so just how strung out all the players were that night is why LE can't get to the truth.

I'm not sure what kind of high they got with all the pills they were doing, but maybe that is why they all fail LDTs because they aren't exactly sure in the fog of their addictions what was reality on that night. Did MC hear certain things then pass out, then sort of wake up and hear cries and thought she was still dreaming so she went back into deep sleep, awoke again briefly, saw another snippet of her surroundings, maybe Joe, seemed like a dream, back into deep sleep, and so on.

Would explain her dreamlike vision of 4 people in the room. Just like you see heroin junkies lose consciousness after they take a hit, they fade in and out of reality but aren't completely asleep, they are still sitting up.

Given how MC was on a binge and exhausted as it was that day, if she did more that evening she would have really been out of it.

That is the part I think dope plays in all this. it has blurred the lines between reality and dream.

The truth lies in the middle.

I agree LTS. When I read your post I wanted to tell something that I heard a guest on either JVM or NG say. He was a prior detective and had worked in narcotics. (something to that effect) He made an interesting statement that I had not thought of before. He said that being under the influence when a crime was commited shouldn't effect the outcome of a LDT because it detects if the person is telling the truth about what they know. Even if they are telling the truth about what they remember or somewhat remember or think that they remember it a certain way when they happened to have been under the influence when it happened then it would be truthful. KWIM? I had never thought about it that way and it was very interesting to me so I thought I would add it by using your post to jump off of---:) Hope you don't mind.
Oh I think this whole thing boils down to dope.. and ALL involved in the cover up including parents of Rons and Misty..
I believe the accidents prior to HaLeigh missing, were not accidents at all.. I think this is a family feud between the Croslins and Cummings...and who owed who what...
I agree LTS. When I read your post I wanted to tell something that I heard a guest on either JVM or NG say. He was a prior detective and had worked in narcotics. (something to that effect) He made an interesting statement that I had not thought of before. He said that being under the influence when a crime was commited shouldn't effect the outcome of a LDT because it detects if the person is telling the truth about what they know. Even if they are telling the truth about what they remember or somewhat remember or think that they remember it a certain way when they happened to have been under the influence when it happened then it would be truthful. KWIM? I had never thought about it that way and it was very interesting to me so I thought I would add it by using your post to jump off of---:) Hope you don't mind.

The problem with that theory is that most habitual drug addicts are paranoid when they are high. My friends husband could not move away from the peephole in the door because he was sure that someone was out there watching. He also woke her up in the middle of the night because he saw her having sex with another man right then. So he believed both those things happened but they did not.

IMO, that is the key, if you believe your lie is the truth, how is a LDT going to know that your truth is a lie and vice versa.

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