2010.04 OCSO Supplemental Reports

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Exactly! Everyone seemed to love Caylee more than they loved KC.....and KC fixed that lil problem herself.:furious::furious:

.... and I'm sure she expected to get tons of sympathy and attention for having a missing/murdered child. It just didn't work out the way she planned.


Something that really stuck with me, along these lines even though it's not related to the supplemental reports, is the comment SP (CA's mother) made in her LE interview.

She stated, "I just wondered if she hated her mom more than she loved Caylee." To me, that says it all when it comes to motive.


Shirley P. Interview (Cindy's Mother) 8/21/08
Transcript: http://www.wftv.com/blank/18974289/detail.html
Ok guys, I've started transcribing some of the report so we don't have to keep going back and forth between the thread and the PDF's......
The only changes I've made is to add a note which is bolded and to add paragraphs for easier reading.

Maya Derkovic was at the Orange County Jail pending trial for her case when Casey Anthony was first arrested and brought into her dorm. (L-dorm). Maya Derkovic recognized Casey Anthony from seeing her on television. Over the course of the next few weeks, Maya Derkovic established a friendship with Casey Anthony and spoke with her several times through the cell's ventilation system.

Transcript with Maya:
Q: Did she ever tell you that she was frustrated because we weren't actually looking for the Nanny? Did she ever say, hey you know this is where she is? This is who she is?
A: No.
Q:She ever say that you know she wanted to help? What she would do to find her?
A: No. So, her seeing herself on the news, hearing people talk about it, it was all fun and games to her. It was funny to her, it was exciting. When she found out that she was going national like it was national news now. To her it was like,exciting. It was......
Q: How...
A:..... funny to her
Q:Well what made it exciting, what made it funny? How do you......
A: Because it's …... her.... like knowing that people know about her and know her name. It's like she felt like, okay I'm famous in a way.

{no question in between these two answers}

A: …..So she asked me before, do...do I think that maybe she can write a book about what happened. Maybe you know she could, (inaudible)....be a book written about her or.......
Q: And she's saying this....
A......A movie.
Q: She's saying this to you before the body even found?
A: Before...this was.....
Q: About writing a book and making a movie?
A:....way before the body was found. It was when....it was when basically like the first, I think it was the first two or three months. That it was real chaotic about her.
Q: Uh-huh (affirmative)

Maya Derkovic said Casey Anthony never mentioned Caylee Anthony except when she made comments regretting having had a child. Maya Derkovic said the following:
Q: She ever talk about Caylee?

A: No. I used to try to ask her like well.... I use....I asked her before, do you have any pictures of her? And she was like, no. And I used to be like make little comments like about seeing her on TV . She was beautiful, I think she looked just like you, like you know just.....talk to her and kind try and console her in a way. But she never really talked about it. She never said thank you for telling me my baby was beautiful. She just.....never mentioned her. It was to her the only time she mentioned her was saying that maybe she should've waited to have a baby. Because she was young and she wanted to live life.
Maybe she should've never had a baby before....a baby was stopping her from living life and partying. And a lot of times it interfered with having a boyfriend, having a child. And that's the only time she ever mentioned her baby.
Q: she never mentioned she was worried about it, hoped she was okay? Anything like that?

A: No. No. To her....anytime like an inmate, other inmates is when she comes out to go into the interview room with her lawyer. While they were shackling her up, while the officers are putting the handcuffs on her and stuff., People would yell through the door “where's Caylee?” “Casey where's Caylee? And she'll laugh and smile like it was nothing. She'll just start giggling and laughing. And ah, that right there shows that you don't really care. I mean they were trying to be nasty but her it was just funny.

When asked about if Casey Anthony ever mentioned about how she would take care of Caylee Anthony
Maya Derkovic said Casey Anthony admitted to “knocking (Caylee) out” often so she could go out.
Maya Derkovic believes Casey did this at her residence but she's not sure. Maya Derkovic stated in part:

A: No, well what she said was that sometimes when she wanted to go went out and not let nobody baby sit her or anything. Not leave her with her parents. That she'll go out after Caylee went to sleep. That she'll sometimes knock her out and make her go to sleep until she got back. And when she gets back home she was asleep. Cause to her I guess it was, it's easier that way because her Mom was already saying that she was an unfit mom. And that she she was already you know talking about taking Caylee from her. So, to her just doing it that way secretively nobody really knows. So, she.....that's the only time that she ever talked about how she handled her.

But she never told me nothing else about it. A lot of the time the only stuff that I ever asked her was like, you know well what happened and...about like what happened that night. I never really went into depth with her 'cause a lot of times I didn't want to know. Stuff like that you don't want to know. You don't want to know the truth about people. And a lot of stuff like, I ask her like how was her visit. That's when she'll make comments.

Most of the time we talked about stupid stuff, we goofed around. It was just throughout the whole couple of months that I was there with her. That's when she made little comments. When I might ask something she'll make comments about it, or laugh about something that is not funny. Being on the news and people yelling at her , baby killer, where's Caylee? Stuff like that, that's not funny, she'll laugh about it.

Q: When she said she would knock her out and then leave and then come home. Did she ever say what home was? Was it where she lived? Was it.....

A: No. she...
Q: ….friends house, anything?
A: She didn't tell me where she was at just went home....she said home. So, I figured it was her house or her parents house. I don't know where she lived. I don't know who she lived with but....

Q: Well, what about what she used to knock Caylee out? Did she ever mention that to you?

A: No but I assume it's drugs because when somebody says knock out, it's drugs And a lot of times it's referred to like, any type of tran....tranquilizers that will knock a person out make 'em go to sleep.

Casey Anthony never mentioned what she used to put Caylee Anthony to sleep.
Maya Derkovic mentioned another inmate named Robyn Adams also talked with Casey Anthony in the same fashion Maya did. Maya Derkovic does not know if Robyn Adams ever discussed any of the above issues with Casey Anthony or if she overheard any of the above conversations. Maya Derkovic said she reached out to us with this information because it was the right thing to do and she asked for nothing in return.

Exactly! Everyone seemed to love Caylee more than they loved KC.....and KC fixed that lil problem herself.:furious::furious:

.... and I'm sure she expected to get tons of sympathy and attention for having a missing/murdered child. It just didn't work out the way she planned.


Actually she kind of likes the attention she is getting according to the things that she says. Either way she thinks she turned out to be a celeb. She probably gets her share of letters from the weirdos out there!
{Report continued from where I left off in last post}

Maya Derkovic said she had discussed being in the same dorm as Casey Anthony with Detective Brian Cross, who handled her case. He never told her to ask anything of Casey Anthony but said it would be a good thing if Casey Anthony decided to talk to law enforcement . Maya Derkovic never shared any of this information with detective Cross.

On December 23rd, 2009 Sergeant Mike Mason and I met with Corporal Juan Santiago of the Orange County Corrections Division. We were taken to the female dorm where we were able to view a control panel which showed the locations of all cells in L-Dorm. I also asked if it were possible for inmates to communicate via the vent systems to which Corporal Juan Santiago replied yes. We were taken to the area of K-dorm, which is almost a mirror of L-dorm, to see how the cells were situated. We did not enter the dorm. Corporal Juan Santiago was given the name Robyn Adams and said he would research
the name and see if she was incarcerated at the same time as Maya Derkovic and Casey Anthony.

Upon return to my office, I compared the cell assignments for Maya Derkovic and Casey Anthony for the period of their incarceration at the Orange County Jail. The cell assignments corroborate Maya's account of where she was housed in relation to Casey Anthony.

On January 6th, 2010 Corporal Juan Santiago of the Orange County Jail informed me that a Robyn Adams had been incarcerated in the same cell block as Casey Anthony and Maya Derkovic for a period of time. He provided me with her lodging history while at the Orange County Jail.

On January 27th, 2010 Corporal Edwards and I met with Robyn Adams at the federal Correctional institute in Tallahassee, Florida. Robyn Adams is currently incarcerated at this facility for an unrelated crime. Robyn Adams agreed to speak to speak with us at this time, but refused to provide a sworn recorded statement unless she had her attorney present. Robyn Adams was concerned at something that had occurred while at the Orange County Jail while incarcerated there and she wanted to ensure she would not be charged with any other crime (s).

Robyn Adams was incarcerated at the Orange County Jail from July 22nd , 2008 to July 7th, 2009. During this time, she was housed in the same dorm (Lima dorm) as Casey Anthony. She established a friendship with Casey Anthony and both often communicated verbally and via letters. Although Robyn Adams and Casey Anthony agreed to flush each others letters after reading them, Robyn Adams kept these letters and mailed them to a friend of hers later identified as Tracey Nealley.

Casey Anthony told Robyn Adams she had been sexually abused by both her brother Lee Aanthony and her father George Anthony. Casey Anthony said Lee had sexual intercourse with her until she was fifteen. She claims she was molested by George Anthony when she was younger, but Casey did not elaborate further. Robyn Adams believes Casey Anthony mentioned this in one of the letters she kept and mailed to Tracey Nealley.

Casey Anthony confided to Robyn Adams that there was no “Zenaida”. Robyn Adams believed this may have been written in one of the letters she kept and mailed to Tracey Nealley.

Robyn Adams talked with Casey Anthony on a variety of topics. Casey Anthony told her caylee had trouble sleeping and she had to use Chloroform to put her to sleep. Casey Anthony implied that her mother Cindy Anthony may have brought the chloroform home when she worked at a local clinic.

Robyn Adams spoke with Casey Anthony the day Caylee Anthony's remains were found (December 11th, 2008). After a chaplain informed Casey Anthony of the recovery, Casey Anthony told Robyn Adams law enforcement had found the body of a small child with a baby blanket inside a black garbage bag.. As a note, the information regarding the baby blanket and the black garbage bag was not made known to the jail chaplain so Casey Anthony had knowledge of items only the suspect, certain law enforcement personnel and the certain medical examiner's knew.

Robyn Adams told us the letters written by Casey Anthony and mailed to her friend were now in the possession of her father Thomas McDonnell. She provided his name and phone number so we could contact him to obtain these letters.

At approximately 1740 hours I met with Thomas McDonnell at his residence. Thomas McDonnell voluntarily provided me with all the original letters and envelopes in his possession regarding Casey Anthony. He also provided me with photocopies of some of these letters. Thomas McDonnell said the letters were originally mailed to Tracey Nealley then turned over to attorney Andrea Armas in an effort to see if it could help Robyn Adams in her criminal case. Originally photocopies of the letters were provided but Andrea Armas said she needed to see the originals in order to do a handwriting comparison and confirm the letters were indeed written by Casey Anthony. Thomas McDonnell received the letters and photocopies once Andrea Armas was done with them and he has retained them since. To his knowledge, these are all the letters written by Casey Anthony that were sent by Robyn Adams. Thomas McDonnell. Thomas Mcdonnell provided me with a sworn recorded statement about the letters

On January 28th, 2010 Sergeant John Allen , Federal Bureau of Investigation Intelligence Analyst Karen Cowan and I reviewed the letters received from Thomas McDonnell. The letters written by Casey Anthony cover many topics, including alleged sexual abuse by Lee Anthony and possible abuse by her father George Anthony. One letter mentions Zenaida Gonzalez and how she took Caylee Anthony but under different circumstances. I made copies of all letters and envelopes recovered from Thomas McDonnell.

On January 29th, 2010 I turned over all original letters and envelopes to the Federal Bureau of Investigation Intelligence Analyst Karen Cowan for processing. The photocopies obtained from Thomas McDonnell were compared to the originals and no copies existed to which orioginals could not be found. These photocopies were submitted into evidence.

On February 1st, 2010 I conducted a sworn recorded interview with Tracey Nealley. Tracey Nealley confirmed she began receiving Casey Anthony's letters via Robyn Adams in or around October of 2008. Robyn Adams instructed her to keep the letters safe. A few weeks after Robyn Adams' transfer to the Federal Correctional Institute in Tallahassee, Thomas McDonnell requested she made photocopies of the letters and deliver them to attorney Andrea Armas. Several days laster, she met with Andrea Armas and turned over all the original letters and envelopes.
Robyn can testify that KC made those statements.
They are not hearsay.

Whether she will be viewed as credible witness remains to be seen.
But the statements were allegedly made by Casey, who is available and able to testify. Choosing not to take the stand does not make statements made by her hearsay.

If Robyn was not available to testify the statements made to LE could not be used because Casey's team has the right to cross examine and discredit her. Then it would be hearsay.

Convicts are a lot more credible when they aren't asking for anything like time taken off their sentence. I don't think Robyn is asking for anything is she?
Convicts are a lot more credible when they aren't asking for anything like time taken off their sentence. I don't think Robyn is asking for anything is she?

I believe Robyn decided to not use the letters to reduce her sentence then when she was going through her own sentencing, so no, I don't think she was going to do anything with the letters anytime in the near future.

I saw Robyn as having real emotions, the remorse and depression because she loves her children so much, as believeable. I see more true faith and really being a good person basically. Robyn is going to be a very credible witness.

JMO, I don't think Maya will be able to prove any of what she says, and will not be at all credible.

Robyn confirms that Casey admitted to "knocking Caylee out" with drugs. That is going to carry some weight, IMO, especially added to the computer search for Chloroform. She didn't just want her daughter to get alittle sleep, and it in no way was an accident that she drug her too much. It'd be an outrage to call it an accident when I suspect that everytime Casey wanted to bed a new guy she "helped Caylee get some sleep". She liked to have her days free, ya know. I get chills hearing this and wondering how often Caylee was going down for "long naps". Poor defenseless baby. Casey's a selfish monster.
{Continued again where I left off}

On February 12, 2010 Florida Department of Law Enforcement Agent Christopher Woehr, Special Agent Charles Broadway responded to the Federal Correctional Institute in Tallahassee in an effort to speak with Robyn Adams. Upon request from assistant state attorney Linda Drane-Burdick Agent Woehr and Agent Broadway would conduct the sworn recorded interview with Robyn Adams.

At approximately 1040 hours, we met with Robyn Adams and I introduced her to Agent Woehr and Agent Broadway. Agent Woehr and Agent Broadway were able to obtain a sworn recorded statement from Robyn Adams regarding her conversations with Casey Anthony. I was not present for this interview but was given a copy of the interview once it was complete.

On February 17th, 2010 Sergeant Allen and Corporal Edwards conducted interviews with Linda Tinelli, Krystal Holloway, and Cecelia Benhaida. Refer to their supplemental report for details of these interviews.

On February 18th, 2010 Sergeant Allen told me that Krystal Holloway and her sister Cecelia Benhaida were coming to the Orange County Sheriff's office Central Operations Center for additional interviews regarding this case.

A t approximately 1050 hours Corporal Eric Edwards conducted a sworn recorded interview with Cecilia Benhaida (aka “Sky”). Sergeant Allen and I were present for this interview. Cecelia Benhaida was questioned about her knowledge of this case and her sisters involvement with the Anthony family.
During this interview we learned that Cecilia Benhaida was incarcerated at the Orange County Jail for several months during which she had contact with Casey Anthony . As a jail trustee, Cecelia Benhaida assisted in passing notes to and from Casey Anthony. The notes were to and from three other unidentified inmates. I showed her a photograph of Robyn Adams and Maya Derkovic in an effort to see if they were two of the three other inmates but Cecelia Benhaida could not positively identify them.

She never read the notes with the exception of one which was a thank you note addressed to her from Casey Anthony. She did not keep this note. Cecelia Benhaida believed she was incarcerated from August 2008 to January 2009. She stated that the passing of notes was not orchestrated by or requested on behalf of any corrections officers.

After having been released from jail , Cecelia Benhaida learned her sister Krystal Holloway established a friendship with George Anthony. She also learned that her sister had given George Anthony several thousand dollars however her sister was not clear on what the money was to be used for. She met with George and Cindy Anthony on a few occasions but they never spoke about this case with her. Even after learning she had been in jail with Casey Anthony, neither George or Cindy Anthony asked anything about how their daughter was doing in jail.

Cecelia Benhaida said her sister recently mentioned several conversations she had with George Anthony regarding this case. Krystal Holloway mentioned how George Anthony told her the death of Caylee Anthony was an accident and somebody “....flew off the handle....”. Krystal Holloway also told her about an incident in which George Anthony grabbed Casey Anthony or Cindy Anthony by the throat.

At 1212 hours, I conducted a sworn recorded interview of Krystal Holloway. Sergeant Allen and Corporal Edwards were present for this interview. Krystal Holloway told us she had established a friendship, then a relationship with George Anthony beginning July, 2008 to October of 2009. During the relationship, George Anthony discussed aspects of this case and made certain statements indicating how Caylee Anthony died.

Krystal Holloway began volunteering at the Kid Finders tent for Caylee Anthony search in July of 2008 where she met George Anthony. Krystal Holloway introduced herself as “River”, a nickname she has used for approximately twelve (12) years. They exchanged telephone numbers over the next few months , and spent time together both at the Kid Finders tent and later at her residence. There were several occasions where George Anthony would come to her residence when she was alone and they would spend time together. During one of the visits to her house, George Anthony became emotional and talked about how Caylee Anthony's death was an accident that “snowballed” out of control. Regarding this conversation, Krystal Holloway said:

KH: But,um, I was sitting on the floor , but I was like, like up against a couch like next to his legs we were just talking and um, and he told me that he respected me for never....And I said, well I'm not the one to judge I mean I've done my stuff. And I said, but you know I just can't imagine you and Cindy raising somebody that would do something like that. And then I kind of turned away 'cause my eyes were filling up. And I was getting choked up and then when I looked at him he was crying. And he said it was an accident...that snowballed out of control.

CM: What was an accident?

KH: (no verbal response)

CM:What was the accident he was talking about?

KH: (no verbal response)

CM: I need to hear it from your words.

KH:The baby's death was an accident got out of control.

CM: And what did he tell you the accident was?

KH: He didn't specify.

CM: And how did it get out of control?

KH: he didn't specify.

She believes that George Anthony was telling her the death was an accident and when Casey Anthony tried to cover it up , “.....it just got really got really big”. Krystal Holloway believes this conversation may have taken place just before her sister was released from the Orange County Jail in December 2008.
Krystal Holloway believes that on this same day, George Anthony mentioned to her that Juliet Lewis, a person Casey Anthony claimed was the roommate of Zenaida Gonzalez, was made up and not a person Casey Anthony knows. George Anthony allegedly told Krystal Holloway she liked the actress by that name and that is why she chose it.

Krystal Holloway also described an incident George Anthony told her about having grabbed Casey Anthony by the neck . According to Krystal Holloway, “[George Anthony] was mad, he was pissed he wanted her....he wanted to know what she, what she did with the baby...and she wouldn't talk she would just sit there. And he couldn't take it anymore. And he just snapped, he grabbed her and threw her up against the wall and Cindy had to run up and jump and get him off.”

When asked how he grabbed Casey, Krystal Holloway replied, “around the throat he grabbed her and choked her like this and threw her up against the wall. And he was like, I want you out of my f*ck...get the, get the f*ck out of my house!”

She believes this incident occurred on or about August 29, 2008 which is the night Casey Anthony was arrested at her house for fraudulent check charges.

Over the course of their friendship, Krystal Holloway said she gave George approximately four (4) thousand dollars in cash. She claims she gave him the money because he would tell her he did not know if he was going to lose his house and he had no money to eat. She thought Cindy Anthony knew of the donations until she met with her one day and she asked Krystal Holloway if she had been giving George Anthony money. At one point in or around January of 2009, George Anthony claimed he was going to lose his house and asked Krystal Holloway for twenty (20) thousand dollars. She did not comply with his request.

Krystal Holloway presented us with a letter addressed to her home for “River Rios”. The letter was written by George Anthony and postmarked January 3rd , 2009. In this letter, George Anthony said he had left three messages for her and that he and Cindy were concerned about her. I obtained the original letter and envelope and completed a property receipt for the items.

Krystal Holloway said a security guard who works the front gate at her subdivision had witnessed George Anthony visit her several times in 2008/2009. This guard, identified as Jody Lee, could also confirm that Krystal Holloway asked that George Anthony no longer be allowed entry to the subdivision to visit her.

During our interview with Krystal Holloway, she mentioned she knew a deputy sheriff employed by our agency. She said she never brought up anything about the Anthony case or her relationship with George Anthony to this deputy. She identified the deputy as Deputy Sheriff Anthony Whitmore.

During our interview, Krystal Holloway allowed us to download her cell phone that contained dated photographs of her and George Anthony. The phone also had several telephone numbers for George Anthony.

At 1534 hours, I conducted a sworn recorded interview of Deputy Whitmore. Sergeant Allen and Corporal Edwards were present for the interview. Deputy Whitmore has known Krystal Holloway for approximately eight years. In short, she never mentioned this case or her relationship with George Anthony to him. The first time he learned she had something to do with the case was when we told him during this interview. Aside from this interview, Deputy Whitmore has had no personal or professional involvement with this case.

On February 19th, 2010 Sergeant Allen and I conducted a sworn recorded interview with Jody Lee, a Wackenhut employee assigned to the front gate guard shack of the Grand Ventura Country Club. She confirmed that George Anthony had been to the Grand Ventura Country Club as a guest of Krystal Holloway several times in 2009. He was considered a frequent guest of Krystal Holloway. After seeing him visit for about two to three months , Krystal Holloway told the front gate guards she no longer wanted George Anthony to pass the gate to visit her. Jody Lee believes the first two times George Anthony visited she would have noted his name and vehicle information on a visitor's log.

Also on this date, Sergeant Allen and I met with Krystal Holloway at her residence where she turned over two more notes from George Anthony to her and a digital camera which may have more photographs of her with George Anthony. These items were seized and documented on a property form. The camera was later turned over to Computer Forensics Examiner Sandra Cawn to be examined.

I swear or affirm the above statements are correct and true

Corporal Yuri Melich

(12th March 2010)


That's it for that report folks! Now I need a shoulder massage and a drink.
butwhatif? said:
That's it for that report folks! Now I need a shoulder massage and a drink.

Which order would you like them in???



AWESOME JOB! Thank you so much
"During our interview, Krystal Holloway allowed us to download her cell phone that contained dated photographs of her and George Anthony. The phone also had several telephone numbers for George Anthony."

Wonder what will come out if these numbers?
Apparently Maya and KC were talking through the vents.


I'm pretty sure that some of what she says is backed up in the letters, but I'll have to get back to you on that one.

(Laptop charger died yesterday so I couldn't access anything,:banghead: and I'm playing catch up again now that I have my new one.)

I'm sure there was a motive in Maya talking to the dets to benefit herself, but that doesn't mean it's not true.
Time will tell.


IMO, Casey was more of an afterthought. At the beginning of the supplemental report by YM, he writes Maya got in touch with them with info about an unsolved murder, then went on to give them info about Casey. It doesn't say who brought it up first.
Convicts are a lot more credible when they aren't asking for anything like time taken off their sentence. I don't think Robyn is asking for anything is she?

She seems credible to me, but who knows what a jury will think or what the defense will be able to do with her.

The ones that want time off usually have to pull something like wear a wire so the jury can hear the accused themselves as confessions relayed by a convict are not usually too convincing.

Robyn does not claim that Casey confessed per se, the letters are written in her own writing are can be viewed, which I think both lend to her being credible.

And for me mostly the letters were out of the jail (which I thought out going mail was suppose to be read, but that is a different issue) but she got them out of the jail and no one knew about them or the content. Robyn could have easily sold those to a newspaper instead of working with LE. To me that is a major plus in the credibility factor.
She seems credible to me, but who knows what a jury will think or what the defense will be able to do with her.

The ones that want time off usually have to pull something like wear a wire so the jury can hear the accused themselves as confessions relayed by a convict are not usually too convincing.

Robyn does not claim that Casey confessed per se, the letters are written in her own writing are can be viewed, which I think both lend to her being credible.

And for me mostly the letters were out of the jail (which I thought out going mail was suppose to be read, but that is a different issue) but she got them out of the jail and no one knew about them or the content. Robyn could have easily sold those to a newspaper instead of working with LE. To me that is a major plus in the credibility factor.

BBM I think, and for the life of me, I can not remember where I read/saw it, that outgoing mail is not read IF the inmate is awaiting trial at the jail. All incoming mail is checked, but not outgoing. However, once the inmate has been convicted then both incoming and outgoing mail is checked. Some convicted inmates serve their time at the County Jail and some are there while awaiting transport to other facilities.

I have looked and looked but can't find where I got that little tidbit of info from, so I can't say it is correct, but I think it is.
Different rules in different states/counties I think'
"Since Boulder County Jail does not have a mailroom, letters sent from the jail were not opened unless there was a reason to believe the correspondence was suspicious. The envelopes were stamped to indicate they were from the jail before being sent."
This is just one of many I have found that did not check outgoing mail. Maybe it the same where Casey is?
This is aimed at all the posts wondering a bit about inmate mail. How mail is being checked varies widely, each institution has its own guidelines and procedures. ALL incoming at Allegheny County Jail (ACJ) is technically checked, but I would wager Monday morning and Friday afternoons have a drop in thoroughness :wink: Upstate, in Pennsylvania, you bet all incoming mail is at least eye-balled once, or at that was the explanation (excuse? probably not) for the time differences between postmarks and actual delivery to the eagerly awaiting inmate. Dope dogs do a once over on it at pretty much EVERY lockup, any barks from McGruff and the whole hamper's worth gets a VERY thorough exam. Outgoing, from what I was told by a CO, is usually left alone EXCEPT for INTERNAL investigations. She did not elaborate. BTW I was the inmate mail clerk @SCI Greensburg for a year and a half and will probably get me lazy dupa moving and post a WS blog specifically about it.

OT HINT: I am still waiting on lurking COs to comment on current WS blogs.
This is aimed at all the posts wondering a bit about inmate mail. How mail is being checked varies widely, each institution has its own guidelines and procedures. ALL incoming at Allegheny County Jail (ACJ) is technically checked, but I would wager Monday morning and Friday afternoons have a drop in thoroughness :wink: Upstate, in Pennsylvania, you bet all incoming mail is at least eye-balled once, or at least that was the explanation (excuse?) for the time differences between postmarks and actual delivery to the eagerly awaiting inmate. Dope dogs do a once over on it at pretty much EVERY lockup, any barks from McGruff and the whole hamper's worth gets a VERY thorough exam. Outgoing, from what I was told by a CO, is usually left alone EXCEPT for INTERNAL investigations. She did not elaborate. BTW I was the inmate mail clerk @SCI Greensburg for a year and a half and will probably get me lazy dupa moving and post a WS blog specifically about it.

OT HINT: I am still waiting on lurking COs to comment on current WS blogs.

Hey ThommyMac thanks for that - now how about some "snitch" comments based on the supplemental reports and letters. Would really like your point of view.
I have been really holding back on comments about the letters and their fallout. I truly do not want to get booted from good ol' WS. Every snitch is mostly truthful because they are peddling info, and most of it is sort of a corroboration, if that makes any sense. I do want to stress to all me beloved WS posters that will never have, nor ever will see, the insides of a lockup, once you snitch your 'jacket' on your folder has an annotation. In PA it is a simple stamp that says 'k-9' on the lower left hand corner. This can be a DEATH sentence under certain circumstances.

In fact, anyone who gets a sentence that seems too light has to combat rumours of being a snitch. LE around these parts do their best to generate paperwork to make it look like a sentence adjustment. Most folks who have done any 'real' time knows that anyone who took a plea can not go for a reduction, hence getting out early MUST be related to snitching. Snitches get stitches is more than a cute (Yeah, I know) saying. Heck, being too chummy with the guards can be enough to get you jumped.

One thing that really had me ticked was her going on about commissary and what she was getting, etc. If she was not in that PC kiddieland, does anyone here think she has the strength and fighting skills to keep that Santa bag she gets week in and week out? Not bloody likely. Finally, I was gratified that she confirmed me supposition that the other inmates give her grief through the vents. I got a pretty good yet evil chuckle when she bragged about 'putting number 10 (or 20?, I forget) in 'her' place. She is NEVER going to sign out of PC and that is going to be its own form of hell. Trust me on that.
I'm really not sure what to make of the Robyn, Maya, Cecelia, Krystal angle on all this, but if I saw just the letters as a juror, it would go a long, long way to explaining Casey's state of mind at the time Caylee's remains were found. Her attitude and lack of remorse and selfishness are very evident in her written word.

MOO & :twocents:
I'm really not sure what to make of the Robyn, Maya, Cecelia, Krystal angle on all this, but if I saw just the letters as a juror, it would go a long, long way to explaining Casey's state of mind at the time Caylee's remains were found. Her attitude and lack of remorse and selfishness are very evident in her written word.

MOO & :twocents:

Aye, no matter what one thinks about the other actors, Casey's words are Casey's words. I hope they get introduced but, IMHO, they are not 'deal sealers'. 31 days is the huge white elephant that never blinks. Be that as it may, what an insight. **shudders**
I have been really holding back on comments about the letters and their fallout. I truly do not want to get booted from good ol' WS. Every snitch is mostly truthful because they are peddling info, and most of it is sort of a corroboration, if that makes any sense. I do want to stress to all me beloved WS posters that will never have, nor ever will see, the insides of a lockup, once you snitch your 'jacket' on your folder has an annotation. In PA it is a simple stamp that says 'k-9' on the lower left hand corner. This can be a DEATH sentence under certain circumstances.

In fact, anyone who gets a sentence that seems too light has to combat rumours of being a snitch. LE around these parts do their best to generate paperwork to make it look like a sentence adjustment. Most folks who have done any 'real' time knows that anyone who took a plea can not go for a reduction, hence getting out early MUST be related to snitching. Snitches get stitches is more than a cute (Yeah, I know) saying. Heck, being too chummy with the guards can be enough to get you jumped.

One thing that really had me ticked was her going on about commissary and what she was getting, etc. If she was not in that PC kiddieland, does anyone here think she has the strength and fighting skills to keep that Santa bag she gets week in and week out? Not bloody likely. Finally, I was gratified that she confirmed me supposition that the other inmates give her grief through the vents. I got a pretty good yet evil chuckle when she bragged about 'putting number 10 (or 20?, I forget) in 'her' place. She is NEVER going to sign out of PC and that is going to be its own form of hell. Trust me on that.

Thank you kindly for sharing your hard won info with the rest of us. You are appreciated. :)

I colored a bit of your post. Could you please explain why you think PC is so bad? Is it better or worse than GP?
I have been really holding back on comments about the letters and their fallout. I truly do not want to get booted from good ol' WS. Every snitch is mostly truthful because they are peddling info, and most of it is sort of a corroboration, if that makes any sense. I do want to stress to all me beloved WS posters that will never have, nor ever will see, the insides of a lockup, once you snitch your 'jacket' on your folder has an annotation. In PA it is a simple stamp that says 'k-9' on the lower left hand corner. This can be a DEATH sentence under certain circumstances.

In fact, anyone who gets a sentence that seems too light has to combat rumours of being a snitch. LE around these parts do their best to generate paperwork to make it look like a sentence adjustment. Most folks who have done any 'real' time knows that anyone who took a plea can not go for a reduction, hence getting out early MUST be related to snitching. Snitches get stitches is more than a cute (Yeah, I know) saying. Heck, being too chummy with the guards can be enough to get you jumped.

One thing that really had me ticked was her going on about commissary and what she was getting, etc. If she was not in that PC kiddieland, does anyone here think she has the strength and fighting skills to keep that Santa bag she gets week in and week out? Not bloody likely. Finally, I was gratified that she confirmed me supposition that the other inmates give her grief through the vents. I got a pretty good yet evil chuckle when she bragged about 'putting number 10 (or 20?, I forget) in 'her' place. She is NEVER going to sign out of PC and that is going to be its own form of hell. Trust me on that.

Don't hold back on any posts Thommy- I love your posts, talk about a Inside perspective! As you say, not one we hopefully will ever experience. I love the fact you come here and tell us what really happens, unlike the TV versions we see.
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