2010.05.04 New audio tape of Tommy from jail

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So Lindsy watches NG.

ToC Wants 3 grand from Lindsy's grandparents

Lindsy thinks ToC owes money to someone in jail

Going to dentist.........poor ToC..........aches and pains.........wisdom going in sideways
and will charge him $10. Doesn't want to pay it.
ToC hates 'lock down'

He is yawning and so so sleepy

ToC is sick of jail.............

books about "RECOVERY" as long as they come from bookstore send it
fishing magazine............guy in back ground says all ToC gets when he goes fishing
is he get a BUZZ.........
Salt water fishing magazine.
Found RECOVERY books on line and Lindsy is so excited about it and ToC
doesn't seem interested.............
says he is lucky for all the pills he took.
Phone number all over internet and people call Lindsey.
ToC is really mad about that.
He has a short fuse.
ToC wants more visits for Lindsy and not parents..........Nanny talks to them and they are ok.
Chelsea talks to Nanny.
They better give Lindsy the money you owe her.
Justin is still sick.
Baby girl so cute, talking about her.
Left camera at mom's........took pics of horse.
Big Brown horse, sweet. OLD.
ToC wants to ride the horse.
At grandma's ToC rode horses when young.
ToC didn't like the 2 young ones up on horse.
Tim mad at parents also about parents not paying.
She wants to call NG and AH and give the story (juice) on them.
T ball ............ToC said 'when will you be home?'
now talking about not getting ToC out of cell last night.
Get out 2 hours a day............
They know who I am..........that's why!
Wants out of jail and into prison.
Talking about visitation in PRISON.
Prison will be better than jail.
ToC wants cigs.
Lighters can not be bic type.
Lots of love you. sighs about sex induendo??? giggles
ToC I never sell drugs.
Hank says a stupid drunk driver ran him over. Gives his name.

Anyone know what county this happened in?

Saw a video.
Lawyer suppose to come this week.
Call me when you get out of cell.
T ball game is 30 minutes long..........arguing about time
Austin same old same old......
Layla points at clothes in closet
Wants to see his kids
Lawyer is trying hard for under 3 years
Scarey to Lindsy
Lindsy will go to county where prison is, just to see ToC.
Someone out of army.........lots of pain, wants kids..........warned them about roxies.
Must be their friends.
Talking about how it feels to be addicted.
ToC try this from his friends..........1 named Chico?
Lindsy never did drugs.
ToC messed with powder, pills, pot.
Makes Lindsy mad.
Followed the wrong crowd.........
Wished he would of listened to Lindsy
I'm a good dad.
She says not a good husband??? did I hear that right???
Layla is a daddy's girl..........hmmmmm
He sits there and knows he messed up.
ToC says he is a GOOD PERSON
Daddy Hank will give ToC a black eye when he gets out.
Lisa needs to fight this, she usually pleads out.
Blaming all this over finding out about Haleigh.
Blind guy did want to drop charges........Jason gallagher is a rotten cop.
Didn't get a picture.
Lindsy doesn't get her letters either.
Cops are crooked.
Sign from GOD.....to straighten up.
Pick up the Bible like I told you.
Don't do no drugs son!
Take drug test 2 times at some electric place.
Hank worked hard before some drunk ran him over.
R K.........to pay Hank per month after jail is done.
Hanks lawyer will help him.
All drs. knew who he was going to.
Begged for surgery......no insurance. Hank never wanted pills.
Lindys is closer to us now.
Pops was there trying to take care of everybody.
My van is messed up........no oil change!
Cell phone on vibrate......Myrtle? Margo?
Phone takes pix when you pick up.
No letters from Misty.
Misty lawyer working probono
Lindsy does sound childish on these tapes...her little girl voice and her giggling and the commune business...i hope that divorce is for the right reasons, not a way to get benefits as was suggested at one point...i hope she really is making a stand...it is hard to know when she is so affectionate and tolerant when talking to him...
but maybe Hope's sentence opened her eyes too, that she was not looking at waiting a few years, but possibly a few decades...


I had great hopes for Lindsy, but not now. I am really disappointed in her.
This is 14 days before his court date and it is on the 31st according to other calls.

If it is on the 31st, then Lindsy had already filed for divorce, right? So, is she sitting there talking to Tommy with all of the "I love you's" knowing full well she had filed for divorce?

"Snip" http://www..net/124468

Tommy said he has not slept in 2 days, back hurts and the mattress is uncomfortable. 14days until his next court day, I assume he is talking about March 31ST court date. Complains that he is so tired.

Tells Lyndsey she really looks good today. She says his hair looks really good.
Lyndsey said that Chelsea and Tim have tried calling Hank and Lisa but they will not answer the phone or text. Lyndsey has been trying to call as well and they won't take her calls/text either. She said they call Nanny, but will not take anybody else's calls. Lynsey said she wrote them a nasty letter,says that she told them it sucks that she can't depend on her, especially with her driving out there in the van with the kids.

Lynsey tells Tommy that Lisa (her friend) is the one that has been helping her watch the kids.

Tommy said his parents are not taking his calls either. He wonders what is up with his parents. He said they must be getting high or on a binge. Says they must be messing with that Ch*t again. She said she doesn't know what the deal is, nobody can get in touch with them. That they need to pay her the money they owe her so he can get some more money

Tommy says it must suck for Misty not getting visits or calls from Hank and Lisa.

Lyndsey tells him about her friend Lisa getting her tongue pierced. Tommy tells Lindsy she better not get any piercing because it's uncalled for. It's stupid. Lindsy ask why over and over...sounds as if she already got something pierce. He then tells her to wait until he comes home.

Tommy tells Lynsey he got the pictures and letters but only read the one. Said Layla looks cute, but Lynsey can send him some better ones. She asked him if he saw the new bed spread he said it's cute. She asked again about the pictures and he says she could send better ones..then he said he loves them. He tells her he was hoping she came that night so that he could see Austin, but she is going to a t-ball game.

Lindsey threatens to call Art Harris, to tell him some juicy info about Hank and Lisa, that they borrowed money, that they (cut?), could not tell what she said because Tommy interrupted her and told her not to do that. Lynsey says N.G. would love to hear about since she has nothing else to report at this time.

Lyndsey said she was to call Steven Brown and Tommy's attorney that day as well. That he mother told her that Tommy would not be a candidate for drug court. He says he didn't sell no F*N drugs anyway.
The video didn't show anything and his attorney is trying to get another video to see what it shows. Tommy said he didn't’t sell any drugs, that they were not his drugs. Then says, if you think about it they weren't ’t mine he says.
Tommy tells Lyndsey that he will probably get 18months...most 3 yrs, but his attorney feels he may only get 18 months. Tommy hopes he doesn't have to do 36 months.

Tommy says I wish I could Tell you...Lyndsey says...I know, you don't have to tell me anything.

Lyndsey tells him that Sharon will be coming to visit Tommy from out of town the week she is in MA or on his court date.

Lyndsey tells Tommy not to let his parents come visit him because they will waste her minutes, he says OK he will not come out of his cell since she is not coming until Thursday. Tells-him that she is taking spin classes and goes to the gym.

Tommy tells her he needs more money for Canteen, Lyndsey tells him he must owe some people some money in there.He talks about how they will charge him $10.00 for taking care of his tooth. (I wish that is all I had to pay.) And how much pain he is in...looks like he must be having some with drawls, back pains, tooth pains, can't sleep....

Lyndsey wants Tommy to ask to be moved to Flaglar county.

The start talking about Hank and Lisa again, wonder why they are not taking anyone's calls. Only Nanny's (Hollars).

Tommy says that he feels that his parents are messing with that ch*t again and feels that is why they are avoiding everybody.

Lindsy talks about being over at her mother's house, kids rode the horse and how she feed him chicken noodle soup, but she did not ride him.

Tommy slips and says someones name (the name is redacted), it is someone that is in the car watching the kids..not the friend Lisa though. Another inmate asked about her and told Tommy to have her come in and visit. Lyndsey says something about not being able to since she is from out of state?
:waitasec: Hmmm. I wonder who the SHE is? Sounds as if Chelsea was in town during this time IMO. Tommy slipped and said "A" name, said she (?) was in the car watching the kids that day. Lynsey tells him not to say her name because she will have to hear about it on N.G since Chelsea was going to be on N.G. Who ever it was that was there Lynsey didn't want her name mention because she didn't want it coming out. He asked when the "she" was leaving and Lyndsey said probably before she leaves for MA.

:waitasec: I wonder...Was Chelsea was in Florida, I wonder if Timmy came also? Maybe that is why Lyndsey went to MA, to drive Chelsea and Timmy back? I wonder why Chelsea needed to come to FL? I wonder if LE knew she was there? Did Chelsea come back to make sure something wasn't found? Take care of some unfinished business? Did Misty and Chelsea have a plan in case Misty ever ended up in jail? Hmmm...my hinky meter is real high!

Lyndsey says the kids are having a hard time dealing with Tommy being in jail.
Lyndsey says that she will move to what ever county the prison is in so she can be closer to to him.

Tommy says that he misses the kids and that is why he wishes he was just put in prison because at least he would be able to see the kids.

Lyndsey tells him that Sharon and Dustin will be moving to Florida.

Lyndsey asked him if she can send him a book on recover for addiction, but he wants her to sign him up for some fishing magazines so he can get received some magazines.
The other inmate tells him the only thing he catches when he goes fishing is a buzz...Tommy laughs.
Lyndsey talks more about he book how another lady recommended it because she lost a nephew due to drug OD. Tommy says to go on-line and try and get the book store to send it.
He asked her how this lady contacted her, Lynsey tells him that the lady got the phone number from the T.V. she is from Maryland and she is really nice. Tommy gets pi-st, says there are nuts out there with their phone number and says that it's not right to publish their numbers like that, he sounds worried.
If it is on the 31st, then Lindsy had already filed for divorce, right? So, is she sitting there talking to Tommy with all of the "I love you's" knowing full well she had filed for divorce?


Tommy took his LDT on April 8th. These calls all seem to be before Lindsy went to MA. I'm assuming the 31st date mentioned over and over is March 31st (Since April only has 30 days and February even less).

Lindsy filed for divorce at the end of April, after ToC failed the LDT.

IMO, all the "I loves you's" on these tapes are in March and before ToC flunked. I also believe that ToC's lawyer told Lindsy the questions that were asked and which ones he lied about.

That's why I'm soooo very curious if there will be any jailhouse calls between ToC and Lyndsy released after April 8th.
She can't feed her children or put gas in the car, but she can pay for a new bedspread. Ok.
She can't feed her children or put gas in the car, but she can pay for a new bedspread. Ok.

Do we know if she bought it? New could be "new" to her or someone in her family could have purchased for her. I dunno.
She can't feed her children or put gas in the car, but she can pay for a new bedspread. Ok.

I get the feeling that Lindsay is coping with consolation prizes for herself and the kids-- Dad is in jail, but we get to go to the Y for crafts classes/Hubby's not in bed with me, but look at this nice new comforter I bought.

Placation, and it won't last long, imo.
If it is on the 31st, then Lindsy had already filed for divorce, right? So, is she sitting there talking to Tommy with all of the "I love you's" knowing full well she had filed for divorce?


LINDSY filed for a divorce on April 28, 2010.
This vist was around the week of March 18, 2010.

I am thinking about 20 days after his poly would of been when she filed for divorce.

Tommy took his poly around April 8th I think. The search of the river was around the same time in April. A few days after the poly, April 13th?.
I wonder if Tommy came clean and that is what made up her mind? I wish we would know what questions were asked..and if he failed or passed.
Do we know if she bought it? New could be "new" to her or someone in her family could have purchased for her. I dunno.

I think she did buy it. Don't have the date or link to that visit, but she had mentioned going to Walmart and buying a few new things including the comforter when she first moved. Right after the income tax money came in.

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