2010.05.11 Jose Baez talking with reporters

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What happened to June 9th? when did this change?

When Caylee showed up in a video with her great grandfather on June 15th (Father's Day) and it could be verified by those that worked at the nursing .home.

Then it suddenly changed from June 9th to June 16th.

Hope that helps.
Very logical. But I wonder, where does the J Blanchard Park kidnap/script scenario fit in here?

sorry, O/T. strike at will mods...

That appears to me to be a theory made up by the family, and not something Kc has said. I do not believe the defense has changed their story one bit as far as I know. I agree Off topic and am sorry strike at will.

To stay on topic, I would like to comment on how respectful Jb was. I think this is due to Kb promising Jb not to follow him. She conceded to his wishes and he is appreciative. IMO
I think the dispute on the photos would be to make sure that Sa is not using the photos based on the way she was dressed to show she was a bad mom. If Sa just wants to show Kc was out while they say her daughter was missing, it probably won't be an issue. So, I agree in that context, they should look at the photos. I think June 20 is a problem as well when no one has time of death.

There is another problem with the child missing scenario and I am not sure how to explain it, but I will try to give an example.

1: Baby goes to babysitter on day one.
2: Babysitter calls and says were at the beach or amusment park.
3: Babysitter phone number no longer works, but still recieves a call
4: Babysitter calls on day 5, says were in Miami.
5: Mother still thinks everything is fine and has talked to baby.
6: Week 2 Mother begins to worry and has someone helping her find baby.
7: Day 31 realizes that baby has been missing all along and has been fooled.
8: End of Example or hypothetical, not fact......not opinion

Many posters are going retro or backwards to prove their theory or to try to state as fact.

Because she says on day 31 that her child has been missing for 31 days, does not mean she knew on day 1 thru 30 that her child was missing. It is just selective on peoples part to assume what she knew on July 15th she knew all along. It will have to be established in court exactly when she realized there was a problem. IMO

Okay, I'll bite!

Who is this "babysitter"? LE couldn't find her, the Anthony family never met her, the alleged phone call never happened, so the who's of Caylee's custody falls right back onto Inmate Anthony! The apartment Inmate Anthony points out is vacant for 142 days. The other apartment Inmate Anthony states is ZFG's mothers home, is a retirement home, no one of this name truly exists..

Seems folk are still in denial that Inmate Anthony is incapable of homicide. Seems to me, her hatred, anger and rage felt at that time for her mother, CA was the driving force to end Inmate Anthony's motherhood. Her, maybe I'm a spiteful biatch is the only statement made by her that holds true. Her vengenace ran deep, IMO...

Her problem began on June 15th, 2008, late evening. By the time June 16th , 2008 came around, Inmate Anthony is seen with her bf du jour renting videos. I'd say LE has a solid timeline, the party photos show state of mind. She had no concerns about Caylee's whereabouts for she knew where she put her, IMO...there's much stacked against Inmate Anthony but of course, there is this huge conspiracy surrounding her. :innocent:

LE arrested her on a whim, lying to police when trying to find your allegedly abducted child, goes against the grain of a concerned mother, don't you think???

Investigating your childs abduction in a bar, lounge, looking for her under bar stools or stripper poles shows concern, yes??? Yet, one call to 911 and she'd be in the clear had this been a true, stranger abduction...by the time day 31 rolled around, Caylee was already decomposed, in the swamp, less than 1/4 mile from their residence. Yes, this was a stranger abduction, NOT! statistics show when a mother murders her own, she will be buried within 5 miles of their home and placed in a womblike tomb...JMHO

I have faith whatever jurors are seated on this case, will see through the smoke and mirrors, the trickery the defense will try and use and give justice to this baby, who's murder was horrendous and depraved...that is cruel and unusal punishment for Caylee...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
When Caylee showed up in a video with her great grandfather on June 15th (Father's Day) and it could be verified by those that worked at the nursing .home.

Then it suddenly changed from June 9th to June 16th.

Hope that helps.

Yes, that is true, but it was too late for them to ask Kc about it. I don't know that Kc ever said she dropped Caylee off on June 16th. Sorry to be off topic, just want the record to be straight.
Yes, that is true, but it was too late for them to ask Kc about it. I don't know that Kc ever said she dropped Caylee off on June 16th. Sorry to be off topic, just want the record to be straight.
Read or listen to KC's statements to LE, then you will.
Yes, that is true, but it was too late for them to ask Kc about it. I don't know that Kc ever said she dropped Caylee off on June 16th. Sorry to be off topic, just want the record to be straight.

You need to go back and read the initial interviews of KC. All of your questions will be answered and your theories debunked.

Hope that helps.
I think the dispute on the photos would be to make sure that Sa is not using the photos based on the way she was dressed to show she was a bad mom. If Sa just wants to show Kc was out while they say her daughter was missing, it probably won't be an issue. So, I agree in that context, they should look at the photos. I think June 20 is a problem as well when no one has time of death.

There is another problem with the child missing scenario and I am not sure how to explain it, but I will try to give an example.

1: Baby goes to babysitter on day one.
2: Babysitter calls and says were at the beach or amusment park.
3: Babysitter phone number no longer works, but still recieves a call
4: Babysitter calls on day 5, says were in Miami.
5: Mother still thinks everything is fine and has talked to baby.
6: Week 2 Mother begins to worry and has someone helping her find baby.
7: Day 31 realizes that baby has been missing all along and has been fooled.
8: End of Example or hypothetical, not fact......not opinion

Many posters are going retro or backwards to prove their theory or to try to state as fact.

Because she says on day 31 that her child has been missing for 31 days, does not mean she knew on day 1 thru 30 that her child was missing. It is just selective on peoples part to assume what she knew on July 15th she knew all along. It will have to be established in court exactly when she realized there was a problem. IMO

Don't think going is going to fly in either direction if they go with KC's orginal statement:

1: SA will point out the Sawgrass apartment was a vacant unit and the only ZG associated with that complex in that time frame is not the same ZG one per KC herself.

2-4: will be disproved by KC's cell records. She would have been better off saying that she had not heard from ZG than saying something that could be proved to be a lie.
After reviewing the video that is referenced for this thread, it is clear that everyone is completely OT here.

Get the train on the track or the track will be closed.
I just listened to that raw interview. JB most definitely was polite to all the reporters, including K. Belich. I think he got a SEVERE talking to after he stormed off last week. I don;t know who talked to him, but it has had a dramatic effect.

What made me shake my head in disbelief was his statement that finding Caylee's remains did not make that much difference as the State had already indicted KC! Not that much of a difference??? To me, that was one of the most callous comments I have ever heard him make.

I hate to break it to Mr. Jose Baez, but before Caylee was found the state had a major uphill battle just to prove she was deceased, much less a homicide. IMO, though I never myself believed it, an accidental death was going to be a lot easier for the defense to float before Caylee's remains were found. Now the State can spend a lot more time focusing on HOW Caylee was killed, vs. THAT she was deceased.
RIP Baby Girl Caylee. Some days this case just makes me sick.
I think JB acted like a lawyer in the interview at the end of the death penalty hearing. He answered questions clearly and he made it known that they are going to argue the we don't know how she died defense--therefore you can't say my client did it defense.

I think this press friendly Baez is an improvement. Even though I am not crazy about what he is saying, he was respectful and somewhat statesman-like. Someone made him realize that he should not make enemies with the press.
I think JB acted like a lawyer in the interview at the end of the death penalty hearing. He answered questions clearly and he made it known that they are going to argue the we don't know how she died defense--therefore you can't say my client did it defense.

This is probably my biggest "problem" with the State's case--if they don't know how the death occurred how do they impose the death penalty? If they can't prove that KC applied the tape how do they impose the death penalty? Baez is wondering the same thing!
Agree with all of this. Excellent points. My suspicion is that the State can prove the COD was the duct tape. I get this impression based on JA's presentation where he described the tape being applied to Caylee's mouth and nose, and possibly looking into her killer's eyes while it was happening. Of course, I could be wrong. I'm anxious to hear what the State has to say about the COD.

Yes, Baez did conduct himself better. I hope he stays that way.
I also noted Baez referred to documents and photos that were sealed. I knew they had kept photos back, but this is the first confirmation I have heard we haven't seen all there is to see in the way of written evidence, even though it has seemed things were missing. As it was said in the context of discussing the way the duct tape was found on the remains, I am hopeful that means there is some very incriminating remain scene reports we haven't had access to yet.
I also noted Baez referred to documents and photos that were sealed. I knew they had kept photos back, but this is the first confirmation I have heard we haven't seen all there is to see in the way of written evidence, even though it has seemed things were missing. As it was said in the context of discussing the way the duct tape was found on the remains, I am hopeful that means there is some very incriminating remain scene reports we haven't had access to yet.

As well as Caylee's autopsy photos. I'm sure Dr. G documented her remains every step of the way. The jurors will see those photos..that will be all they need to see, IMO...all the evidence that goes with them, especially the lies and the not alerting authorities of a missing child...this will be heartbreaking...I do hope Baez doesn't get them thrown out...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I agree there was a marked improvement in his interaction with the press yesterday with the exception of his calling people 'stupid' a couple of times. Baby steps, I guess. His best bet would be to smile and say, "no comment'. But that's never gonna happen.

Personally, I like it when he mouths off without thinking as he usually ends up shooting himself in the foot.
Yes, that is true, but it was too late for them to ask Kc about it. I don't know that Kc ever said she dropped Caylee off on June 16th. Sorry to be off topic, just want the record to be straight.[/QUOTE]

bbm.....and THIS, in my own little humble opinion, is why SO MANY incredibly wise, thoughtul, intelligent, analytical, and realistic Websleuthers continue to respond to your posts, and the handful of others like it. I see concerned members worried that the same distorted information about "mother if the year" will continue to pop over all over the board, despite the numerous and extensive explanations that have provided to help set the record straight. "Quite frankly", IMO again, folks are concerned that the ONLY VICTIM IN THIS MURDER CASE---CAYLEE---will be forgotton because some are so darn eager-beaver to defend KC. :sick: Respectfully, I am not talking about pure opinion (MOO-MOO-type) postings and theories........hey, anything goes and it's all First Amendment stuff, right! I am talking about putting out the same information---time after time (without the guise of opinion)---despite the amazing Websleuthers who so patiently try and help you.

I sense that you sincerely want justice for the victim to result from all of this....that victim again being Caylee. You strike me as honestly trying to make sense of a "senseless crime". I guess I just wish everyone could remember (not just you, NTS :blowkiss:) that so much can be learned by really reading those responses to posts. That's how I have learned so much!!! By reading and considering the words of others. By stepping back from the minutiae and looking at the big picture. It's helped me, and I know it has helped others. Peace!

Not to completely off that train track: It was refreshing to see Baez behave in a much more appropriate manner in this presser. It was almost a complete 180 from the day prior. I agree with those who have remarked that someone must have had a discussion with him about 5.10.
If we are to convict a person for murder, then we need to make sure we get it right. If there is a dispute of the placement of the duct tape, then it should be gone over. The defense has every right to set the record straight of where the duct tape lay. Even if it has nothing to do with Kc. We can not allow the police to use their theory as established fact. The truth for Caylee is very important. We need to have our facts straight of what exactly happened no matter who did it.

This is another clue from the defense on their strategy and I appreciate it. LKB mentioned on 48 hours that they were going to dispute the location of the duct tape. This just confirms that. Sounds like the police description does not match the sealed pictures. IMO I am sure many posters appreciate when Jb gives us little clues into the future trial. IMO

Do you have a link to the 48 hours show you referred to? I don't get your statement that the police description doesn't match the sealed pictures. IIRC the duct tape placement was also confirmed by the ME. TIA
I agree there was a marked improvement in his interaction with the press yesterday with the exception of his calling people 'stupid' a couple of times. Baby steps, I guess. His best bet would be to smile and say, "no comment'. But that's never gonna happen.

Personally, I like it when he mouths off without thinking as he usually ends up shooting himself in the foot.

BBM Exactly! You don't see the SAO holding press conferences. The Sherriff's office did in the beginning but that was when they were looking for a "missing" child and when evidence to the contrary started to come in.
Yes, that is true, but it was too late for them to ask Kc about it. I don't know that Kc ever said she dropped Caylee off on June 16th. Sorry to be off topic, just want the record to be straight.

If you've listened to anything at all out of Casey's mouth, you would at the very least, know this. :rolleyes:
Yes, that is true, but it was too late for them to ask Kc about it. I don't know that Kc ever said she dropped Caylee off on June 16th. Sorry to be off topic, just want the record to be straight.

If you've listened to anything at all out of Casey's mouth, you would at the very least, know this. :rolleyes:

Just to set the record straight on this thread, KC consistently told the police she dropped Caylee off on June 9th. It is in her written statement and in her police interviews.
I do not know when and or if she ever changed her statement to the 16th,so could someone post a link on my profile documenting when and where KC changed her story in an interview or statement that it was the 16th not the 9th as is being posted in this thread?That was one of the questions on this thread, it was a good one and a response would be welcome.
Interview with Yuri at home on Hopespring July 16 - Page 2 begin line 21

Yuri: Ah, back on June 9th, 2008, you took Casey to a baby Sitter's house?
Casey: Yes.

Interview with Yuri and John Allen at Universal July 16 - Page 100 begin line 14

Y or J: You take your daughter and you drop her off on June the 9th..
Casey: Uh-huh (Affirmative)
Yor J: ..okay. At somebody, at a baby sitter's house okay. Now this is a baby sitter's that lives at this apartment okay. That's been vacant..
Casey: I dropped her off at that apartment.

Interview with Yuri and John Allen at Universal July 16 - Page 101 begin line 1

Y or J: Okay and when you dropped her off who.. who took her at that point?
Casey: Zani did she took her at that point.
Y or J: You left her, you left her in Zani's care?
Casey: Uh-huh (Affirmative)
Y or J: On June the 9th? Okay, so far that's right?
Casey: Yes.

Interview with Yuri and John Allen at Universal July 16 - Page 117 begin line 4

Y or J: And this is being, this is being corroborated right now, which again shows that you're continuously lying about the 9th being the day that..

Interview with Yuri and John Allen at Universal July 16 - Page 119 begin line 17

Casey: .. is I have not seen my daughter. The last time that I saw her was on the 9th of June.

Interview with Yuri and John Allen at Universal July 16 - Page 142 begin line 12

Appy: And she last... you last saw her June the 9th?
Casey: Ninth. A Monday.

Casey's written statement July 15 - Page 31

On Monday, June 9, 2008, between 9am nad 1pm, I, Casey Anthony took my daughter Caylee Marie Anthony to her nan's apartment.
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