2010.05.23 ~ Misty Jailhouse videos released: General Discussion

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If you're having trouble viewing/ hearing all the videos [and it's worth it to you], uninstall Quicktime, reinstall it- then open in IE. :)
I feel so bad for Hank Sr. I think he has tried to do the right thing for his whole family. He sounds like a broken man on these tapes. He knows Misty and Tommy are involved in some way.
I downloaded it through Quicktime and have listened to the entire tape. I'm going through it now pulling out parts I think are very interesting. I'll have some of it up on short YouTube clips later.

I don't mind telling you, one of the parts I have cut out is going to take more restraint than I may have because what I've heard has me more pizzed than anything in this case has so far to date.

Kimster, I'll try to be civil, but you may have to use that ray gun for the first time on me.
Okay, Im leaving a lot out, but mostly things that are common knowledge [second verse, same as the first]. Highlighting things that I found interesting. It can be pretty hard transcribing redunancy, but I did the best I could. :p


HC: I know if you really knew, you would tell.

MC: Yeah, I would.

HC: I know you would... we need to get you out and get you out of this da#& state. I dont give a sh#$ who it's on. If you know something,(tell on the motherf&$#@#)?

MC: I know- I would. There's just a lot of things like.. with the whole back door thing- ya know somebody had to have had a key. And Ive been thinkin a lot like lately. <I think it was you I was talking with earlier> about the whole Ronald thing. Like someobody had to have had a key- I didnt even have a key to the house. I gave my key back to Ronald when I left that week. Ya know what I mean? So I mean, there's no breaking and entering and all that stuff- it's just- I don't know.

HC: I wish we could find out.

MC: Me too.

HC: Someobody can't hold this in forever- theyre gonna have to talk about this or something.. it's gotta come out. I mean, that little innocent little child- I mean.. how could you just hold that in for the rest of your life? If she's dead, she deserves a decent burial. And if she's not, she needs to come home to her mama. Ronald should never have had those kids in the first place.

Hank's telling Misty she dug herself in deeper by putting out the letter, and that no one believes her.

MC: When I got here <mumbles> I went to sleep and I seen it. Im telling you, like it was a dream..and I seen that- it's what I seen- I'm tellin you.

HC: Everything you said is all the sh&$ we speculated in the beginning- you know.. every one of us thought it was Joe, maybe it could have been Joe, maybe it could have been Joe- but I don't even know if it could have been Joe. I don't know anymore.

<snip> Hank tells Misty she should listen to her lawyer.

MC: I know. But everything I done was for Ronald. Okay? Thats the reason I took all that stuff- cuz I loved him and I wanted to be with him (?) show him and make him and his family happy. So I went against my lawyer because that's what they wanted me to do.

Mistys crying about jail. They won't give her anything to do. :eek::

Someone has to come clean. Mistys been thinking:

MC: I was at home the whole night. I was sleeping. I dont know what happened- if I knew, they woulda knew that night. I just.. when I first got to jail, people were talking "that's what happened", "that's what happened".. I went to sleep, and that's what I seen, like it was a dream- I seen that.

HC: So, the cops didn't put you up with that?

MC: Nooo, dad. People in this place kept talking telling me 'that's what happened- and I know that's what happened', that's what they kept telling me. And like I went to sleep and I woke up and like it was a dream and I seen it. Ya know?

HC: Well, you shouldn't be writing stuff down if you don't know for a fact.. and saying stuff if you dont know for a fact- cuz it's just not helping you. If it aint true, don't say it. If it's true, you say it.


Hank says every time 'he' (dont know who he is) calls Timmy & Chelsea about anything it seems like it ends up out there in the world. Misty hasn't been talking to them either. She's talked to her brother but hasn't talked to Chelsea in a while. Ever since Linds has had something up her azz, her & Chelsea haven't been talking.
Hank says Lindsy's just mad because Misty brought Tommys name into it, and Hank is mad, too. He knows Tommy didn't do anything like that. He doesn't doubt Joe had something to do with it, but he doesn't even think Joe did anymore.

MC: She knows and she shouldn't have said that but it was like a dream and she seen it when she was sleeping. She woke up & she started crying & everything <cries>.

Misty just wanted to be a mother to those kids because Ron convinced her they didn't have a mom. Misty left Ron so many times and every time she would leave he would threaten suicide [put a gun to his head]. But Misty loved the kids so much.

MC: And when they'd send Haleigh into Lindsys house, Granny & them- when I didn't wanna come back, they'd bring Haleigh in there and have Haleigh tell me "Please come home, Misty". Yanno, all that stuff but.. they don't even look at that sh&%.

If anyone is having problems with the link, just right click on the link, select "Save Target As" and save it to a file, then open the file.
Some of the highlights are said to be:

The "Joe story" came to Misty in a dream

Joe's attorney is gonna have a field day with this, and I know, and a juror, I'd have a heck of a lot of trouble convicting someone who entered uponst the picture based on a dream, unless there was some pretty solid forensic evidence.

I feel so bad for Hank Sr. I think he has tried to do the right thing for his whole family. He sounds like a broken man on these tapes. He knows Misty and Tommy are involved in some way.

I agree...on some of the other tapes the kids talk about how Hank has always worked hard and tried to provide for the family. Hank doesn't have the busted up look of a chronic drug abuser like his wife has. I believe him when he says that he wasn't on drugs until his accident. I think at this point in time he is completely distraught about the situation with M and To, and his financial situation. Hank is also one of the only people involved in this case that has shown ANY regard for Haleigh, and has repeatedly begged his kids to tell the truth, no matter what happens...just MOO, and all that...
Still waiting for it to download, but Hearing Misty say that the story about Joe came to her in a dream doesn't worry me. I think the investigation is moving along the way LE want it to, perhaps not as quickly as they want it to, but moving in the direction of being solved nonetheless.

Who here thought Misty was the tipster anyway? The Shell Harbor search tip did not come from Misty in my opinion. There is a reason LE released these tapes.
Joe's attorney is gonna have a field day with this, and I know, and a juror, I'd have a heck of a lot of trouble convicting someone who entered uponst the picture based on a dream, unless there was some pretty solid forensic evidence.


If I was Joe Overstreet's attorney, I would be less concerned about what Misty was dreaming and more concerned with what his cousin Tommy( and whoever else) is providing.

I do not believe for a second that LE called Haleigh's family in to tell them that it is their belief Haleigh is deceased based upon a dream that Misty had. LE have evidence of some sort and Misty's dream isn't it in my opinion.
I think the problem is there are too many people trying to download them and it is stressing their server. It will get bettter later.
I don't know if I should watch anymore videos I feel more and more confused after each one?
I downloaded Quicktime and that worked! Thanks for the link!

Almost sounds like Hank is playing Misty to get her to talk. Saying they may leave town when they are allowed to, and he will come back and see Misty when he can. If he keeps this up......she will finally get her memory back!
Misty said that the back door was not broke into and that somebody had to have a key and makes a comment about TN. This case is getting more confusing each day. This tape was done the day b4 Misty's court date.
Or someone left it open from the inside. Try again, Misty. MOO
I don't know if I should watch anymore videos I feel more and more confused after each one?

I felt the same after listening to all 15 that were released on Friday night, but I took somewhat of a break, processed some things that were stated and am somewhat back on track now.. For certain it is all mindboggling however nothing had been revealed that has changed my mind so I maintain my stance....JMO
One correction, Papa.

Misty says: "I gave my key back to Ronald when I left that week."

She doesn't say "left for the week".
Misty is saying the headlines in the newspaper says "Cousin will testify, in Misty and Ronald's case?" Does that mean Tommy or Joe? Tape #4 about the 12:55 mark
OK, I'm back to feeling sorry for Misty again. It does sound like she was used by the Cummings, and that she loves/loved the kids. I can't figure out why she won't give Ron up. She seems to lean that way, and then she pulls back. Maybe, she still has a tiny part of her that thinks she can beat these charges and she and Ron could get back together. I don't think she has completely shut the door on him yet!

Is there only one tape on that site? That's all I got to play.
OK, I'm back to feeling sorry for Misty again. It does sound like she was used by the Cummings, and that she loves/loved the kids. I can't figure out why she won't give Ron up. She seems to lean that way, and then she pulls back. Maybe, she still has a tiny part of her that thinks she can beat these charges and she and Ron could get back together. I don't think she has completely shut the door on him yet!

Is there only one tape on that site? That's all I got to play.

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