2010.06.03 Misty and Tommy's court appearance

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The impression I got was that Misty looks more like Hope now. Tougher, rougher.

I understand Lisa's comment because I feel that the change in Misty and Tommy's looks is somehow symbolic of the way they're on their way of changing mentally, and it's not all for the good.

People in county jail generally look like carp after 3 or 4 months. But for Lisa to comment on Misty's and Tommy's looks made me despise that woman even more. I honestly think Lisa should look in the mirror before she judges her kids. I would say more but I would be banned for life I believe.
Different interpretations I guess. I didn't think Lisa was judging her children's looks, I thought she was worried because she saw the same change we all saw and felt it said something about their well-being.
Why does this feel like a game of pin the tail on the donkey?

Here, my friends - have a tail and a blindfold! The players will spin you around, and y'all put that tail on this donkey the best you can.:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:


That's IT!!!!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I have been trying to figure it out. You just nailed it.

Fortunately these are not the brightest of criminals, and, I would hope LE is keeping quiet because they have figured it all out, just waiting until all necessary pieces are there for a sound case.
Different interpretations I guess. I didn't think Lisa was judging her children's looks, I thought she was worried because she saw the same change we all saw and felt it said something about their well-being.

I agree, I felt she was just saying what a concerned mother would notice and not about to tell her true sad feelings for her babies.
I wonder if ToC is sentenced before MC's trial, if the Judge will be harder with his sentencing to send a clear message to MC and RC that someone had better start talking or they will all be spending the rest of there lives behind bars regardless of the outcome of the HC case, so they may as well come clean.....Can you imagine if ToC would get 30 years what shock waves that would send thru this case, the fact that Hope got 15 years and ToC has had a much lengthier criminal history than Hope would only make sense that he would get at least as much if not more....Then when you look at all the charges that RC has gotten out of in the past....I bet they would both be shaking in there cells.

If someone's sentence is jacked up to "send a message" to another person, I'd say that was grounds for appeal, if not full on acquittal and removal from the bench the judge who believed justice is served that way. If there's a message to be sent from Hope's sentencing and Tommy's sentencing, it's that you shouldn't traffic in drugs. Period.
Werter said prosecutors have been using the possibility of maximum sentences to shake those involved in the case.

"They just want to hang everybody and blast everybody," he said.

The State Attorney's Office would not comment directly on the cases, but prosecutors do use sentencing guidelines, State Attorney R.J. Larizza said in a statement from his office.

"Minimum mandatory sentences are the law, and my office will enforce those laws as necessary to protect the citizens from dangerous, violent and career criminals," the statement said.


BBM.. Red Tommy and Misty are dangerous, violent and career criminals? I'm not buying what State Attorney R.J. Larizza is attempting to sell...JMO
Thank you Patty & Dana Treen for an article that I can ALMOST understand. :crazy:

This part got my attention

Her attorney, Robert Fields, said recently that a plea deal was not being considered.

"We're not in the business of giving up," he said.

Fields has said Croslin has been cooperating with detectives about HaLeigh and said it is reasonable to believe pressure to resolve that case will affect the drug outcomes.

If I understand that correctly, the article insinuates that while Misty's lawyer says she is cooperating, she's not cooperating enough for a plea deal? (whereas Ronald IS working on a 15 year plea deal)?

What information could Ron possibly have for the SA that is worth a 15 year plea deal?

In a previous report today, Tommy's lawyer Werter said (I think) that he & Tommy looked at the minimum mandatory and went for it, rather than trying o make a deal?

Does this mean Tommy & Werter bailed on even trying to make a deal in spite of Tommy's big river confession?

:waitasec: Can anyone tell what's going on?

Why does this feel like a game of pin the tail on the donkey?

Here, my friends - have a tail and a blindfold! The players will spin you around, and y'all put that tail on this donkey the best you can.:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Don't know how close I'll come to that donkey's hindquarters, Emma, but I'll play. I have a few thoughts on the matter which might not amount to more than a pile of manure, but for what it's worth...

Why is Misty still holding out?

She's still weighing her options. Withhold the goods in Haleigh's case and take her chances at trial on the drug charges, which if convicted, would send her away for many, many years; or, tell the truth about Haleigh and ask for a plea bargain in the drug case. If Ron's lawyer has worked out a 15 year deal, Misty might be able to negotiate for the same or a little more. But, it's contingent on the value of the information she can provide, and obviously whatever she has told them isn't good enough because the SA's not making any offers.

Fields has said Croslin has been cooperating with detectives about HaLeigh and said it is reasonable to believe pressure to resolve that case will affect the drug outcomes.

So, why not give the SA's office their pound of flesh?

-- She killed Haleigh and would rather risk spending a zillion years in prison on the drug charges than face a murder conviction.

-- She's willing to risk the stiff sentence for the drug charges in order to protect someone else, which I don't buy for a moment.

-- Or, she really has told them all that she knows, but LE is so convinced she holds the key that they're not budging until she turns it over. Fields would like the world to believe that's the case.

They just want to hang everybody and blast everybody.

This one gets stuck in my throat. The only way Misty would not know what happened that night is if she left the MH. So why doesn't she just admit it? Unless she went off to sit in the woods alone for a few hours, whoever she was with could provide her alibi. I suppose another possibility is that she was passed out on drugs and slept through the whole thing or she doesn't remember, which is basically what she said in the beginning, though she didn't mention taking drugs. Hmm...I'll take door number three, Monty. This option is almost plausible, except that I'm pretty sure phone records might show otherwise. And...LE stated that physical evidence found at the MH refutes her claim, the "I was asleep" defense.

And then there's Ron and his very sweet 15 year deal. Again, if the value of the plea bargain is contingent on the value of the information, then Ron must've been holding an ace. No testimony that Ron could give against Misty in the drug case would net that kind of reward. But in Haleigh's case, PCSO and the SA appear so intent on nailing Misty, I think they'll take whatever they can get and pay a high price for it. What that "anything" is, I can only imagine. It might be a little more of what we've already heard from Ron. (to paraphrase)
How could she have been asleep? The bed was made.

She couldn't have washed clothes because we didn't have any laundry detergent.

And finally, there's Tommy. No deal there. He's taking his chances with the three years (or 44 months). If he gets the minimum, it won't be fun but it's doable. There is no guarantee that he won't get more, though, so why not bargain?

-- The river search didn't yield anything of value, and he just ain't got nothin' else. All of his cards have been played.

-- He's culpable in Haleigh's murder, but the stakes aren't high enough to induce a confession. Even thirty years is better than life in prison or worse, especially when the victim is a child.

-- Or, he holds incriminating information about Misty but is loyal enough to do the time in order to protect his little sister. After listening to hours and hours of his conversations, I get the feeling Tommy would do that for Misty and his parents. We've heard him speculate about his sentence quite a few times. He seems pretty convinced that he's in a low-risk situation, so he's willing to take his chances, especiallly now that the divorce is a done deal. His sense of urgency isn't as strong as it was back in April when he was so desperate to get out and save his marriage.
Werter said prosecutors have been using the possibility of maximum sentences to shake those involved in the case.

"They just want to hang everybody and blast everybody," he said.

The State Attorney's Office would not comment directly on the cases, but prosecutors do use sentencing guidelines, State Attorney R.J. Larizza said in a statement from his office.

"Minimum mandatory sentences are the law, and my office will enforce those laws as necessary to protect the citizens from dangerous, violent and career criminals," the statement said.


BBM.. Red Tommy and Misty are dangerous, violent and career criminals? I'm not buying what State Attorney R.J. Larizza is attempting to sell...JMO

I don't know about Tommy as a dangerous or violent criminal, but he's on a downward spiral, and he was passed out in his car at his child's bus stop, and if he needs to sit in the tank just for THAT, it's a good sentence. But then he went and added the trafficking charge, and well....I can honestly say the State probably stopped his descent by arresting him.

As for Misty, just watching the glee with which she participates in each of those UC drug tapes, and we see much different side than the "I'm only 17, c'mon, what do you think I could do?" or any other little girl routine she pulls when she's in trouble. Sorry Misty....you ARE dangerous. You ARE violent (hello, anyone remember her message to Amber, then her arrest for beating her up?), and you ARE a career criminal. You just got caught, which makes you really really bad at what you chose to do with your life.
Sounds to me that Tommy will not rat out Misty an vice a versa. So, no deal for either of them. Also sounds to me that they did not give LE any information regarding Haleigh's disappearance that will help locate her remains or bring charges forward. How tragic and sad. I was really hopeful that someone would of cracked and told the truth or at least enough to help LE find Haleigh. As for Ronald, IMO what ever he gave LE was not regarding Haleigh. IMO it was regarding one of LE's own son's that was involved in drugs and other drug dealers in the area. But that is JMO.
The State still has not accepted Ron's plea and I pray that they don't. He has gotten away with his drug dealings in the past, they were over looked by DCF and IMO if DCF would of intervened then maybe Haleigh would still be here. JMO.

Misty Croslin gets plea deal deadline~ August 16, 2010
Posted: June 4, 2010
"Snip" http://staugustine.com/news/local-ne...-deal-deadline
By Dana Treen

PALATKA -- Misty Croslin was told Thursday in Putnam County court that she has until mid-August to make a deal with prosecutors in 7 drug-trafficking cases that come with minimum sentences of 25 years, depending on the amount of drugs sold, if she is found guilty.
Misty also faces a trafficking charge in St. Johns County.

Misty and Hank Jr. (Tommy) are now closer to prison terms that are governed by minimum mandatory sentences that some say give prosecutors undue control over cases because of a judge's limited discretion to waiver.

One of the few ways for judges to deviate from minimum mandatory sentences is when a defendant gives substantial assistance in another case.

Misty Croslin has a trial date for August 23, 2010 on the Putnam cases.
Misty's "last chance plea date" is on August 16, 2010 to work out an agreement with prosecutors.

Misty Croslin spoke softly to the judge and signed notices for each of the seven counts. Her parents Hank Sr. and Lisa Croslin were in the courtroom.

Robert Fields, said that a plea deal was not being considered.

"We're not in the business of giving up," he said.

Fields has said Croslin has been cooperating with detectives about HaLeigh and said it is reasonable to believe pressure to resolve that case will affect the drug outcomes.

At Ronald Cummings' most recent court appearance, his attorney said they are negotiating for a 15-year sentence.

Evidence in all the cases include dashboard recordings in an undercover detective's car that provide audio and visual images of drug transactions.

Hank Jr. Croslin was charged with possession of hydrocodone in November when he was found passed out in a van. He was also arrested in the undercover operation in Jan with the others.

Hank Jr. pleaded no contest to those charges Thursday and faces a minimum of three years in prison. The judge could up that to 44 months or sentence him to a maximum of 30 years.

By July 6, a date will be set for a sentencing hearing.

Werter, attorney for Hank Jr., said his client has not agreed to testify for the state when Misty Croslin goes to trial.
"There's no deals on the table," Werter said.
I've read probably dozens of posts in this thread commenting on Misty's shocking appearance, yet some are all up in arms over her mother's reaction. Well, I have a close friend who lives 1,000 miles away. We don't see each other often, but we stay in touch by phone regularly. Awhile back, she gained 100 pounds as a result of thyroid disease. She was very upset, and talked about it often. So, I was well aware of her weight gain, but when I actually saw her, I could've fallen out of my chair. But I didn't pass judgment over her. Was just startled. Misty and Tommy are Lisa's children. Her parenting skills suck, but I've no doubt she loves her kids. I'm sure she was not only shocked but hurt to see the physical toll four months in the county jail has taken on Misty.

Actually, I think before and after pictures of Misty should be posted in high schools and junior high schools across America. Talk about scared straight. The average teenaged girl is obsessed with her physical appearance. Some of them might think twice after seeing those photos.
I'm just sayin'......if Misty's appearance needs any comment, it's "Girl, wuddup wid dat 'do!?" Otherwise, she looked relatively normal.

Tommy's hair was gray. I thought that was surprising. Other than that, eh.
I don't know about Tommy as a dangerous or violent criminal, but he's on a downward spiral, and he was passed out in his car at his child's bus stop, and if he needs to sit in the tank just for THAT, it's a good sentence. But then he went and added the trafficking charge, and well....I can honestly say the State probably stopped his descent by arresting him.

As for Misty, just watching the glee with which she participates in each of those UC drug tapes, and we see much different side than the "I'm only 17, c'mon, what do you think I could do?" or any other little girl routine she pulls when she's in trouble. Sorry Misty....you ARE dangerous. You ARE violent (hello, anyone remember her message to Amber, then her arrest for beating her up?), and you ARE a career criminal. You just got caught, which makes you really really bad at what you chose to do with your life.

I agree.. Just chalk my post up to be totally frustrated with all the presure and blame being placed on Misty and Tommy...JMO
I agree.. Just chalk my post up to be totally frustrated with all the presure and blame being placed on Misty and Tommy...JMO
You know what, Em? So am I. If I posted the words that run through my mind when I think of Ron, I'd blow up the board, and be banned, of course. I'll just say that, in my opinion, whether or not he physically killed little Haleigh, he's every bit as responsible as the person who did. So when you see me speculate that Misty might turn out to be the perp in this case, don't for a moment think that I'm not reluctant to believe it.
I've read probably dozens of posts in this thread commenting on Misty's shocking appearance, yet some are all up in arms over her mother's reaction. Well, I have a close friend who lives 1,000 miles away. We don't see each other often, but we stay in touch by phone regularly. Awhile back, she gained 100 pounds as a result of thyroid disease. She was very upset, and talked about it often. So, I was well aware of her weight gain, but when I actually saw her, I could've fallen out of my chair. But I didn't pass judgment over her. Was just startled. Misty and Tommy are Lisa's children. Her parenting skills suck, but I've no doubt she loves her kids. I'm sure she was not only shocked but hurt to see the physical toll four months in the county jail has taken on Misty.

Actually, I think before and after pictures of Misty should be posted in high schools and junior high schools across America. Talk about scared straight. The average teenaged girl is obsessed with her physical appearance. Some of them might think twice after seeing those photos.

I remember after years of not seeing much of the rolling stones and then they did one of there comeback tours or something ---- I stated at that time that they should show that band pictures as to what drugs do to oneself....everytime I have seen Keith Richards and my girls are around---I point out the drug factor and his appearance...(ozzie used to be better but then he has cleaned up, seen a plastic surgeon and ???????)---but I have used them for examples....

As of this "gang"----surprisingly Ron has looked the best--prison seems to agree wtih him----perhaps they should lock him and oppsie...where did that key go?????:waitasec:
Sounds to me that Tommy will not rat out Misty an vice a versa. So, no deal for either of them. Also sounds to me that they did not give LE any information regarding Haleigh's disappearance that will help locate her remains or bring charges forward. How tragic and sad. I was really hopeful that someone would of cracked and told the truth or at least enough to help LE find Haleigh. As for Ronald, IMO what ever he gave LE was not regarding Haleigh. IMO it was regarding one of LE's own son's that was involved in drugs and other drug dealers in the area. But that is JMO.
The State still has not accepted Ron's plea and I pray that they don't. He has gotten away with his drug dealings in the past, they were over looked by DCF and IMO if DCF would of intervened then maybe Haleigh would still be here. JMO.

This post deserves more than a thank you. You took the words right out of my head. :clap:
Seems like Ron, Tommy, & Misty are all accepting their part in the drug thing and hoping to get light sentences. It is the homicide case they will all be trying to negotiate once that is formally addressed. I didn't include Donna because her drug activity is a different animal and we know she's not directly involved with Haleigh. Just being in jail has taken it's toll on Misty & Tommy - and like said above, Ron appears healthier.
Frankly, I don't know why Fields doesn't try to work a deal for Misty to testify against RONALD. I doubt Misty was the one with all the contacts after hearing RC speak in the UC videos.

To my knowledge, Misty has no priors, but the same can't be said for Mr. Cummings.
Frankly, I don't know why Fields doesn't try to work a deal for Misty to testify against RONALD. I doubt Misty was the one with all the contacts after hearing RC speak in the UC videos.

To my knowledge, Misty has no priors, but the same can't be said for Mr. Cummings.

I imagine Misty would have to start working WITH her attorney. They haven't had the easiest of relationships. And she does have priors, but she's only a fresh adult; all her priors are in a juvie record. We know of her being involved in a fight with Amber and Amber's mother, which got her own mother and her sister-in-law Chelsea charged.

Her friends talk about her history of trouble, including drug use. I'm sure this isn't Misty's first rodeo with the po-po. But since she was a juvenile, we'll never see her records.
Wow, I barely recognized Misty, she seems to have put some weight on??
Brother pleads no contest

By Kristin Chambers
Published: Friday, June 4, 2010 1:47 AM EDT

Hank "Tommy" Croslin Jr. pleaded no contest to two drug charges in court Thursday morning, just after a trial date was set for his sister, Misty Croslin, for seven counts of drug trafficking.

Croslin Jr., 23, whose family has been the center of the Haleigh Cummings investigation, pleaded to one count of trafficking in hydrocodone and one count of possession. The charges stem from a monthlong undercover narcotics investigation that ended in five arrests last January, including Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings, 26, and his cousin, Hope Sykes, 18.

Croslin Jr. could receive up to 30 years in prison for the drug trafficking charge, and a maximum of five years for the possession charge.

When asked by Judge Terry LaRue if there was enough of a fact base to support Croslin Jr.'s plea, his attorney explained that his client had sold 45 hydrocodone pills to undercover officers and had been arrested on a schedule-two controlled substance.

"He wants to go forward and get this behind him," Attorney James Werter said.

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