2010.06.15 ~ Tommy has a hearing

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We haven't seen the tape but I WANT TO!!!!
Tommy's trial date is 6-21-10, unless that has been changed. (trial on the grand theft charges)
:waitasec: Looks to me like his hearing is on June 21st. Today's hearing may of been due to this motion filed on 06/07/2010 46 DEFENDANTS WITHDRAWAL OF WITNESS. Maybe the witness is Lindsey? Or maybe the person who filed the report has a different version of what happen now? Who knows, but no updates as of yet.

Didn't Lisa turn Tommy in for stealing a gun from the neighbor that was blind? She stole the checks and squealed on him about the gun.... I don't know which charge this is, so I may be really late in the game.
:waitasec: Looks to me like his hearing is on June 21st. Today's hearing may of been due to this motion filed on 06/07/2010 46 DEFENDANTS WITHDRAWAL OF WITNESS. Maybe the witness is Lindsey? Or maybe the person who filed the report has a different version of what happen now? Who knows, but no updates as of yet.

I think I remember something about the blind man not wanting to file charges about the gun, but LE insisted. (is this the right case?) He may have had a change of heart once he realized some checks were missing. I guess we will have to wait and see.
I think I remember something about the blind man not wanting to file charges about the gun, but LE insisted. (is this the right case?) He may have had a change of heart once he realized some checks were missing. I guess we will have to wait and see.

I am thinking the same thing Maryann, that the man doesn't want to be bothered now that they are in jail and he got the gun back. Don't know about the money or if the bank covers stolen checks.
:waitasec: Looks to me like his hearing is on June 21st. Today's hearing may of been due to this motion filed on 06/07/2010 46 DEFENDANTS WITHDRAWAL OF WITNESS. Maybe the witness is Lindsey? Or maybe the person who filed the report has a different version of what happen now? Who knows, but no updates as of yet.

05/13/2010 39 CASE SET FOR JURY TRIAL 06/21/2010



05/14/2010 41 MOTION TO DISMISS

05/17/2010 43 NOTICE TO ATTORNEY (06/21/2010)

05/17/2010 44 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT (06/21/2010) IN JAIL

06/03/2010 45 NOTICE OF HEARING SET ON 06/15/2010 AT 03:30


06/07/2010 47 AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING SET ON 06/15/2010 AT 03:30

Defendants Withdrawal of Witness is just a notice that Defendant is not calling a witness listed on their witness list. No need for a hearing. As far as who it could be...ANYONE. The way these guys get arrested, a witness is probably now facing their own charges and no longer willing to testify for Tommy.

The Last Chance Plea Day should have had a date listed, usually about a week before trial, and a Motion to Dismiss was filed on May 14. Today's hearing was most likely for both of those.
Tommy has 2 outstanding theft charges.
I think this is the case that will go to trial on 6-21
This one is pending

Both involved guns. The above reports list all the different things that were stolen. Scroll down in the reports for a nararative on the thefts. Very interesting refreshers
Then, he had the assault on Hank sr. That case has been closed-charges dropped, I think.
And 2 outstanding drug charges. He accepted a plea for one of the drug charges, and pled nolo on the other. Both of these, he will be sentenced on 7/6/10
Tommy has 2 outstanding theft charges.
I think this is the case that will go to trial on 6-21
This one is pending

Both involved guns. The above reports list all the different things that were stolen. Scroll down in the reports for a nararative on the thefts. Very interesting refreshers
Then, he had the assault on Hank sr. That case has been closed-charges dropped, I think.
And 2 outstanding drug charges. He accepted a plea for one of the drug charges, and pled nolo on the other. Both of these, he will be sentenced on 7/6/10

I just have a problem with the theft charges against Tommy. First, Lisa was in possession of the gun that was returned to the elderly man. Who's to say she didn't steal it?

As for the other charge, was the gun ever found? How can a charge of grand theft hold up if the gun was never found? Was Lisa living with Tommy and Lindsy at the time those items were stolen?

Sure, the seemingly obvious culprit might be Tommy, but how does the state prove it?
I just have a problem with the theft charges against Tommy. First, Lisa was in possession of the gun that was returned to the elderly man. Who's to say she didn't steal it?

As for the other charge, was the gun ever found? How can a charge of grand theft hold up if the gun was never found? Was Lisa living with Tommy and Lindsy at the time those items were stolen?

Sure, the seemingly obvious culprit might be Tommy, but how does the state prove it?

From what I understand, the elderly guy whose gun was taken as well as his checks, which Lisa was later convicted of forging, had his gun returned not long after he noticed it missing. It in fact was in his possession when the police arrested Tommy for theft of the item.

There was a second gun found during the search after the Satsuma 4+1 gang were arrested, pointed out by Lindsy who stated she didn't know whose it was or where it came from, that could be at issue as well.

I personally have a hard time seeing how Tommy will get charged for the first one (since the item was returned and there's no telling if it was ever gone) and the second one seems to have far too many other people in that house who could have obtained a gun that wasn't theirs in many different ways. "what's mine is mine, what's yours is mine" ..... Croslin family motto
From what I understand, the elderly guy whose gun was taken as well as his checks, which Lisa was later convicted of forging, had his gun returned not long after he noticed it missing. It in fact was in his possession when the police arrested Tommy for theft of the item.

There was a second gun found during the search after the Satsuma 4+1 gang were arrested, pointed out by Lindsy who stated she didn't know whose it was or where it came from, that could be at issue as well.

I personally have a hard time seeing how Tommy will get charged for the first one (since the item was returned and there's no telling if it was ever gone) and the second one seems to have far too many other people in that house who could have obtained a gun that wasn't theirs in many different ways. "what's mine is mine, what's yours is mine" ..... Croslin family motto


2009 - 7481
Detective Ken Taylor D1177
On August 25, 2009, I made contact with Marvin (M.P.) Martin, at his residence located at 204 Sunglow Ave. I
advised Mr. Martin I had received information that he was possibly the victim of a theft form his residence.
Mr. Martin told his pistol had been stolen, but he had gotten back. I asked Mr. Martin to explain the
circumstances of the theft.
Mr. Martin advised me Hank Sr. and Lisa Croslin used to live next door to him, and he had remained friendly with
the family even after they had moved away. Mr. Martin was unable to tell me the exact day the theft occurred but
he believed it was possibly last Wednesday or Thursday (08-19-09 or 08-20-09), Lisa Croslin and Hank Croslin Jr.
had come over to his residence to use his telephone, which they did often, due to the fact there telephone at
there residence had been turned off.
Mr. Martin advised me he noticed his firearm, a Colt Army Special .38 caliber revolver missing from his bedroom,
either on Friday or Saturday he was unsure. Mr. Martin told me he called Timmy Croslin residence, the son of
Lisa Croslin. I asked Mr. Martin where Timmy Croslin lived. Mr. Croslin told me he was not sure, he only knew it
was somewhere in New Jersey. I looked through Mr. Martin's caller identification phone and located a number
he believed belonged to Timmy Croslin (774) 268-9166, but he was unsure. Mr. Martin told me he spoke with
Timmy's wife; he was unable to remember her name. Mr. Martin stated he told her "I know either Lisa or Hank
stole my gun and I want it back." I asked Mr. Martin why he was so sure one of them had stolen the firearm. Mr.
Martin told me they had been the only ones inside his residence, and he has not been anywhere since they had
been at his residence.

I asked Mr. Martin how he got the firearm back. Mr. Martin told me about two hours after he made the call, to
Timmy Croslin's wife, Lisa and Hank Croslin Sr. arrived at his house and returned the firearm to him. I asked Mr.
Martin who he thought had stolen his firearm, Lisa or Hank Jr .. Mr. Croslin said that Lisa told him that Hank Jr.
Had stolen the firearm, but he was not sure which one of them had stolen the firearm.

In view of the above listed information, this investigation is deemed cleared pending. Further reports will be
rendered on a timely basis, if and when deemed warranted.

Reading between the lines, it seems Mr Martin wasn't certain he believed Lisa, that Tommy took his gun.
Report for 2nd gun incident.......

The victim's reported only that a 12 Gage shotgun was stolen at the time the incident was reported. Contact was subsequently made with Lindsy Croslin, Tommy's spouse, and asked if she had witnessed a shotgun being brought into her residence in the past 24 hours. Lindsy stated she had not seen any firearms and the Sheriff's office was more than willing to help her search her residence for the item because she did not want her children to locate a gun. (snipped)
Though the firearm was never located in or around the residence..............................
Normally, having your mother say you committed a crime, would hold a lot of weight in court. Since the mother is the one found guilty of stealing the checks, I see a lot of reasonable doubt. I think Tommy is pretty low down to point the finger at JO in Haleigh's disappearance, and for that reason, I don't care what happens to him. Up to that point, I was a "Tommy supporter." Lindsy is the only Croslin that I still have any faith in. She stood by Tommy when she thought he was being truthful, and shut the door on him when he put Misty before her, and their children. It's hard to turn your back on family, and I admire Lindsy for her tough love stance.

2009 - 7481
Detective Ken Taylor D1177
On August 25, 2009, I made contact with Marvin (M.P.) Martin, at his residence located at 204 Sunglow Ave. I
advised Mr. Martin I had received information that he was possibly the victim of a theft form his residence.
Mr. Martin told his pistol had been stolen, but he had gotten back. I asked Mr. Martin to explain the
circumstances of the theft.
Mr. Martin advised me Hank Sr. and Lisa Croslin used to live next door to him, and he had remained friendly with
the family even after they had moved away. Mr. Martin was unable to tell me the exact day the theft occurred but
he believed it was possibly last Wednesday or Thursday (08-19-09 or 08-20-09), Lisa Croslin and Hank Croslin Jr.
had come over to his residence to use his telephone, which they did often, due to the fact there telephone at
there residence had been turned off.
Mr. Martin advised me he noticed his firearm, a Colt Army Special .38 caliber revolver missing from his bedroom,
either on Friday or Saturday he was unsure. Mr. Martin told me he called Timmy Croslin residence, the son of
Lisa Croslin. I asked Mr. Martin where Timmy Croslin lived. Mr. Croslin told me he was not sure, he only knew it
was somewhere in New Jersey. I looked through Mr. Martin's caller identification phone and located a number
he believed belonged to Timmy Croslin (774) 268-9166, but he was unsure. Mr. Martin told me he spoke with
Timmy's wife; he was unable to remember her name. Mr. Martin stated he told her "I know either Lisa or Hank
stole my gun and I want it back." I asked Mr. Martin why he was so sure one of them had stolen the firearm. Mr.
Martin told me they had been the only ones inside his residence, and he has not been anywhere since they had
been at his residence.

I asked Mr. Martin how he got the firearm back. Mr. Martin told me about two hours after he made the call, to
Timmy Croslin's wife, Lisa and Hank Croslin Sr. arrived at his house and returned the firearm to him. I asked Mr.
Martin who he thought had stolen his firearm, Lisa or Hank Jr .. Mr. Croslin said that Lisa told him that Hank Jr.
Had stolen the firearm, but he was not sure which one of them had stolen the firearm.

In view of the above listed information, this investigation is deemed cleared pending. Further reports will be
rendered on a timely basis, if and when deemed warranted.

Reading between the lines, it seems Mr Martin wasn't certain he believed Lisa, that Tommy took his gun.

BBM there at the end...it sounds like Mr Martin didn't trust any of the Croslins and I can't say I blame him. However when Lisa stole Mr Martin's checks to forge for her own selfish and illegal reasons, the only other person with her was her son Tommy .....so it was either her or him, and only her or him that took it. In my opinion she knew darn well it wasn't her and wasn't about to get arrested for stealing a gun and stealing and forging checks, so she got the gun back from Tommy and returned it in hopes that Mr Martin would be kind and not press charges, which he didn't until an officer came a -knocking to ask him if his gun was stolen that day. JMO
Elle, Mr Martin isn't the one that was approached by LE. That was another victim that I don't think I'm allowed to refer to since he isn't a key player. Martin didn't call LE until he found out his checks were missing and being forged. Lisa was charged with this crime, and as far as I know, this is the only charge she hasn't denied. Tommy has no history of theft prior to being on Misty and Ron's "fink" list. Lisa, on the other hand, has sticky fingers. (purse at Walmart) Tommy has never commented on what happened at Mr Martin's house that day. I think he has avoided this, because he knows it was his mother that did it. In court, all he has to do is show reasonable doubt. I don't know if this will point the finger at his mom or not, but I believe Lindsy has lit a fire under him with regard to putting his family before her and the children.
Elle, Mr Martin isn't the one that was approached by LE. That was another victim that I don't think I'm allowed to refer to since he isn't a key player. Martin didn't call LE until he found out his checks were missing and being forged. Lisa was charged with this crime, and as far as I know, this is the only charge she hasn't denied. Tommy has no history of theft prior to being on Misty and Ron's "fink" list. Lisa, on the other hand, has sticky fingers. (purse at Walmart) Tommy has never commented on what happened at Mr Martin's house that day. I think he has avoided this, because he knows it was his mother that did it. In court, all he has to do is show reasonable doubt. I don't know if this will point the finger at his mom or not, but I believe Lindsy has lit a fire under him with regard to putting his family before her and the children.
I don't know or can't recall who is the other victim, but I've always wondered how LE learned of the gun theft in the first place. Was Misty the source? I think so.

The fight between the Cummings and Ron at AS's house was on August 5th and Ratgate was on August 7th. Shortly afterward, Misty filed the petition for a restraining order against Tommy. On August 25th, Officer Taylor shows up at Mr. Martin's door (although AH reported the complaint was taken on September 9th). And Misty sure was quick to tell LE about the other alleged burglary shortly after she was arrested in January.

AH also wrote that Martin called LE after hearing rumors that "he might be targeted for payback by anonymous people". I call BS on that one. What anonymous people? Timmy and the senior Croslins had left town, and Tommy and Lindsy were preparing to leave. IMO, LE pressured him into filing that report. What they used as leverage, I don't know. It's pretty obvious that they were anxious to put the squeeze on Tommy, though. Why else would they go through the trouble of arresting someone with no previous record for the theft of a gun that was returned to the owner? Good luck making that one stick.
Elle, Mr Martin isn't the one that was approached by LE. That was another victim that I don't think I'm allowed to refer to since he isn't a key player. Martin didn't call LE until he found out his checks were missing and being forged. Lisa was charged with this crime, and as far as I know, this is the only charge she hasn't denied. Tommy has no history of theft prior to being on Misty and Ron's "fink" list. Lisa, on the other hand, has sticky fingers. (purse at Walmart) Tommy has never commented on what happened at Mr Martin's house that day. I think he has avoided this, because he knows it was his mother that did it. In court, all he has to do is show reasonable doubt. I don't know if this will point the finger at his mom or not, but I believe Lindsy has lit a fire under him with regard to putting his family before her and the children.

Maryann, Mr Martin was approached by LE in regards to his very old Colt revolver that was stolen.


2009 - 7481
Detective Ken Taylor D1177
On August 25, 2009, I made contact with Marvin (M.P.) Martin, at his residence located at 204 Sunglow Ave. I
advised Mr. Martin I had received information that he was possibly the victim of a theft form his residence.

Mr. Martin told his pistol had been stolen, but he had gotten back. I asked Mr. Martin to explain the
circumstances of the theft.
Mr. Martin advised me Hank Sr. and Lisa Croslin used to live next door to him, and he had remained friendly with
the family even after they had moved away. Mr. Martin was unable to tell me the exact day the theft occurred but
he believed it was possibly last Wednesday or Thursday (08-19-09 or 08-20-09), Lisa Croslin and Hank Croslin Jr.
had come over to his residence to use his telephone, which they did often, due to the fact there telephone at
there residence had been turned off.
Mr. Martin advised me he noticed his firearm, a Colt Army Special .38 caliber revolver missing from his bedroom,
either on Friday or Saturday he was unsure
. Mr. Martin told me he called Timmy Croslin residence, the son of
Lisa Croslin. I asked Mr. Martin where Timmy Croslin lived. Mr. Croslin told me he was not sure, he only knew it
was somewhere in New Jersey. I looked through Mr. Martin's caller identification phone and located a number
he believed belonged to Timmy Croslin (774) 268-9166, but he was unsure. Mr. Martin told me he spoke with
Timmy's wife; he was unable to remember her name. Mr. Martin stated he told her "I know either Lisa or Hank
stole my gun and I want it back." I asked Mr. Martin why he was so sure one of them had stolen the firearm. Mr.
Martin told me they had been the only ones inside his residence, and he has not been anywhere since they had
been at his residence.

I asked Mr. Martin how he got the firearm back. Mr. Martin told me about two hours after he made the call, to
Timmy Croslin's wife, Lisa and Hank Croslin Sr. arrived at his house and returned the firearm to him. I asked Mr.
Martin who he thought had stolen his firearm, Lisa or Hank Jr .. Mr. Croslin said that Lisa told him that Hank Jr.
Had stolen the firearm, but he was not sure which one of them had stolen the firearm.
In view of the above listed information, this investigation is deemed cleared pending. Further reports will be
rendered on a timely basis, if and when deemed warranted.~ end snip

Mr. Martin noticed his firearm was missing on Friday or Saturday and decided to make a phone call to get his gun back rather than call police. If he had called police and reported his gun stolen the report would have indicated that rather than indicating that the detective "advised Mr. Martin that he thought he might be the victim of a crime". Lisa and Tommy were the only ones present on that day and Mr. martin was pretty positive one of them stole it. I don't think this poor man is involved in any conspiracy that is out to get Tommy. Tommy is a thief and he got caught.
Maryann, Mr Martin was approached by LE in regards to his very old Colt revolver that was stolen.


2009 - 7481
Detective Ken Taylor D1177
On August 25, 2009, I made contact with Marvin (M.P.) Martin, at his residence located at 204 Sunglow Ave. I
advised Mr. Martin I had received information that he was possibly the victim of a theft form his residence.

Mr. Martin told his pistol had been stolen, but he had gotten back. I asked Mr. Martin to explain the
circumstances of the theft.
Mr. Martin advised me Hank Sr. and Lisa Croslin used to live next door to him, and he had remained friendly with
the family even after they had moved away. Mr. Martin was unable to tell me the exact day the theft occurred but
he believed it was possibly last Wednesday or Thursday (08-19-09 or 08-20-09), Lisa Croslin and Hank Croslin Jr.
had come over to his residence to use his telephone, which they did often, due to the fact there telephone at
there residence had been turned off.
Mr. Martin advised me he noticed his firearm, a Colt Army Special .38 caliber revolver missing from his bedroom,
either on Friday or Saturday he was unsure
. Mr. Martin told me he called Timmy Croslin residence, the son of
Lisa Croslin. I asked Mr. Martin where Timmy Croslin lived. Mr. Croslin told me he was not sure, he only knew it
was somewhere in New Jersey. I looked through Mr. Martin's caller identification phone and located a number
he believed belonged to Timmy Croslin (774) 268-9166, but he was unsure. Mr. Martin told me he spoke with
Timmy's wife; he was unable to remember her name. Mr. Martin stated he told her "I know either Lisa or Hank
stole my gun and I want it back." I asked Mr. Martin why he was so sure one of them had stolen the firearm. Mr.
Martin told me they had been the only ones inside his residence, and he has not been anywhere since they had
been at his residence.

I asked Mr. Martin how he got the firearm back. Mr. Martin told me about two hours after he made the call, to
Timmy Croslin's wife, Lisa and Hank Croslin Sr. arrived at his house and returned the firearm to him. I asked Mr.
Martin who he thought had stolen his firearm, Lisa or Hank Jr .. Mr. Croslin said that Lisa told him that Hank Jr.
Had stolen the firearm, but he was not sure which one of them had stolen the firearm.
In view of the above listed information, this investigation is deemed cleared pending. Further reports will be
rendered on a timely basis, if and when deemed warranted.~ end snip

Mr. Martin noticed his firearm was missing on Friday or Saturday and decided to make a phone call to get his gun back rather than call police. If he had called police and reported his gun stolen the report would have indicated that rather than indicating that the detective "advised Mr. Martin that he thought he might be the victim of a crime". Lisa and Tommy were the only ones present on that day and Mr. martin was pretty positive one of them stole it. I don't think this poor man is involved in any conspiracy that is out to get Tommy. Tommy is a thief and he got caught.

My question is HOW did LE find out about the incident since they are the ones who approached the old man?
IIRC this occured not too long after Ron C put a rat in the Croslin mailbox...And I believe JM handled that investigation.... Ironic how Ron C has never had to answer to any those charges filed against him, even after admitting to MN and TM he did it and took Misty along to see how good she could lie to the police.. But instead LE puts the squeeze on Tommy in reference to a gun they cannot prove Tommy ever stole...JMO
I'm soooo confused as to what burglary charge you guys are talking about, but Misty did squeal on Tommy about stealing a shotgun while she was being questioned on her drug charges. It says it in the police report when Tommy stole all the soap and household stuff.

The gun incident we are discussing occurred last summer not too long after Ron C was arrested for fighting with the Croslins and the ratgate incident occurred....
Hank Sr. and Lisa has already left for Tennessee and Lyndsey and Tommy were planning on following them to Tennessee...
The gun incident we are discussing occurred last summer not too long after Ron C was arrested for fighting with the Croslins and the ratgate incident occurred....
Hank Sr. and Lisa has already left for Tennessee and Lyndsey and Tommy were planning on following them to Tennessee...
Is this the one where Lisa stole the checks and got arrested for forgery? and got picked up in TN? I think I'm on the right page now:dance:
didn't that arrest happen around the same time as Misty's voice analysis test?

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