2010.06.26 9-1-1 call from Horman's home

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Assuming the possibility that some of the rampant internet hatred and threats to TH have been taken a step further in direct contacts and threats to her at her home, it only makes sense to get the baby out of there. It also makes sense to separate the baby from her for at least the near future, just in case one of the crazies does something to their home or vehicles. I can understand that concern by both parents at this time.


After reading the scanner thread,it seemed to me that someone was in the driveway,making threats to the female at the residence. So,yes, it would make sense to remove the baby from the house. Where I differ with you is in the fact that KH went ahead and filed for divorce,and then filed a RO. It simply does not fit..... I wonder if TH was aware that KH had left for good ; she may not have been.Maybe he left, and used this threat as a cover ? TH might have been led to believe that he was coming back in a couple of days. It might have been the only safe way he could get the baby and himself out of the house.... I notice that there was no arrest of the person making the threats, which is interesting in and of itself.... I wonder if TH was set up ?

It is standard. It is on every form that I have ever seen.

So now I can only attest what I read myself, while massively googling - therefore it is now rumor - that the legal expert said that restrictions on guns is applies to all OR's in Oregon....

Maybe after the morning presser KH decided to go get the baby and leave. TH freaked out, and called 911. KH leaves and files for divorce.

Thank you, ClueMeIn - can you verify if it is standard inclusive language, or if it's a check box kind of thing?

Personally, it makes no difference to me - I'd check the box in any case no matter what - but I stand by that news media's legal source said it was automatically included in the language of the RO. I'm still new, but I understand you can verify these things ;) I kind of just curious, I guess, just because he made it sound wrapped in the document. Again, check box - I'd check it, just curious as to the media statement.

Thanks you!!
I have no idea what actually happened, but if some sort of confrontation happened and the police were called, it would be normal to tell someone to leave for a day or so, for a cool down period. This could be the source of the media reports, allegedly from KH friends, that LE told him to take his daughter and leave. Maybe she expected that he'd be coming back after that? She had to know there was trouble, and maybe isn't totally in touch with the gravity of this situation.

I'm thinking along the same lines. I think KH may have caught TH in a lie (or LE revealed info to him that he had not yet known) and connected all the dots in Kyron going missing. A fight ensued, cops were called. Cops told KH to take the baby and leave for a day or two to cool off. TH thinks all is fine and that he'd be back soon once he'd cooled off. But instead, KH got an atty and got things ready to file for RO & divorce.
I think when law enforcement came, Terrie said, "Kaine is trying to leave and take our daughter with him!"

I don't think they TOLD or ORDERED Kaine to leave, I think they gave him permission to leave because that is what Kaine wanted to do.

Terrie didn't want Kaine taking the baby with him. The police officer said, "Go ahead and leave! Take the baby with you!"

This is what I think may have transpired on that Saturday.

But...why then TH's positive attitude on Monday? Honestly, if KH served TH divorce papers at 6pm - AND an RO - on Monday, and a 911 call was Kaine leaving Saturday, things were not OK.

I am seriously needing more than what I can gather anywhere - we all may need to - about what's happened. I see family breakdown, and TH cracking up, especially since she was so OK with media Monday...Frankly, given my viewpoint on who is responsible for this dear child missing id TH, I am Sick to my Stomach, that I am slightly sick and worried for her.

But. I am worried. Thrillions about Kyron. And also - yet again - worried about TH. That's all.

Worried. Highly.
24 OT posts were removed. TWENTY FOUR!

Most of them were about Kaine and TH's body language. PLEASE pay attention to what thread you are posting on so your posts aren't removed! If this thread would have been longer and had taken up more time to review than it did, it would have just been removed and closed for good.

This thread will reopen after everyone gets a chance to view this post.
Carry on with this most interesting topic. :grouphug:
News from the Scanner Forum: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5349517&postcount=518"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Repaired link. Sorry all.
So does this link mean that the call wasn't for the Horman household? Or did i miss something...?

Well, if it is being sealed because of the Horman investigation, it must have something to do with it. Could it possibly be that one of the Horman's was threatening the neighbor??
Isn't the nearest neighbor miles away? I'm wondering how this got to a neighbor's house if there is no neighbor near them. Weird.

Or maybe Kaine put the baby in the car and took off, and TH went after him, and somehow they ended up stopped in the neighbor's driveway with TH blocking him in so he can't leave, and then she calls 911 as he's yelling at her from his car?

It's only speculation, but I'm trying to imagine how this involved a neighbor. Didn't the police go the Horman house? Do we know for sure? Or did they go to the neighbor's house to calm everything down? And if they did, maybe they told Kaine to go where he was going, but TH should go back to the house and cool down?

Or maybe she ran to a trusted neighbor's house with the baby and Kaine followed? She calls 911 because he's threatening her, telling her she better give the baby back to him, etc? The police come over, give the baby to Kaine since TH is a flight risk, and tell him to go away from the family home while she has to stay there under surveillance because she tried to flee once and they don't want that to happen again?

Oh wait, it seems the neighbor called. So maybe Terri ran to this neighbor's house and was inside with the baby, and Kaine pulls up and threatens the neighbor to let him in to get his baby? Maybe Terri decides to come out and they go back to the family home to continue the argument, and that's where the police show up to calm things down? Kaine doesn't strike me as someone that wants a family argument happening in front of other people.

So many possibilities. BTW, I have no idea at all if anything like the above scenarios happened. I'm just trying to figure out what could have possibly taken place. Obviously, I could be totally wrong and I accept that. If I wasn't supposed to do a post like this, I will erase it and I apologize.

I wonder if the unsealed RO will tell us anything more, give us some clues.
Ah,okay. I misunderstood the 911 sequences and origins before. The first 911 at 5 :18, this was from a neighbor of the Hormans, who said that someone was in her driveway,threatening her. Is that correct ? Then, the second 911 call,at 5 :46, has nothing on the scanner, but it was from the Horman residence ? Wow, things must have gotten hectic there for a while.....

It's possible that the call that was heard at 5:18 or so was not related and is just coincidence.

It is possible that the call from the Horman house did not come across the scanner that we here have been listening to, but because of the location, was dispatched over a different channel.
Isn't the nearest neighbor miles away? I'm wondering how this got to a neighbor's house if there is no neighbor near them. Weird.

Or maybe Kaine put the baby in the car and took off, and TH went after him, and somehow they ended up stopped in the neighbor's driveway with TH blocking him in so he can't leave, and then she calls 911 as he's yelling at her from his car?

It's only speculation, but I'm trying to imagine how this involved a neighbor. Didn't the police go the Horman house? Do we know for sure? Or did they go to the neighbor's house to calm everything down? And if they did, maybe they told Kaine to go where he was going, but TH should go back to the house and cool down?

Or maybe she ran to a trusted neighbor's house with the baby and Kaine followed? She calls 911 because he's threatening her, telling her she better give the baby back to him, etc? The police come over, give the baby to Kaine since TH is a flight risk, and tell him to go away from the family home while she has to stay there under surveillance because she tried to flee once and they don't want that to happen again?

The reporter who went to Terris house a few days ago, and even spoke to her, said that their driveway is off of a road that has several other driveways off of it also. Like branching out driveways from one central road. So I am doubting the nearest neighbor was "miles" away. But I am sure one house was not visible from another due to the trees and based on the google earth pic someone posted of where they live, looks like they are surrounded by woods. Was there a ruckus when police arrived? I haven;t heard any coherent story about that. I kind of got the impression Kaine took the baby and split. Without Terri's knowledge he was not coming back. But now, is the story that she DID know he was taking the baby and she raised a fit over it? Then 911 was called? What a confusing mess.
The reporter who went to Terris house a few days ago, and even spoke to her, said that their driveway is off of a road that has several other driveways off of it also. Like branching out driveways from one central road. So I am doubting the nearest neighbor was "miles" away. But I am sure one house was not visible from another due to the trees and based on the google earth pic someone posted of where they live, looks like they are surrounded by woods. Was there a ruckus when police arrived? I haven;t heard any coherent story about that. I kind of got the impression Kaine took the baby and split. Without Terri's knowledge he was not coming back. But now, is the story that she DID know he was taking the baby and she raised a fit over it? Then 911 was called? What a confusing mess.

Oh hey, I am not trying to change the story. It just seems to me if 911 was called, that this was an argument that got out of hand, possibly involving the baby. I don't know if she knew he was taking the baby or not, but I can see an argument happening if he's not believing her anymore, and just wants to take the baby and get away from her awhile. Of course, she wouldn't be okay with that. It doesn't mean she knew he was going to file for divorce and get an RO after that. She probably thought they'd cool down and talk things over the next day, but that's not what happened.

I don't know if there was an argument, and if there was, I have no idea of knowing if it was over Kyron or the baby or both. The lack of details in this case is just maddening!

Thanks for the details about the driveways and neighbor's houses. It gives me better perspective. Maybe the neighbors weren't as far away as I thought.
Oh hey, I am not trying to change the story. It just seems to me if 911 was called, that this was an argument that got out of hand, possibly involving the baby. I don't know if she knew he was taking the baby or not, but I can see an argument happening if he's not believing her anymore, and just wants to take the baby and get away from her awhile. Of course, she wouldn't be okay with that. It doesn't mean she knew he was going to file for divorce and get an RO after that. She probably thought they'd cool down and talk things over the next day, but that's not what happened.

I don't know if there was an argument, and if there was, I have no idea of knowing if it was over Kyron or the baby or both. The lack of details in this case is just maddening!

Thanks for the details about the driveways and neighbor's houses. It gives me better perspective. Maybe the neighbors weren't as far away as I thought.

Oh I knew u weren't trying to change the story. So much conflicting info, you version makes more sense than what I was getting, though. I imagine the houses feel secluded as they are not close together at all in the google earth picture. As for "miles", though, not sure about that, though.
Did you see the pics from the reporter that just drove up to her house last week? It put a lot into perspective for me to see those pics. I dunno if I can find them again, in fact I think I got them from another board and posted them here but can;t remember where. Would you like me to look for them? Just say so and I will try to find them. K?

Oh I knew u weren't trying to change the story. So much conflicting info, you version makes more sense than what I was getting, though. I imagine the houses feel secluded as they are not close together at all in the google earth picture. As for "miles", though, not sure about that, though.
Did you see the pics from the reporter that just drove up to her house last week? It put a lot into perspective for me to see those pics. I dunno if I can find them again, in fact I think I got them from another board and posted them here but can;t remember where. Would you like me to look for them? Just say so and I will try to find them. K?


If you could that would be great. I missed those and have been trying to wade through posts from last week.
9-1-1 calls placed from Horman home over the weekend
Updated today at 1:06 PM

The two 9-1-1 calls from the Horman home on NW Sheltered Nook Road were made Saturday evening. The first came at 5:17 p.m. and was a "threat" priority two call, meaning officers were sent in person, according to an emergency dispatch supervisor. They arrived at 5:25 p.m.

It was not clear whether the calls were placed by a woman or a man.

Later, a "custody" related call was made at 11:39 p.m. It was a priority four call, meaning officers did not respond in person, but a call back to the home was placed at 11:46 and the situation was resolved over the phone.

9-1-1 calls placed from Horman home over the weekend
Updated today at 1:06 PM

The two 9-1-1 calls from the Horman home on NW Sheltered Nook Road were made Saturday evening. The first came at 5:17 p.m. and was a "threat" priority two call, meaning officers were sent in person, according to an emergency dispatch supervisor. They arrived at 5:25 p.m.

It was not clear whether the calls were placed by a woman or a man.

Later, a "custody" related call was made at 11:39 p.m. It was a priority four call, meaning officers did not respond in person, but a call back to the home was placed at 11:46 and the situation was resolved over the phone.


So the 5:18 call from the neighbor's house has nothing to do with this? Or was that call really at 5:17 from the Horman residence? And I thought there was a 5:46 911 call from the Horman Residence, but here it's 11:39 p.m.? I'm a bit confused. This new info is totally different from the scanner thread info.
So the 5:18 call from the neighbor's house has nothing to do with this? Or was that call really at 5:17 from the Horman residence? And I thought there was a 5:46 911 call from the Horman Residence, but here it's 11:39 p.m.? I'm a bit confused. This new info is totally different from the scanner thread info.

There wouldn't have been anything on the scanner for the 11:39 call, because no LE were sent out. It was all done over the phone. So this is an additional call to the previous info we have.

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