2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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... There was Facebook, there was the gym, we're now hearing that she was having more "communication" with the landscaper than just about landscaping and murder, and there was probably a lot more that we haven't heard about (perhaps including long hours spent planning the perfect crime). My instincts tell me that Baby K's role in her life was primarily to serve as a long-term ticket to Kaine's continued subsidy of her life of recreation....

BSIBM. Pretty much. This is also why I'm not worried about her sabotaging anything at their house. I don't think she feels much one way or another toward KH or K. These entities had value when they were part of her day to day life to the extent that they could be utilized to her advantage whether it be sustaining her life of leisure (KH) or otherwise reflecting positively on her (a child in her image - and yes, the significance of this child looking exactly like her is not lost on me. I also think this worked in the child's favor - whereas Kyron looking exactly like KH's more attractive and previous wife? Not so much.) Even after all that's transpired recently, I don't think she feels a retaliatory anger toward KH. I think she's moved on. Thinking about her next target. She's probably, as we speak, grooming her man-trap, such that it is, and making sure it's camera ready. Shudder.
Seriously? Does any of that have anything to do with at least seeing her child in a safe, supervised setting for a few hours every couple days? She gave up custodial reports according to what her very own attorney reportedly stated. This gives her no contact with her baby. She cannot see her baby and no further hearings are scheduled regarding custody. Death threats would not be an issue in a supervised setting where people have to sign in and out just to get in the building and where the staff is trained to deal with violence, emergencies, etc. Having no place to live would not affect that either. And she has a way to earn a buck. I'm sure McDonald's would not turn her down.
Also, she's got friends, supporters, family. She can live with one of them for now.
No way, no one gives up custody rights of their child like this if they are innocent. IMO.

Once upon a time, I was a fast food manager. Believe me, if this woman had showed up to apply for a job at any store in the chain I worked for (which was comparable to McDonald's), she would have been wasting her time filling out the application form. I wouldn't have wasted a minute of *my* time interviewing her, and any manager who did wouldn't have been doing so with the intention of actually considering her for a job --just figuring it would be fun to spend a few minutes talking to the [insert moderator-approved adjective] lady who'd been all over the news and tell friends about it. Any manager who was irresponsible enough to hire her would have gotten a written disciplinary warning (which is part one of a three-part ticket to unemployment, and pretty much rules out any promotions or raises for the next 12 months).

Even if I was desperately short-handed, her completed application form would have been instantly deposited in the never-to-be-considered file (saved from the trash or from being auctioned on eBay only by the legal requirement to retain applications). If you're ready to go to the bottom of the barrel, you call the state or county government's job agency and they send you a few borderline-retarded ex-convicts/probably-still-substance-abusers to pick from. When you're looking for a fry-bagger/grill-watcher/trash-carter/mopper, that's really a *much* more promising route than hiring a current tabloid star with a penchant for high-volume-sexting and a high probability of being hauled off to jail within the next week or two.

Seriously, Terri's *only* realistic legal employment option right now is stripping. Even strip joints are being hit hard by the economic slump, and she'd be just the right hire to boost some struggling strip joint's bottom line. And they'd be happy to have her, even knowing she'd likely be forced to quit in a week or two, because her biggest draws would be right at the beginning, when she's still a novelty.
Of course, her attorney settled out of court. Now, she doesn't have to actually speak.

However, THIS is far more interesting:


She gave up rights to custody?
I think that speaks volumes about Terri's future.

Indeed it does speak extreme volumes about this "mother".. I need to know from anyone who knows for sure the answer to this question, What EXACTLY does this mean legally and literally? Did she terminate all her parenting rights? Is this a temporary custody decision or has this woman permanently terminated her parental rights? ... I am very anxious to know so TIA to anyone who knows for sure..
I'm sure we'll hear exactly what she gave up in the next briefing but, if she truly gave up all parental rights/custody then I wonder if it was due to KH asking for child support and this was an easy avoidance to that added expense.

no matter what I think about Terri actions...I do think she loved little K very much :waitasec:
TH and KH did not negiotate this settlement...the lawyers did...I would almost guarantee neither one ( attorneys that is) rolled over and buttered their bisquit in victory....there is absolutely more to come of this..give me the jelly!
Terri has moved out: http://www.kgw.com/

There is a new thread about it here: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109539"]Terri Has Moved -- What is Next in the Pressure Cooker - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

This thread will be closing in about 5 minutes.
no matter what I think about Terri actions...I do think she loved little K very much :waitasec:

I would like to think so too tfrohning.

I trust her lawyer is getting her a full psych. evaluation now?!?! I would think the firm would want to know that ASAP...her behaviors I believe by most standards, are out of the norm by far. :angel:
Bringing this over from another thread so it can be talked about. I hope this is okay, gliving. It just didn't seem appropriate to talk about on the other thread:

Kaine Horman asks court to have estranged wife pay half of his attorney fees


Kaine Horman has filed a motion in court this morning, asking a judge to order his estranged wife, Terri Moulton Horman, to disclose the source of the reportedly $350,000 she has paid to retain criminal defense attorney Stephen Houze.

"If Respondent has provided funds to her attorneys for her legal representation and considers them to be marital liability, these funds are marital property and Respondent should be required to pay one-half of these funds to Peitioner to use for his attorney fees and costs," wrote Laura Rackner, Kaine's attorney.

Houze, Terri Horman's attorney, declined comment.

Where the heck did she get 350,000 dollars? Obviously not from herself. Do her parents have money? Did someone else lend her money? My jaw is on the floor that she got that much money from somewhere. Apparently she is going to be well defended if she can pull together that amount of money from somewhere.

Kudos to KH for calling her out. She should have nothing after the RO, divorce, and being forced out of her own home and not taking her own car. I want to know where this money came from. We know where Casey got her money. I sincerely hope TH and her family have not been negotiating deals with ABC or one of the other networks to pay her attorneys. I do NOT want to see a repeat of that in this case!

What do you guys think? I couldn't get my hands on that much money if I tried or wanted to!

Holy carp! $350,000 is alotta money! I thought it was "only" $250,000. :)

I'm waiting with baited breath to find out where the money came from. *My* paltry little sum of bettin' money is on an entertainment industry deal.
A defense attorney who requires this much moolah in advance must not have much faith in his client's story. He is in it for the long run and expects to spend a lot of time and money defending her. Doesn't look good for Terri.

Holy carp! $350,000 is alotta money! I thought it was "only" $250,000. :)

I'm waiting with baited breath to find out where the money came from. *My* paltry little sum of bettin' money is on an entertainment industry deal.

I'm betting it came from her mother and father's house and retirement income.
If her family gave her the money, it's really none of his business.

Kaine wants half of it? Then Terri should ask Kaine to cash out his retirement fund/assets to pay half of her attorney fees. MOO
A defense attorney who requires this much moolah in advance must not have much faith in his client's story. He is in it for the long run and expects to spend a lot of time and money defending her. Doesn't look good for Terri.

UNLESS.....Terri approached him and offered this amount of money. ummmm..
How does Kaine know how much she has paid her attorney???
eh, More nasty details. Really some of this stuff needs to stay between them.
How does Kaine know how much she has paid her attorney???

I'm kind of wondering that myself. Is that part of information that has to be disclosed between attorneys? I'm sure someone's monitoring her bank accounts. Maybe there was a huge deposit and then a huge withdrawal and they figured out where it went. Who knows.

But still, 350,000. Egad that is a large amount of money for her to get her hands on at this point, unless she's an heir to a fortune we don't know about.
If her family gave her the money, it's really none of his business.

Kaine wants half of it? Then Terri should ask Kaine to cash out his retirement fund/assets to pay half of her attorney fees. MOO

But he does need to know if the expenditure sets him up for any kind of financial obligation.
from the article: bbm

Kaine Horman has filed a motion in court this morning, asking a judge to order his estranged wife, Terri Moulton Horman, to disclose the source of the reportedly $350,000 she has paid to retain criminal defense attorney Stephen Houze.

anyone have a link to or information relating to a report stating the amount of the retainer? I hadn't seen one that i can recall.
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