2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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LOL! My first thought was because I thought no one would be that devious in a marriage. No really. I thought that. I can't explain my burst of naivete at all. :)

I think it's probably because you have a better idea of what marriage should be all about than all those devious people. Why be married to someone you can't be honest to?
What I'd really like to know is how all you wonderful legal eagles at WS would defend TH given her seeming rock and hard spot legal prediciment.

If I'm reading between the lines correctly, it would seem that the 90 day abatement won't do anything for her AT ALL unless, poor Kyron is found and and there is evidence found that exonerates her.
I wonder...why Terri wants the general public to wonder....where she got the money?

If she has a simple easy answer this could have been a slam dunk for her side. "It's from my parents, that's WHO!"

"oh. alrighty then. never mind"

I wonder if LE knows where the money came from.

To answer the question is to voluntarily waive a right. In this instance, attorney-client priviledge. No attorney should ever voluntarily waive a right on the basis that the information wanted is insignificant. They may need to invoke that right at a later time.

If rights were voluntarily waived when not significant, it would tantamount to screaming this is significant when invoking.

In this instance, the only benefit to waiving the right and stating where the money came from is for the public. However, the answer is not going to change public opinion of Teri. Therefore, there is absolutely no benefit to Teri.

All attorneys should fight vigorously for their clients rights no matter how insignificant. It has nothing to do with guilt or innocence. It is about the protection of rights granted to every individual under our legal system.
BBM. These are civil cases, he can force her to testify. Her only alternatives are to (1) refuse and be held in contempt, (2) take the stand but plead the 5th where applicable, or (3) testify and run the risk that she will say something that will be used against her later. If she does 1 or 2, she loses the RO contest because the judge can make adverse inferences from her failure to answer, if she does 3 she increases her risk of prosecution and never seeing the baby again. It's a no win.

I have a question. Is the RO case civil or quasi-criminal? And if it's quasi-criminal would KH be able to force her to take the stand in that case?
The unconstitutionality, as I understand her attorney explained it, was that they were not allowed to see the incriminating information Kaine was provided by LE to set this all in motion in the first place. The presumption of Kaine is that she should just have to sit on the stand and answer his questions without regard to that part of the law. IMO.

That's basically it but, like everything, it's a little more complicated. In a civil proceeding, the plaintiff doesn't need to show all his cards and is perfectly free to bury information that is not helpful to his case. In a criminal case, the prosecutor needs to show the defence all of the evidence it intends to introduce against the defendant plus ANY information they have learned that might be exculpatory or tend to impeach a prosecution witness. Plus there are different standards of proof, rules of evidence and procedure in place for criminal trials to make sure that the defendant gets a fair trial and that the trier of fact is not unduly prejudiced or influenced.

The constitutional concern is that LE is using Kaine as a stalking horse, providing him with information that tends to incriminate Terri to use against her without having to show Terri all of the evidence they have against her and, more importantly, any evidence they have that might tend to exonerate her. The fear is that Terri has to defend herself from a criminal accusation in a civil forum where she has none of the constitutional protections she would normally have in a criminal trial and, although, she can't be held criminally liable in the civil trial, the process and outcome will unfairly aid the ultimate criminal prosecution and unfairly prejudice Terri in her criminal defense.
Is it where applicable? I know criminally once you invoke the 5th, you must continue to invoke it, ie Mark Fuhrman in the OJ trial. So I assumed in a civil court it was the same and you cannot pick and choose on the stand.

I also assumed that is one of the reasons for the abatement. That Teri's attorneys suspect that Kaine's attorney would ask a question to cause Teri to invoke the 5th on the stand to prohibit her from responding to any questions.

The 5th Amendment doesn't provide a blanket immunity from testifying, you still have to take the stand and you have to respond to any questions where your answer will not tend to incriminate you or potentially lead to other incriminating evidence.

I'm sure that was one of the reasons for granting the abatement.
RO = civil (under the sub-heading in this case of Family/Domestic)
Why is it assumed that everybody would notice if some money was missing from their marital assets?

Of course everyone would notice if their own checking account had been emptied but not everybody keeps up to date with their spouse's bank accounts even though some of the money there may be marital assets, and occasionally there might be sources of income and property that are legally marital assets but the other spouse hasn't disclosed openly during the marriage.

I think it has to do with the amount of money. A spouse could easily hide siphoning off a few thousand dolllars here and there. But $350,000.

To hide that much money, she had to make that much money without Kaine's knowledge. Even Kaine never tries to suggest how she could have made $350,000. Kaine seems to believe it was a gift and/or loan after he filed and not income she hide from him.
What I'd really like to know is how all you wonderful legal eagles at WS would defend TH given her seeming rock and hard spot legal prediciment.

If I'm reading between the lines correctly, it would seem that the 90 day abatement won't do anything for her AT ALL unless, poor Kyron is found and and there is evidence found that exonerates her.

I think the guys she's got have done a very good job so far. The 90 days has to be a big disappointment for them. I'm sure they had no illusions of getting 2 years but were probably hoping for 6 months or so. I don't think there are any hail marys in their playbook from here on out. I think they just have to continue to try and keep Terri from getting painted into a corner as best they can and then do whatever they can to minimize the damage when she ultimately does have to stand and fight. For example, if I were them when the 90 days are up, I would seek an extension of the abatement. If that long shot fails, then you try to get the divorce proceedings under seal so at least you can fight it without having to worry about how it will play in the media or taint the potential jury pool.
Gitana, I'm trying to understand this and I don't. Maybe I'm just slow, but you indicated that each party would have to disclose funds they had "access to". TH had no access to these funds, they went from a 3rd party to Houze, who is not even her divorce attorney. I asked this up thread, and I'll ask here again, if TH got a traffic ticket and someone paid it for her, would KH have the right to know who paid it? What would that have to do with joint assets? It's not like she's hiding assets, they weren't hers and they never will be, they (the money) now belongs to Houze and before that they belonged to someone else. Please help me understand.

I do understand your solution should the court require the source to be disclosed and I'll bet you're right if that happens! Thanks.

Okay, I'm speaking in lawyer speak I think and not being clear enough! I apologize for that. Really, when I say funds she has access to, that has zero to do with marital or joint assets or debts. That's another argument for why she would have to disclose the source of the funds.
Here's what I'm trying to say. Sometimes we have a case where dad, let's say, claims to be unemployed. And he in fact is, unemployed. But mom is asking for child and spousal support. Well, support orders are issued based on certain formulas which generally, in OR and CA, are determined based on income, percentage of time with the kid, etc. But that formula can be veered away from by the judge, in certain situations. So let's say that in my scenario, dad is unemployed but his expenses are being paid by a friend, or relative. Rent is paid directly to the landlord, cell phone is provided for, etc.
Well, in that situation, mom has an argument that it is in the best interests of the minor child for the court to veer from the guideline support calculation and consider dad's access to funds that otherwise would not be considered income or an asset to him.
There are other scenarios that similarly come into play in attorney's fees arguments. For example, let's say mom is requesting that dad pay her attorney's fees. But dad thinks mom is hiding "access" she has to outside funds, even though she has no income or assets of her own. In other words, she really is getting money from someone else, or is getting someone else to pay her bills on a regular basis. Dad has the right to know that so he can argue (maybe not successfully, but he can try), that mom has access to outside funds and thus he should not pay her fees.
In the Horman case, KH could argue that TH has access to funds from her parents. That she asked that those funds be used for her criminal defense expenses and not her disso attorney's fees. So, depending on the amount that was paid, she made a choice of where those funds would go and KH should not have to pay for her attorney's fees. He could also argue that because a third party essentially gifted her a large sum, she is in a better position financially than him, after all the assets and debts are divided, and thus she should pay his fees.
But he has to know how much and from where in order to make those arguments.
I could go on with other examples of why this info is relevant to the disso case, regardless of whether or not the fees came from a marital asset or debt but basically, we don't have to like these potential arguments, they don't have to winnable and KH does not even have to ultimately make these arguments. But he has the right to determine what arguments he may have and he can't do that until he knows exactly what is going on.
The bottom line is that both parties to a disso have the right to all sorts of information regarding the other person's income, assets, debts, loans, gifts, expenses paid by third parties, etc. And they have the right to that information in the "discovery" process, via detailed. responses under oath or via subpoena. In essence, KH has the right to go on a fishing expedition
to determine anything he wants regarding every aspect of TH's finances.
But since Terri's attorney's assertion is that Terri had no access to the funds paid to Houze, and has no funds for her disso attorney, it would be fair to state that he believes it was reasonable to ask for attorney fees for the disso....right?
Thank you. I have another question, then. Why would Terri's very well versed in these matters attorneys not contest that RO? Something else must weigh heavily in the wind, there. I know the possibility is that she is guilty and they do not want to put her in a position where she would incriminate herself. But this same position is there if she is innocent, yes? And therefore, they are addressing what is being colloquially called an "end game run" around Terri's Constitutional rights by trying this tactic and perhaps her attorneys are working toward that, and the rest just has to fall in, chips as they will be, where they must, as they deal with one matter at a time?

Once again, I am fascinated by what is being put out there by the attorneys, because at this point, it does make the case much more than a simple divorce, and still can't address a missing child.

See, I don't think that if TH was innocent, she would be in the same position - at risk of self-incrimination- as she'd be in if she is guilty, contesting an RO. Constitutionally, we cannot be compelled to help the powers that be convict us. So sacred is that right that our failure to testify in a criminal case cannot be used against us. But the fifth amendment when read closely does not say that we have a right not to speak when doing so could help LE convict the innocent. It says we have a right not to speak when doing so would lead to providing evidence of illegal conduct. If TH has not engaged in illegal conduct, my conservative view is that there is no risk of self incrimination.
Even looking at the situation liberally, that the fifth protects against crooked cops who may want to gain a conviction, for example, regardless of the guilt or innocence of the party to be convicted, TH has Houze on her side. I'm sure he is smart enough to have her defend against an RO without having her innocent statements used against her.
Why did they fail to contest the RO? Because she's guilty of harming Kyron, IMO. That's where the self incrimination comes into play.
And does it seem prejudicial then, to have the Deputy District Attorney attending a civil proceeding?
That would mean her attorneys go into this totally blind. I can see why they wouldn't go this route, and I don't think it's fishy.

I'm sorry but that's the nature of DV cases. I just had one on Wednesday where I had to go in "blind" and defend against a DV, not knowing what evidence they were going to bring. DV hearings come with very short notice. Any good attorney needs to know how to deal with whatever may come. It is absolutely fishy that she failed to even make him prove his case, when the custody of her infant is at stake. These attorneys are not idiots. They know what's at stake. And if TH knows she's innocent, she should have said, "bring it on".
See, I don't think that if TH was innocent, she would be in the same position - at risk of self-incrimination- as she'd be in if she is guilty, contesting an RO. Constitutionally, we cannot be compelled to help the powers that be convict us. So sacred is that right that our failure to testify in a criminal case cannot be used against us. But the fifth amendment when read closely does not say that we have a right not to speak when doing so could help LE convict the innocent. It says we have a right not to speak when doing so would lead to providing evidence of illegal conduct. If TH has not engaged in illegal conduct, my conservative view is that there is no risk of self incrimination.
Even looking at the situation liberally, that the fifth protects against crooked cops who may want to gain a conviction, for example, regardless of the guilt or innocence of the party to be convicted, TH has Houze on her side. I'm sure he is smart enough to have her defend against an RO without having her innocent statements used against her.
Why did they fail to contest the RO? Because she's guilty of harming Kyron, IMO. That's where the self incrimination comes into play.

I shuffled this around too as to why Houze would not want her to contest. The only other 2 reasons I could come up with are: (1) Terri did a LOT of other questionable things that point to her guilt, but don't necessarily make her guilty per se (sexting, etc.) and (2) He is trying to protect her public image as much as possible. I say that based on the editorials I read about him not being a "grand-standing" type of lawyer, et al.

That said, she had the opportunity to amend the RO for visitation, which she did not do. I'm not sure how a RO gets amended to include visitation. Does that require that she testify or have a psych eval?
And does it seem prejudicial then, to have the Deputy District Attorney attending a civil proceeding?

I think it certainly demonstrates a lot of interest and it could be a scare tactic (see, we're watching you..) Her attorney could use it to illustrate their claim that the civil court issues could be used in the criminal trial (if any). But aren't the court proceedings documented for posterity? He doesn't have to be there in person to use the things that were said in court so it's ultimately irrelevant whether he was there or not, IMO.
Are you serious? You don't think Rackner's very first move would be to put Terri on the stand and grill her about every second of the day that Kyron disappeared, then about all of the things she has said or done since that day that people judge to be abnormal - including all the things that would be inadmissible in a criminal proceeding, like the polygraphs and the sexting - then throw up testimony about each and every instance where she was less than a perfect mother or a less than admirable person. The minute Terri utters the word "5th Amendment," it's game over for her both interms of the RO and the criminal case. If she can't take the Fifth on a question (and assuming she is innocent, that would be the case with every question) she risks making statements that can be seen as inconsistent with statements she made to investigators. Terri's testimony aside, Kaine would have an open invitation to air every piece of Terri's dirty laundry and sling every bit of muck he can muster about her and it will all be in every front page story and evening news teaser throughout Oregon no matter how loudly or validly Bunch objects. Terri already has a public reputation somewhere south of Mussolini's and that's after just a few of Kaine's leaks; open the taps and there will not be a potential criminal trial juror anywhere in the state that wopn't be tainted. Not to mention witnesses whose recollections will be colored or could-have-been defense witnesses who will have no appetite to publicly speak out in defense of public enemy #1. It barely even matters what the outcome of the hearing would be, Terri loses just in the fighting.

Rackner was not very impressive in the abatement fight but I have to give her more credit than to think that her only response to a contested RO would be to trot Kaine out, have him say "the police told me so" and sit down. It would have been insane for Bunch to contest the RO.
IMO of course.

I am dead serious. But only if she's innocent as she claims to be.
We had a case not too long ago where our client had been arrested for criminal DV and that case was pending. Wife also brought a civil DV. The judge assumed we'd want to continue the civil case until after the criminal. We didn't: "It's okay your honor, our client is not going to testify." On cross, she was ripped to shreds. We won without filing a response or having our client say one single word.
This is a DV case with serious allegations. This is not about every single thing that TH may have done that shows her to be a bad parent. It is about whether she committed DV by trying to hire someone to kill KH and/or by being involved somehow in the disappearance of Kyron. Bunch would object left and right to any questions not directly relevant to those two allegations. Also, just stating the allegations in the form of questions to TH on the stand, ones she does not answer, does not make them so. KH has to have actual proof of these allegations. Something, cell phone records, witness statements, etc.
Yes, pleading the fifth could be held against TH but the court knows the position she is in and would likely take that into consideration, rather than merely taking her silence as an admission (although that is what I would do if I were the judge).
My point is that if TH is innocent, but, as some have suggested, fears she may be incriminated somehow anyhow by testifying, this would be an option. She knows there is no proof, she's innocent, so contest the allegations by making KH provide actual proof, without testifying.
Of course I would never suggest this if I was TH's attorney and there was a chance that she was guilty.
But this is answer to those who say that she may be innocent and cannot contest the RO at all for fear of self-incrimination. My answer is there is a way to contest the allegations without self-incrimination.
Remember, there is a baby at the center of this. If the choice for an INNOCENT woman is between not doing anything at all and losing all contact with her baby indefinitely, or forcing KH to prove his case, and thus having a shot and being with her kid, she has an option. Of course I think her option if innocent would be to get up there and testify openly.
In any event, I personally think TH is guilty and thus contesting the RO in any way could be very dangerous.
What I'd really like to know is how all you wonderful legal eagles at WS would defend TH given her seeming rock and hard spot legal prediciment.

If I'm reading between the lines correctly, it would seem that the 90 day abatement won't do anything for her AT ALL unless, poor Kyron is found and and there is evidence found that exonerates her.

I'd probably do almost exactly what they are doing. I don't know that they have much of a choice. They are protecting her as best they can. But that is assuming she is guilty. If innocent, my strategy would be different.
So- in your legal opinion-is there any way Terri can be not guilty and yet doing what she is doing? Or rather, what she is not doing? (as far as divorce action).

(I am trying to hang on to my last piece of rotting fence...)
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