2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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What's really further interesting about that statement, is it is referring to TH's behavior "after her removal from the home". I wonder what on earth Kaine is referring to? How does he know what her behavior has been since then? I wonder if they finally hired a PI?

Hum, good catch.
What's really further interesting about that statement, is it is referring to TH's behavior "after her removal from the home". I wonder what on earth Kaine is referring to? How does he know what her behavior has been since then? I wonder if they finally hired a PI?

I found this in the Oregon Live article about The texts:

"Kaine Horman said the text messages continued after she was forced out of their home on Northwest Sheltered Nook Road. "

That is really interesting since by then Terri definitely knew that Kaine and possibly LE had access to the texts from the previous period. Had Michael taken a "clean" phone to keep Terri talking after it was released that their text messages had been found out? Was he still helping? Jmo
You know, after reading all of this - smut included - my respect for DY has just sky rocketed. I doubt seriously that I would have been able to hold it together as she has - I would probably have already been placed in custody. I just don't think I could have kept my hands away from TH's neck during all the poly's, changed stories, refusals to cooperate, and then the sexting. I mean, we heard about this - but reading it and trying to place myself in her shoes..........no way I could've held it together like she has and continues to do.

The level of frustration must be unimaginable for her.
As awful as it is, I hope Desiree had seen all of this smut before it hit the newspapers. It would be dreadful if she learned it just last night. But perhaps these are what she called the emails that were disgusting.

I would not be surprised if we hear from her soon...she must want to turn the attention back to where it belongs, on Kyron and the fact that he is still missing.
I still don't see where Kaine contradicted himself. He was clearly uncomfortable revealing information when asked directly if Terri was still drinking recently. Maybe he was asked by LE not to mention his own evidence re: Terri at that time. He acknowledged the stuff on public record (DUI). He then started a sentence by saying it was his own speculation... and then went on to talk about things his friends told him re: Terri's drinking of their alcohol on the sly. His friends disclosures were not Kaine's "speculation", therefore he stopped himself from saying what he considered saying at the beginning of the sentence.

I don't see that as contradictory - I see that as someone who did not reveal several facts of the case in their complete form to the media. And since this is also LE's MO (not revealing all the facts), I can't see how it deviates from any other information transfer in this case.

IMO, he has contradicted himself a lot. He now says that Terri was drinking nightly since having the baby and that he was the primary caregiver for the baby. Then he says that he had to intervene after he'd get up late and find the baby up wandering around along while Terri was sleeping on the couch. Unless the baby got up in the middle of the night Kaine must have been going off to his bedroom and staying there instead of getting the baby to bed. Those two statements don't fit. He now says that she was neglecting the kids, but she had full charge of Kyron's education things, seemingly doctor appointments, and asking for his punishment. Terri was the one always up at the school. These things may not have bothered him as much at the time as he now realizes, because he said before that they had discussed divorce then thought they had it all worked out. It's hard to work out things with a neglectful drunk who can't even take care of kids, and Kaine said that she got worse a couple months before Kyron went missing. If all this is true and she did get worse, then why on earth was she taking Kyron to school that morning if she'd been passed out on the couch from boozing the night before or ANY night before!
IMO, he has contradicted himself a lot. He now says that Terri was drinking nightly since having the baby and that he was the primary caregiver for the baby. Then he says that he had to intervene after he'd get up late and find the baby up wandering around along while Terri was sleeping on the couch. Unless the baby got up in the middle of the night Kaine must have been going off to his bedroom and staying there instead of getting the baby to bed. Those two statements don't fit. He now says that she was neglecting the kids, but she had full charge of Kyron's education things, seemingly doctor appointments, and asking for his punishment. Terri was the one always up at the school. These things may not have bothered him as much at the time as he now realizes, because he said before that they had discussed divorce then thought they had it all worked out. It's hard to work out things with a neglectful drunk who can't even take care of kids, and Kaine said that she got worse a couple months before Kyron went missing. If all this is true and she did get worse, then why on earth was she taking Kyron to school that morning if she'd been passed out on the couch from boozing the night before or ANY night before!

Wouldn't it be wonderful if Terris lawyers filed an affidavit, and fought all of these allegations that Kaine has made.
Vicki, I do have to wonder why Terri was allowed to be in charge of the kids as much as she seemed to be, if she was a drinker as he now states. That bothers me a lot. He can't know she didn't start drinking the moment he left in the morning. Maybe she was just "lucky" not to get caught. People with drinking problems are famous for secrecy, but he is saying he knew.

I am NOT blaming Kaine but I do wish he had not left her in control of a baby and a little boy, with access to vehicles as well. I am very glad the the baby, at least, was not physically harmed as a result.

Thinking about what the woman who saw her in FM said, about how Terri had never acted that way with her before-what if Terri had been drinking the morning of June 4th? What if she was drunk when she saw her? What if Terri did something to Kyron and doesn't even remember where she put him?

My (late) little sister, who was an alcoholic, had what she called wide-awake blackouts at times. She would find fresh groceries in the house, for instance but had no memory of going to the store.

I know Kaine said he tried to work at home a lot, but he was at work or gone from the home for 6 hours on the 4th...that is a long time to leave a dubious, unbalanced and possibly intoxicated woman in charge. And something very very bad did happen...
Vicki, I do have to wonder why Terri was allowed to be in charge of the kids as much as she seemed to be, if she was a drinker as he now states. That bothers me a lot. He can't know she didn't start drinking the moment he left in the morning. Maybe she was just "lucky" not to get caught. People with drinking problems are famous for secrecy, but he is saying he knew.

I am NOT blaming Kaine but I do wish he had not left her in control of a baby and a little boy, with access to vehicles as well. I am very glad the the baby, at least, was not physically harmed as a result.

Thinking about what the woman who saw her in FM said, about how Terri had never acted that way with her before-what if Terri had been drinking the morning of June 4th? What if she was drunk when she saw her? What if Terri did something to Kyron and doesn't even remember where she put him?

My (late) little sister, who was an alcoholic, had what she called wide-awake blackouts at times. She would find fresh groceries in the house, for instance but had no memory of going to the store.

I know Kaine said he tried to work at home a lot, but he was at work or gone from the home for 6 hours on the 4th...that is a long time to leave a dubious, unbalanced and possibly intoxicated woman in charge. And something very very bad did happen...

A very thoughtful post Cluciano. This whole revelation probably brings back painful memories of the struggle your sister lived.

I agree that it may seem troubling that KH left TMH alone with the kids, but it seems he tried to be home as often as possible and was there in the evenings. And, I'm sure that he felt the pressure to continue to be the primary source of income.

As far as I could discern, he saw her drinking confined primarily to the evening hours. TH could have actually been disciplined in her drinking, only over-indulging on "special" days or certain times of the day and still have been high functioning at other times. Anyone who has studied about, worked with, or lived with "problem" drinkers knows that there are many patterns of over indulgence. He may not have recognized the danger signals.

In a relationship that is unraveling, it would probably be easy to compartmentalize emotions and rational thinking. I am almost certain from what I've read and observed that KH had no idea that TMH could/would ever harm a child.

Furthermore, I am sure that he will spend many hours for the rest of his life "wishing" he had seen those warning signs.
There is nothing in Kaine's affadavit that said he knew at the time that Terri was passing out from drinking. Once again, Terri just recently had her license reinstate with the Oregon Public School System, after having it suspended for her drunk driving charge in 2005. If she could fool a whole school system, a loving husband couldn't be that hard. Jmo
It seems to me, Kaine may have perhaps been in denial? Day-in-day out I could see that happening, he may have thought it was PPD...who knows??? Seems he didn't have the "full" picture for whatever reason? I am confused why a (very) few; it seems to be blaming the victim(s) and WHY? There may be a "why", but I can't see see it; so I would appreciate it the why?

Personally from my perspective; Terri was the aggressor seemingly from the texts. I am very confused if the thought was Terri was set-up by MC? How could MC be a plant if Terri was the transgressor is my line of thinking??? He didn't "trick her" so to speak; she applied the "oldest trick in the book" IMO. IF he just lucked-in and was "a plant" what are the odds, TH would "pick him" to start sexting? Seriously!!! GMAB, you saw the texts, so who LED WHO? I would add LOL but it is so, so tragic!!! Why would "anyone" care if Terri was setup in sexting??? Nobody forced her flighty fingers or camera, (YUK) etc. she did that herself!

The only surprise to me is her graphic language was over-the-top & I didn't expect the presumption of pictures described to be depicted as so graphic for a newbie "potential new boyfriend (gopher)" IMO. OMG even I am shocked, but I from the the texts, MC was not the aggressor. I believe, although Kaine may not be perfect; he is a victim and as Deseria(sp).
It seems to me, Kaine may have perhaps been in denial? Day-in-day out I could see that happening, he may have thought it was PPD...who knows??? Seems he didn't have the "full" picture for whatever reason? I am confused why a (very) few; it seems to be blaming the victim(s) and WHY? There may be a "why", but I can't see see it; so I would appreciate it the why?

Personally from my perspective; Terri was the aggressor seemingly from the texts. I am very confused if the thought was Terri was set-up by MC? How could MC be a plant if Terri was the transgressor is my line of thinking??? He didn't "trick her" so to speak; she applied the "oldest trick in the book" IMO. IF he just lucked-in and was "a plant" what are the odds, TH would "pick him" to start sexting? Seriously!!! GMAB, you saw the texts, so who LED WHO? I would add LOL but it is so, so tragic!!! Why would "anyone" care if Terri was setup in sexting??? Nobody forced her flighty fingers or camera, (YUK) etc. she did that herself!

The only surprise to me is her graphic language was over-the-top & I didn't expect the presumption of pictures described to be depicted as so graphic for a newbie "potential new boyfriend (gopher)" IMO. OMG even I am shocked, but I from the the texts, MC was not the aggressor. I believe, although Kaine may not be perfect; he is a victim and as Deseria(sp).

Dee, I have asked that question in the past as well. If MC was a set up, how could they possibly know that she would:
1. take the bait and
2. not only take the bait, but become the fisherman herself?
What are the odds?
He does seem to ask some interesting questions, but that could be due to the fact that he was intrigued due to the unique situation he found himself in.
The texts reminded me in a way of the last relationship Diane Downs was in before she did what she did. (don't even want to type it) She was very much the aggressor, and he...eh...was interested to a point...but not past that point.
Both DD and TH were sexually agressive, manipulative, and would not (could not?) take no for an answer. They really didn't see that while their "sex appeal" might attract a man, it would take more than that to keep them.
I do believe MC thought that he could get info out of Terri. I don't think he or anyone else predicted the "extras" that Terri threw in.

IMO, he has contradicted himself a lot. He now says that Terri was drinking nightly since having the baby and that he was the primary caregiver for the baby. Then he says that he had to intervene after he'd get up late and find the baby up wandering around along while Terri was sleeping on the couch. Unless the baby got up in the middle of the night Kaine must have been going off to his bedroom and staying there instead of getting the baby to bed. Those two statements don't fit. He now says that she was neglecting the kids, but she had full charge of Kyron's education things, seemingly doctor appointments, and asking for his punishment. Terri was the one always up at the school. These things may not have bothered him as much at the time as he now realizes, because he said before that they had discussed divorce then thought they had it all worked out. It's hard to work out things with a neglectful drunk who can't even take care of kids, and Kaine said that she got worse a couple months before Kyron went missing. If all this is true and she did get worse, then why on earth was she taking Kyron to school that morning if she'd been passed out on the couch from boozing the night before or ANY night before!

I think you're mixing facts with your interpretation of what the facts mean.

For instance, Kaine did not say he was the "primary caregiver". He said they shared responsibility for parenting.

Kaine did not say she was neglectful of Kyron, nor did he dispute that she was responsible for his doctors appointments. In fact most of his words about Terri's parenting in this document focus on baby K, and most of THOSE words focus on the lack of a schedule and their parent/child relationship because of drinking and depression.

I also didn't read in this document where he said she'd gotten worse or passed out from boozing the night before Kyron disappeared?
Quite frankly, I am wondering where all this *surprise* is coming from. I thought we have been discussing the sexting, graphic sexual images, drinking, etc. for quite a long time. None of this is new, only a few little details that support what many of us have long figured out.

i agree with you. and now finally its all starting to come out. but its not like kh didnt give th a generous amount of time to come to terms with what was going on in the first place. it doesnt make me happy to learn that she is a train wreck, but i am glad that is being pointed out to the people whom are going to be making the decisions in this case. sorry if this has already been said - im still catching up :)
I have been a supporter of Kaine's since day one, but I must admit that after reading his own words I am upset at him. If he knew that Terri was drinking like this, leaving baby K up by herself while Terri was passed out drunk.. Why the HELL did he allow this? and where was he when Terri was passed out and baby was up at 1am? No wonder Kyron stayed in his bed til someone came and got him. No wonder Terri's son moved out.
While I do not blame him for what happened to Kyron, something was bound to happen in that environment, and while only Terri is responsible for her actions.... For the first time, I do fault Kaine for not doing something sooner to prevent all of this.... Thank God nothing ever happened to the baby.

well, all i can say from personal experience that living in an abusive environment, the number one rule is DONT TALK about it. period. its like as long as you dont say it out loud then it really isnt real. of course until something horrible happens...like this, and then everyone goes into defcon 4....
i wonder if kh thought that he was containing her bad behavior to their home. until kyron disappeared and then shock of learning of the murder for hire and now the sexting and refusing to co-operate with him or le in any fashion. i bet he is just gob smacked, kwim? i know i would be. i think he is doing the right thing by shining the light on th, not protecting her sickness(whatever it may be) anymore. she may never say where she was on the 4th...but kh will have the peace of mind to know that he didnt give her the easy way out, either.
It is also important to note (IMO) that Kaine did not state in his affadavit when this behavior of Terri's became apparent. For all we know, Terri's behavior could have started a few weeks to months before Kyron went missing. Perhaps Kaine was making plans and preparations to do something about the behavior. My point being that in order to fully judge his action/inaction, we'd have to know their full story. Their whole home life and not just what has been condensed to a sworn affadavit. Jmo
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