2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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Posting for reference.

A records search of Terri Horman under her current, maiden and previous married names turned up a DUI conviction in 2005 in which she pleaded guilty not only to driving under the influence, but also to "reckless endangerment of another."

Oregon State Police Lt. Gregg Hastings told ABCNews.com that the endangerment charge stemmed from the fact that her son, who was 11 at the time, was in the vehicle when she was stopped.

A spokeswoman for the court in Marion County, Ore., said Horman was sentenced to 12 months probation, a 90-day suspension of her driver's license and she had to attend alcohol counseling programs and attend a victim impact statement.

Posting for reference.

13. Law enforcement has informed Petitioner that the materials supporting this relationship that have been obtained and clarified by interviews with Mr. Cook include hundreds of text messages as well as several photographs of Respondent in various stages of undress and graphic sexual activity. In a word, law enforcement has made Petitioner aware that Mr. Cook and Respondent were "sexting" on and after June 30,2010. While Respondent, at times, references the fact that she misses both children, K and K, the significant majority of the material deals with social and personal matters between Mr. Cook and Respondent and belies that assertion.

Posting for reference.

13. Law enforcement has informed Petitioner that the materials supporting this relationship that have been obtained and clarified by interviews with Mr. Cook include hundreds of text messages as well as several photographs of Respondent in various stages of undress and graphic sexual activity. In a word, law enforcement has made Petitioner aware that Mr. Cook and Respondent were "sexting" on and after June 30,2010. While Respondent, at times, references the fact that she misses both children, K and K, the significant majority of the material deals with social and personal matters between Mr. Cook and Respondent and belies that assertion.


Where was that in the released texts? Or did they leave those parts out intentionally?
Where was that in the released texts? Or did they leave those parts out intentionally?

There were supposedly hundreds of texts and this was only a portion. I'm not sure how they came up with that number but I would imagine each send and receive message would be indivdually counted. I didn't go through and count them all but up to about page 8 of 21 I was up to 100 right there. I do imagine there is more out there but I would be surprised if Kyron was mentioned more than once or twice....this is my opinion based on the exerpt we've seen so far. :cow:

ETA: I scrolled through and tried to count. Why? I'm a glutton for punishment I guess. I counted 244 in this exerpt. I could be off a few but that's probably close.
I still don't see where Kaine contradicted himself. He was clearly uncomfortable revealing information when asked directly if Terri was still drinking recently. Maybe he was asked by LE not to mention his own evidence re: Terri at that time. He acknowledged the stuff on public record (DUI). He then started a sentence by saying it was his own speculation... and then went on to talk about things his friends told him re: Terri's drinking of their alcohol on the sly. His friends disclosures were not Kaine's "speculation", therefore he stopped himself from saying what he considered saying at the beginning of the sentence.

I don't see that as contradictory - I see that as someone who did not reveal several facts of the case in their complete form to the media. And since this is also LE's MO (not revealing all the facts), I can't see how it deviates from any other information transfer in this case.

I would agree with you if Kaine had not referenced Teri telling the media everything was fine after he left as evidence of her being a liar.
Witholding information from the media(most probably at the request of LE) and flat out lying about a very direct question(going so far as to call the question a "rumor that needed to be squelched") are two totally different things, IMO. When Kaine didn't want to discuss the break up of him and Desiree, he stated that it wasn't something he would be discussing. He didn't make something up. Just an example Jmo
Re: Kaine and whether he has been deceptive and contradicted himself: I think the worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves, and self deception can lead most of us to lie (or at least mislead) others without intending to. Let's say I get into an argument with my SO, and he gives me a little shove. Not through a window or anything--but just a little shove, pushing me away maybe. And I think to myself "OMG! Was that violence? Is this the start of domestic abuse?" But by the next day, I'm saying "well, he didn't hit me or anything ..." And by the time my mother calls in the afternoon, asking me how it's going with SO, I'm just vaguely coming back with things like "everything is fine. We're working through it." Now yes, in a way, I'm lying to Mom. But I'm not selling her anything that I haven't bought into myself.

As a working man and a man who had already been through one broken relationship that we know of, Kaine had a lot of reasons to put the best possible face on TH's behavior. The chances are he didn't just wake up one day and find TH drunk and doing negligent things all at once. One day there's a sinkful of dishes that's been sitting there too long. A week later the baby's crawling around after midnight while Mom's zonked out on the couch. Things like this illustrate the belief that "perception is reality." We could also say "interpretation is reality." I can see where Kaine might make contradictory statements--not because those statements are lies, but because his lens is constantly changing right now, and it's not just about what was said or what happened ... but about a zillion people trying interpret what was said or what happened.

Two or three months after that "little shove" from my SO, I'm talking to a friend and casually drop a remark about "that night he shoved me," -- and the friend gets all shook up: He shoved you! That's abuse!

Kaine has probably never had any other time in his life when eyes from all around the country are on him, and so many people are chiming in with a different take on what they're reading in the media. I can see how his own perceptions could be rattled, and he's likely in a phase of questioning himself about everything he knows, thought he knew, and has believed!
Re: Living with an impaired person. I don't necessarily believe that all alcoholics have the same "around the clock" patterns of drinking. A term that used to be more commonly used: "weekend drunk." There were people who never touched a drop through all their work week ... but when their days off started, they drank themselves to oblivion. Maybe one stage of alcoholism is the ability to contain the addiction somewhat. I had an uncle who was too cheap to buy his own booze and went long periods of time without getting drunk because of it. But at any kind of party where there was free booze, he drank till he passed out, and we all still considered him an alcoholic.

I think Kaine had just recently started figuring out that drinking was a problem for TH--evidently from the point where she got the dui. Following this, he seems to have started noticing that her time to start drinking was around 7 pm. I don't think there's any way to know if she was also drinking during the day while she was out driving the kids around. I kind of doubt that she was. She was very active in Kyron's school, and someone would have noticed. She was out driving around a lot during the day, and I think she would have been stopped more. It sounds to me as though it's a least possible that for the most part, her drinking was confined to evening and late night. All of this would have had a bearing on how Kaine perceived her possible alcoholism.

My mother was a non-drinker, but she was a slovenly housekeeper, a night owl, and regarded as lazy by my father's family. In those days, when a lot fewer women worked outside the home during the day, my grandmother and some of my aunts would intentionally drop by between 8 a.m. and noon to see if they could catch my mother sleeping when they thought she should be up. Many times they did catch her--and I'd be wandering around the house, getting into things, watching too much TV, and seeing to my own food. There was talk among my father's family of having me taken away from her, but Dad did not want to leave Mom. He kept explaining away her sleeping and lax ways. In retrospect, it's a wonder I didn't burn the house down! But people thought differently about things in those days, and my grandmother decreed that I would be left in the home.

No one was a more loving, giving, forgiving person than my mother. It was only 8 years before she passed away that we learned she had a congenital heart defect. By the time we found out, I was full grown and more and more of my time was going to the caretaking of both of my parents. Yes, I probably was codependent. But I'm glad that I was left with my Mom rather than taken away.

Even with a person showing up with so many "character flaws" as TH seems to have, I doubt that she was all bad all day, or all good. Many have witnessing to her involvement at the school. There were probably times when she was close to Kryon--or seemed to be. Times when she baked cookies, times when she entertained his friends, times when she had long, interesting talks with him.

When you are looking at someone you've been living with and trying to understand what is true, you don't just see the drunk on the couch--or the tray of warm cookies. You see dozens and dozens of contradictory things, all changing from moment to moment, all jumbled together.

Sometimes I'm amazed that any of us ever agree to live with anyone at all!
Where was that in the released texts? Or did they leave those parts out intentionally?

Of course they left them out. This was a filing made by one side in a bitter dispute to advance his cause; neither party is under any obligation to provide a fair, complete and accurate account of the facts and nobody should expect them to. Kaine's filings will always paint Terri as if she's Charlie Manson's less pleasant sister. When the divorce proceedings start in January, expect to be reading the same type of material about Kaine. It will be just as ugly and just as accurate.

Anybody trying to get a reliable indication of a person's character and actions from reading their soon-to-be-ex-spouse's descriptions in a divorce filing, is missing the plot and wasting their time.
Of course they left them out. This was a filing made by one side in a bitter dispute to advance his cause; neither party is under any obligation to provide a fair, complete and accurate account of the facts and nobody should expect them to. Kaine's filings will always paint Terri as if she's Charlie Manson's less pleasant sister. When the divorce proceedings start in January, expect to be reading the same type of material about Kaine. It will be just as ugly and just as accurate.

Anybody trying to get a reliable indication of a person's character and actions from reading their soon-to-be-ex-spouse's descriptions in a divorce filing, is missing the plot and wasting their time.

Well said! Actually I said as much to my sister when she started dating a "separated" man going through an ugly divorce.
In re-reading yesterday's filing, I noticed this:

"16. As noted above, I obtained a restraining order on June 28, 2010. Respondent's
behavior following her removal from our home and separation from K are highly unusual and suspect. In my opinion, Respondent's subsequent acts reveal extreme emotional disturbance and provide insight into the motives behind Kyron's disappearance."


Just interesting, IMO.

Provides insight to movtives? What?

I missed it, apparently went right over my head - what motive?

Motive is sex?
Of course they left them out. This was a filing made by one side in a bitter dispute to advance his cause; neither party is under any obligation to provide a fair, complete and accurate account of the facts and nobody should expect them to. Kaine's filings will always paint Terri as if she's Charlie Manson's less pleasant sister. When the divorce proceedings start in January, expect to be reading the same type of material about Kaine. It will be just as ugly and just as accurate.

Anybody trying to get a reliable indication of a person's character and actions from reading their soon-to-be-ex-spouse's descriptions in a divorce filing, is missing the plot and wasting their time.

Sometimes, one side has a great deal more to work with however. I doubt that Terri's side has a district court judge that has determined that there is probable cause that Kaine is a murderer.

I hope all the texts as they exist will be released. I hope Kaine's attorney will make numerical count of all of Terri's expression of grief to MC.
Of course they left them out. This was a filing made by one side in a bitter dispute to advance his cause; neither party is under any obligation to provide a fair, complete and accurate account of the facts and nobody should expect them to. Kaine's filings will always paint Terri as if she's Charlie Manson's less pleasant sister. When the divorce proceedings start in January, expect to be reading the same type of material about Kaine. It will be just as ugly and just as accurate.

Anybody trying to get a reliable indication of a person's character and actions from reading their soon-to-be-ex-spouse's descriptions in a divorce filing, is missing the plot and wasting their time.

Some on the other thread are bothered by the fact that TH hasn't expressed any concern for, or missing, baby K or K in the course of her texting. I guess they must not have realized that those parts were intentionally left out for a reason. (I knew the answer but was trying to make a point.)
Sometimes, one side has a great deal more to work with however. I doubt that Terri's side has a district court judge that has determined that there is probable cause that Kaine is a murderer.

I hope all the texts as they exist will be released. I hope Kaine's attorney will make numerical count of all of Terri's expression of grief to MC.

How many times should she say it? How many would be acceptable?

Should she have inserted it between the "this is what I want to do to you" and the naked pictures?
How many times should she say it? How many would be acceptable?

Should she have inserted it between the "this is what I want to do to you" and the naked pictures?

I would like to know just how often she DID say it.

If she ever did say it.

We KNOW she said these things. We are speculating that she showed any grief or was planning fundraisers.

We have yet to see texts that prove that.

But we have seen this mess.
How many times should she say it? How many would be acceptable?

Should she have inserted it between the "this is what I want to do to you" and the naked pictures?

I don't think there's a "should" involved. She said it as many times as she wanted to say it. If she was engaged in long conversations that were sexual in nature and inappropriate for including expressions of grief over the recent loss of her children, then that's simply a reflection of her mind set. It is what it is. If she was grieving for her children as openly as she was soliciting sex, I'm sure that will come out via Terri's evidence when she's ready to speak.
I don't think there's a "should" involved. She said it as many times as she wanted to say it. If she was engaged in long conversations that were sexual in nature and inappropriate for including expressions of grief over the recent loss of her children, then that's simply a reflection of her mind set. It is what it is. If she was grieving for her children as openly as she was soliciting sex, I'm sure that will come out via Terri's evidence when she's ready to speak.

According to Kaine's document up there, he left with K sometime on Friday, June 26, 2010. It appears that it was before the landscaper sting attempt because someone called 9-1-1 in the afternoon to report it. Then, according to some leaked emails and the reported second 9-1-1 call, she called yet AGAIN when Kaine and K were not home by 11 p.m.-ish that evening. She still had not been served with the restraining order. After that, she went to the gym on Monday asking about Kaine and K being there. It was following that in the late afternoon that she was served with the RO.

I think the argument can be made that she was trying see K or at least get an idea about her location. But, to hear Kaine tell it, he was in contact with her via texts between Friday when he left and Monday when the RO was served to let her know what his plans were and what he thought (i.e. her being involved in Kyron's disappearance and keeping K safe).

Given the above, I imagine Bunch and Houze have text messages and emails too.
According to Kaine's document up there, he left with K sometime on Friday, June 26, 2010. It appears that it was before the landscaper sting attempt because someone called 9-1-1 in the afternoon to report it. Then, according to some leaked emails and the reported second 9-1-1 call, she called yet AGAIN when Kaine and K were not home by 11 p.m.-ish that evening. She still had not been served with the restraining order. After that, she went to the gym on Monday asking about Kaine and K being there. It was following that in the late afternoon that she was served with the RO.

I think the argument can be made that she was trying see K or at least get an idea about her location. But, to hear Kaine tell it, he was in contact with her via texts between Friday when he left and Monday when the RO was served to let her know what his plans were and what he thought (i.e. her being involved in Kyron's disappearance and keeping K safe).

Given the above, I imagine Bunch and Houze have text messages and emails too.

I hope to see them. Somehow I doubt Kaine is as reckless-to-all-extreme as Terri. I'll bet they are succinct, non-emotional and to the point...and do not reference any of his special "talents."
Sometimes, one side has a great deal more to work with however.
I've been fortunate to know many good and wonderful people in my life; I've never met anyone who is perfect. You'd be amazed how easy it is to completely trash an essentially decent person without ever saying anything that is technically untrue.

I doubt that Terri's side has a district court judge that has determined that there is probable cause that Kaine is a murderer.
I'm sure they don't. I'm equally sure Kaine's side has nothing of the sort with respect to Terri either. I think it's pretty clear that the statement you refer to is a gross mischaracterization (to call it a lie would imply an intent that I don't know existed). Again, accept the accuracy of statements in these kinds of filings at your own peril.
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