2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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I just wonder if now that LE and Kaine have basically taken away everything from her, what is her motivation to cooperate with LE anymore than she already has? What does she have to lose right now? If she is guilty, I can't see her confessing now, they already took her baby away. I suppose they could try the removal of death penalty for example, if it comes to that, but I can't see her thinking about that right now. In her mind, she has been helping police and this is how she was repaid, maybe? They took her baby and convinced her husband to leave her? Terri needs a good lawyer sooner than later.

If she is not guilty, this is all too horrible to contemplate.

I agree and also wonder what her incentive to cooperate would be - except of course, to find Kyron.

I can't imagine LE being instrumental in this divorce - it's not their business and they have said so. IMO Kaine initiated this divorce, by himself. Maybe the reasons have been in the works for quite some time, or was this a sudden epiphany? How is it that he has the mental, physical, and emotional energy for such a huge undertaking right in the middle of his son being missing for almost a month.

How is it that Terri has fooled him for all these years? If Terri has been or is abusive, certainly he would have seen this behavior before now. I'm confused by all this and have yet to put together enough evidence to convict Terri. moo mho

I would love to know why the cars were switched that day? Why did Kaine drive the Mustang and Terri the truck??

I would love to know why Kaine walked to the bus stop that day - was it really to take Kyron for ice cream? Who initiated him coming along? moo mho
"Terri can ask for a hearing or the judge could set a hearing date if he finds exceptional circumstances, but Runstein said these family matters will probably be delayed until the criminal case is completed."


Methinks Mr. Runstein, uh, slipped?

ETA: What I am saying is, if I take this statement at face value, he is saying that Kaine will have to, or has, file(d) a criminal complaint against Terri to get this kind of a RO. I may be missing something here, please feel free to disagree.
Probably wrong thread for all of this speculating, but do we really know that Terri seldom drove the truck? Since she was the one at home, maybe it made more sense for her to have it, to do things you do when you live in the country.
"Terri can ask for a hearing or the judge could set a hearing date if he finds exceptional circumstances, but Runstein said these family matters will probably be delayed until the criminal case is completed."


wow...that seems like a very odd statement to me in a case where a stay-at-home mother of a toddler is getting NO visitation whatsoever, and has not been identified as a POI or suspect in the criminal matter. Basically, it sounds like this person is suggesting that an exparte RO will stay in effect indefinitely pending a criminal investigation that, as far as LE has told us, doesn't necessarily involve the mother. This seems goes against everything I think I know about ex parte orders, constitutional rights and parental rights. Anyone with any expertise in this area who can weigh in on this particular issue?
I had thought early on that if the older stepbrother hadn't been verifiably away on a scout camping trip with his father when Kyron disappeared, then he'd have been a prime suspect. He has a plausible motive, and he's somebody Kyron would have readily run over to, if he motioned to Kyron from the woods/brush adjacent to the school. But he *was* verifiably away on the scout trip with his father and a whole bunch of other people.

I'm sorry, guess I wasn't clear. I didn't mean the step-son was suspicious. We have learned he left because he couldn't get along with Kaine. I was wondering if the disappearance of Kyron might be a 'get even' kind of thing on the part of step-mom.

Also, I can't get over this feeling that Terri was set-up in Kyron's disappearance - I've had that feeling ever since I learned of the white truck appearing twice 3p and 2a the day he disappeared. I've never thought the brother was suspicious. I can see why there hasn't been a POI named in this case. moo
At the risk of having a rotten pumpkin thrown at me, what if Terri's sin was that she lied about what time she left the school that morning.... What if she was in a hurry to meet someone at SI and took Kyron in, snapped a photo and left him thinking, class starts soon, he will be fine and he was taken by someone? So if she said she was at the school at 8:45 lets say she left at 8:15 and the pings gave her away, lets just say that? What if Kaine found out that she lied and was having an affair and because she was, Kyron was at school but not safe because of the day and no sign in and all the outsiders for the show and fair. So he is mad and files for divorce and takes K because she put Kyron in a unsafe position by leaving early and not making sure he was safe with a teacher or in a class room. Just a thought..I am having a hard time with her taking him to school, then telling him to come to the island and killing him. I can't get this to fit.... Okay throw rotten pumpkin now.
All right...so why didn't he file for divorce the first few days after when it was clear that, according to SM, she'd left Kyron in the hall at the school on a day when it was filled with outsiders, etc.? SM's story ALL ALONG has been that she and Kyron split ways OUTSIDE of his class/a teacher's care. Why would that suddenly resonate with Kaine NOW, when all along SM has admitted she didn't walk Kyron to his class and officially hand him off to a teacher?
wow...that seems like a very odd statement to me in a case where a stay-at-home mother of a toddler is getting NO visitation whatsoever, and has not been identified as a POI or suspect in the criminal matter. Basically, it sounds like this person is suggesting that an exparte RO will stay in effect indefinitely pending a criminal investigation that, as far as LE has told us, doesn't necessarily involve the mother. This seems goes against everything I think I know about ex parte orders, constitutional rights and parental rights. Anyone with any expertise in this area who can weigh in on this particular issue?

IMO, it's not hard to get a temporary RO. It's a lot harder to get a permenant one. There should be a court date set already, I don't think the investigation will delay it unless she's arrested.
we must remember that not ONLY was this restraining order applied for by Kaine against Terri but it was ORDERED.

transcription of judge's handwritten comment at the bottom of the sealing of the restraining order linked upstream and also in the media thread by myself:

"further, neither party nor their cousnsel shall disclose the contents of the basis for the application and order without express permission of the court

I really don't understand what you're trying to say here... we knew the RO was granted.
LE apparently told Kaine to move out with the little girl. They possibly helped him at court also. Kaine has said he fully supports the Police action there taking...seriously the LE dont appear to be the slightest bit interested in Kaine in connection with Kyrons disappearance. They do however seem to be showing a LOT in Terri.

I have a feeling someday we'll all be here talking about how this was botched by the police deciding early on that they knew who the perp was and not exploring all possibilities. JMO
IMO, it's not hard to get a temporary RO. It's a lot harder to get a permenant one. There should be a court date set already, I don't think the investigation will delay it unless she's arrested.

I mean, based on the quote alone and in the context of the article it sounds to me like the lawyer is talking about a hearing on the temp RO. Take a look at the whole article and see what you think, if you haven't already. If you have, why do you think he's not talking about that hearing. Maybe I missed something...there's a LOT!
All right...so why didn't he file for divorce the first few days after when it was clear that, according to SM, she'd left Kyron in the hall at the school on a day when it was filled with outsiders, etc.? SM's story ALL ALONG has been that she and Kyron split ways OUTSIDE of his class/a teacher's care. Why would that suddenly resonate with Kaine NOW, when all along SM has admitted she didn't walk Kyron to his class and officially hand him off to a teacher?

Because, just like us, he was hoping to get his son back.
Might she be able to see the child under supervision? That would not be "parenting", strictly. Or is she to have zero contact with Kaine or baby? If that is the case, it is truly bizarre and should be explained with a very quick arrest, I would think.
I haven't posted much because I always suspected TH from the beginning. I couldn't pull my mind away from that theory to discuss other theories with all of you. However, I have followed each and everyone of ya'lls posts diligently. Ya'll are awesome! :dance:

My take:

1. KH has been privy to some very damning information/evidence for him to make the FINAL move of filling for divorce. By all accounts, their relationship was just fine before sweet boy went missing.

2. KH's focus is finding sweet boy, he would NOT file for divorce for something as petty as infidelity. And I'm only using the word petty compared to having a child missing. He would not waste his energy on a divorce at this time in the middle of trying to find his son.

3. I know I'm beating a dead horse....but LE knows a WHOLE lot more than has been released. They suspect TH but need more evidence...i.e. a confession.

Just my opinion.
BBM. LE is smarter than that. The RO was sealed to protect the investigation. IMO, that tells me Kaine has enough knowledge of the investigation to not want to spend one more minute with the person LE is fingering for causing his son to disappear. IMO, we'd have half the threads we do on abused and murdered children if a parent would take this action instead of sticking with their evil significant others.

You're so right! Most of the threads here have to do with women sticking by the perp for the sake of keeping the family together and/or putting food on the table and a roof over the heads of their children. Rare is it that we have a man who makes good money, has a career, has the support of LE, and the support of the other set of parents. He is fortunate to have those resources. imo moo
I just wonder if now that LE and Kaine have basically taken away everything from her, what is her motivation to cooperate with LE anymore than she already has? What does she have to lose right now? If she is guilty, I can't see her confessing now, they already took her baby away. I suppose they could try the removal of death penalty for example, if it comes to that, but I can't see her thinking about that right now. In her mind, she has been helping police and this is how she was repaid, maybe? They took her baby and convinced her husband to leave her? Terri needs a good lawyer sooner than later.

If she is not guilty, this is all too horrible to contemplate.

IMO If it happens like it does on TV (LOL).. they will use the baby, LE will way things like tell us what you know, oh, you didnt hurt Kyron? maybe you can have your baby back.... who hurt Kyron...
BBM. LE is smarter than that. The RO was sealed to protect the investigation. IMO, that tells me Kaine has enough knowledge of the investigation to not want to spend one more minute with the person LE is fingering for causing his son to disappear. IMO, we'd have half the threads we do on abused and murdered children if a parent would take this action instead of sticking with their evil significant others.

Thank You. The thanks button was not enough.

ITA. There has to be a reason that LE sat the three ( not four) down and then Kaine made his arrangements. I am still on that side of the fence. There is so much ambiguity in what we do know ( or what we have been told) that it tends to make me really believe that LE is holding the cards close. KWIM?

I also agree with you on the evil so point. He truly loves his children.
Probably wrong thread for all of this speculating, but do we really know that Terri seldom drove the truck? Since she was the one at home, maybe it made more sense for her to have it, to do things you do when you live in the country.

Good thinking, I know of a lot of women who drive whichever family vehicle that burns the most gas during the day because they are home. Its a real money saver for whoever has to commute to and from a job to drive whichever vehicle is more fuel efficient.
(respectfully snipped)

3. I know I'm beating a dead horse....but LE knows a WHOLE lot more than has been released. They suspect TH but need more evidence...i.e. a confession.

Just my opinion.

Or a body :-( If Kyron is gone, which sadly is most likely the case at this point, then hopefully there WILL be some kind of strong evidence as to who did this and gosh I just wish they'd FIND HIM!!!!!!!

Yes, that's the toughest part of the puzzle. All the signs now point to her having been responsible (and to LE and Kaine believing she was responsible). Perhaps we'd understand it if we had access to all the interview and questionnaire information that LE collected but hasn't released. But it's apparently been confirmed that both Terri and Kyron were seen at the school that morning, at some time after quite a few other people had already arrived at the school too, and that Kyron was not seen again beyond 9:00 or so.

It's hard enough to imagine how she could have gotten him out of and away from the school after that, *especially* on a morning with an unusual number of parents being at the school, without anybody seeing (but maybe someone *did* see, and LE knows that, even though we don't).
BBM and comment snipped for space.

I would not be surprised is witnessed DID see SM and Kyron leave...even if they did not see them get into her car/truck in the parking lot, I would not be surprised at all if several witnesses were under the impression that they were leaving together (walking toward an exit, standing just outside of exit, etc.). Plus, when things are very busy, it's harder for individuals to remember details. I know when I arrived at daycare this morning (a very busy morning with summer camp starting, lots of people and lots of new parents) that several other parents were pulling into the parking lot and walking into the front door at the same time. I cannot tell you WHO was parking/walking in with the exception of one man, someone who stands out for a reason I won't get into here. Many people may have 'saw" Terri and Kyron's last minutes at the school. Most of them, IMO, probably don't realize or remember that they saw them.

I have to think that BioDad's actions regarding the divorce and RO AND statement with the other two parents minus Terri means something material has been disclosed. IMO, it's not related to benign neglect (i.e., she left him in the school, a 'safe' environment, but didn't take the time to walk him to his teacher), but rather related to more direct involvement in whatever happened.
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