Growl... I just wrote up something an managed to blow it away... One more time...
>>A summary of the order filed in court shows the judge allowed no parenting time for Terri Moulton Horman. The restraining order also restricts her from possessing firearms, a routine step in these proceedings.<<
"no parenting time" ... Maybe Terri had no choice on asking for this according to the RO.
Looking at this document identified as "INSTRUCTIONS – OBTAINING A FAPA RESTRAINING ORDER":
>>Will A Hearing Be Scheduled?
In a few cases, the judge may wait to make a custody order and will set a hearing to get more information about the children from you and the respondent. You must go to that hearing or the order will probably be dismissed (dropped).
Otherwise, the respondent has 30 days from the date of service to request a hearing. If the respondent does not request a hearing, the restraining order will stay in effect.
If the respondent does request a hearing, it will be held very quickly.<<
Seems to me that a) judge scheduled the hearing -- but wouldn't sooner rather than later be reasonable?? OR b) Terri could request a hearing. IF the judge scheduled one, this may be hidden in the RO. IF he did not, it seems that media might be camped out and watching for Terri to go to the court to ask for a hearing.
I'd say that we could watch for a hearing on this...
NOW THEN for the "firearms" thing. It has been reported:
A summary of the order filed in court shows the judge allowed no parenting time for Terri Moulton Horman. The restraining order also restricts her from possessing firearms, a routine step in these proceedings.<<
The restraining order was sealed by Multnomah County Circuit Judge Keith Meisenheimer, who handles family law. However, the abuse prevent petition showed that Terri was not granted any time with their daughter and restricted from accessing firearms. The no firearms clause was routine in such cases, a court clerk said.<<
I'm kinda blown away that IF someone takes out a restraining order on me that I would have to get rid of my possession of all firearms. IF I live on a property such as the Horman's have, I would want to have a firearm. I may be perfectly okay with being restrained from someone else under a certain set of circumstances, but if someone breaches my "No Trespassing" sign OR if an animal arrives on my property that I feel endangers me, I want a firearm. SO, is this really "routine" to deny the possession of firearms due to an RO? takes me to the original point I wanted to attack. Do we know that on the day of the sting, Terri didn't meet those on her property with a double barreled shotgun in her hands? (and with someone at the front door holding another one?) If she showed up with nothing, just "lalala, yes, what did you want to see me for?" and got a surprise asking for 10K or I will go to the police, perhaps she was terrified. On the other hand, what if she didn't? Could this be why the firearms thing was put in the RO? Or did Kaine have an idea of what might be expected about firearms due to past conversations with Terri?
We know about the sting to "some" extent. We don't know all about it. We don't know the content of the 9-1-1 call, we don't know if she said, "I don't know who just came through my gates, but I have No Trespassing signs up -- please get over here, I think this could be a threat."