2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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removed quote :)

Sorry to ask this if you've already been asked. Were Terri and Desiree friends before Terri and Kaine began dating? Is it true Terri moved in to help care for Kyron while Desiree was getting treatment for kidney failure? TIA
The news that bio-dad Kaine has filed for a divorce and a restraining order is a surprise to me but given that both Kaine and Terri have been through divorces before, the process isn't new to either one of them so maybe it wasn't so hard for him to file for a divorce.

If Terri doesn't have an attorney yet I would expect her to have one soon.
No he does not have to have her permission. If he took her and filed for divorce all he had to do is ask for temporary custody to be established until a future court hearing and it would be granted.

I didn't see any mention of a temp custody order yet. And when/if one is granted, it would give TH at least some custody rights also unless there was an unassailable reason not to -- even known crackheads get visitation. That's where the RO comes in. You can't just prevent a bio parent from custody...period. The court's bend over backward to give the worst possible parents access to their children.
It could mean search and rescue june 2010.

Wondering if kh's filing for divorce a way for him to testify against TH?

I think you can't force a spouse to testify against a spouse, but they can chose to if they want.
When I first read her statement I didn't think she was lying, I thought IF anyone would know it would be her..And at that time we didn't know anything about any divorce only that it was rumored he had left and taken the baby with him.. However I did have a problem with her stating everything was good and everything was fine even IF the rumors were false.. How could anything be good or fine IF a child you have raised since infancy has been missing for over three weeks..That tragic situation doesn't constitute anything being good or fine IMHO..

That part made me cringe as well.
Today, IMO is a day that smugness is especially unbecoming.
To Gwenabob:

Have you noticed any helicopters in the area today? TIA I have a feeling that Kyron will be located soon.
JMO but I think Kaine was planning to divorce Terri for some time.

Yes, that is what I've been thinking too. Maybe marital problems tie in to Terri's motive to harm Kaine's son, such as rage and revenge.
Well, I wonder if there will be an arrest tonight... :( The tiles are crumbling.
i did not get the feeling that LE was still staying in the home around the clock, it keeps being referred to here. Do we know that? I thought it was now just Terri and her parents.
To Gwenabob:

Have you noticed any helicopters in the area today? TIA I have a feeling that Kyron will be located soon.

I posted this morning that the Black Hawk went north, over the river. :(
Well I Guess Kaine's not keeping his enemies closer....


I just refuse to accept he is dead. He can't be. He just can't be. There has to be a lil bright spot in all this black.

There's a chance she gave him away, slim at best, but still a chance..Until that's proven wrong don't give up on that "lil bright spot".
Criminal defense attorneys will not get involved in the divorce case. She will need a family law attorney for that. Different types of law with lots of different knowledge needed for each. Any good, ethical CD attorney will not touch/handle the divorce case. Two separate attorneys needed.
She can get him to pay for her attorney's.
Just thinking here - wasn't TH's second poly on Saturday? Or was it Saturday a week ago? Sorry - loose track of days here - lol. But I do think it was this Saturday - wonder if LE shared those results with KH today and hence all the movement?
While it may well turn out that SM is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, I would not assume that to be a certainty just based on recent developments.

I remember years ago reading that a large percentage of parents divorce after the death of a child - and that was referring to an accidental death of even an adult child. I would assume that the percentage of folks who split up after a child's disappearance would be as high or higher - especially in a case where one parent was the last to see the child and had suspicions hanging over them.

Whether the SM was involved or not, there has to be a ton of stress and finger pointing in that house...
i did not get the feeling that LE was still staying in the home around the clock, it keeps being referred to here. Do we know that? I thought it was now just Terri and her parents.

I hope law enforcement has Terrie's house bugged! They may learn a whole lot tonight!
Actually I think many -- maybe a majority of posters from the earlier threads -- were "sitting back and just waiting for this to all happen." We just weren't allowed to say so, and speaking only for myself, I simply went away rather than participate in an ostrich festival. Hopefully we can talk openly about reality now.

Rumor posts will earn you 2 days off. Let others know so they have the immediate opportunity to edit theri own post before a moderator does.
Moderation and censorship whining is over now as well.

I have put a lot of personal attention into this thread which included literally sitting on it all weekend and for 2 days after to catch problems, explain rules, talk to you, open up the discussion A LOT and not give TO's.

95% of you get it. the other 5% will get TO's if they don't get on board pretty quick here.
We love that you are here and most of the work here is beyond awesome.

But if you want to post carelessly, then please do it somewhere else. there are plenty of discussion boards that anything goes.
Some people stay for the moderation here and some people leave because of the moderation here.

Read the OP if you don't know the rules. read the Rules and etiquette section of the forum, read the threadiquette entries all over the forums.

Hate to be so harsh, but moderating this thread is becoming a big problem.

Where this post lands is random and on another note those of you that are on board THANK YOU!

Please read the above quote from our administrator. I think it says it all. This was posted early on in this case.
Yep, looks like I will not be dining on my laptop...I said in the very beginning "if this turns out to be anyone other than Terri, I'll eat my laptop."
But my heart is truly breaking and I so wish things were not going in this direction because that means that at some point we will all have to accept what we've pretty much suspected all along, Kyron is no longer alive. :cry:

My heart is already in pieces, because I couldn't think of anything worse than Kyron experiencing harm while trying to figure out in his precious, trusting mind how on God's earth this person he considered his mom could hurt him!!!!!!!! :sick:

joshiesmom said:
That's fine and you are entitled to your opinion, but as someone who has known Tony & Desiree for years and knows more than you do about this, I still maintain that Kaine did not have to fight for custody.

OK, good, because IMO unless the mom came up with the idea and willingly agreed then there was some discord and I will call that a custody fight. I didn't say it was a horrible, nnasty, long drawn out battle.
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