2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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Might she be able to see the child under supervision? That would not be "parenting", strictly. Or is she to have zero contact with Kaine or baby? If that is the case, it is truly bizarre and should be explained with a very quick arrest, I would think.

(I did post about this again earlier in the thread if you'd like to do a search there is a link there.)

Parenting Time = Visitation

They are exactly the same thing. She got NO parenting time so she got NO visitation. No supervised, or unsupervised, or anything. Nothing at all and yes it is very bizarre. I don't think it will hold up long if she isn't charged with something.
I am thinking this went down more like a "cookie cutter effect"

In other words... Kaine learned something that made him undoubtably want to leave his spouse and take his child...

Perhaps he learned this something thru the investigation or from LE? Who knows.. but it had to have been recenltly

Cookie cutter: he goes to an atty and finds out the best way to make the info he has stick and fits it into the cookie cutter..

just a thought

The requirements are pretty specific:

Showing Required

A petitioner is entitled to relief under FAPA when:

1. There has been "abuse," as defined in ORS

a. within the preceding 180 days,

b between "family or household members," as
defined in ORS 107.705(3); and

2. Petitioner is in "imminent danger of further abuse"
by respondent, and

3. Respondent represents a credible threat to the
physical safety of petitioner or petitioner’s child.

Time Frames

The petition must allege abuse in two time frames:

1. That abuse occurred within the 180 days
preceding the filing of the FAPA petition (i.e.,
past abuse), and

2. That the petitioner is in imminent danger of further
abuse from the respondent (i.e., prospective

Specific Allegations Required

The petition must specifically allege:

1. The nature of the abuse, described with
particularity; and

2. Specific dates of abuse.
What is this about?
From: http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/06/kyron_horman_stepmother.html

"Also Saturday, a 9-1-1 call came in from the Horman's home at 5:46 p.m., regarding "threats" at the property. The sheriff's office declined to allow its release, citing the ongoing investigation."

Okey Dokie, that seals it for me. IMO she lives in her own reality. Someone brought up that she was narcissistic. One of the trademarks is that they don't think there are any consequences, or should not be. Her telling the reporters everything was fine, when she probably knew it was not, was her way of saving face.
He had to make an immediate ruling. Maybe he sealed it until such time it can be reviewed by the DA to make sure there's nothing in there that would affect the investigation.
he made the ruling ex parte which means he had to have a fact to do so...

either that or call a hearing.

He had the facts and granted it ex parte.

Bet we won't be hearing them anytime soon even though the local news stations are trying to challenge it

he made the ruling ex parte which means he had to have a fact to do so...

either that or call a hearing.

He had the facts and granted it ex parte.

Bet we won't be hearing them anytime soon even though the local news stations are trying to challenge it


It will be interesting to see if TH challenges it. If she does and loses, those facts will be conclusively established at least to the civil standard of proof it not to the criminal...and she will have two blemishes on her official record wrt to children. This one and the reckless endangerment of her ds.
I don't find it all that shocking that a judge would seal documents relating to marital issues between people who are near-"celebrities" right now due to their son being missing. MOO.
Okey Dokie, that seals it for me. IMO she lives in her own reality. Someone brought up that she was narcissistic. One of the trademarks is that they don't think there are any consequences, or should not be. Her telling the reporters everything was fine, when she probably knew it was not, was her way of saving face.

Exactly! Can you imagine if you had harmed a child and LE and media from all over the country were swarming all over your life? I wouldn't last 2 seconds because I am just too honest. People who are capable of harming a child are capable of carrying out elaborate "Get Out of Jail Free" campaigns. For the record, I am still waiting on the evidence in this case. It looks obvious, but if I were a creative novelist, I could write some other characters into this horrible nightmare. Poor Kyron. I feel horrible for him, and really wish I could have known him. I am trusting in LE to feel as strongly as I do about Kyron, and to have the facts that I am missing.
What is this about?
From: http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/06/kyron_horman_stepmother.html

"Also Saturday, a 9-1-1 call came in from the Horman's home at 5:46 p.m., regarding "threats" at the property. The sheriff's office declined to allow its release, citing the ongoing investigation."

Well....I have been wondering when that would finally show up...it took them long enough to get to that! I can't believe none of the media were monitoring the scanner! OR that there wasn't at least one media person there at the time.

I guess we are allowed to discuss it now that media has put it out there???
Okey Dokie, that seals it for me. IMO she lives in her own reality. Someone brought up that she was narcissistic. One of the trademarks is that they don't think there are any consequences, or should not be. Her telling the reporters everything was fine, when she probably knew it was not, was her way of saving face.

I agree. When I heard about the 911 call last night that is the exact thought that entered my mind, as in several of my past posts I state that TMH has many narcissistic traits and I truly believe that is feeding into her strong denial mode that she seems to be in.. (BTW~ thanks to our awesome scanners and scannerettes they were onto to this call early on, infact it was even rewound to confirm, and this was all before any of the news broke last night)
Exactly! Can you imagine if you had harmed a child and LE and media from all over the country were swarming all over your life? I wouldn't last 2 seconds because I am just too honest. People who are capable of harming a child are capable of carrying out elaborate "Get Out of Jail Free" campaigns. For the record, I am still waiting on the evidence in this case. It looks obvious, but if I were a creative novelist, I could write some other characters into this horrible nightmare. Poor Kyron. I feel horrible for him, and really wish I could have known him. I am trusting in LE to feel as strongly as I do about Kyron, and to have the facts that I am missing.

I would not even be able to live with myself. And you are right about the Get Out Of Jail Free. Methinks that has something to do with her parents being there. Diminished Capacity and all that.

Does this quote mean anything to anybody...."Those friends, who have declined to speak on camera, said her husband’s motion to divorce is leaving her without the funds to afford a quality lawyer." I'm not sure why the filing of a divorce means she can't afford to hire a criminal lawyer....oh well, I guess she could wait and see on that...but as far as letting her friends talk to the media....my advice would be STOP!
IMO There has been some major info being given to KH, DY, TY lets not forget that bio Mom is married to a detective, and even though he may be one many miles away he can get inside information....I am from a LE family and I can tell you when something like this happens to someone who has any affiliation to LE it is taken very serious and it is very personal to which ever department is handling it....I can tell you that they all know some very pertinent information that will eventually be made public....My guess is Sat night the top blew off of this family and all the pieces started to fall into place, I am just happy the little girl is in a safe place and will not be harmed by someone who may have already harmed her brother.
IMO There has been some major info being given to KH, DY, TY lets not forget that bio Mom is married to a detective, and even though he may be one many miles away he can get inside information....I am from a LE family and I can tell you when something like this happens to someone who has any affiliation to LE it is taken very serious and it is very personal to which ever department is handling it....I can tell you that they all know some very pertinent information that will eventually be made public....My guess is Sat night the top blew off of this family and all the pieces started to fall into place, I am just happy the little girl is in a safe place and will not be harmed by someone who may have already harmed her brother.

Good pointe Kimmer! I had forgotten that aspect of this case. You are spot-on.
Do you think LE might have told TH she failed the polygraph even if she passed to try to get her to crack? To put the heat on her, they could have told KH the same thing and believing it to be true, he split?

Maybe I just watch too much Law and Order
No attorney yet!

Case Register........ Multnomah Circuit Court Status Open
Case#...... 100666084 Horman Kaine Andrew/Horman Terri Lynn Moulton
Domestic Relations Dissolution

___ ROLE______ PLAINTIFF_____________________ ATTORNEY_______________
1 Petitioner Horman Kaine Andrew Rackner Laura Ellen Sta

___ ROLE______ DEFENDANT______________________ATTORNEY_______________
1 Respondent Horman Terri Lynn Moulton Horman Terri Lynn Moult

1 6/28/10 6/28/10 Petition
2 6/29/10 6/28/10 Notice Dismissal Scheduled 12/27/10
3 6/29/10 6/28/10 Certificate of Residency
PRV 1 Rackner Laura Ellen Sta
4 6/29/10 6/28/10 Certificate Child Support
PET 1 Horman Kaine Andrew
5 6/29/10 6/28/10 Confidential Information Form
PET 1 Horman Kaine Andrew
6 6/29/10 6/28/10 Confidential Information Form

Does this quote mean anything to anybody...."Those friends, who have declined to speak on camera, said her husband’s motion to divorce is leaving her without the funds to afford a quality lawyer." I'm not sure why the filing of a divorce means she can't afford to hire a criminal lawyer....oh well, I guess she could wait and see on that...but as far as letting her friends talk to the media....my advice would be STOP!

If this is true, I'm guessing it's because she is a homemaker, and doesn't have a job, and therefore couldn't take out a loan or refinance her house, or any number of other things people tend to do to raise money for the $20,000+ retainers that criminal lawyers require.
I have lurked and followed cases on WS for years without comment, until this case.

As far as the divorce/RO thing- I only see 2 options (not saying there are only 2, just that 'I' only see 2)... I haven't heard that there was ever a RO filed before, so it doesn't look like there is history there.

Somehow, magically, today, biodad gets info that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that SM killed Kyron. He is SHOCKED- files immediately in court.


He has known since day one that something was off... possibly even been a part of it, or covered for it. Some fact was going to come out about Kyron's disappearance, and he needed to put some legal distance between himself and the SM.

I'm leaning towards the latter, since I find it very hard to believe that in the 5 years SM cared for his son, and the 2 years she cared for their daughter, that if she was dangerous or abusive he would not have noticed. It looks to me to be a legal tactic.

Sad all around. It implies to me that biodad has known all along that the boy was not coming back, and that if the SM was involved, he knew about it. The only other option is that he's just plain a jerk with bad timing. There are a lot of people like that, but in this case I don't think that's it.

While the child has not yet been found, I can only imagine how this news has made various armchair sleuths happy- that they backed the right horse. Trying to stay on the right side of the TOS, all I can say is that I think it's a good thing that WS is not a gambling site, because some of the commenters seem to me to have a definite 'gambling' type personality.

I don't personally care if the biodad has filed for divorce/RO- the timing is strange IMO (unless he has been living under a rock) and appears to be a legal maneuver, but the bottom line is that I don't care much about any of it, because the BOY HAS NOT BEEN FOUND YET. That's pretty much all I care about.


PORTLAND, Ore. - The father of missing Skyline School second-grader Kyron Horman has filed for divorce from his wife Terri Moulton Horman and was granted a restraining order against her, a source confirmed to KATU News Monday night.

The source also confirmed that Kaine Horman has moved out of the family’s house.

The source said the restraining order is a physical restraining order that is meant to protect the couple’s 18-month-old daughter, K.
Someone mentioned that it would be ironic and maybe scary is Kyron's bio mom was caring for Terri's daughter. Well, I have to say, that no matter what has happened, baby K is a COMPLETELY INNOCENT VICTIM here! I really do not believe that BM would take it out on the innocent baby.

Can you imagine how baby K is handling all of this? She's very used to being w/ her mother all the time since her mom is a SAHM. Baby K must be going through separation anxiety as well. Poor baby!!!
Glorybug, not one person on here said they weren't concerned with KH, but in all honesty, I would prefer she wasn't raised by a killer, if in fact that is what comes out of all of this.
The majority of posters here are here to find Kyron, because they care about his well being because he is an innocent child who need prayers, help, support, attention.

I feel very strongly that the majority are worried about his little sister as well, that is just logical to assume they do.

I hope she is sleeping comfortably, in a peaceful and safe environment. I hope that by some miracle she has her brother home soon.
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