2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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Mr. Houze does not practice family law. She would be wise to retain an attorney who specializes in complex family law cases. This is bound to be a complex divorce--at least the division of assets part is bound to be drawn out while criminal proceedings take place.

I completely agree....just appears some are confused on what role Mr. Houze has been retained for.....and most likely the reason we have not heard a word from his camp is that NOTHING has been initiated on a CRIMINAL front in this case against Terri...yet....
Also, the housing market has gone down since that home was purchased. I have no doubt it is worth less today than it was when they bought it. She would be entitled to share the negative equity.

I would venture to say that yes you're right. Many times if there are mortgages on a home people owe more than a house is actually worth right now. It is certainly not a sellers market right now.
Is it 'normal' for a husband to leave his wife's name off of the papers for the property, even if he paid the bills and mortgage himself? TIA

'Normal' is so subjective, isn't it? :)

My husband is an import; when he immigrated, I added him to the title of my house, and we did not amend the financing because it was already good.
I've never looked into what he'd be entitled to if we divorced (I guess it's not an option for us. Unless he tries to hire a hit on me! :furious:)

When I looked at the public record showing KH was the only one on the title, it certainly crossed my mind that that was not 'normal' for a family relationship. Not unheard of, but if TH was a smart as some think, wouldn't she have secured at least that?

She is/was in a very insecure financial situation. Not so smart, IMO.
It doesn't say, but I wonder if it specifies that she can't leave the city or something? I doubt he would be kicking her out to let her go where ever she wants.

Unless she is under arrest, she hasn't lost her freedom.
Oh yeah, the screws are being tightened and quickly now. None of this tells me that LE is going to make a move to arrest her though. These are family court matters and not (yet) criminal court matters.

It will be interesting to see if TMH & lawyer try to fight the current R.O./custody/visitation issue or just let it ride.

Regardless of where TMH ends up living, Oregon LE can go get her when/if they get an arrest warrant, even if she's in another jurisdiction or state.

I think the DA is holding back at this time because s/he doesn't believe they can prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury--the allegations of a MFH plot are enough to get an emergency R.O. but there isn't 'enough' to legally prove it to a jury (yet).
Is the house paid for or financed? If its financed she may have poor credit from her previous divorces that would increase their finance rate. Maybe he got a lower rate being on his own??
'Normal' is so subjective, isn't it? :)

My husband is an import; when he immigrated, I added him to the title of my house, and we did not amend the financing because it was already good.
I've never looked into what he'd be entitled to if we divorced (I guess it's not an option for us. Unless he tries to hire a hit on me! :furious:)

When I looked at the public record showing KH was the only one on the title, it certainly crossed my mind that that was not 'normal' for a family relationship. Not unheard of, but if TH was a smart as some think, wouldn't she have secured at least that?

She is/was in a very insecure financial situation. Not so smart, IMO.

I agree, but there are quite a few wives who are not. I cannot fault her for that. There have been times in our marriage that if something had happened I would have been in the same boat ( not for the same reasons obviously).
Of course my parents were/are in a position that I could fall back on them BUT not everyone has that. Of all the things I fault her for, I cannot judge her ( yet) on not having all the reigns on the financial situation.
'Normal' is so subjective, isn't it? :)

My husband is an import; when he immigrated, I added him to the title of my house, and we did not amend the financing because it was already good.
I've never looked into what he'd be entitled to if we divorced (I guess it's not an option for us. Unless he tries to hire a hit on me! :furious:)

When I looked at the public record showing KH was the only one on the title, it certainly crossed my mind that that was not 'normal' for a family relationship. Not unheard of, but if TH was a smart as some think, wouldn't she have secured at least that?

She is/was in a very insecure financial situation. Not so smart, IMO.

In my state, my husband secured the financing for our home but I am still listed on the deed.
Someone mentioned the car - the Mustang. I understand that OR is not a community property state...but hasn't it been said in media reports that this car was a gift to Terri? If that be the case, then it would appear that she could keep that free and clear?
Someone mentioned the car - the Mustang. I understand that OR is not a community property state...but hasn't it been said in media reports that this car was a gift to Terri? If that be the case, then it would appear that she could keep that free and clear?

She probably could keep it either way. The courts won't take your only mode of transportation away here. The public transit system in Portland is better than anywhere else in Oregon, but it isn't like NYC either. You need a car around here.
Smart guy that Kaine. He is showing considerable restraint IMO.
I didn't see different handwriting - I just saw the same person writing in different times/frames and/or on different surfaces. Can you direct me to a page example? (Not trying to be difficult - I just want to see what you're seeing.)

ETA: Sorry, I know this doesn't matter a whole lot - just curious.

I agree that it doesn't matter much, but if you compare the lower case "t"s in the first two sentences to those in the last sentence, there is a difference. In the first two, the "t"s are crossed with a straight line through them. In the last sentence, it's all one stroke with a loop on the left of the vertical line. (This is on Pg. 12/20.) However, the first sentences seem to be printed, while the third is cursive, so that could explain it. It's definitely written with a different pen, though.
'Not unheard of, but if TH was a smart as some think, wouldn't she have secured at least that?

She is/was in a very insecure financial situation. Not so smart, IMO.

She may have had no choice. KH could have refused.
I was surprised that the original order did not request this...so to me this makes sense. According to his own words his house is in his name.

I have suspected that LE is in charge.

If I'm right, then they take away things step by step... by step. Keep ratcheting the pressure up, slowly but constantly.
In my state, my husband secured the financing for our home but I am still listed on the deed.

You're smart, like my husband. :)

I agree, but there are quite a few wives who are not. I cannot fault her for that. There have been times in our marriage that if something had happened I would have been in the same boat ( not for the same reasons obviously).
Of course my parents were/are in a position that I could fall back on them BUT not everyone has that. Of all the things I fault her for, I cannot judge her ( yet) on not having all the reigns on the financial situation.

Sorry redk, I just saw your post after posting the above. Please don't think I am calling you not-smart for having similar circs to TH.
My thinking was more along the lines of, they had a 'mature age' marriage, as did I, and discussing those sorts of financial matters was a part of our love story.. we just had to be practical. I forget that the rest of the world can be more normal than we are sometimes. :)

And you are right. There could be legitimate reasons the Hormans kept their finances separate. In fact, KH's lawyer's statement at the end of the RO paperwork says that they don't want their private, financial matters dissected in the media.
Typically the court smiles upon requests that the custodial parent keep the family home. It's better for the children - less disruptive.
I owned a house and then married. The spouse worried a lot about equity, and eventually things smoothed out. But it absolutely did put pressure on the relationship for a while. A lot of the comments above highlight the situation from TMH's point of view, and why she might have hoped she could somehow avoid a divorce.

Is it possible that KH, when completing the forms, did not necessarily use the term "probable cause", as it is defined, but rather his interpretation of the term? Meaning that, while he feels that there was probable cause to file a RO, the LE do not actually have probable cause, based on the actual definition, to arrest her.
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