2010.07.12 Friend of Terri's describes her as a good mother

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Remembering how KC's friends said she seemed like a good mother, too. Later, we were able to see thru constant cell pings, computer entries, and club appearances that she was a negligent mother when no one was looking. I have to remind myself that this friend's interview is just an acquaintance's take of the TMH she experienced. It really doesn't tell me if TMH had quietly had a break from reality and was planning some ugly revenge involving Kyron.

I will say this - just the Sunday before Kyron went missing TMH was acting normal enough to gain this friend's mother's confidence. It tells me the whatever state TMH was in, she wasn't acting that crazy or forgetful five days before Kyron's disappearance, but she hasn't been able to stay in character since then. Why?
Regarding her saying they seemed excited and happy at the science fair...

If it's an accurate description it makes it somewhat less likely that she was irritable, on edge and just snapped with bad results. Maybe it was a bit unlikely anyway because how do you snap and hurt a child at a crowded school and get rid of him without anybody noticing if you didn't have a plan?

If Terri did something premeditated it would make sense for her to try and act happy and normal.
My mom was like this. In the public eye, she was Mother of the Year, PTA President, volunteered for multiple non-profit community organizations, etc. My friends all loved her...she was the "cool mom". But at home, in private, she was a horribly physically and emotionally abusive narcissist.

I believe that my ex is a sociopath and he has the EXACT same m.o. --Father of the Year, baseball/football/whatever coach, volunteers with multiple charities always involving children (like childrens' hospitals, shoe programs, etc.) If you met him you'd never guess that he had multiple criminal assualt and dv charges and/or convictions on his record, and multiple RO's in place over the course of many years (many of which don't even involve me). Also totally obsessed with *advertiser censored* and internet *dating* -- including while he's in a relationship. He's in one now and I know for a fact he's still doing the internet thing.

Here's an extreme example of how deceptive/manipulative these people can be. He once unexpectely confronted me in front of a public building and was trying to get my car keys out of my hand. He was practically breaking my fingers (I mean it was close, literally) and saying all kinds of menacing things to me inches from my face. Then a woman walked out of the door of the building less than 5 feet away from us. He immdiately drew me close to him and gave me a huge somewhat passionate kiss :::hurl::: The woman said with a big smile "hey, you two, get a room." I wanted to die. I knew if he could do that, he could do anything. And he did, including holding a loaded gun to my head and much more.

Only my dearest friends who have gotten a glimpse of my reality can even believe it. Most people don't really believe it when they hear it from me (not that I mention it much in real life.) He's just too *nice* of a guy and too *perfect* of a Dad to really be that evil. Heck, I don't blame them. I fell for it, too, when I only knew him superficially.

Sorry for the TMPI, but I think most people who haven't been involved with a person like this, can't really believe that it's possible. This woman is probably in that category. Once you meet one of these people in real life and are in a position to come to know who they *really* are, you are NEVER the same. If TH is a sociopath, she is capable of anything.
I thought she was very sincere and honest.I think if we hear from many of the mothers and children we will find out she did not act bad towards Kyron.This lady said she asked her son how Kyron and his mother interacted that day and her son said they were happy and excited and good together.This lady is saying she just didn't see anything wrong with anything.I believe her.


Just the ones I remember....

Susan Smith - 2 children - drowning
Andrew Yates - 5 children - drowning
Julia Murray - 2 children, 1 survived - drowning
Debra Jeter - 2 children, 1 survived - stabbing
La'Tonya Dixon - 2 children, 1 survived - shooting
Casey Anthony - 1 child allegedly

All had people come out and say, she was a good mother, I don't know how this could happen.... I never would have imagined....

The abusive parents who kill their children are not so shocking.

It is these cases where it comes out of nowhere that we all struggle so much to understand.

I cannot explain why or how... but even if Terri rocked Kyron to sleep every single night and went to every school function...She still could join the above list one day.

More than 200 women kill their children each year. More of them here:

Regarding the hand gestures in this interview-- they reminded me of someone who was relating something mildly frightening, like almost stepping on a snake, ...and a mouse ran over my shoe... that type of thing. It's as though she's scared of the implications of having trusted TMH, but also chagrined that nothing bad happened to her child.

She's conflicted, imo.
I think Terri was very focused on "appearances." I am not at all surprised that there are people who thought she was "Mother of the Year." I think Terri put considerable energy into managing the way she appeared to others.

Yes, absolutely.
I also am pleased to see someone step out and speak in behalf of TH.
I do believe this woman was telling the truth.

That being said though.
I would expect her son to say Kyron and KH were excited at the SF. TH did take a picture of him and he is friends with Kyron.

Also what goes on behind closed doors is so many times the exact opposite of what someone lets others see.

wondering1's post was right on about this.
Sorry you had to endure this.

Oh, I wonder if that says something about the family dynamics that caused great jealousy on her part towards Kyron and additional hurt by Kaine towards her.

It looks to me like allot if not most of that display was engineered by Kaine. He evidently spent allot of time with Kyron on it and possibly this is just a snap shot of how he always doted on him. That division of affection, shown by her doting on the baby with all the photos and Kyron being the apple of his dad's eye could have worked into a bad home situation.

Add to that she learned he was having an affair and possibly spending less time at home with her - snap. That was just it and she made some decisions to get back at him. Just sayin'

What affair? Kaine denied he was cheating.
Just wondering If she didn't use this child to be even less suspicious to LE IF she was planning to harm Kyron.. Also, wondering how many other playmates have been invited over for a play day or an outing with Kyron on a regular basis...JMO
Also, I would be really interested in hearing from some other couples the Horman's may have socialized with on regular basis.. Wonder IF there are any other couples who also have children they may have interacted and socialized with on weekends.....JMO

I agree, if TH is involved, then imo, she planned it, and this outing might be part of the plan.

I don't have a facebook account so I never got to see her photos, and whatnot. :(

More information on activities of daily living would be nice.
I do find it disturbing that KH spoke of Kyron staying in his room in the am until summoned and neither parent seemed to have a problem with that.
He must have a really nice room, but it says to me he preferred to be alone than with the family. That is unusual imo, most children prefer to be with their families/friends all the time.

He appears in the pics to be a well adjusted child, not afraid of the camera, not too shy, and seemingly happy. moo

We know he played soccer. This is an after school program held at the school.

This is the first person who makes the statement that a friend was out with Kyron and family, or SM at least.

That tight knit a community, school wise, seems like we'd be seeing more of other families, or would have before the end of June. jmo oc..
I thought she was very sincere and honest.I think if we hear from many of the mothers and children we will find out she did not act bad towards Kyron.This lady said she asked her son how Kyron and his mother interacted that day and her son said they were happy and excited and good together.This lady is saying she just didn't see anything wrong with anything.I believe her.

I think this lady was sincere in that she thinks she knows TH. People like TH don't look like or act like monsters in front of others. But when know one is looking they try to hire hit men and sext their husbands friend from High School and tell people to lie to their attorney's.

Susan Smith didn't openly act bad towards her children either. Until she s(trapped) her two little boys into their carseats and let them roll into a watery grave.
If TH did this, I thought to myself with all outward appearances of TH as mother of the year, how in the heck can you decide who your kids are going to go places with when they are invited.

I am probably imposing my views on the interviewed mother, but that was what came across to me from her interview. My children are grown up, but I would have thought a person like Terri would be just fine.

My whole world would have been turned around if I had a situation with a mother like Terri being presented. Who do you trust? Does your child live in a cocoon now?
My opinion regarding this sweet lady's hand gestures is simply that she may have been a little camera-shy. I do a very similar thing when I'm in the spotlight and if I could speak out from behind my hand, I would!! (Thus the ability to chat so easily from behind the screen of my PC) :)

I, personally, would take her at face value. WYSIWYG. And kudos to her for speaking out. I don't see her taking sides here. She simply stated the way it was.

ITA. I don't think it was a pro Terri interview per say, I think it was someone stating, Hey, she seemed so normal I let my kid go places with her. I bet this friend is scratching her head wondering about TH being able to keep this other side hidden so well. The poor lady seemed torn and a bit befuddled over it all.
Remembering how KC's friends said she seemed like a good mother, too. Later, we were able to see thru constant cell pings, computer entries, and club appearances that she was a negligent mother when no one was looking. I have to remind myself that this friend's interview is just an acquaintance's take of the TMH she experienced. It really doesn't tell me if TMH had quietly had a break from reality and was planning some ugly revenge involving Kyron.

I will say this - just the Sunday before Kyron went missing TMH was acting normal enough to gain this friend's mother's confidence. It tells me the whatever state TMH was in, she wasn't acting that crazy or forgetful five days before Kyron's disappearance, but she hasn't been able to stay in character since then. Why?

Imo, she was able to stay in character. KH didn't leave until LE brought evidence that she was not who he thought she was.
As soon as he discovered it, he took his daughter and left, while she said to a reporter that everything is good.

DY and TY were staying in the house with them for a little while. That must have been hard, b/c TH knew DY suspected her from the onset.

Also, planning is one thing, acting is quite another.
A plan is a thought, a fantasy even, but once the act is done, one usually discovers the mistake they made, or mistakes made due to lack of planning, etc.

If, if she committed a crime concerning Kyron, she likely didn't expect D and TY to come live in their home. She likely didn't think about the aftermath being what has happened. She likely planned for people to think a stranger came in and took him. The school being open to the public that day, the whole purpose of it being "that" day, again, if she is guilty only.

Personally, I'm not there yet.
jmo and all that.
with kiane placing all this guilt, it makes you wonder why didnt he take actions sooner to protect his children is it was that much of a threat.

Probably because Terri was the great pretender. Kaine most likely had faith in his marriage and it would have never crossed his mind that his wife was capable of walking out the door one morning and murdering his son, imo, if she is guilty.

I applaud his efforts now. He is doing everything in his power to protect his daughter from the unstable environment Terri has presumably created through her actions. Whoever Kaine's lawyer is, he/she is doing a great job, imo.
I appreciate that TMH took the time to take pictures of the boy. I'm sure his mother appreciates it, thoug I'm not sure I would be appreciative of her posting them on FB, seemingly without the mom's knowledge, since they don't appear to be friends on FB.

I wondered if Terri had this mom's permission to post the mom's son's Science Fair photo on Terri's FB. I know I would be hoppin' mad if someone posted my child's photo on FB or anywhere on the net without my consent, especially in the midst of this criminal investigation.
Kudos to this mom for going before national media and saying something positive about Terri! ...Mom let her son go bowling with Kyron and trusted Terri. Also saw Kyron at the science fair and relayed that Kyron was happy, excited.

Is Terri responsible for this horrible crime? The only thing all the media coverage conveys is what a terrible person Terri is and how dysfunctional the marriage is.....What a tragedy if she is being set-up while the real perp roams free and Kyron has yet to be brought home!

...Always nice to hear something positive about Terri because I find it difficult to believe that she doesn't have a shred of motherly love and/or kindness in her...

I thought she was very sincere and honest.I think if we hear from many of the mothers and children we will find out she did not act bad towards Kyron.This lady said she asked her son how Kyron and his mother interacted that day and her son said they were happy and excited and good together.This lady is saying she just didn't see anything wrong with anything.I believe her.

Hi Eyes & Suzanne - I see both of you as loving people who want to always see the best in someone. This a fabulous trait and one that I share with you. But there are times when we come across people and circumstances in life that force us to remember that not everyone can 'keep it together'; we have a lot of crime in this world and that means a lot of people are committing it.

They all have loved ones who care - but it doesn't make them any less harmful to society. :(

Your points about Terri having shreds of good and being viewed positively by her friend on the video, are valid to the core. Your belief that the friend on the video is sincere and whose son loved Terri - is spot on. She did think that and she still does. This is normal. We would expect to find good things in people, no matter what they have done. And that includes Terri Horman. I am sure she brought joy to some people's lives, some of the time. Don't most all of us do that? One would hope.

In nearly every criminal case since time immemorial, the perpetrators have people supporting them . In some cases, fervent supporters and a lot of them. It can take years before some of those people change their minds. It can take insurmountable evidence, for some.

Current examples of this include Casey Anthony & Joran Van der Sloot. While these are famous top of the mind cases, there are thousands every day with the same result - where loving people simply cannot see their child or partner or friend as a murderer. We studiers of true crime should expect in every criminal case that we will hear from people who could never fathom their 'someone' could do anything so horrible, to anyone. This is normal. With some exceptions, those loved ones and supporters believe it with all their heart and are being honest about it. That's the only part of the person they ever saw - the wonderful, good side.

Sometimes the support and belief can be so strong for a criminal, that many perpetrators stay married, get married in prison, have parents who believe in them to the point of mortgaging their lives for an appeal; they have siblings, exes, children, and on down the line who cannot bring themselves to see the truth at first. Sure, many of these fall off the fence over time, but in the end, it is still very common to see support from some, forevermore. The number dwindles across the course of the case but still, it is rare for all of them to find the courage to accept it.

This 'natural and expected support model' happens in every case for a reason:

People are not single-faceted beings; each of us has different roles we play (sister, brother, mother, father, aunt, grandmother, husband, wife, significant other, nephew, boss, old high school friend, co-worker, teacher) and we have people in our lives who play these same roles for us. We can even excel to the max on many of these roles and miserably fail in another. We are fluid beings over time too, we can change dramatically based on circumstances. Often this is positive and equates to growth and maturity in us as we age and learn and synthesize. But sometimes people unravel. And sometimes they just snap. The intertwining circumstances of a certain area of someone's life can go haywire for them and it mixes and moans and adjusts in just a certain way that it ends up spelling disaster.

In a case like this where no one saw it coming (perhaps not even Terri herself), it is natural to want to dig for all the good we can find in her, but in the end, our advocacy must be for those who suffer at the expense of others - and that means having the courage to look at the upsetting facts too, and reason accordingly.

Kyron's step-mother is involved in his disappearance. No matter how fond of her some people still might be.

This reminded me of the Jaycee Dugard case where some people though that phil guarrido behavior was normal in a sense. Not saying that terry is a complete psycho but i do like that balance is trying to be presented in this case and its not like terry was a terrible stepmom. I dont believe that was the case because if it was, why would Kaine allow a "horrible" person around their child for so long. It wouldnt make sense to me.
Because some people are good liars, that's all it is. There wouldn't be any domestic crime if people couldn't fool their friends and family members into trusting them.

Even if Kaine saw something strange, the first reaction is usually denial, especially where children are concerned. If you read some of the high-profile cases here, no family member ever wants to believe that someone could be a bad mother or father, or even want to hurt a spouse.

One example: In the Peterson case, even with all the evidence stacked against Scott Peterson that came out over months and months, his brother and mother and father still took the stand in his defense, even knowing that he killed a pregnant woman and a baby. Laci never saw her own death coming from the father of her unborn child either. She and her family trusted him, but he was a chronic liar.

As far as what this poor woman said about TH, good for her. That's her perception. Whether it matches the reality when all is said and done is another thing entirely.
Hi Eyes & Suzanne - I see both of you as loving people who want to always see the best in someone. This a fabulous trait and one that I share with you. But there are times when we come across people and circumstances in life that force us to remember that not everyone can 'keep it together'; we have a lot of crime in this world and that means a lot of people are committing it.

They all have loved ones who care - but it doesn't make them any less harmful to society. :(

Your points about Terri having shreds of good and being viewed positively by her friend on the video, are valid to the core. Your belief that the friend on the video is sincere and whose son loved Terri - is spot on. She did think that and she still does. This is normal. We would expect to find good things in people, no matter what they have done. And that includes Terri Horman. I am sure she brought joy to some people's lives, some of the time. Don't most all of us do that? One would hope.

In nearly every criminal case since time immemorial, the perpetrators have people supporting them . In some cases, fervent supporters and a lot of them. It can take years before some of those people change their minds. It can take insurmountable evidence, for some.

Current examples of this include Casey Anthony & Joran Van der Sloot. While these are famous top of the mind cases, there are thousands every day with the same result - where loving people simply cannot see their child or partner or friend as a murderer. We studiers of true crime should expect in every criminal case that we will hear from people who could never fathom their 'someone' could do anything so horrible, to anyone. This is normal. With some exceptions, those loved ones and supporters believe it with all their heart and are being honest about it. That's the only part of the person they ever saw - the wonderful, good side.

Sometimes the support and belief can be so strong for a criminal, that many perpetrators stay married, get married in prison, have parents who believe in them to the point of mortgaging their lives for an appeal; they have siblings, exes, children, and on down the line who cannot bring themselves to see the truth at first. Sure, many of these fall off the fence over time, but in the end, it is still very common to see support from some, forevermore. The number dwindles across the course of the case but still, it is rare for all of them to find the courage to accept it.

This 'natural and expected support model' happens in every case for a reason:

People are not single-faceted beings; each of us has different roles we play (sister, brother, mother, father, aunt, grandmother, husband, wife, significant other, nephew, boss, old high school friend, co-worker, teacher) and we have people in our lives who play these same roles for us. We can even excel to the max on many of these roles and miserably fail in another. We are fluid beings over time too, we can change dramatically based on circumstances. Often this is positive and equates to growth and maturity in us as we age and learn and synthesize. But sometimes people unravel. And sometimes they just snap. The intertwining circumstances of a certain area of someone's life can go haywire for them and it mixes and moans and adjusts in just a certain way that it ends up spelling disaster.

In a case like this where no one saw it coming (perhaps not even Terri herself), it is natural to want to dig for all the good we can find in her, but in the end, our advocacy must be for those who suffer at the expense of others - and that means having the courage to look at the upsetting facts too, and reason accordingly.

Kyron's step-mother is involved in his disappearance. No matter how fond of her some people still might be.

Hi CaringCitizen.Thanks for sharing.

Kyron's step-mother is involved in his disappearance. No matter how fond of her some people still might be.

LE has not stated this that Kyrons step mom is involved.They said No one has been ruled out and everyone is a suspect.I think we should just wait this out and see what happens.
I'm troubled by this woman's hand/arm gestures. Notice how many times she puts her hands in front of her mouth. She might not be truthful in what she is saying. jmo[/QUOTE

I pick up, she trusted her but know she is very worried and apprehensive, hindsight 20/20.
It was in a major link, saying about 6 mos before she had learned Kaine was having an affair and how it hurt her so. That is when she talked to the LS about the MFH plot.

IMO, his affair must have heated up a bit and I think could have possibly been the straw that broke her back and she made that diabolical decision to have him killed. Just speculation mind you but it would upset any wife. Add in a sociopathic disorder and you got trouble a brewin'. xox

TH was diagnosed with a sociopathic disorder ? An actual verified psychiatric condition ? I must have missed this ; is there a link ? TIA.


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