2010.07.15 Casey at the Hearing

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I can tell you that when KC saw LA take the stand she was crying, her nose did get bright red and she had no tissue, but was freely wiping tears off of her face. The tissue blotting came after.
Thanks for the screen caps, Eidetic & all. I look at these two and I see Medusa. Don't look her in the eye or you'll be turned to stone:



Interesting isn't it that "warrior goddess" Athena (hm... Cindy anyone?) turned Medusa's hair to snakes in a jealous rage over the fact that Medusa was prettier than she? And then Athena showed Perseus the trick to kill Medusa.

Little OT I know, but these archetypes keep :poke:ing me. Especially when illustrated by some of these still shots.
I can tell you that when KC saw LA take the stand she was crying, her nose did get bright red and she had no tissue, but was freely wiping tears off of her face. The tissue blotting came after.

Here is another screen shot of her wiping tears after Lee mouthed "I love you" (all the screen shots I've posted so far were from after that little gem).

I am no body language expert, but she looks po'd. If I get angry or frustrated enough, that has usually been the only occasions I cry in front of other people besides my husband.

My 13 year old daughter was in our office with me off and on while I watched this hearing on the computer. I had the earphones on so that I could hear better without disturbing my sleeping hubby. Several times I startled my daughter because I would say something out loud after being quiet for so long. When Cindy was being questioned by LDB I was getting pretty upset about the lack of emotion from Casey. I was already upset because LDB did an amazing job of taking Cindy (and everyone else) back to that day. My daughter asked me why I pay so much attention to this case, watch the videos and hearings, read on here every day if it upsets me so much. At the time the only way I could explain it to her was that I felt that I owed it to Caylee to pay attention, to care because she was a sweet innocent little child who has no one in her immediate family paying attention to her. After I thought about it some more, after she went and found something else to do, it hit me that I have to care. If (god forbid) something ever happened to one of my daughters or anyone of my family or friends and I for whatever reason was unable to stand up for them, to care that much, to pay attention that I would want someone to be able to do it for me. To me that is what the great people on this site do. They care. They pay attention. When the families can't or won't the people here do. It hurts my heart to know that Caylee is in that position. That her family can't or won't for her. That Casey appears to not care at all.

So I want to thank all of you here, for everything that you all do. Thank you for caring!

I hear you Torismom. My mother started her usual a few days ago. I should have known better than to try to have a conversation with her. :snooty:
She has a know-it-all attitude, always spouting "advice" when it is not asked. You couldn't pay me enough to listen or follow it :crazy: although admittedly, she still gets under my skin. :banghead:

When she asked me why I watch hearings about the case 2 years after, she said; "As you get older, you will realize you need to process things like that and move on. You can't dwell on them too long."
I responded that I'm sensitive, always have been... and I hope to stay that way. :croc:
Casey's expression when LDB approaches the defense table before beginning her (brilliant) cross-examination of CA.

If looks could kill... Her eyes chill me in this screen cap.


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Oh! One more thing - since we are talking about Casey chatting it up with "the JB assistants". When I looked at the still pics on one of the news sites, it appeared to me that Casey may have been chatting with them about her fall and broken tooth. I guess I thought that because in one of the still shots it looks like Casey is pointing to her tooth. I wish I could drag the picture over here, but I am seriously techy challenged!

Here is the picture.... because I thought the same thing....


You know that little apple or cherry advertisement at the top of this page? The one with the crazy rolling eyes? That's how KC's eyes looked during the hearing. What is up with the eye darting? Kind of like a cornered animal.
I will post only ONE time in defense of KC's facial expressions & preening . . .

In terms of public opinion, she is in a lose/lose situation. We would likely criticise ANY expression she held on her face. I've often wondered, if I were in that position, what would I look like? What would endear me to a jury? Would a look of remorse look contrived? Would a smile seem maniacal? How about an expression of anger? Not allowed? What if I just went stony-faced blank? Ooops! Now I look mechanical and unfeeling! All the cameras are pointed at ME, what is appropriate?

As for her preening, it might be nervous energy. Again, what would I do? I can't even sit through a meeting without doodling on a notepad. I would have to sit on my hands. I'd be scratching my head, twirling my rings, anything to keep moving. I hope that doesn't mean I'm deranged or psychotic!

I don't say any of this to unvalidate anything said by any of you. I still agree with your points, and definately see the point in evaluating her movements and jestures. It speaks a lot for her state of mind.

It's just something that's been on my mind a lot since the hearings began. I truly don't know WHAT she should be doing to satisfy the masses. In that sense, I do have a smidgeon of pity for her (barely a smidgeon!.


This moment starting at 15 mins into the 4th vid is the moment when they all realised Cindy had fulfilled the requirements for ‘excited utterance’ ... the facial expressions here and furious writing are great. Casey really thinks she is a defense attorney by now...

Thanks for the pictures- you are so right!! Now, if only some of our ubersleuthers can take picture #5, turn it upside down and blow it up, we might be able to discern what the newest addition to Casey's defense team was writing on that yellow pad...

ETA The thumbnails didn't attach to my post, but the picture is the last one in post #28
Thanks for the pictures- you are so right!! Now, if only some of our ubersleuthers can take picture #5, turn it upside down and blow it up, we might be able to discern what the newest addition to Casey's defense team was writing on that yellow pad...

ETA The thumbnails didn't attach to my post, but the picture is the last one in post #28

unfortunately cannot. that is way too low resolution. did any of the papers manage to take any actual photos of that or anything similar? when they post them they're smaller sizes but would be a better resolution and maybe possible.
Thanks for your post about the fake crying. I don't know about everyone else, but when I cry, my nose runs and turns red. ICA is barely ecking out a little tear now and then. (The "act" when LA was on the stand was almost believable, but not really.) And who looks at the tissue so closely after wiping away "tears?" What's she looking for? She's such a (terrible) little actress.
Can you imagine a family dinner at the A's with all that double talk going on? Makes my head spin just trying to figure out what they're saying sometimes...

BBM Remember that classic A Team moment when GA, while sitting in the gallery, wiped and/or blew his nose and he not only "looked at it" he shared it with CA, who can be seen mouthing the word "blood" - wow they really are all carbon copies of each other - this dabbing and looking is very different from ICA crying after her speech to Amy about how much ICA sucked at being a friend.

Thank you TT for the photos and everyone for the commentary. MC was very watchful of what ICA was "sharing" on her legal pad, he even adjusted his glasses to see it better.

JB bringing girls to court, to visit with ICA is really odd, like everything he does.

All I can think when seeing the look on ICA's mug, is poor Caylee - the expressions and lack of expression would be so scary to a two year old.

That puffed up lip service from CA, almost matches the look on ICA (post 14 - picture 7, starting at the top going down). Anyone know what brought on the look from ICA?

WTH is wrong with these people, once again acting like they are at a party - not a court of law, answering to their behavior upon learning Caylee was "gone". Haw haw, hee hee all the way to the death penalty, please. I can't imagine a jury finding any of their behavior endearing, or finding sympathy for them either. Just like this hearing, no amount of coaching or practicing will keep their true colors from shining thru, they all like themselves too much and think their words should be the last spoken, on a given subject.

ICA appears to be maturing rapidly - something she would not have done while living at home. MOO -
My 13 year old daughter was in our office with me off and on while I watched this hearing on the computer. I had the earphones on so that I could hear better without disturbing my sleeping hubby. Several times I startled my daughter because I would say something out loud after being quiet for so long. When Cindy was being questioned by LDB I was getting pretty upset about the lack of emotion from Casey. I was already upset because LDB did an amazing job of taking Cindy (and everyone else) back to that day. My daughter asked me why I pay so much attention to this case, watch the videos and hearings, read on here every day if it upsets me so much. At the time the only way I could explain it to her was that I felt that I owed it to Caylee to pay attention, to care because she was a sweet innocent little child who has no one in her immediate family paying attention to her. After I thought about it some more, after she went and found something else to do, it hit me that I have to care. If (god forbid) something ever happened to one of my daughters or anyone of my family or friends and I for whatever reason was unable to stand up for them, to care that much, to pay attention that I would want someone to be able to do it for me. To me that is what the great people on this site do. They care. They pay attention. When the families can't or won't the people here do. It hurts my heart to know that Caylee is in that position. That her family can't or won't for her. That Casey appears to not care at all.

So I want to thank all of you here, for everything that you all do. Thank you for caring!

DITTO! You said it so beautifully. My husband says the same thing to me. He could not understand how totally immersed I became during the Laci Peterson trial and now during Caylee's justice. I am so grateful I found WS years ago and I am so grateful that there are so many people out there that genuinely care about victims of crime and seeing that justice is served.

This moment starting at 15 mins into the 4th vid is the moment when they all realised Cindy had fulfilled the requirements for ‘excited utterance’ ... the facial expressions here and furious writing are great. Casey really thinks she is a defense attorney by now...

I agree. Inmate Anthony was FURIOUS with her mother for NOT following the script and not saying exactly what the Defense lawyers wanted her to say -- such as, it was GEORGE who put the idea of "smells like a dead body in the car" in Cindy's mind, and that GEORGE is the former LE and knows the smell, and that Cindy has no experience with smelling dead bodies, and that the only reason Cindy made the dead body statement was to get the police out there faster, and that Cindy told the FBI about the car being related to Caylee not there was to tell them that the smell she smelled was different. Cindy did not come through for Inmate Anthony at all. Cindy did not portray herself as the ANGRY, raging lunatic she must have been on the day she called 911 three times. I think Inmate Anthony was sickened by her mother's fake grieving, worn out mother/grandmother act on the witness stand. Inmate Anthony and Lee KNOW the real Cindy (as the public has seen all too often also). Cindy's performance on the witness stand did NOTHING to help Inmate Anthony, and she was furious about that.

Both Cindy and Lee said in their testimony that NOBODY wanted to call police, except CINDY.
I think Inmate Anthony was thinking the whole time that Cindy is the ONLY reason the Inmate is in jail now and going through this trial.

When Cindy told how she dug through Inmate Anthony's things in the car and found Amy's resumes .. I got the distinct impression that Inmate Anthony RESENTED her mother snooping and butting into her business.

When Cindy said that she only stayed at Tony's apt a few seconds and never went inside .... I believe Inmate Anthony was furious that Cindy did not tell how she really acted that day ..... like her usual pushy, domineering, controlling, raging witch! She did not "respect" Inmate Anthony -- she told the boys how horrible Casey was.

I think the Defense did a disservice to Inmate Anthony to EVER give her false hope that the Judge would throw out the 911 calls. That false hope caused Inmate Anthony to put too much importance on what her mother said on the witness stand. Gave the Inmate MORE reasons to hate her mother. IMO
I will post only ONE time in defense of KC's facial expressions & preening . . .

In terms of public opinion, she is in a lose/lose situation. We would likely criticise ANY expression she held on her face. I've often wondered, if I were in that position, what would I look like? What would endear me to a jury? Would a look of remorse look contrived? Would a smile seem maniacal? How about an expression of anger? Not allowed? What if I just went stony-faced blank? Ooops! Now I look mechanical and unfeeling! All the cameras are pointed at ME, what is appropriate?

As for her preening, it might be nervous energy. Again, what would I do? I can't even sit through a meeting without doodling on a notepad. I would have to sit on my hands. I'd be scratching my head, twirling my rings, anything to keep moving. I hope that doesn't mean I'm deranged or psychotic!

I don't say any of this to unvalidate anything said by any of you. I still agree with your points, and definately see the point in evaluating her movements and jestures. It speaks a lot for her state of mind.

It's just something that's been on my mind a lot since the hearings began. I truly don't know WHAT she should be doing to satisfy the masses. In that sense, I do have a smidgeon of pity for her (barely a smidgeon!.

I agree...minus the pity. I personally can't stand the whole hair thing...but to be honest with you...I don't watch her anymore. I watch the testimony because therein lies her fate. I know that juries watch the defendant's behavior...and I'm sure by the time this goes to trial she'll have her act down pat...but with the testimony, they'll know that it's just that- an "act".
I think Inmate Anthony was truly shocked at the strangeness of the bizarre face her mother made, when Cindy said she still thinks Caylee is alive! That is a true rubber room look!


You know, TT, my recollection of "that face" from the hearing, prior to seeing stills and video, was that it was somewhat wistful and sad. I was mistaken. What it reminds me of now is the face George would make when he would say something he knew was ridiculous, a shrug of the shoulders and well, THAT face that Cindy is wearing above. I wonder what it means.

Kinda like "What else can I say?"

Back to Casey--- I, too, was appalled at the girl bonding session. Those interns need to grow up. Perhaps they can study LDB for some class, IMO.

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