2010.07.15 Casey at the Hearing

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Actually, the podium would have blocked his view from his defense table. BConway moved out to the aisle as well.

You were actually there, so I defer to your observations.
It's just that JB did not move into the aisle and smirk at either Lee or Debbie P. when they testified.... it seemed he only did that when Cindy testified.
The Inmate could see the witnesses from the defense table... she smiled broadly at her brother, and smiled begrudgingly at her mother up on the witness stand.
I was thinking that Casey's big smile (upon entering the court room) was because of all of the people there/increased attention given to this hearing. She seems to love it.
You were actually there, so I defer to your observations.
It's just that JB did not move into the aisle and smirk at either Lee or Debbie P. when they testified.... it seemed he only did that when Cindy testified.
The Inmate could see the witnesses from the defense table... she smiled broadly at her brother, and smiled begrudgingly at her mother up on the witness stand.
On second look at the photos - I see he did not move for Lee's testimony - he stayed put. Therefore, I take back what I said about the podium. He did it to intimidate.
Casey looked very angry throughout much of the hearing (I have never seen her write so furiously before). LDB was great and I believe Casey (and her lawyers) took notice as much as we did. This is just my opinion, but I think they all saw a glimpse of what's in store for them, should this go to trial.

Casey was certainly chatty during the break with the two females. I wonder how much Jose had to pay them to listen to her mindless dribble for ten minutes ? Interesting that her lawyers left the table during the break. I got the impression that Cheney is less than impressed with Casey.

Bold mine.

That's okay...I'm less than impressed with Cheney, and if KC was smart, so would she be.
Thanks for the screen caps, Eidetic & all. I look at these two and I see Medusa. Don't look her in the eye or you'll be turned to stone:

Interesting isn't it that "warrior goddess" Athena (hm... Cindy anyone?) turned Medusa's hair to snakes in a jealous rage over the fact that Medusa was prettier than she? And then Athena showed Perseus the trick to kill Medusa.

Little OT I know, but these archetypes keep :poke:ing me. Especially when illustrated by some of these still shots.

I see Jose as "Pan"...half man, half goat! LOL!

Just a bit of humor here! :curtsey:
Bold mine.

That's okay...I'm less than impressed with Cheney, and if KC was smart, so would she be.
Yes, he has certainly failed to deliver. I am not sure what he's there for, oh yeah they need a DP qualified lawyer.
even if she were innocent, which she most assuredly is not, imo, what is so funny about this? All of them act that way. I think the whole famdamily is psycho. The state did a great job fixing her tooth.....i sincerely hope it hurt when they repaired it!

Her hair, although it appeared clean this time, is in serious need of some styling. In past hearings, it looked to me as though she hadn't washed it in a while. Does she get to shower every day?
welcome frankie!!!
I agree. Inmate Anthony was FURIOUS with her mother for NOT following the script and not saying exactly what the Defense lawyers wanted her to say -- such as, it was GEORGE who put the idea of "smells like a dead body in the car" in Cindy's mind, and that GEORGE is the former LE and knows the smell, and that Cindy has no experience with smelling dead bodies, and that the only reason Cindy made the dead body statement was to get the police out there faster, and that Cindy told the FBI about the car being related to Caylee not there was to tell them that the smell she smelled was different. Cindy did not come through for Inmate Anthony at all. Cindy did not portray herself as the ANGRY, raging lunatic she must have been on the day she called 911 three times. I think Inmate Anthony was sickened by her mother's fake grieving, worn out mother/grandmother act on the witness stand. Inmate Anthony and Lee KNOW the real Cindy (as the public has seen all too often also). Cindy's performance on the witness stand did NOTHING to help Inmate Anthony, and she was furious about that.

Both Cindy and Lee said in their testimony that NOBODY wanted to call police, except CINDY.
I think Inmate Anthony was thinking the whole time that Cindy is the ONLY reason the Inmate is in jail now and going through this trial.

When Cindy told how she dug through Inmate Anthony's things in the car and found Amy's resumes .. I got the distinct impression that Inmate Anthony RESENTED her mother snooping and butting into her business.

When Cindy said that she only stayed at Tony's apt a few seconds and never went inside .... I believe Inmate Anthony was furious that Cindy did not tell how she really acted that day ..... like her usual pushy, domineering, controlling, raging witch! She did not "respect" Inmate Anthony -- she told the boys how horrible Casey was.

I think the Defense did a disservice to Inmate Anthony to EVER give her false hope that the Judge would throw out the 911 calls. That false hope caused Inmate Anthony to put too much importance on what her mother said on the witness stand. Gave the Inmate MORE reasons to hate her mother. IMO

Just bouncing off your post cuz you commented about Cindy's lies on the stand. I have been sitting here thinking, ever since the hearing, that KC may just insist on taking the stand in her own defense. She may think she is the only one who should be able to lie in the family. And she obviously is extremely angered at how her mother constantly lies, not to help KC, but more to cover for herself (Cindy). I think it will be very hard for KC to resist setting the record straight as to how she was treated during her 23 years living under Cindy's rule....and it seems that KC always gets what she wants.


Good match-up TT!

I have to say that when I scrolled down to the 2nd one of George, I LMAO! You are so right...that is the quintessential "George look." LOL!
I wonder which tooth Casey chipped? In post 91 of this thread, Casey's smile looks fine.

I did miss the second break in the courtroom when the 2 law interns sat next to Casey and were chatting it up (I saw the photogallery of it on WFTV's website) which is why I wish that the tv stations with websites would post the breaks as well as the actual court session. Not everyone can sit and watch the whole court hearing live but I do like to watch the body language of what is happening and it doesn't have to be just when court is in session either.

I did notice that those 2 young interns were probably about the same age as Casey and given that Cindy wrote in one of her letters to Casey about maybe Casey going to law school someday -- the juxtaposition of Cindy's letter and Casy sitting between those young women was ironic to me.

During the first sidebar about TES, I wondered why the defense left Casey all alone at the table by herself? I thought that's what all the other people on her defense team that were in court are there for -- to"babysit" their client when the camera is on them and JB or CM isn't sitting next to Casey to make sure that their client is behaving.

I have noticed that since Casey chipped her tooth that she does seem to make facial expressions where she twists the left side of her mouth so I'm wondering if that's the side that she chipped a tooth?

And I totally noticed that Casey was looking at the courtroom camera quite a bit during Cindy's testimony, first I thought she was looking at LDB, but in the video when there's a long shot of Casey sitting at the table and LDB is visible you can tell that LDB isn't at the same angle as the camera in the courtroom.

I think it's good that Casey is letting her hair grow long. It's a look that is completely different from not only the party pix at Fusian, but also of her various mug shots. What better time for her to try out any looks before an actual trial to see what works and what doesn't work in her favor because this is a high profile case.
The hair grooming seriously gets on my last nerve. She is so self absorbed and fixated on her appearance - always touching her hair, smoothing it, pulling it around front and patting it down with her hands to make it look even longer and showing it off for the cameras. She is SO PROUD of her long hair. UGh. Oh, and the adjusting of the shirt all the time. Put her in a knit top or something more comfortable so she'll stop fidgeting with that too!

She's getting so many compliments on the hair (even here at WS). I won't even be able to bear reading the next round of jail letters she gets. They'll all most likely start with "Dear Casey, YOUR HAIR IS SOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL! Blah...blah...blah" which will boost her already inflated ego even more. Ugh.

I apologize for the mini-rant!

It is beautiful though. I bet Caylees would be very long and beautiful by now too. :furious:
Just bouncing off your post cuz you commented about Cindy's lies on the stand. I have been sitting here thinking, ever since the hearing, that KC may just insist on taking the stand in her own defense. She may think she is the only one who should be able to lie in the family. And she obviously is extremely angered at how her mother constantly lies, not to help KC, but more to cover for herself (Cindy). I think it will be very hard for KC to resist setting the record straight as to how she was treated during her 23 years living under Cindy's rule....and it seems that KC always gets what she wants.

Completely agree about KC not being able to stand not setting the record straight. She starts writing like furious when she does not like what is being said. She hates CA. I can see it in her face when CA is testifying. She can't stand her and I seriously think she believes CA is the reason she is sitting in jail right now.
This is still a game to her. This is just a "different" hallway at a "different" universal studios. She will take this as far as she can...the attention factor is there. She always modeled her own personal life by emulating other people. She has the perfect stage now. She gets to be an actress, a grieving mother, a "victim", an example for others that were arrested on "a whim" and the ever present "celebrity" status...same lawyers that she always read about in newspapers/watched on the TV.

The words "Death Penalty" are just that, words. She thinks she is too important to have that be an outcome and certainly too "innocent". Her "team" is giving her all the attention and ego stroking she needs and desires. But none of them have hammered home the consequence and real possibility of a "Death Sentence", they are too worried about their own personal monetary gains and futures as "high profile" attorneys.


Quote Respect spgr :)

Wow. Great Post. ITA.

ETA: Done reading the whole thread, great thread to everyone who posted. Every single post said things I needed to say or understand. :)
A little late, but I think Casey seemed childishly angry especially when her mother was testifying. And that furious writing, underlying, knowing that it would be shown on TV as if to discredit what`s been said on the stand was ridiculous.

Mason, it`s hard to understand what he`s mumbling at times, especially since English is not my native language.

Sorry, I don`t like bashing people, but I was really annoyed.

Edit. And I believe Casey blames her mother for facing murder charges because she called the cops "on a whim" and did not give her "one more day" to cover up.
This animated chat time with the girls ... was immediately after hearing all the testimony from her mother, brother, and mother's boss about the smell of her child's decomposing body. Inmate Anthony has the ability to flip a switch and block out serious thought and jump right into fun, party girl role.


Casey should feel jealous of the pretty blonde assistant who can go out to do what she wants afterwards, but in Casey's mind she's probably telling them she'll meet up with them at Fusion later.
I wonder which tooth Casey chipped? In post 91 of this thread, Casey's smile looks fine.

I think it's on the bottom right side. If you look in that pic of her walking in and smiling you can see that that tooth is higher than the rest. That's where she also seems to be pointing when talking with the girls.

This is on the Orlando Sentinel Images site. Photo # 11

It says she is walking in to court. It looks like her attorney JB (the object of her affection) would have been in her line of sight at that point -- so the big smile must have been for him.

OS - "Casey Anthony is all smiles Thursday, July 15, 2010 as she enters a court hearing about a series of 911 calls on July 15, 2008, representing the first time law enforcement became aware of the disappearance of Caylee Marie Anthony. "

Sorry TT and thanks for trying it was the other picture 7 the one that was actually picture 6 on the same post (comment 14) - I miss counted four times :blushing: before posting. ICA has a puffed up lip look similar to CA.

Yeah, this "celebrity walking" look that she uses when she is in sight of JB always makes me gag. That should be the first thing they work on - making sure she shows some court room decorum - not that I expect they will be able to change that about her - at least not until they reach the penalty phase of the trial. I suspect she may have a hate on for JB by then. After all, he's the one who I believe has her convinced that he is going to produce evidence that she is innocent - something those with half a brain know is not going to happen.

While evidence may not prove a person guilty, if they committed the crime - they are not innocent - regardless what evidence is provided.
Sorry TT and thanks for trying it was the other picture 7 the one that was actually picture 6 on the same post (comment 14) - I miss counted four times :blushing: before posting. ICA has a puffed up lip look similar to CA.

Yeah, this "celebrity walking" look that she uses when she is in sight of JB always makes me gag. That should be the first thing they work on - making sure she shows some court room decorum - not that I expect they will be able to change that about her - at least not until they reach the penalty phase of the trial. I suspect she may have a hate on for JB by then. After all, he's the one who I believe has her convinced that he is going to produce evidence that she is innocent - something those with half a brain know is not going to happen.

While evidence may not prove a person guilty, if they committed the crime - they are not innocent - regardless what evidence is provided.



Hearing July 15, 2010
Casey is laughing with her brother Lee as he mocks Atty Mason's hearing difficulties
Part 6 of wftv videos
My observations? What are yours?
1. No interaction with her parents
2. Interaction with her brother after he mouthed "I love you"...she cried
3. Stone face when her mother was testifying
4. Furiously writing and underlying her words when mom and bro were testifying
5. Fun, girlfriend interaction with (who were they) girls during break
6. Dressed conservatively, long hair
7. Stone-faced when CA's boss was testifying
8. Absolutely no evidence of a grieving mother
9. Did she really unbutton her blouse?
10. Will the shackles come off? Do they do this with other inmates?


She was trying to get the girls to sign up as shot girls at Fusion on the weekends - To help pay for law school, of course. That Casey, always working so hard! :crazy:

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