2010.08.05 Dominic Casey emails

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So Baez got 200K from 20/20? How is that legal/possible/ethical?
Hi Sleuthers. Could someone please point me to where I can read about this 20/20 deal? I fell asleep reading last night. and now I can't remember where I was.:banghead::banghead:
Dom has already been in hot water with his license to do PI work. I wonder how long it will be after these new documents are reviewed that he will be again?

"The Florida Association of Private Investigators issued the following press release today:

March 27, 2009
For Immediate Release

Florida Licensing Statutes are clear; The Private Investigators who involved themselves in the Anthony case appear to have acted in violation of the regulatory provisions governing the investigative profession as set forth in FSS 493. Public should be aware of Licensing Statutes


Fort Lauderdale, FL, March 26, 2009: While refraining from speculation regarding the Caylee Anthony murder case, the Florida Association of Private Investigators, Inc. (FAPI) is speaking out about the activities of the private investigators allegedly working for the Anthony family and their defense attorney having possibly violated of Florida statutes.

FAPI, which represents about 400 Private Investigators in Florida and across the U.S., reacted strongly to news reports today about and the publication of a deposition involving one the PIs working the Anthony case.

Read more: http://pursuitmag.com/fapi-issues-s...da-state-pi-licensing-statutes/#ixzz0vpMMyuts

The fastest path to end his career forever would be to be caught committing perjury to a state prosecutor. When it comes down to me or them, one hundred times out of one hundred folks pick themselves. He would have emptied the bucket to try to save himself and his very,very, short lived, already at risk license.


In the words of Florida Defense Expert Richard Hornsby, "One does not fight a subpoena that hard unless they have something to hide"
. Do you recall that he had been fighting testifying under oath for a year? Do we think he may be in legal criminal trouble for anything revealed in these e mails?
Please forgive me. I haven't read through this thread, but I've read a few of the DC e-mails, and I get the distinct feeling 'Luke Phillips' is Cindy Anthony. 'Luke' calls the child Caylee Marie, claims to be in serious denial, blah, blah, blah. I see Cindy all over those e-mails. Am I correct? Not to mention how 'Luke' goes on and on about a dog (a la Cindy) on November 22, 2008. Or maybe not, but this Luke person sure sounds like he's channeling Cindy.
:waitasec: And I wonder where this map came from? WTH, if it is the exact spot how come she was not found then? Something does not sound right to me. :furious:
"Snip" http://www.clickorlando.com/news/24527762/detail.html

One month before the toddler's body was found, Dominic Casey e-mailed a map to another investigator that marks the exact spot Caylee's body would later be found.

Detectives said they have looked extensively into Dominic Casey and the odd circumstances surrounding the map.
OMG, I just had a thought...... Now I'm thinking like the movie these folks are trying to write before our eyes......What if, the defense claims that DC killed Caylee. That he was obsessed with one of the Anthony's, either Cindy or KC and killed Caylee so that he could insert himself into the case and get closer to the said person. They would say, see the maps show where he dumped Caylee, and he went back to the crime scene to check and see that she was still there, and these emails prove how out there he is.....
LOL now that would be rich.
How funny that Luke refers to OCSO as "Keystone Cops". I seem to remember someone referring to them by that term here on the forum......

Will have to go back and look. I just know I have read that phrase somewhere!

I have definitely used that term in this forum to describe the defense!
Thanks for this link:


Reading that article, it sounds like Cindy is still on her 'blame someone else' kick, including writing letters to Casey about the body in the woods not being Caylee:

"Jose (Baez) told me that you were sorry for some of the things you wrote about me. I told you that I am not upset with you at all. I know how horrible it must be for you not to talk openly with someone and we all need to vent from time to time," Cindy Anthony wrote in June.

In a letter written in May, Cindy Anthony said she hoped by the trial, investigators will "clearly see that they need to be looking for the real person that took our Caylee."

Cindy Anthony wrote about several theories, including questioning how bounty hunter Leonard Padilla knew Caylee's body would be found two days before it was, and she even went as far as to write that she does not believe the child found in the woods is Caylee.

"I'm not convinced. I think it was all staged," Cindy Anthony wrote.

She's still trying to play the Get Out of Jail Free card for Casey. Everything she does sounds staged to me, including these ridiculous letters. :shakehead:
I feel sick - are people really this dumb? IMO
Luke is Luke, not Cindy.

Thanks. Maybe the more people are around CA, the more they sound like her. :crazy: I need an aspirin, or two, and promise not to call you in the morning. :smile:
To those of you who are actually able to post about specifics re these emails to and from Dom - thank you.

I spend last night reading and saying wh-a-a-at! what? what? about a thousand times and feeling like I was trying to walk in something that was a cross between bedlam and poop.

I'm still so "out there" about all of this I can't bring myself to say anything at all about anything I've zeroed in on. I will tell you something though - from now on I will disregard anything at all Cindy Anthony has to say - because I can't even feel anger at her - just pity and sadness. So much explained - such sick people in this world - no wonder D. Tennis pedalled her way out of there as fast as she could and is trying to repair what she knew was going to be a disaster to her career by being a "high profile spokesperson" for the media - as if to say - hey it was only my client who is off the wall and slimy - not me!
As much as I'm disgusted by the emails-I'm also excited and thrilled these people are exposed beyond a shadow of a doubt for who and what they are!!
Caylee's justice is close at hand and so is KARMA!! :furious:
I think we should all join Judge Strickland "sitting on a rainbow".:innocent:
Just read an e-mail from DC to Luke claiming Kiomarie was involved and there was NO duct tape on Caylee's head or mouth, it's all a hoax. Jeez, maybe he should have copied his e-mail to John Ashton before JA mentioned this in court. :eek:

(e-mail dated January 03, 2009, 10:19 PM)

I need a drink. :40__s:
Thanks for this link:


Reading that article, it sounds like Cindy is still on her 'blame someone else' kick, including writing letters to Casey about the body in the woods not being Caylee:

"Jose (Baez) told me that you were sorry for some of the things you wrote about me. I told you that I am not upset with you at all. I know how horrible it must be for you not to talk openly with someone and we all need to vent from time to time," Cindy Anthony wrote in June.

In a letter written in May, Cindy Anthony said she hoped by the trial, investigators will "clearly see that they need to be looking for the real person that took our Caylee."

Cindy Anthony wrote about several theories, including questioning how bounty hunter Leonard Padilla knew Caylee's body would be found two days before it was, and she even went as far as to write that she does not believe the child found in the woods is Caylee.

"I'm not convinced. I think it was all staged," Cindy Anthony wrote.

She's still trying to play the Get Out of Jail Free card for Casey. Everything she does sounds staged to me, including these ridiculous letters. :shakehead:


I definitely think she is writing these letters with the full intent of shoring up the defense. She wrote them after her other letters were revealed in the last doc dump, so she is well aware these also will be released and commented/blogged about. She just can't resist an opportunity to bang the "Casey is Innocent" drum. Cindy disappoints me. I had always maintained that she and George simply needed more time than most to process the horror of the situation and that, in time, they would come to accept (if not admit publicly) the likelihood that KC murdered Caylee. But I've changed my mind. I think she will natter on about KC's innocence even as the needle is slipped into her (KC's) veins.

She just keeps drinkin' that darn Koolaid . . .

"Dominic Casey also investigated a theory that the body of a dead stripper had been placed in Casey Anthony's car. He also looked into Casey Anthony possibly being involved in Medicare fraud and drug dealing."

Let me see now,
1. June 15 is the last known sighting of Caylee by way of the nursing home video tape.
2. June 16 Last day anyone in the A family has seen Caylee
3. June 16 Casey also goes AWOL from the A home, stops sleeping in her bed, avoids her family like the plague and only sneaks back in when to get clothes, food when they are not home.
4. Casey texts a friend and blames the (decomp) smell on dead squirrels.
5. Dominic Casey "PI" investigates it was a dead stripper's body placed in Casey's car..

June 16 onward, Caylee is missing, her mother, Casey, makes up stories and lies to EVERYONE about her whereabouts, avoids her family and does a bang up job of keeping her family and all her different set of friends & lovers separate and apart from each other.

And here we have a PI who apparently does not consider that Casey killed her child.
DC seemed to have no problem investigating the theory of the dead stripper body in Casey's car.
So why does he not look into Casey? Because he wasn't paid to? Is that it?
But it's kinda like the chicken and the egg...where did it start? Cindy must have been reading online...she could have read every theory/person tossed out there. Same as Ginny and her "group". I haven't read all the emails...but these psychics have put everything but the kitchen sink out there. Months into it and you don't start questioning where the info is coming from? Does Cindy strike anybody as being naive? IMO she no doubt chose to hear and use what she wanted to. Don't get me wrong, I hate that these people (all of them!) interjected themselves into this case. But, the bottom line was not that Caylee was alive somewhere, but rather Casey was responsible for her being missing. You believe what you want to believe. Cindy's still working that IMO.

I've only just started reading this thread, so I apologize if the following has been addressed already, but I gotta ask -- If we "assume" (and I'm certainly not ready to do that) that Cindy and George did not know where Dominic was getting all his "tips" from, when do you think they became aware that all his information was from psychics? Is it possible they are just now finding out this information from this doc dump, just as we are? In other words, did Cindy know all along and really put that much stock into psychics? Or is she just now finding out and will now have to digest the info and begin to comprehend what this means to her belief system?

IMO this is the most informative and important doc dump we have had so far -- unbelieveable! The defense really does have NOTHING!!!
I think DC has watched too many episodes of Law and Order SVU!:snooty:

I think I about face palmed myself into a coma just reading the highlights here.

A dead stripper FROM FUSIAN in the trunk? You have to GOT to be kidding me.

He wants to wait to see what Casey comes up with? SHE'S A SOCIOPATHIC LIAR! ANYTHING SHE COMES UP WITH WILL BE COMPLETELY MADE UP! Are you SERIOUS DC? Holy JEEBUS how dumb are you?

So the George killing Caylee and George the molester thing came up way earlier than I expected - wow, just wow. The bus has been rolling over George all along. And he's STILL GOING ALONG WITH IT! WTF is wrong with him?

And blaming everyone under the sun, how typical of them. Wow, I would be furious and so embarrassed if I was Baez. No wonder he threw a fit over the phone call, he knew this crap was coming and couldn't do anything about it. These emails completely undermine any attempt to blame this crime on anyone else mentioned in the emails, even Kronk.

OMG, I WISH I could have been there when DC was deposed. I imagine LDB had a cat that ate the canary grin on her face the whole time. Dang, no wonder she was so prepared for Cindy after having to read garbage like this and call DC on it. I bet the SA had more than a round of drinks with HHJS after reading this crap.

I wonder what HHJP thinks of it if he's read it yet. I wonder if HHJS warned him about it. "JP, you might want to sit down before reading these...".

Obviously fake psychics, grandiose and unbelievable stories about what happened to Caylee, ignorant accusations, moronic people writing all of this - is Casey sitting in her cell and smiling that all these people did so much crazy bats*** for her? Dear GOD how utterly INSANE and only fit to paper walls in an asylum this is!

Ow...my head is killing me...no wonder DC disappeared. Holy COW. Monkeys on LSD at Woodstock in the rain couldn't make this stuff up! OMG!

"Dominic Casey also investigated a theory that the body of a dead stripper had been placed in Casey Anthony's car. He also looked into Casey Anthony possibly being involved in Medicare fraud and drug dealing."

Let me see now,
1. June 15 is the last known sighting of Caylee by way of the nursing home video tape.
2. June 16 Last day anyone in the A family has seen Caylee
3. June 16 Casey also goes AWOL from the A home, stops sleeping in her bed, avoids her family like the plague and only sneaks back in when to get clothes, food when they are not home.
4. Casey texts a friend and blames the (decomp) smell on dead squirrels.
5. Dominic Casey "PI" investigates it was a dead stripper's body placed in Casey's car..

June 16 onward, Caylee is missing, her mother, Casey, makes up stories and lies to EVERYONE about her whereabouts, avoids her family and does a bang up job of keeping her family and all her different set of friends & lovers separate and apart from each other.

And here we have a PI who apparently does not consider that Casey killed her child.
DC seemed to have no problem investigating the theory of the dead stripper body in Casey's car.
So why does he not look into Casey? Because he wasn't paid to? Is that it?


#3 - you forgot to mention she went to the house for gasoline and to borrow the neighbor's shovel.

You're right. If this PI wasn't doing a thorough job into checking out Casey, he was paid NOT to check her out. Period. Seems like that should be some sort of PI ethics breech. PI - ethics - oxymoron? :waitasec:

I definitely think she is writing these letters with the full intent of shoring up the defense. She wrote them after her other letters were revealed in the last doc dump, so she is well aware these also will be released and commented/blogged about. She just can't resist an opportunity to bang the "Casey is Innocent" drum. Cindy disappoints me. I had always maintained that she and George simply needed more time than most to process the horror of the situation and that, in time, they would come to accept (if not admit publicly) the likelihood that KC murdered Caylee. But I've changed my mind. I think she will natter on about KC's innocence even as the needle is slipped into her (KC's) veins.

She just keeps drinkin' that darn Koolaid . . .

Cindy will never change her mind nor accept that Casey could have or did kill Caylee.
If Casey is found guilty at trial, IMO Cindy will not believe that Casey is guilty.
If Casey herself admits to killing Caylee directly to Cindy I still doubt Cindy would be able to believe or accept the confession.
Cindy keeps referring to herself and Casey being the same that they are entuned to each other..so if Cindy could not kill Caylee then Casey could not.

In the letters there is too much from Cindy about her and Casey being the same, being BFF's, how she and Casey will be together.
Aside from Casey in jail charged with Murder and the DP hanging over her head, to me it seems Cindy can not let go of Casey and let her be an individual.
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