2010.08.05 Dominic Casey emails

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I need to stick my head up out of here every once in a while. Looks like JBP has been busy today issuing orders. Check the daily news thread.
Thanks much!

Okay, so this puts Luke's email dated August 18, 2008 into a different perspective. The one where he is concerned about LP "beating the truth out of Casey".

This email is BEFORE she is actually bailed out, but just AFTER LP enters the picture trying to strike a deal w/ JB. IIRC, LP wanted access to talk to Casey, but JB refused. Eventually, LP bailed her out anyway.

So, was the TRUTH known as early as August??? Why the concern about Casey spilling the truth? What made Luke & Dominic assume KC knew the truth?

The smell in the trunk?
This is so funny to me! :D The only control DC could exert during that time was courtesy of JB, since he made darn sure LP could not talk directly to KC.

I mean can anyone really see pompous LP taking orders from the meek DC? Hardly. LP fixed that. Bail revoked.

I agree, I had a really good laugh at that one.
Good catch, SOTS! This was during the short time she was out on bail, thanks to LP. Only a day or two before LP revoked his bail and she was thrown back in the slammer. So we know he spoke with her when she was at home....

DC could have been waiting at the Baez Law Firm to meet with her during those many daily visits.

I don't know, was he in one of the trucks that brought Casey home or did we not notice him entering and leaving the A home while she was out on bond?
There was another email that gave me a big laugh, (sorry cannot wade through it to find the exact one ) it was either DC or L that said they had a house under serveillance and all seemed to be very normal, which made them very suspicious.
pg 188

Email from Luke to Dominic on August 22, 2008 7:14 PM

Did Baez give you anything useful? Next 12 hours are crucial!
DC could have been waiting at the Baez Law Firm to meet with her during those many daily visits.

I don't know, was he in one of the trucks that brought Casey home or did we not notice him entering and leaving the A home while she was out on bond?

To clarify....by home I meant not while she was in jail. So it could have been in JB's office!
Casey was bailed out by Padilla on August 21, 2008. DC was hired by Baez in July 2008

IIRC somewhere between August 28-30 the Padilla's revoked the bond and Casey went back to jail.

Casey was arrested on August 29,2008 while out on bond and charged with the check fraud charges.

Casey was arrested IIRC 2 more times on the check fraud charges and was again bailed out of jail by another bail bondsman until the Grand Jury Indictment on October 15th.

So Baez hired DC in July of 2008. Did he reach into his sleeze bag of tricks and pull this creep out? Wonder who gave Baez his name and number but whoever it was, they were as shady as DC. There certainly is No Honor among thieves or liars. imo
Her first arrest was July 16th, after walking them down that hallway at Universal.

She spent a month in jail before LP came on the scene to post the bond. She was arrested about 10 days after she was bonded out (2nd arrest) then bonded out again right away.
She was arrested for the 3rd time in September around the 12th for the petty theft charges, they arrested her at JB's office.
The 4th arrest is after the GJ indictment in Oct.
I think LP was in talks with JB a couple weeks before he bonded her out and DC must have known about it.

Respectfully Quoted QB :cool2:

ITA. This rings so true to me, and immediately sends my mind to the hearing where George took the stand to answer questions regarding DC and how he came to "work" for the Anthonys. George's answer was that LP and his "team" were "security guards", George said they were there to protect his family because they had received threats.

That's the hearing where DC had to testify regarding his employment by JB, and his relationship with the Anthonys. Some of this is in the TP threads. He spoke of JB and LP having much contact, and IIRC even saying(at that time)still had contact. Back to the hearing, all of them: George, LP, JB and DC have all been vauge when asked how they are all connected etc.

I have heard the phrase "meet and greet", I have read that LP says he got a call from JB(?)I could be really wrong about that one...DC says he met Hoover at the "meet and greet" and Lee spoke(maybe it was just George)about the "warehouse" meeting but then the story was changed and it was at a hotel.

Bottom line: here is a very fuzzy picture surrounding DC, JB, LP, Cindy and George Anthony. That fuzzy ness imho is where the meat of what was said, known and done in those very first days, weeks and months after 911 was called by Cindy.

I am sure LE, and the SA have this all figured out, and because we are missing information it is difficult to see clearly what it is we are looking at(maybe that is just me but I am confused, it is hard to think backwards from lies and cover up to discover the truth).

It's like from the moment Cindy could get an angle, she did(using DC)who was also being used by JB who was using Cindy and George and they caught wise and stopped co operating. My head is spinning from all of this and I am sure there will be a calm and rational WS who will put this into better perspective.

The thought of going back over all the stuff LP and DC said...just makes me feel depressed. Boo! (Although I am glad for the latest information that confirms what WSers have been saying for a long time. )

There was another email that gave me a big laugh, (sorry cannot wade through it to find the exact one ) it was either DC or L that said they had a house under serveillance and all seemed to be very normal, which made them very suspicious.

Yes, that one made me laugh hard. It was DC that wrote it. Everything's normal so obviously I'm very suspicious. HA HA
pg 233

August 25th, 2008 Dominic to Luke

Luke, Padilla has nothing. He is a speculator and we feed him tid bits for him to play with. He is under my direction and control.

Soooooooooooooooooo......I think we know why the cowboy didn't want to take a polygraph eh???

If you read very carefully, they are actually feeding LP tit bits.

:dance: <rimshot> :D
If you read very carefully, they are actually feeding LP tit bits.

:dance: <rimshot> :D

Yeah.....I saw it.......didn't want folks to think it was my typo and I was too lazy to type it and then add in the spelling disclaimer. HeeHee

ETA.......perhaps he was speaking "literally".......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
No where near being done with all this reading.....WOW! But would like to thank all of you who are posting the utterly unbelievable highlights :blowkiss:

I just have to say that having followed this case from day one the absolute most amazing thing about it to me is how so many disfunctual, crazy azz people could all find each other! I mean what are the odds that a lunatic family would find so many "professionals" (and I use that term very lightly in this instance) that are just as crazy as they are!?!?!?!? They all seem to come under the belief that they have the ability to simply spout out total BS & the rest of the world should believe it....and they spout the BS with such straight faces! I mean come on now what a major questioning of the entire worlds intelligence! Amazing, simply amazing!

Poor Caylee.....

I think I about face palmed myself into a coma just reading the highlights here.

A dead stripper FROM FUSIAN in the trunk? You have to GOT to be kidding me.

He wants to wait to see what Casey comes up with? SHE'S A SOCIOPATHIC LIAR! ANYTHING SHE COMES UP WITH WILL BE COMPLETELY MADE UP! Are you SERIOUS DC? Holy JEEBUS how dumb are you?

So the George killing Caylee and George the molester thing came up way earlier than I expected - wow, just wow. The bus has been rolling over George all along. And he's STILL GOING ALONG WITH IT! WTF is wrong with him?

And blaming everyone under the sun, how typical of them. Wow, I would be furious and so embarrassed if I was Baez. No wonder he threw a fit over the phone call, he knew this crap was coming and couldn't do anything about it. These emails completely undermine any attempt to blame this crime on anyone else mentioned in the emails, even Kronk.

OMG, I WISH I could have been there when DC was deposed. I imagine LDB had a cat that ate the canary grin on her face the whole time. Dang, no wonder she was so prepared for Cindy after having to read garbage like this and call DC on it. I bet the SA had more than a round of drinks with HHJS after reading this crap.

I wonder what HHJP thinks of it if he's read it yet. I wonder if HHJS warned him about it. "JP, you might want to sit down before reading these...".

Obviously fake psychics, grandiose and unbelievable stories about what happened to Caylee, ignorant accusations, moronic people writing all of this - is Casey sitting in her cell and smiling that all these people did so much crazy bats*** for her? Dear GOD how utterly INSANE and only fit to paper walls in an asylum this is!

Ow...my head is killing me...no wonder DC disappeared. Holy COW. Monkeys on LSD at Woodstock in the rain couldn't make this stuff up! OMG!

It's amazing to me that DC has been able to get paid for this "work". I can't find one legitimate thing he's done at all. Taking hints from a fake psychic and sending dozens of emails? How can he have a license for being a PI? I also love how after all the "promoting hate" they've done toward us bloggers, that we've been 100% right about him and he's a proven fraud and in fact belongs in prison.

I wonder if the fake psychic is the source of GA's "they're being watched" nonsense? Guess it must be.
I feel sure DC knew about the stain in the trunk very early on. I think he was going on a wing & a prayer that it would show up as gasoline and no DNA results. Just hope and speculation on his part, imo. Maybe CA even threw this out there and he bit.

Respect 'Beach :cool2:

The gasoline comment by DC makes me think that he knew "someone" tried using gasoline in the trunk to...say, cover a smell? He wouldn't necessarily know or have to know the truth and the whole truth. With these new bits of information it seems that DC had just that: bits of information.

Cindy HAD to have been telling DC some of this stuff. Whether or not JB ever allowed DC into his confidence, I don't know but then I think of the unconfirmed statement by JB to DC "If you find anything, don't call 911." It is statements such as this that leads me to believe it is true that JB was using DC for a while to follow up on things that Casey was telling him. And, then you add in Cindy in contact with JB and DC and is that a daisy chain? :waitasec:

IIRC(it was others on this page that most recently gave this information and refreshed my memory TNX), LP said that he had signed on thinking he would talk to Casey and she would tell him how they could go get Caylee. When LP signed on with JB, Jose said he couldn't talk to Casey, so LP bailed her out anyway(here is the part that came to my mind because of what you guys just said)...

and that must be why when he "got her home" he started asking her questions and that is when Casey, JB and Cindy got upset with LP and kicked him out.

Sigh, I'm gonna hafta go listen to what ole' LP had to say. I said it before: boo! But, he and TP said some stuff would come out and it has taken quite a while but...maybe now it has?

And, to think...this is supposed to be about the murder of a little girl. If these adults have really been up to what it looks like they may have been up to: shame on them, is not enough. :snooty:


Bold #1: I am still trying to wrap my head around that. IIRC, DC stated that in an early email (maybe September?). I mean...WHY would Cindy go along with that? Seriously. There HAS to be a line you don't cross somewhere. Or else she knew it to be true?? Honestly, that one has my head spinning. And did George have ANY clue at all this was the speculation?? I personally don't think he did. omg...I don't have the energy today to try to figure that out.

Bold #2: Thanks for being able to see through all the muck and smoke, TWA. That pretty much says it ALL, imo.

The reason I believe it originated with Cindy is there is zero chance Dom was a particularly insightful person and could have seen through the happy go lucky, celebratory Casey and discern her wounded, abused history seeping through. Casey was on top of the world. Some described her as acting as if she were a hero of the family returning home from a tour in Iraq. Others describe Casey as laughing and happy like she was in a cheerleader meet. All described as never ONCE mentioning Caylee. Rather, she was playing games with her bodyguard, cooking for them, flirting with them, no crying, and very flippant. Even when learning that the tests revealed that one of the Anthony gals was dead (at one time) in the back of that car she replied "Well, I'm alive". Rather than trying to help the investigation what was she discussing with a former police officer, and a bounty hunter that track down folks for a living? Casey told Rob and Tracey, "I'd like to sign some pictures or something to make money for my defense fund. I'd like to go on Howard Stern, but he'd want to know my bra size, and if Jose was hittin' it".
No there is no way that Dominic saw an obvious abused child, especially sexually abused. If he witnessed any signs of abuse , IMO, it was the utter emasculation and disrespect that apparently had been going on for years towards George. Cindy told him when to jump and how high. Casey yelled things at him that I would be knocked across the room for yelling at a parent. Even now. Casey told pop to get out, that he could not stay there , she wasn't having it, him questioning her, and indeed he did leave according Tracey and Rob. She certainly gave no indication that a mere observer with no special skill set could have interpreted and would lead them to draw that inference that pop sexually abused her. That was told to him, IMO.
Moreover, Cindy didn't mind dogging her husband. He is not someone I like, trust or respect, at all, but for the purpose of answering your question that surely Mom would not have allowed Dom to say these things about Pop would she? MY answer is yes. IMO. damn straight she would. Without hesitation. I just promised a friend that I would search my heart for some compassion for Cindy. Apparently I need to pray harder for help, but I will try. If you remember what Grandma and Uncle Rick shared with LE....Cindy wasn't with George out of any love or respect. She was going to have the divorce until she learned that she indeed would have to split her limited financial assets with him, so she decided begrudgingly to let him stay. To be fair, I could never let someone stay in my life that betrayed me so, she kinder than I could have been to him. In my opinion that is how she treated him, that he remained in the home at her pleasure, and she allowed Casey to treat him with disdain too. At least the impression her family had was, he was a liar, a thief, could not be trusted, he had gambled or lost in some dumb scheme all of the money they had and then some. He certainly never was the head of household provider, but worse than not being that, HE COSTS HER MONEY, every penny she had ever worked for. She hated him. She hates him still. She sure had no use for him when she told him to butt out when she wanted to get Jesse out of Casey's room, she told him she'd handle it. Can you imagine telling a father to butt out?
We saw in the police interviews that Cindy is very capable of brainstorming and ideas and suspects on the fly are her specialty. We saw in their most recent interview how she brushed it off like a joke when the reporter asked about Casey's molestation claims. She said, yeah, and that hurt George. That is it!!

For us to assume that this particular new PI concluded on his own the exact same story that Casey would float two years later would defy common sense. There are no coincidences in criminal law. It came from mom, no question, imo.

It is kind of the oldest trick in the book, right, when one is manipulating someone? A married man doesn't approach a pretty girl and say you know what , I am a liar and a cheater, I don't respect you or my wife but I sure will use you for one night, how bout it. No, he lies and starts in on his wife isn't good, she doesn't understand him, it is over, and possibly even details how egregious her behavior is, so see we'll only be cheating on someone who deserves it.
I do not find him to be particularly clever. What I do infer after reading these e mails is he is very, very easily led, shockingly so, and he does seem desperate for approval. Oh yes, someone could have had him hook, line and sinker. So much so that he swore to take it to his grave that he was sent out to the woods that day by mom, all so she could later announce, as she did, "Caylee wasn't there when Dominic was there in November".

I must find it for you, one picture that tells the story.
The fact that you see Dominic pictured holding , supporting Cindy's arm, and George tagging behind , well , let's just say the body language expert would eat that up with a spoon. The chance of a man holding you while your husband trails behind, is likely minus zero.

( All just my humble opinion ) Mr. Miller describes the gleeful Casey View attachment Mr. Miller interview.pdf
It's amazing to me that DC has been able to get paid for this "work". I can't find one legitimate thing he's done at all. Taking hints from a fake psychic and sending dozens of emails? How can he have a license for being a PI? I also love how after all the "promoting hate" they've done toward us bloggers, that we've been 100% right about him and he's a proven fraud and in fact belongs in prison.

I wonder if the fake psychic is the source of GA's "they're being watched" nonsense? Guess it must be.

Even funnier is when we get to digging it looks like the "tips" (or *advertiser censored*???) were being snagged from here and bloggers. Things are already appearing in their emails after we had already found them! Egg -------> meet DC FACE!
Perhaps "some" of those tips they were "investigating" were posted on forums BY THEM!!!!
The reason I believe it originated with Cindy is there is zero chance Dom was a particularly insightful person and could have seen through the happy go lucky, celebratory Casey and seen inside her wounded, abused history seeping through. Casey was on top of the world. Some described her as acting as if she were a hero of the family returning home from a tour in Iraq, and others describe as laughing and happy like she was in a cheerleader meet. All described as never ONCE mentioning Caylee, playing games with her bodyguard, cooking for them, flirting with them, no crying, very flippant, even when learning that the tests revealed that one of the Anthony gals was dead at one time in the back of that car she replied "Well, I'm alive". Rather than trying to help the investigation what we she discussing with a former police officer, and a bounty hunter that track down folks for a living..... hmmm "I'd like to sign some pictures or something to make money for my defense fund, I'd like to go on Howard Stern, but he'd want to know my bra size, and if Jose was hittin' it".
No there is no way that Dominic saw an obvious abused child, especially sexually abused. If he witnessed any signs of abuse , IMO, it was the utter emasculation and disrespect that apparently had been going on for years towards George. Cindy told him when to jump and how high. Casey yelled things at him that I would be knocked across the room for yelling at a parent. Even now. Casey told him to get out, that he could not stay there , she wasn't having it, him questioning her, and indeed he did leave according Tracey and Rob. She certainly gave no indication that a mere observer with no special skill set could have interpreted and would lead them to draw that inference that pop sexually abused her. That was told to him, IMO.
Moreover, Cindy didn't mind dogging her husband. He is not someone I like, trust or respect, at all, but for the purpose of answering your question that surely Mom would not have allowed Dom to say these things about Pop would she? MY answer is yes. I just promised a friend that I would search my heart for some compassion for Cindy. Apparently I need to pray harder for help, but I will try. If you remember what Grandma and Uncle Rick shared with LE....Cindy wasn't with George out of any love or respect. She was going to have the divorce until she learned that she indeed would have to split her limited financial assets with him, so she decided begrudgingly to let him stay. To be fair, I could never let someone stay in my life that betrayed me so, she kinder than I could have been to him. In my opinion that is how she treated him, that he remained in the home at her pleasure, and she allowed Casey to treat him with disdain too. At least the impression her family had was, he was a liar, a thief, could not be trusted, he had gambled or lost in some dumb scheme all of the money they had and then some. He certainly never was the head of household provider, but worse than not being that, HE COSTS HER MONEY, every penny she had ever worked for. She hated him. She hates him still. She sure had no use for him when she told him to butt out when she wanted to get Jesse out of Casey's room, she told him she'd handle it. Can you imagine telling a father to butt out?
We saw in the police interviews that Cindy is very capable of brainstorming and ideas and suspects on the fly are her specialty.

For us to assume that this particular new PI concluded on his own the exact same story that Casey would float two years later would defy common sense. There are no coincidences in criminal law. It came from mom, no question, imo.

It is kind of the oldest trick in the book, right, when one is manipulating someone? A married man doesn't approach a pretty girl and say you know what , I am a liar and a cheater, I don't respect you or my wife but I sure will use you for one night, how bout it. No, he lies and starts in on his wife isn't good, she doesn't understand him, it is over, and possibly even details how egregious her behavior is, so see we'll only be cheating on someone who deserves it.
I do not find him to be particularly clever. What I do infer after reading these e mails is he is very, very easily led, shockingly so, and he does seem desperate for approval. Oh yes, someone could have had him hook, line and sinker. So much so that he swore to take it to his grave that he was sent out to the woods that day by mom, all so she could later announce, as she did, "Caylee wasn't there when Dominic was there in November".

I must find it for you, one picture that tells the story.
The fact that you see Dominic pictured holding , supporting Cindy's arm, and George tagging behind , well , let's just say the body language expert would eat that up with a spoon. The chance of a man holding you while your husband trails behind, is likely minus zero.

( All just my humble opinion )

STANDING O !!!!!!!!!!! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
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