2010.08.05 Dominic Casey emails

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Ah, there it is - Cindy's silent interview. I would love to have been a "fly on the wall" right there in time. I see this as a pivotal time in her life - she has fought and kicked and struck out at everyone and anything that suggested Caylee was dead and ICA was guilty of killing her - until this point.

And then she collapsed. We now know and have evidence of the incredible head screwing going on in the background from Dom et al, that bolstered and gave credibility in her belief that Caylee was alive and this was all a terrible injustice to ICA.

I wonder if right here, at the time this video was taken - Cindy was overwhelmed by her own "common sense". Right there in time - she knew Caylee was dead by her daughters hand. Her grief is so real.

What I want to know is - how did she get back? What happened that brought her so completely back to defensive - no she is alive, no - everyone is wrong - ICA didn't do this. What happened? I've been backtracking through the emails to pinpoint just what piece of information gave her "her second wind".:waitasec:

Whoops! The silent video was there - now it isn't! Well, everyone knows which one I'm talking about.
I'm curious about the idea we keep floating - that CA kept George around because she didn't want to split the assets or the house with George if they got a divorce. The only thing wrong with this theory is that it is now clear there weren't any assets, only debts.
There isn't any equity in that house, as it was mortgaged for more than it's market value. :waitasec: So are we saying she didn't want to be left with all the debts if she kicked George out of the house and got a divorce? It seems to me there must have been some other reason for keeping him around because he appeared to be an ongoing liability to her.

I do not agree, of course, with Cindy's thinking on this matter. I don't agree with her not kicking him out long ago, or Casey for that matter, long ago. Cindy doesn't think like us. I am going off of what Shirley and Rick said. Cindy could be lying to them too about how she feels.
She could very likely have a poor understanding of divorce laws in her state, but what impression she had was that she would have to pay HIM, possibly alimony since she was the bread winner in the family , iirc. Also, even though their house was in an upside down position, many people faced with foreclosure or divorce think of their home in emotional terms rather than realistic fact terms, oh no you wont wind up with MY house, you jerk, even though there is no proceeds of the house to be had. I have a friend that sold her husband's BMW for one hundred dollars when she learned he had fathered a child with a mistress. When people are in a bad state of mind, they don't make good decisions. I have to go out now, but I'll find the interviews when I get home. I just remember that she thought it would be cheaper to keep him. Over time people become co-dependent and mix up resentment with I don't want you but I don't want anyone else to have you. Moreover, and this is repulsive, as is it all to me, Shirley said at the time that George was handy for Cindy then because he was home and he could babysit Caylee. He was that really old pair of jeans you've had for twenty years, you wouldn't wear them out to a function, but if someone put them in your box to donate to goodwill you'd ring their neck.
I could be wrong, but it is the impression I got. It will be more instructive when I find the spots in the interviews for us and refresh my memory.

It makes me sad, but there are many, many women from earlier generations that stay in marriages forever that are no longer happy or productive or emotionally healthy. I could never understand that. Some of my friend's mom's have told me , Honey, I don't believe in divorce. I always kid my husband when he makes me upset. I hold up my shoe to show him the bottom, and it makes us both laugh, because the punchline to that is , "There is no glue on my shoes, buddy".

I don't make , as my Gram used to say, heads or tails out of how or why the Anthonys do the things they do. Thank God!!:blushing:

possibly my favourite psychic tip....'North and South of Hopespring Drive' seems somewhat broad...also the name as a chair in the air....CHICKASAW of course!! Wow....no they would never have got that idea from say, I don't know, looking at a map of the area for instance?

I still can't get over that this is where they were getting their leads from....it is unbelievable that they have a girl on a murder charge here, facing the death penalty, and this is what they're playing at!!

It's stunning, it really is stunning.

Wait, I can help them out with the chair in the air --- it is made by Chevy and it has several chairs in the air --- it is called a.............(wait for it............) SUBRURBAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Ah, there it is - Cindy's silent interview. I would love to have been a "fly on the wall" right there in time. I see this as a pivotal time in her life - she has fought and kicked and struck out at everyone and anything that suggested Caylee was dead and ICA was guilty of killing her - until this point.

And then she collapsed. We now know and have evidence of the incredible head screwing going on in the background from Dom et al, that bolstered and gave credibility in her belief that Caylee was alive and this was all a terrible injustice to ICA.

I wonder if right here, at the time this video was taken - Cindy was overwhelmed by her own "common sense". Right there in time - she knew Caylee was dead by her daughters hand. Her grief is so real.

What I want to know is - how did she get back? What happened that brought her so completely back to defensive - no she is alive, no - everyone is wrong - ICA didn't do this. What happened? I've been backtracking through the emails to pinpoint just what piece of information gave her "her second wind".:waitasec:

They knew! Watch George at the 4 min mark when he's asked about testifying for the Grand Jury.........he gets that taste in his mouth.....he is reliving what he had to say to indict his daughter.
This is why they refer to Nejame as slime since he encouraged GA to tell the truth.
From pg. 21675

From: D&A Investigations) Inc [mailto:dominic@dgator.com]
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 6:26 PM

I Luke Phillips I

Subject: RE: Remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 Beers
Sensitivity: Confidential
Ginny needs to go public ASAP let the world know how she called me and told me were to go and look for . . . the media are running a circus here and I am looking like a bad guy . .
Dominic Casey) Private


The most curious 3 red dots I have ever seen in my life.

eta: WHY the dots? Why was DC hesitant to say what it was he was looking for?
He sure spilled lots of other things without hesitation.

(the red emphasis is mine)

CMA ? :waitasec::waitasec::waitasec:
Wait, I can help them out with the chair in the air --- it is made by Chevy and it has several chairs in the air --- it is called a.............(wait for it............) SUBRURBAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

LOL!! OMG you need to email DC with that one! No wait! :banghead:
OK - hope I am not violating by posting this here - I got it from Valhall's blog - I credit a fellow poster for this. After reading this excerpt from Cindy's deposition with the SA, I believe that while DC was working for Bias (I mean Baez), KC confessed - and JB let DC in on it. They knew where the body was, that it was wrapped in a blanket, etc. Everything from there forward was orchestrated by the PI/psychotics/JB - spin spin spin the machine.....all the way up to and including the body being found. All to get KC off the hook. I believe this with all my heart and soul. Read below.
Cindy hooked up Luke Phillips and Dominic Casey, according to what she said in her SAO deposition.

Excerpt from pages 464-473:

Q Okay. What is it that you specifically instructed Dominic Casey to do for you when you hired him?

A Pretty much the same that he had been doing for me when he was working for Jose. I found early on, like in the end of July, whenever Mr. Baez had interviewed Mr. Casey and had signed him on, I remember Mr. Baez enlisted Lee to get his opinion on him. That it seemed like from one tip that I had given to Sergeant Allen, that Sergeant Allen did not feel like it was a reliable tip.

Q U h – h u h .

A And he said that he didn’t pay any attention to people that were associated with psychics, or mediums, or whatever. But this particular tip kind of caught my attention because by the end of July/first part of August, I realized that Caylee’s blanket that we discussed yesterday was not at the house.

Q I’m sorry. When did you realize that?

A Sometime the end of July/first part of August, it was not in the house. And when I received this tip from this gentleman, this Luke — I can’t remember his last name — I had went right to Sergeant Allen with it. And he told me the guy was a crock that had called in, like, the week before and said that Caylee was possibly in South Carolina.
Well, this gentleman had told me that he was associated with a group of people that do specific investigations on missing people, and he worked specifically with the FBI, and he was from Virginia. And he was a group of, like, five or six people. They
were ex-law-enforcement officers. There was a person that had psychic abilities, but they didn’t — he didn’t really call her a psychic, and that had privateinvestigator
skills. And he was kind of like the coordinator. And the one thing that he told me when he called me was that he was pretty confident that Caylee was alive and okay. And he asked me at that point — he said: She has comfort with her. And I asked him what that meant. He said: She has something of hers that is very comforting. Well, I knew that “Teddy” and “mama” was here, and the only other thing that I could think of was her blanket. And I didn’t say anything to him. And he had asked me specifically if there was something that was the size of a blanket or a blanket or a sheet that Caylee could possibly have. And I said: Why do you ask? And he goes because one of the people that he worked with had a strong — could sense Caylee was okay, but she had this blanket that seemed to comfort her. I mean, she wasn’t okay mentally, but physically she was okay, but this blanket gave her some comfort. And he said that there’s, like, two-inch figures on this blanket. And he says beige is the background. I mean, at that point, no one had ever seen this blanket or known anything about it. And I– when he said that it was a blanket, again, it was one of those — like, the same type of thing when Casey said about Samantha. It was one of those moments, like –

Q Uh-huh.

A — does he actually have some credibility or some knowledge of something? Because no one had known — I didn’t even tell George or Lee that Caylee’s blanket was there. I mean, once Caylee was not to be found, you know, after the July 16th, I started looking naturally through everything that Caylee had. And it didn’t dawn on me about the blanket until, you know –

Q The end of the month.

A — the end of the month that that particular blanket was missing. And I remember thinking back that I hadn’t seen it for several months.


THE REPORTER: Excuse me. I need to change tapes.

[Whereupon, there was an interruption in the proceedings, after which the following transpired:]


Q All right. What I was going to ask is, did this tip, if you want to call it a tip –

MR; CONWAY: Do you need a break?

THE WITNESS: No. I’m good.


Q — come in regarding what you were processing as involving the blanket?

A Before Casey came home the first time. And had — what I was starting to tell you is that when Sergeant Allen didn’t have any use for this information, I gave — I called Dominic. And that was the first time I think I had spoken to Dominic on my own. I had met him one time in Mr. Baez’ office. George and I were actually just leaving Mr. Baez’ office when Mr. Casey was coming in to speak with him. So it was early on. It was before Casey came home the first time. I can’t tell you the exact date. I know I gave the information to Sergeant Allen.

Q Okay.

A And I’m sure we could track his phone records on my phone, the first time he called me.

Q All right. Did you mention your suspicion about the blanket and things like that when you told – you said you didn’t tell Lee and George. Did you tell John Allen?

A I told John that I thought he was — you know, had some credible information. And he said he doesn’t take any stock in any psychics. And he made that clear to me on day two, on the 17th, that he did not. Because while he was at the home we got someone that thought that Caylee was up around — south of Jacksonville, somewhere between New Smyrna and Jacksonville on the coast, that Caylee was possibly in that area.

Q Okay.
<object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/mjLKVMipFJY&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1?rel=0&amp;color1=0x234900&amp;color2=0x4e9e00&amp;border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/mjLKVMipFJY&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1?rel=0&amp;color1=0x234900&amp;color2=0x4e9e00&amp;border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="405"></embed></object>


Alright friends - I don't know what I am messing up trying to post this video.
Maybe someone can fix it up for me.

It is an interview, called, "An interview with the Vincent Sister's", from you tube.
This was downloaded in Jan of 2010, and I believe the actual interview took place in Nov of 09.

They talk about working on the Caylee Anthony Case, that they were contacted, then, worked with Dominic Casey.

It is their belief that Casey is the guilty party, though the family denies it.

Can someone please go ahead post this for me?
TIA ~ and, if someone already has posted it, oops = sorry then for that also.

Sorry to requote myself, and to ask for someone to post this video. It's kind of interesting, and shows that there were more physics involved as well that worked with Dominic.

This is from:

She and her sister had an interview last year and talked about the Caylee case, and what they told.
It is under "portforlio" on their website.

Later everyone. Have a nice day and keep the aspirin at hand if you're still reading the documents.
My hats off to all of you for the time you have devoted to this, from day one.
Here is Dominic a bit annoyed that he hasn't got paid, having to close up shop.
Who is PB?
Page 1736.

Look at the next page:
Thank you Luke) it was a matter of time before it became public about D&A representing family
and not sure if Joy was behind this or who. Joy did go on S***** M*****s and Webleuths and
ended up being slammed) she called me in tears and now she has come to the realization of
what happens when you engage in these forums. Poor girl I feel bad for her but she had to

snicker, snicker - really!?!?!?!??
Sorry to requote myself, and to ask for someone to post this video. It's kind of interesting, and shows that there were more physics involved as well that worked with Dominic.

This is from:

She and her sister had an interview last year and talked about the Caylee case, and what they told.
It is under "portforlio" on their website.

Later everyone. Have a nice day and keep the aspirin at hand if you're still reading the documents.
My hats off to all of you for the time you have devoted to this, from day one.

I had trouble directly linking the video, but here is a link to it. At the very bottom of the page.
Here's my problem with this;

Suzanne Vincent and Jean Mckenzie Vincent were brought onto the Caylee Marie Anthony case by Luke Phillips, the intermediary. Luke was working with another psychic named Ginette, and through the intermediary, Luke , we were able to provide Dominic Casey (a private investigator hired by Cindy and George Anthony) with accurate visions that pinpointed the final resting place of Caylee Marie Anthony. Caylee was found as my impressions showed her to me: in an abandoned, weed-strewn lot near a school, with a chain link fence in a black plastic trash bag a fourth of a mile from her Orlando, Florida home. Because of our accuracy with the Caylee Marie Anthony case, Dominic Casey asked Jean and I to profile suspects in the abduction and murder of Caylee Marie Anthony and to locate and profile the Disappearance of Haleigh Cummings from Satsuma,Florida.


If they pinpointed the area as they say they did then why was she found by a meter reader? There is only one school near the Anthony home, these kind of predictions only seem accurate after the fact, not during the search when as we can see by the emails, many many ideas are tossed around. Also same thing with Haleigh....yet to be found.
They knew! Watch George at the 4 min mark when he's asked about testifying for the Grand Jury.........he gets that taste in his mouth.....he is reliving what he had to say to indict his daughter.
This is why they refer to Nejame as slime since he encouraged GA to tell the truth.

Yes, I agree against what they "wanted to know" - their gut was telling them the truth. But they had the barrage of information from the "looney tunes" in the background telling them - no - she's alive in S.Carolina, no- she 's in P.R. no - she's being moved from place to place. I guess that "hope" was enough to set them off on the innocent/alive tour again.
`DC says that CA would absolutly not withhold any evidence but on page 929 of the e-mails he says CA has a thumbdrive of KCs' that she is holding onto. Have we seen any information from LE regarding this thumbdrive?
Sorry to requote myself, and to ask for someone to post this video. It's kind of interesting, and shows that there were more physics involved as well that worked with Dominic.

This is from:

She and her sister had an interview last year and talked about the Caylee case, and what they told.
It is under "portforlio" on their website.

Later everyone. Have a nice day and keep the aspirin at hand if you're still reading the documents.
My hats off to all of you for the time you have devoted to this, from day one.

Wow, just wow, PurpleIris...


Scroll down to the last video dated May 11, 2009 Caylee Final moments...so sad and maybe has pinpointed the how????

At the 2:40 mark they start saying how and who brought them into Caylee's case. She has told them she investigated over 40 people for DC and it all comes back to one person...the mother, yet that camp is insisting she's innocent. Asked is that side of the camp the mother and father? Yes.

This is a must hear and I don't want to transcribe it all for fear of not getting things correctly...I don't agree with HOW they think this happened, for they start out with I think it was an accident...I think she wanted to go out that night. She just wanted to quiet her and one thing led to another and I think she actually suffocated her with a pillow and realized what she had done and tried to cover it up. I do think someone else has knowledge of what happened to Caylee..somewhat paraphrased...

So how does this correlate to an accident if she couldn't quiet Caylee and decided to put a pillow over her face and suffocate her??? No accident, deliberate and truly heinous if this were the scenario...they also mention they had given all this info to LE August, last year...JMHO

I read those emails with DC and psychics, you all have given such superb, awesome summaries and I thank you all for your hard work and patience reading this smut.

I can't believe this went down as it did and all involved should truly be ashamed of themselves and for turning their backs on Caylee to save this monster of a mother. Starting with the grandparents, GA/CA onto wonderful son, LA, JB, DC, JH, LP, BC and all on the defenses side. If there is a way for LE to find a way to have these people arrested, they really should! It's appalling to me the mockery they are making out of Caylee's demise. How they can implicate everyone and anyone of their choosing all to make this go away for INMATE CASEY ANTHONY...I truly hope you're reading this CA...you're granddaughter, Caylee, remember her?, she's looking down upon your face, can't seem to understand why you'd go along with this disgrace...Shame, shame on you!

I see where all those false Caylee sightings originated from. Caylee was all over the nation, GA, MX, FL, CA, PR....the kidnappers are under surveillance, Caylee is being moved every couple of days..Luke freaks out that they went public with this information and just endagered Caylee...hogwash!

They try to blame KioMarie and her family coming up with this wild scenario of how they took Caylee from ICA. How Nicole Ganguzza just happened by to witness this and was killed and placed in ICA's trunk. ICA is suffering from PTSD from these two episodes. Witnessing the actual murder of Nicole and having her child kidnapped, how she is bi polar and needs help. How PSTD usually happens between 1-3 months of a traumatic event...so it matches up..UNREAL..

They come up with this scenario of how GA was the last to see them both leave, only DC thinks he told ICA to get out and they will take care of Caylee...somehow ties into the molestation claim...

This, I believe is all part of the plan for the Anthony family to create serious doubt under the directions of the incompetant attorney they speak badly of from time to time...JB may come to be disbarred when this is all said and done. He, an officer of the court :innocent:, which he wants you to use to show his honor for the law, is not behaving as an officer of the court...one does not break the law in the name of upholding the law. I think he's broken many rules and procedures an officer of the court must strictly adhere to...his glue seems to wear off for he is a horrible person hiding under the guise of an attorney. He shouldn't be practicing law, IMO...

Karma is a wonderful thing and slowly started to happen. I can't wait for this karma to become full blown. I do believe GA might be the one to break after reading how he's implicated here by DC...I do believe the A family reads every document that comes out. Once he gets wind of this, I think a lot of things GA knows and is being untruthful about, will be out...he, like CA under pressure lets anything fly out of their mouths, so, watchout for this storm about to hit...JMHO

Justice will come to Caylee, the State of Florida and those fine prosecutors have worked painstakingly hard on Caylee's justice. Page after page, evidence after evidence, their fingers must be aching typing all this up...Kudos to Jeff Ashton, Linda Drane-Brudick and Mr. George (sorry unaware of his name) all deserve a great big THANK YOU, on behalf of Caylee Marie....

I will give these fine prosecutors a huge standing O, once they get their guilty verdict. I don't care what sentence she receives, as long as she is away from the public, never able to breathe free air, never to bear another child, never to love or be loved ever again in her sorry life...I wonder if ICA thinks the ends will justify the means...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Ah, there it is - Cindy's silent interview. I would love to have been a "fly on the wall" right there in time. I see this as a pivotal time in her life - she has fought and kicked and struck out at everyone and anything that suggested Caylee was dead and ICA was guilty of killing her - until this point.

And then she collapsed. We now know and have evidence of the incredible head screwing going on in the background from Dom et al, that bolstered and gave credibility in her belief that Caylee was alive and this was all a terrible injustice to ICA.

I wonder if right here, at the time this video was taken - Cindy was overwhelmed by her own "common sense". Right there in time - she knew Caylee was dead by her daughters hand. Her grief is so real.

What I want to know is - how did she get back? What happened that brought her so completely back to defensive - no she is alive, no - everyone is wrong - ICA didn't do this. What happened? I've been backtracking through the emails to pinpoint just what piece of information gave her "her second wind".:waitasec:

Whoops! The silent video was there - now it isn't! Well, everyone knows which one I'm talking about.

Wow! CA was silent for that whole interview and let GA speak!! :eek:

I had trouble directly linking the video, but here is a link to it. At the very bottom of the page.

Does anyone know if the guy they predict will win in the mayoral race actually won?

While I believe in psychics, I also believe that 99.9% of them are charlatans.

Best TV psychic moment I've seen was the psychic who predicted she'd top ten in American Idol and didn't make it through to Hollywood. I wish I could find the video. The guest judge told her she wrecked two careers at once. :laugh:
SOTS...interesting tips...thanks for posting this. I don't remember seeing these (so far-only read the first ones)...but this medium isn't so bad...7/20...she had a dream that the mother wrapped the child in several layers of garbage bags and set her out with the trash. The child has something pink with her...possibly clothing.
I have to laugh at the fact that DC declares this hoopty nonsense "Work Product". Priceless. :crazy:

All aboard! The crazy train (aka gravy train) is a rollin'.. best stay off the tracks!! PI Dom and his gang o' psychics can solve any crime... I'm surprised the FBI hasn't brought these top notch sleuthers onboard yet as 'Special' Agents.... :loser:

This circus has an endless cast of sleazeballs..

Justice for Caylee!!! It's coming.
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