2010.08.12 George & Cindy Set for Today Friday

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That was an odd statement, however, ICA did say she went to her mother about Lee and ICA claims that not only did she not believe her, she said something to the effect of, "Oh, is that the reason you are a *advertiser censored*?" Which makes no sense...

Thanks I must have missed the part about her telling CA. LOL I still think that was a strange statement though!
Thanks I must have missed the part about her telling CA. LOL I still think that was a strange statement though!

I agree. Odd. This whole family is odd. There is something they are trying very hard to keep quiet.
Can I just say I'm warming to George? After watching that, I really think that he is just protecting Cindy by not saying everything that he believes and knows, I don't think George lives in much denial at all, but he knows that Cindy can't handle the truth, not yet anyway....but even she inched towards some reality by throwing out the possibility that Casey could have panicked after an accident with Caylee or similar. I think George looks like a guy who's standing by his wife who's got a very flimsy grip on reality and trying to be there for her, I also think it's pretty clear that Cindy is headed towards a breakdown, I hope she's seeing a therapist, I assume she is.
...and George's explanation as to why Casey would accuse him and Lee of abusing her was also a board theory. She was trying to relate to another inmate...just being a good friend, I guess.
Not sure about anyone else here but I've been to Orlando a couple of times since Caylee went missing and never even thought about going over there to Hopespring, but that is just me. As far as not having any life some of us are not able to get around due to health reasons and this does provide something for people to do. Many here were just so concerned with finding this child at the time and feared the worst which was later confirmed that they followed this forum faithfully. There are also many professionals on here who are kind enough to answer our questions when we have them. In many cases it is a learning experience....never too old to learn, ya know. But to be fair to everyone involved if there would be no talking, there would be nothing to talk about. JB put this out there in the main stream, brokered those pictures of this poor baby and mommy is a trip unto herself.....CA and GA just can't stop themselves from making fools of themselves. So yes, many of us here do follow everything closely and look forward to those doc dumps because we keep thinking there is an answer, and the question is "WHY?" Why did she do it? And it is a question we will continue to ask until someone can tell us why mothers kill their children.....respectfully jmo

Thank you for this great post, LambChop.
I do think the Sunshine Law had a lot to do with this case becoming part of our daily lives, too, it was the nonstop infusion of information into the media. Then the media sought out all the parties and the circus began. There is that unfortunate gladiatorial atmosphere in some areas of journalism these days that capitalizes on this kind of tragedy and in the worst way. To add fuel to the fire, there were a few interesting characters that inserted themselves into the case and stirred things up and started internal wars that caused a lot of bad reactions and made people want to then use the media to defend themselves, the media was all too willing, and so on and on. But with or without the media circus, once we knew about Caylee's case, one thing we all share here is that for whatever reason we just couldn't let it go. We just felt like we had to find the truth and seek justice for her. A lot of us are parents and grandparents. Also, it's the wonderful like minded people we find here, many friendships have been formed, I know I appreciate you all. I pray the whole truth will be known in the end and justice done for Caylee...we'd settle for justice of course, whether we get to learn the whole truth or not. But our minds would prefer to have some answers, too.
When CA was asked if RK would be reasonable doubt...CA said something about not thinking that RK would create reasonable doubt to help "Casey win.
That has been my thought along....CA thinks it is Casey and the family against the world.....when she said it wouldn't help Casey win, I thought it sounded odd for her to use the term "win"....but I have always thought that CA takes this whole case as a win or lose for her whole family.....I think CA feels the need to stick up for Casey because like she said, the public has already had their trial and found ICA guilty....mostly because of Casey's go-go boot appearance at Fusion, amongst all the other evidence.... so the A's see it as them against the world...instead of getting to justice for Caylee...
So in Sindy world good person equals "weak person", it's their fault I had to take advantage of them. And to me, that equals sociopathic thinking.

DARN IT, I DID THE QUOTE WRONG = my quote didn't carry over. WHO SAID THIS? You were so right. This is what I was trying to explain to my boyfriend about Cindy, about why she's as sociopathic as Casey is. This is so true.
In KC's jailhouse letters she said she went to her mother about Lee being in her room at night and Mom said she was sleepwalking. KC then said Lee was molesting her and KC said her mother asked her if that was why she was a wh_ _ e. So KC claims she told her mother.

I think the point GA was trying to make is....well, folks you all know how CA is. If I even thought about doing anything like that I would be minus a few essential body parts. Don't men who molest their children have more control in the family? CA has it all, imo.

That is exactly my take on it. Some women are so weak or afraid for some reason, that they 'allow/ignore' it. That would not be how CA would react.
Did anyone else notice that on the actual studio interview CA was not wearing any necklaces, My guess is she knew darn good and well she was going to be asked about her comment that Caylee was still alive, how would that have looked to have had MV say well who's ashes are you wearing in your locket.
When CA was asked if RK would be reasonable doubt...CA said something about not thinking that RK would create reasonable doubt to help "Casey win.
That has been my thought along....CA thinks it is Casey and the family against the world.....when she said it wouldn't help Casey win, I thought it sounded odd for her to use the term "win"....but I have always thought that CA takes this whole case as a win or lose for her whole family.....I think CA feels the need to stick up for Casey because like she said, the public has already had their trial and found ICA guilty....mostly because of Casey's go-go boot appearance at Fusion, amongst all the other evidence.... so the A's see it as them against the world...instead of getting to justice for Caylee...

I agree. I think they "wrote Caylee off" the second that, in their eyes, they were convinced Casey was involved. At that point, Caylee was forgotten and their entire focus was on saving Casey, regardless of her involvement in Caylee's "disappearance." :banghead:
I just rewatched the Today show interview and still havent' yet watched the 53 minute web piece. But I wondered if anybody could help me on this...

Cindy said "that car was part of our day since three o'clock in the afteronoon"... yet, didn't she say in court on July 15 that by the time she found Casey the car hadn't even entered her mind because it was so UNimportant? Can somebody with a big brain help me figure out, is she doing the thing she does where wants this AND that but only when they fit her needs? Or am I just stupid.
That was an odd statement, however, ICA did say she went to her mother about Lee and ICA claims that not only did she not believe her, she said something to the effect of, "Oh, is that the reason you are a *advertiser censored*?" Which makes no sense...

It is a way to include ALL of them in a wrong against her.

Most folks will hear that and think awful things about her family and poor, poor ICA. No questions ask. Just total belief and support for ICA. An accused rapist or molester are guilty until proven innocent.. even then they are still considered guilty.

Even if what she said about Lee and GA is false, that doesn't mean she didn't tell her Mom that they did and that was her (CA) response.

I would not be suprised, that ICA told the story in the middle of a fight/arguement of sorts. As a cover or for some guilt/poor dear response. CA didn't take the bait, and responses with a nasty comment. CA, who knows ICA very well. CA in attack mode, would not be able to switch to protecting mother that quick... when the target of emotions is the same person.. IMHO.

I don't think ICA would ever be able to forgive something like that. A person who claims rape or molestation is to be believed automaticly. To not be believed, would feel pretty painful. Even if the story is false.

I don't think ICA would take into consideration that she is a known lier. And by accusing Lee and GA.. Makes it hard for CA to jump on that band wagon, just to prove she would 'jump' for ICA.
Just watched the interview. I think they were both being sincere and that they were trying their best to express themselves. I can understand their point of view. They never saw anything that makes them believe that Casey could hurt Caylee, and they don't have evidence showing them Casey hurt Caylee either, and they haven't seen discovery showing that all the other people and avenues were sufficiently investigated, so they just can't bring themselves to believe that Casey did anything to hurt Caylee....I can understand it from their point of view, I even have some of the same questions they seem to have. They admit it's possible they're just in denial but they don't think so and they hope they are right. I can't hold that against them. I know it's an unpopular view but I sympathize with them and just feel terrible for them. They are still showing great restraint in not accusing RK or anyone else despite being asked over and over. They clearly don't want anyone else to be falsely accused, they admit they may have questions here or there, they may wonder, will this or that turn out to prove someone else did it? But at the same time they won't accuse anyone. I commend them for that. I believe they only want justice for Caylee. MOO Although they obviously hope and pray that Casey is innocent, of course they do.

I know that many of you strongly disagree, and I know how sincere you are in your opinion. Thanks for letting me post my opinion, too.
I agree. I think they "wrote Caylee off" the second that, in their eyes, they were convinced Casey was involved. At that point, Caylee was forgotten and their entire focus was on saving Casey, regardless of her involvement in Caylee's "disappearance." :banghead:

Another way of looking at it. They could do nothing for Caylee. She was gone and NOT coming back. Nothing they could do would be able to change that. That is reality.

The only one that they can help is KC/ICA. That is also reality.

What Cindy said "We might loose both girls on this one" , pretty much describes the situation.

Of course, just about everything CA has done, seems to harm ICA case. She would have been more helpful if she just stayed away from cameras.
So let me get this straight....Cindy does NOT believe the DNA that proves her granddaughter dead...but she is claiming there is no DNA to prove her daughter did the deed? As a fellow RN...no way....
Cindy mentions where they will be a year from now after the trial, she says they may be living in another state and that Casey will be with them and actively involved in the foundation.
Maybe Cindy thinks she will be moving to Hollywood?:crazy:
God no!!! :hand:please ban them from the state of California, we don't want them!!!:croc::slap:
In the interview with Kerry Sanders in their home, did anyone else notice the constant rocking back and forth of Cindy? I noticed it at about the 20 min mark and it caught my attention. She would stop rocking if she was talking..but as soon as George or Kerry would speak..the rocking began again. Now, I am not a professional in any kind of way in the psych field, but isn't the rocking a sign of something psychological?
My BIL, who is bi-polar, will rock...
In KC's jailhouse letters she said she went to her mother about Lee being in her room at night and Mom said she was sleepwalking. KC then said Lee was molesting her and KC said her mother asked her if that was why she was a wh_ _ e. So KC claims she told her mother.

I think the point GA was trying to make is....well, folks you all know how CA is. If I even thought about doing anything like that I would be minus a few essential body parts. Don't men who molest their children have more control in the family? CA has it all, imo.
Not necessarily... I was molested by my uncle, and he was a mouse of a man, NOT my opinion only, my husband had met him too!
And... Cindy's response to Casey's admission is also typical of mothers of victims when they tell them, they are not often believed. My mother desperately wanted to believe her brother incapable of such a thing over me, her daughter!
The rocking back and forth is means of comforting ones self. It is seen alot with anxiety and depression.
I imagine it's her anxiety that got her on disability. I don't think I'd mention it on national tv, but Cindy's not shy.
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