2010.08.18 - Dede's ex-Boyfriend describes her

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Where's Kyron?

No, really.

All this peripheral stuff is utterly annoying. Who cares if he ate noodles and bread? If that's all he ate, seems to me he'd need to get on the exercise bandwagon...

And I **do** work 15 hours a day, and do have a severe budget (I'm a student nurse...). But shoot, flap steak and some veggies on the grill is cheap, and good...





Herding Cats
Yeah -- in one of her tupperware containers :)

She didn't have any left....she ate them all....and, I suspect, was after his Ramen noodles and stale bread!! After all, she, according to him just sat around collecting unemployment, talking on the phone and going to lunch! Bet she didn't have any scraps to bring to him, either!

Jason....:too much info:
OMG, my stomach hurts from laughing!! You guys are coming out with the good jokes tongiht :highfive:
He didn't want her doing the HOA because there was no money in it, yet he works 15 hour days and lives on noodles and bread. What is wrong with this picture?

Ramen noodles and day old bread.

She didn't have any left....she ate them all....and, I suspect, was after his Ramen noodles and stale bread!! After all, she, according to him just sat around collecting unemployment, talking on the phone and going to lunch! Bet she didn't have any scraps to bring to him, either!

Jason....:too much info:

No she went to "luncheon"!

("little luncheon get-togethers"... eek)
He didn't want her doing the HOA because there was no money in it, yet he works 15 hour days and lives on noodles and bread. What is wrong with this picture?

Don't forget it was day-old bread:)
As a resident of Portland I am glad that I have been warned about this loser should I ever find myself single and looking again. As far as the dating pool goes he certainly swims in the shallow end.

DeDe should be thanking God she's rid of that ... unusual person.
Possibly. It also sounds like boyfriend could use some boundaries. In several areas.

You know, overly permeable boundaries seems to be epidemic with this bunch. JMO
I find this guy kinda of interesting. I suppose some of what he says goes hand in hand with the theory I thought of as soon as DEDE was brought into MSM.
Can't discuss it yet though per TOS.

I wonder if the person he alerted LE to is MC? Along with my theory, I think it could be possible.
That was a strange letter, but at the same time, there were a few pieces of information that if true, need further checking into by LE.

If I read that right, their relationship only lasted 10 months, so I'm not sure I would rely on this guy for a real perspective on DeDe.

One thing I keep in the front of my mind is that we often hear of a crime happening and some time later a person is arrested and the news media is on hand to film the arrest. A reporter will ask a neighbor "what was Mr. Jones like", and 9 times out of 10 the person will say something like..........."he was just a regular guy....always waved and said hello.......I never suspected he'd do something like this."

I never put too much into statements of "he/she would never hurt someone."
That was a strange letter, but at the same time, there were a few pieces of information that if true, need further checking into by LE.

If I read that right, their relationship only lasted 10 months, so I'm not sure I would rely on this guy for a real perspective on DeDe.

One thing I keep in the front of my mind is that we often hear of a crime happening and some time later a person is arrested and the news media is on hand to film the arrest. A reporter will ask a neighbor "what was Mr. Jones like", and 9 times out of 10 the person will say something like..........."he was just a regular guy....always waved and said hello.......I never suspected he'd do something like this."

I never put too much into statements of "he/she would never hurt someone."

Neither do I! It is sad that I or anyone else has to live in a world where we only truly know ourselves and what we are capable of.
Sometimes, I truly feel sorry for "friends" who come into these cases. So many people truly believe in their friends, when honestly they have no clue.
I have read every post on every thread about Kyron. I have shed many tears. But tonight, I must say, that all my tears were from laughter. Thanks sleuthers for some real zingers, so clever, and so needed.
On and before June 4th, there was no frame of reference to how big and serious the
public and law enforcement would take Kyron’s disappearance. Little did they realize
that they would be up against the collective knowledge and united resources of law
enforcement of the post nine-eleven era. It was just everyday life for DeDe at this point in
the game.
If DeDe is indeed involved, she probably thought she was helping protect
Kyron and that she was somehow doing an act of child advocacy as well as helping a
friend get out of a bad and unsafe situation.

Re the bolded sentence, WTH does that mean?

And DeDe and Terri wouldn't know that Kyron's disappearance would be taken seriously? Weren't aware of post 09/11 LE resources, blah, blah? (They were savvy enough to buy bat phones with fake names.)

I've only read it once. From what I gather so far, he believes DeDe assisted Terri but wouldn't harm Kyron. Just stashed him away in a safehouse somewhere :rolleyes:
I'm sorry. I tried to read the links, but all I could hear was some man shouting "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME I NEED ATTENTION!!!!" And something about day-old bread.
We all find it unimaginable that someone could seem more or less within the range of normal* and then actually murder an innocent child. But we also know for a fact that this has happened many times. He mentions Susan Smith, himself. I agree, we can't go by people's impressions or beliefs about what people in general, or a particular individual, might be capable of.

* I am construing the range fairly liberally, since there are a number of characteristics and facts that have come to light about TH and DDS that are certainly unusual and outside the mainstream.

All JMO and speculation.

Thank you for your post, I was traveling today and was thinking mostly about Terri and her actions, wondering...etc. I only took psych. 101...but common-on there are headlights beaming at Terri's actions the clues are all there. Sometimes it takes time for LE to investigate the small details like pings, tapes, etc. Of course it help if everyone co-operates & tells the truth.

This surely seems like a circumstantial hard case, which many times seems like & sometime it is forever. One case just broke in the last couple days that I have been following is Paula Gallant after 4 1/2 years, very sad case & it was the husband that was charged (but their was no smoking gun). At first the family supported him like Scott P., but the clues emerged on his "actions or lack of actions" that put suspicion on him...many people see clues on behavior here; like LE, FBI, etc. but...no one these days are called suspects until they are arrested.

I keep trying to find a way TH is innocent or why she could be guilty (my mind goes over and over this), but all I even up with..."it is a duck" in this case (not totally sure about DeDe).

Yeah I know hard core evidence will come out at the trial and the jury will tell us if we are right. :angel: Problem is; if I forgo my opinion to wait for the jury verdict after following this case "daily", why I am here? Of course, we are all looking at the facts as we see them, but it is human nature to interpenetrate what we perceive. I love this site. :crazy:
On and before June 4th, there was no frame of reference to how big and serious the
public and law enforcement would take Kyron’s disappearance. Little did they realize
that they would be up against the collective knowledge and united resources of law
of the post nine-eleven era. It was just everyday life for DeDe at this point in
the game.
If DeDe is indeed involved, she probably thought she was helping protect
Kyron and that she was somehow doing an act of child advocacy as well as helping a
friend get out of a bad and unsafe situation.

Re the bolded sentence, WTH does that mean?

And DeDe and Terri wouldn't know that Kyron's disappearance would be taken seriously? Weren't aware of post 09/11 LE resources, blah, blah? (They were savvy enough to buy bat phones with fake names.)

I've only read it once. From what I gather so far, he believes DeDe assisted Terri but wouldn't harm Kyron. Just stashed him away in a safehouse somewhere :rolleyes:


That seems a weird comment for him to make.
shoot me now.... please..... I could care less what this man is saying or what DD is saying....

do we all really think that this is the reason the property was searched and that she is featured on the flier?

This is filler! IMHOO> moo... all those sounds, etc....
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