2010.08.18 - Dede's ex-Boyfriend describes her

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It got really quite in here, I have a feeling I know what everyone is up to.

Does his child advocate involvement require him to be in office?
Seems his fence business is most of his income.

I was off searching for an interview I heard he did with KGW -- can't find it. Also the Oregonian -- can't find that either. Someone mentioned it was pulled shortly after it was aired. Sorry, no linky on that one...just heresay.

I even went to the Today show and couldn't find the video either. But I know he did an interview because there's a photo, and it clearly states the Today show.

So why is my hinky meter up because now I can't find a single interview -- except in text?



What strikes me right now, he is promoting his "piece" he wrote for Oregon Live, but this isn't the first time he has written for them. I am not sure if this is a plug piece, or important (focal) information.

It's weird, however. Hinky meter HOT.
What strikes me right now, he is promoting his "piece" he wrote for Oregon Live, but this isn't the first time he has written for them. I am not sure if this is a plug piece, or important (focal) information.

It's weird, however. Hinky meter HOT.

Same here.

Are you talking about his Ode to Popeye ?
So if my ex was in a situation like Dede is, I would not give an interview or write any letters. Period. I would however, call LE and just say "hey, you might want to know a couple of things......." And if anyone wanted the gritty details of my relationship or my "reasons" for distancing myself - well maybe I'd sell them to People or something. LOL Just kidding about that last part because it's nobody's dang business. LE is the only party that I would tell anything to. Anything to help find a child.
DeDe Spicher's former boyfriend describes Terri Moulton Horman's friend as a "high-energy, dynamic" person who changed dramatically
Published: Wednesday, August 18, 2010, 4:30 PM
Updated: Wednesday, August 18, 2010, 5:15 PM

An ex-boyfriend of DeDe Spicher said he was stunned when he learned that investigators were interested in the whereabouts of Spicher on the day Kyron Horman, 7, disappeared from Skyline School.

Jason Wishert, who has volunteered as a child's advocate in Multnomah County for more than a decade, said he dated Spicher for about 10 months, and they had even talked of marriage, but their relationship fell apart in early August 2009.

Wishert, 41, said he called the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office tip line soon after hearing Spicher's name in the news.

"My mouth was agape. I couldn't believe what I was seeing," Wishert recalled. "I thought, 'Oh my gosh, there's two things that investigators should look at.' "

More at link...

Article: http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/08/dede_spichers_former_boyfriend.html

Document written describing Dede by ex-boyfriend: http://media.oregonlive.com/portland_impact/other/jasonw.pdf

He provided investigators with the name of a close confidante of Spicher, and an address in the 12700 block of Northwest Bishop Road in Washington County where Spicher had lived with an aunt after she moved to Portland from Klamath Falls. The Bishop Road address was one of the addresses investigators searched.

another home will be searched. No stone unturned.

I pray to God something about Kyron's whereabouts will turn up soon.

Klamath Falls is a beautiful place to live....rural, but with all the urban amenities....gorgeous, actually.

Please excuse spelling mistakes.
? if he is a child advocate, did he actually help search for Kyron? I noticed that wasn't mentioned in his rambling thoughts.



I'm not sure if this is who he was/is involved with, but there is a nonprofit organization in Multnomah County called CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates), in which volunteers look out for the interests of a specific child throughout a case. There are hundreds of volunteers, and many stay on for many, many years. Amazing organization. www.casaforchildren.org.
Okay - I finally found a tidbit of this guy from the Today show. It's toward the end, and he doesn't say much other than "she always answers her phone".

Hmmm....he hasn't talked to her since 2009 but knows she always answers her phone????

[ame="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/38673392#38673392"]msnbc.com Video Player[/ame]


What an odd, odd letter. Among many odd things, I wondered why he bothered to include that he "almost met her Dad when he came up to Portland for some sort of training....." :waitasec: I almost ate a burrito for lunch. I'm almost pregnant. I almost wore my green shirt today. :waitasec:

Before he sent that letter in, he should have found someone to read it and asked them "Is this a good idea?" "Yeah, uh, no."
The information about DeDe was sort of interesting since it shows a little of her personality. My theory, before this guy was ever mentioned, was that there could be someone involved who was maybe an odd ex social worker type that could be over zealous in helping to hide Kyron thinking he is being abused. Someone like that could have been the dr. appointment in case Kyron told of seeing and talking to someone. Not saying this man did anything, just theories and hoping that Kyron is alive.
What an unusual person.

I haven't read what he wrote on any other site except his fencing business site (Note to self: remember to take out the page design program's handy hints on own website. Sometimes less is more.) but the letter was quite enough to make my flags flare. If he's so intelligent why does he choose to insert himself in the media about this case like this? I'm sure he must know by now that everybody who touches it with a seven foot pole gets burnt so he chooses to write a thousand word essay to the Oregonian about his grade point average, the cost of planting boxes and what he feels about Dede.

What he wrote was all over the place. He jumped around from admiring himself to admiring her great intelligence and clean garage floors to having lost all respect for her because her character changed so drastically and she stopped taking care of her fit figure back to she can't have done anything because she's such a good person and we never had any disrespectful words but by the way, this is what I think she did and why.

It just makes no sense to me. How do you manage to have no disrespectful words with someone you have lost all respect for? If you think someone's character had changed so much you couldn't have any respect for her when you last met why would you presume to know what she would or would not do a year later and say it's because she's such a good person? If she's such a good person wouldn't you have some respect for her? OTOH if her character had changed how are you to know it hasn't changed for worse since you met her last?

I was considering hopping on the fence (are any of y'all's made by this guy?) reading about how the person near the truck is thought to be someone else than those whose faces have been plastered all over the flyers as I thought that two is plenty and three is too much but if Terri and Dede hang around more unusual persons like this there might still be a few runner-ups left in the sidelines. I wonder if this letter is a clumsy attempt at damage control because someone in LE took him in their sights.
My bells went off when I first heard of this man yesterday. My "AW" bells, that is. Attention.... yeah.

And when you are elsewhere and defending yourself, acting as if you have something to add when you DON'T - well, waste of time.

Back to Kyron.. :/
Found this.

Who is wishert?

Wishert may refer to the last name of Jason Wishert of Multnomah County, Oregon. Mr. Wishert is a 6 time Oregon Supreme Court appointee, elected to the OJD State Advisory Council in July 2006 at age 37, and a writer with several articles published in The Hillsboro Argus in 2008. His biography states he is pursuing a criminal justice degree at Washington State University. He is founder and owner of Embassy Enterprises, an Oregon based fencing company.

Mr. Wishert is a child advocate, serving on a board that provides Judicial oversight to children placed in State custody. He is a supporter of several non-profit child outreach organizations including CCF out of Richmond and Friends of Pimpollo out of Salem Oregon. His personal motto is "Trust God Everyday, and Never Give Up".


He wrote that himself.

I thought about this overnight--and I think some of the things he wrote about Dede were in response to comments made on Oregonlive about Dede's looks. He's defending his decision to date her. ( a la "she was a good person when we got married").
:nono: please do not post links to blogs or discuss other blogs without asking a mod please. It is in threadiquette. No blogs without permission first, we are seeing blog posts everywhere many are sites we cannot link to.
Maybe this guy is trying to get DS and TH to get angry and spew, even if it is about him. I don't know.

Looks like DS tried to make this a romantic relationship. All of the cards he saved show that. Just that he saved them is really weird if he broke up with her, which I don't think happened that way.

I don't know, he may just be looking for some other poor soul to take care of him. He sure did not want to help DS. Good grief, what kind of bf turns you away after you just lost your job, became depressed, etc.. Sounds to me he is looking for a wealthy lady and/or to make DS and TH angry and watch them explode before all of us, the international viewers.

I do hope LE can find the time to do some checking into him though. Creeeepppppyyyyy!
In the letter he states: her personality did a 180 degree turn.

How can he comment on her personality now? She may have done another 180 degree turn.

That's part of the letter I do not understand. Nor do I really understand his relevance of the letter, other than to disparage her and toot his own horn.

I really wished the media had not "published" it, as I don't feel it has any relevance to this case -- other than to make DDS look bad.


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