2010.09.28 Levi P. Show: JonBenet Case Heats up! Tricia from WS weighs in

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Very interesting, You are well versed in this case indeed. I share your views.
The black fibers in JB's panties were from John's Israeli-made shirt!
Question: Was JR wearing the Israeli-made shirt on Christmas night, the day after Christmas (when JBR was found), or (like Patsy), was he wearing the same shirt on both days? Thanks in advance for answers.
Another great appearence by TG, on the LP show.

I found PAT BROWN'S mention of the child's adventure book, 'Choose Your Own Aventure book', being used as a template for the rn, and the similarity in font types quite fascinating/ as well as how PB desribes JR's response to her inquiry.

rr, your q 8 font sample was respectfully mentioned!

Correct for error
Question: Was JR wearing the Israeli-made shirt on Christmas night, the day after Christmas (when JBR was found), or (like Patsy), was he wearing the same shirt on both days? Thanks in advance for answers.

I don't know. I use to know but now I can't remember.

Thanks so much for the Choose Your Own Adventure link! And for telling us the name of that series, which me and my bad ears somehow was hearing a Chinese kid's name: Zhou Xio Oi Adventure. :D
I don't know. I use to know but now I can't remember.


Here's the best I can do from memory and logic: Thomas said that LE didn't get the Ramseys' clothes for approx. a year. They had photos from the Whites' party on the 25th. They knew full well that Patsy wore the same clothes on the 26th. But no mention was made of John wearing the same clothes.

The Ramseys said they couldn't remember what they wore and had to consult photos to gather up those clothes as best they could to give to LE--a year later.

So I believe, without really remembering exactly how it was said, that Patsy had on the same clothes both the night of the 25th and the day of the 26th, and John changed his from the previous night.

I don't remember anyone speaking to what John or Patsy wore especially on Dec. 24th, though, except maybe in DOI when it was mentioned JB couldn't go up to the Christmas star above Boulder because she had on a nice dress--at least, I think that was Christmas Eve.

But I may be wrong on this. Maybe someone else can look it up, as I don't have time right now.
Here's the best I can do from memory and logic: Thomas said that LE didn't get the Ramseys' clothes for approx. a year. They had photos from the Whites' party on the 25th. They knew full well that Patsy wore the same clothes on the 26th. But no mention was made of John wearing the same clothes.

The Ramseys said they couldn't remember what they wore and had to consult photos to gather up those clothes as best they could to give to LE--a year later.

So I believe, without really remembering exactly how it was said, that Patsy had on the same clothes both the night of the 25th and the day of the 26th, and John changed his from the previous night.

I don't remember anyone speaking to what John or Patsy wore especially on Dec. 24th, though, except maybe in DOI when it was mentioned JB couldn't go up to the Christmas star above Boulder because she had on a nice dress--at least, I think that was Christmas Eve.

But I may be wrong on this. Maybe someone else can look it up, as I don't have time right now.

Here you go:

1997 BPD John Interview
TT: Okay. Is it kind of, it sounded like Patsy didn’t really want to go up, and had a hassle about going up to Charlevoix. . .

JR: No, no, not really, she was not to crazy about the idea, but . . .

TT: She kind of came around towards the end?

JR: Yeah, yeah she uh, in the end was kind of looking forward to it (inaudible) because we were going to have the kids up there, and it was going to be fun.

TT: John, what did you wear over to the White’s house that night, do you recall?

JR: Uh, I think I had like a black knit sweater shirt kind of thing, uh, and probably wore some khaki colored pants, but I don’t remember specifically, I guess I wore some kind of pants.

TT: And this is one thing we talked to Patsy about; Patsy gave scarves to everybody, was that at the White’s house? Or was that back on the 23rd . . .

R: Uh, I think that was on the 23rd . . .

TT: Fleet and the Fernies and all that?

JR: Yeah, that was the 23rd. Yeah, when he had the Christmas party, I think it was the 23rd, yeah.

TT: Let me show you some pictures here and make sure, see if this is one of the scarves that Patsy is given out or this is the scarves that you have here? This is a picture . . .

JR: No the scarf was given to me by, uh my daughter Beth.

TT: Okay. That’s not one of the scarves then, that Patsy given out

JR: I don’t think so, it, I mean it looks (pause) not to my knowledge, I mean this looks like the scarf that Beth gave me. She got this scarf in Scotland.

[1998 BPD John Interview
13 LOU SMIT: They take a picture

14 every once in awhile to show the time. So

15 forth, that photograph --

16 JOHN RAMSEY: That's their film?

17 LOU SMIT: That's their film, yes.

18 JOHN RAMSEY: That's Priscilla

19 White I believe in the corner with a cup of

20 coffee.

21 LOU SMIT: On 108 shows a picture

22 of Priscilla White in the corner. Who is the

23 gentleman?

24 JOHN RAMSEY: I think -- I think

25 that's me with a green shirt on.


1 LOU SMIT: That's in the foyer

2 area, isn't it?

3 JOHN RAMSEY: Right. And I don't

4 know who else, detective -- I don't know.


6 LOU SMIT: Okay.

1998 BPD Patsy Interview
22 TOM HANEY: And that's the jacket that you

23 were wearing that you identified earlier?

24 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh (yes).

25 TOM HANEY: How about the red -- and I


1 can't tell --

2 PATSY RAMSEY: No, it's a little

3 turtleneck. I don't know.

4 TOM HANEY: Was that also turned over --

5 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh (yes).

6 TOM HANEY: Okay -- by you to Ellis who in

7 turn turned it over to the police?

8 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh (yes).

9 TOM HANEY: And how about what John was

10 wearing?

11 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh (yes).

12 TOM HANEY: And --

13 PATSY RAMSEY: This part I remember.

14 TOM HANEY: He's wearing a black long

15 sleeve --


17 TOM HANEY: -- color and I can't --

18 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, it's hard to tell.

19 TOM HANEY: Okay. Can of peanuts.

20 PATSY RAMSEY: Uh-huh (yes).

2000 Atlanta Patsy Interview
11 MR. LEVIN: Mitch?
12 MR. MORRISSEY: Nothing about the
13 coat.
14 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Mrs. Ramsey, we
15 were sent, and Detective Trujillo probably
16 can give me dates on this to orient
17 everyone, two black shirts.
18 CHIEF BECKNER: Same time. It
19 was January 28, 1998.
20 MR. TRUJILLO: Same date.
21 MR. LEVIN: Received the same
22 date as the red coat?
24 Q. (By Mr. Levin) We have asked for
25 -- we had also requested, through your
1 attorneys, that we be sent a black shirt, a
2 black shirt that John was wearing at the
3 Whites on Christmas of 1996. Were you aware
4 of that request in addition to the request
5 for your red coat?
6 A. I am sure I was.
7 Q. Did you participate in collecting
8 that? What I mean by that is you said,
9 well, I went in my closet and grabbed my
10 jacket. Did you go and grab what you
11 thought was John's shirt? How did that come
12 about? Why don't you just tell us in your
13 own words?
14 A. I don't remember. More likely he
15 found his shirt, I found my jacket.
16 Q. He sent us two black shirts. I
17 am going to show you a photograph here. It
18 shows you wearing your red coat and then
19 John wearing a black shirt. He sent us two,
20 two different black shirts. This one, does
21 this have a collar, this shirt?
22 A. I can't tell.
23 Q. While Mr. Kane tries to get a
24 little closer, I have some more questions.
25 John sent us two black shirts. One had a
1 collar and one did not. Was there any
2 discussion that he had with you in which he
3 tried to obtain your assistance in refreshing
4 his memory as to which of those two shirts
5 he wore Christmas of 1996?
6 A. I don't remember.
7 Q. If it took place, you just don't
8 recall it?
9 A. I don't remember, no.
10 Q. I think this is a little better
11 shot.
12 MR. WOOD: I don't believe
13 there's contrast.
14 THE WITNESS: I can't tell, you
15 know, which one that was. He has got
16 several.
17 MR. WOOD: You are talking about
18 the question of the collar, though, on that
19 one. I don't think you can tell, even from
20 the zoom I can't tell.
21 THE WITNESS: You can't tell if
22 there's a collar.
23 Q. (By Mr. Levin) And the sheriff,
24 this is just, the two he sent us, the one
25 that this appears to be, it is a wool shirt
1 that is made in Israel, which is kind of
2 unusual. It wasn't a gift that maybe you
3 bought for him, something like that, that
4 would make it stand out?
5 MR. WOOD: Let me stop. You are
6 saying this one appears to be. You are
7 talking about the picture that Mr. Kane has
8 just shown us?
9 MR. LEVIN: Yes. And then we

Further conversation regarding clothing and their location, culminating in this:
2000 Atlanta Patsy Interview
8 MR. LEVIN: I understand your
9 position.
10 In addition to those questions,
11 there are some others that I would like you
12 to think about whether or not we can have
13 Mrs. Ramsey perhaps in the future answer. I
14 understand you are advising her not to today,
15 and those are there are black fibers that,
16 according to our testing that was conducted,
17 that match one of the two shirts that was
18 provided to us by the Ramseys, black shirt.
19 Those are located in the
20 underpants of JonBenet Ramsey, were found in
21 her crotch area, and I believe those are two
22 other areas that we have intended to ask
23 Mrs. Ramsey about if she could help us in
24 explaining their presence in those locations.

I've followed this case from the beginning and I actually think it HAS been solved! Steve Thomas got it right. It was an accident of sorts--Patsy didn't mean to kill JB but she did and the rest was a coverup by both parents. Both are equally culpable in such a crime (or should be).

What's unfortunate is that there was never an arrest or trial with the physical evidence they did have, along with the circumstantial evidence. It's unfortunate that the DA was too afraid too proceed, didn't have any confidence in what the evidence showed, and was too scared of the Ramseys and losing his own political career.

But yeah...the case itself was solved in my eyes.

There was no intruder. There just wasn't. Despite what Lou Smit thought and despite what the Ramsey's pretended. Nope. It never passed the smell test, not for one minute. The physical evidence didn't support an intruder and the rest of the evidence didn't support an intruder (ransom note, fibers, staging, location, etc, etc).

Sad, really, but each parent will ultimately answer to JB and God.
Here you go:

1997 BPD John Interview

[1998 BPD John Interview

1998 BPD Patsy Interview

2000 Atlanta Patsy Interview

Further conversation regarding clothing and their location, culminating in this:
2000 Atlanta Patsy Interview

JR: Uh, I think I had like a black knit sweater shirt kind of thing, uh, and probably wore some khaki colored pants, but I don’t remember specifically, I guess I wore some kind of pants.

LOL..."a black knit sweater shirt KIND OF THING"...and he doesn't remember, but he guesses that he "wore some kind of pants". Really?? Dear Lord I HOPE SO!!! Of course, he was real used to just running around in his undies...like when he stripped down to break into his own house, because he forgot his keys...and when he read the RN...down on all fours....in his underwear...(The very thought of John wearing just his underwear, makes me ill).
JR: Uh, I think I had like a black knit sweater shirt kind of thing, uh, and probably wore some khaki colored pants, but I don’t remember specifically, I guess I wore some kind of pants.

Uh, could JR be a little more vague?
Tricia was on fire on this show. I was looking for something else on Levi's radio site and stumbled across this show.


Our Tricia was all over the DA and the Ramseys. Great facts. If I ever have a problem, I want Tricia on my side. She makes so many good points, it's difficult to understand why LE and the DA let the case go unsolved for so long. With so much evidence, how could they!!!

I didn't realize Tricia began Forums For Justice specifically for the JBR case. Good for her. At least she's fighting for the little girl who endured so much.

I suggest people go back and listen. It's only 35 minutes long.
Tricia was on fire on this show. I was looking for something else on Levi's radio site and stumbled across this show.


Our Tricia was all over the DA and the Ramseys. Great facts. If I ever have a problem, I want Tricia on my side. She makes so many good points, it's difficult to understand why LE and the DA let the case go unsolved for so long. With so much evidence, how could they!!!

I didn't realize Tricia began Forums For Justice specifically for the JBR case. Good for her. At least she's fighting for the little girl who endured so much.

I suggest people go back and listen. It's only 35 minutes long.

Welcome aboard, shweetheart.
LOL I love this 'Mary Lacy, who has to be one of the worst DA's in the history of the world. she is a STUPID WOMAN, she may be book smart but she is a STUPID WOMAN' hahahahahahahaha gold!

Now this was very interesting to listen to, especially the part about the DNA being on a store bought pair of undies, the DNA is really one of the only things that puts doubt in people's minds IMO! This needs to be more widely publicised and more throughly investigated, ASAP!
LOL I love this 'Mary Lacy, who has to be one of the worst DA's in the history of the world. she is a STUPID WOMAN, she may be book smart but she is a STUPID WOMAN' hahahahahahahaha gold!

That pretty much sums it up, Stef88.

The simple fact is, this woman had NO real-world experience with prosecution, thus, no real understanding of any kind of forensic science. There are people out there--and if they are reading this, they KNOW who they are--who would have us believe that Lacy had a real stranglehold on the evidence in this case. That's placing a lot of trust in a woman who:

--tried to railroad three U of C, Boulder football players into prison on a rape they didn't commit, and, in fact, did not HAPPEN;

--never took a murder case to trial during her entire tenure as DA OR during her time as an assistant DA;

--gave us JOHN MARK KARR, when any first-year law student would have known better;

--refused to take any action in the Midyette case until Bill O'Reilly's producer hounded her on her front porch;

--got in Tom Haney's face for being too tough on Patsy during the 1998 interview, when he knew a lot more about investigating murder than she did;

That's all I can think of right now. If anyone can point out anything I've missed, please do not hesitate! This woman clearly had serious issues with judgment, placing her politics first, and general hubris. She is NOT trustworthy.

Now this was very interesting to listen to, especially the part about the DNA being on a store bought pair of undies, the DNA is really one of the only things that puts doubt in people's minds IMO! This needs to be more widely publicised and more throughly investigated, ASAP!

Wendy Murphy has tried to publicize it, Stef88. Bless her for her efforts on this case.
That pretty much sums it up, Stef88.

The simple fact is, this woman had NO real-world experience with prosecution, thus, no real understanding of any kind of forensic science. There are people out there--and if they are reading this, they KNOW who they are--who would have us believe that Lacy had a real stranglehold on the evidence in this case. That's placing a lot of trust in a woman who:

--tried to railroad three U of C, Boulder football players into prison on a rape they didn't commit, and, in fact, did not HAPPEN;

--never took a murder case to trial during her entire tenure as DA OR during her time as an assistant DA;

--gave us JOHN MARK KARR, when any first-year law student would have known better;

--refused to take any action in the Midyette case until Bill O'Reilly's producer hounded her on her front porch;

--got in Tom Haney's face for being too tough on Patsy during the 1998 interview, when he knew a lot more about investigating murder than she did;

That's all I can think of right now. If anyone can point out anything I've missed, please do not hesitate! This woman clearly had serious issues with judgment, placing her politics first, and general hubris. She is NOT trustworthy.

Wendy Murphy has tried to publicize it, Stef88. Bless her for her efforts on this case.

Dave, to add to your list is the case of Sidney Lee Wells.. Both Alex Hunter and Lacy were too spineless to prosecute.

Two more things to add here, Lacy is a founder and one of the directors of a child advocacy center, founded in 1994. Heres a snip from their web site...

Childhood sexual abuse is less frightening and less damaging in our community because of the services, intervention, and education provided by Blue Sky Bridge. Hopefully, one day our goal of elimination childhood sexual abuse in Boulder County will also be realized. This ticks me off even more when I think about Jonbenet and JJ Midyette....

I think it also says a lot about Lacy that she is now a defense attorney. It definitely explains her ability to systematically destroy the Jonbenet case by making it hard and/or impossible for any incoming prosecutor to prosecute...

pulling strings to get her son's DUI arrest whittled down to something just above Jay-walking right after she was elected

I have more but its late and Im just pizzed now.... Good night cruel world
Anyone have another link to the Levi P. show, the one I load stops at the first page with the american flag and scales of justice

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