2010.1.25 The Check Fraud Case Guilty Plea

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After watching the hearing I have so many little observations:
Baez is a smarmy attorney. He is, IMO, the kind who will play dirty tricks to get what he wants. That is a means of making up for his lack of talent or intelligence. He just wants to win at all costs and thinks he's a lot smarter than he is. Cocky, arrogant and although I do not think he is as horrible an attorney a many of us here want him to be, he is definitely WAY over his head in this case. He should stick to simple DUI's, thefts, drug charges, smaller crimes until he gets more experience.
Baez and Lyons are not doing a great job at casting doubt as to who did this, painting their client as a victim and/or making anyone feel sorry for her. All of AL's antics with looming over "little" casey and providing comfort to this poor soul, are not working. JB's constant swipes at the SA are not working to change public sentiment. In fact, I think many will find it all irritating and will see through the desperate attempts to save their defense. I don't believe it will work.
casey is a practiced liar and actress. I do think she feels emotion. I do think she even feels some remorse, possibly, at times, and guilt when looking at her parents. But, her main concern is herself. It's what she was taught and she is easily able to rationalize why everything she has done was necessary or justifiable.
With the check thing, I think casey, when finally backed into a corner and unable to refute evidence, will admit certain things, but only if she thinks it will get her out of something much worse. I bet this has been a pattern throughout her life - her parents catch her at something bad, she denies and lies til' the cows come home, they threaten and tell her if she lies about it it will be worse and finally, in desperation for her to admit the truth, they cajole her, tell her they won't be mad if she just fesses up and perhaps even try to justify her actions: "We know you didn't mean to do anything wrong honey, just tell us the truth and everything will be forgiven." She then turns on the waterworks, cries a river and says, with apparent but very contrived sincerity, 'I'm so sorry mom and dad. I didn't mean it. It's just that [INSERT ANY LAME EXCUSE], so I didn't know what to do. That's why I did it. I'm so sorry." "It's okay honey, we know you didn't mean it. We're glad you told us the truth. You should have come to us sooner, before [STEALING FROM GRANDMA, STEALING THE CAR, WHATEVER]. You can tell us anything." "Yeah, but you're always criticizing me for not doing what you want and dad's always yelling at me so I didn't feel I could talk with you." "Oh, honey. See, George? We really need to work on communication and to be better parents. We'll try to do better casey, okay?"
That's what I think has gone on her whole life and that's what I saw in court today with her "apology". casey feels if she admits to this one thing, she'll get out of the rest. It's sick and people who parent this way think they are just protecting their kids or being good parents when in actuality, this is exactly how criminals are produced.
Final observations: CA's mannerisms and demeanor are bizarre, to say the least. Smiling, cracking jokes, dabbing at tiny tears, performing when she thinks the camera is on her, etc.. She acts like she's seeing her military kid who is on a webcam because he or she is overseas. She doesn't act like the grandmother of a murdered baby whose mother is being tried for the baby's murder. Sometimes, it almost seems she enjoys some of the circus. It is so pathological and creepy.
And casey learned well from her mother. A very disturbed person who thinks the world is her stage and that she's sitting in the audience getting ready for her junior high talent show performance, gossiping with her schoolmates before she goes on. There is just no reality to those two at all and it makes me nuts. I loathe her.
On the other hand, George looks like he's aged 25 years in one. A look at his face and one knows he is fully aware of why everyone is there to begin with. Not saying he's not strange either, but I think he understands reality much more than his "girls" do.

As much as I wanted a trial, this was the only logical thing for the defense team. A trial would have been devastating to their murder case, unrelated or not. I think it's been established that KC can only hurt them with her lies, and any attempt to defend her against charges that were as proven as they could possibly be would only hurt their overall credibility for the murder trial.

And what better way to reach your prospective jurors than a trial beforehand? I usually roll my eyes at their jury pool-poisoning posturing, but nothing good could have come out of a trial for them.

So grats, KC, on no longer being psuedo. You are indeed a real convict now. It's just too bad for you that it's still the very least of your worries.
I seem to always be the one to say this - wasn't it quite normal for KC to speak to the court and apologize?

if she did not, people would say oh what a jerk, she doesnt even pretend to be sorry.

she does, and everyone says oh what a jerk, that was insincere.

whatever her reasons, be it she is truly sorry, or her lawyers coaching her, both, neither, it was the right thing to do, and she did it.

While I agree with what you have said here, respectfully, it is my personal opinion that she is not in fact sorry for "being a bad friend" but is sorry she was caught.

The reason people are saying, "Oh what a jerk, that was insincere" is because it very clearly WAS insincere.
I just re-watched the entire hearing again today, the first time (while watching it live) I just kind of listened while I was working, this time I watched, and I rewound the "apology" several times and kept watching. Watch her first "tear" swipe on the left side of her face.....she doesn't even come close to wiping a tear, it is an instinctive habit that she has from faking crying all the other times in court. Lets not forget, KC, by her own words, will "lie cheat and steal and do whatever it takes". She had no remorse for stealing from AH and that is quite clear when you look at the receipts and what she bought. This wasn't, "man I really could use 20 bucks to buy some beer or food or something." This was blatant cleaning out her friends bank account. That is just nutso, who does that?? AH deserves a handwritten letter from KC or a phone call apology; not one meant specifically for the public to hear, to presumably "humanize" her in the potential jury pools eyes.
If she HAD been sincere, I think it would have been just as obvious as it was that she was in fact, INsincere for the duration of said apology.
I remember seeing one of the legal eagles post way back in the beginning of all of the pretrial hearings and stuff, that every single thing either side says in court, is scripted, and every word is planned. I don't for a second believe that excuse for an "apology" came from KC's heart. It came from JB or AL's pen.

I also want to point out that I went to a funeral for my Uncle in Law last week, whom I have only met a few times, and I cried more real tears for that man than KC has for her own daughter. I was thisclose to posting a picture of what my Kleenex looked like after not even an hour long funeral for a man I barely knew and I was going to compare it to KC's "crying" Kleenex and show you the difference in the two. The only reason I didn't, was because I lost the Kleenex during the drive to the burial. DANGIT!
In addition, my face was red and splotchy and it was very obvious who had been crying and who hadn't. The sheer lack of respect for Caylee that this "Mother" has shown, brings me to tears. I would have gladly taken this child, as I have not been able to have children of my own.
Just goes to show, just because you gave birth, it does NOT make you a good mother.

Sorry this is so long, but lastly, when referring to the amount of evidence yet to come, I did hear that she said at least 90% had been handed over "if not more". So that makes me think there is more that the STATE has not handed over, in addition to the latent prints that the FBI is holding. I for one am DYING to know what the extra info is, because honestly, I remember there being more "nails in the coffin" evidence that came out in the beginning of the discovery dumps, than in the end.......and that scares me. I am hoping a praying that this girl does not walk free.

Ok final thing I wanted to say, last thing for real this time, (sorry, I don't post often, it has been building up, haha!) is anyone else sick to death of hearing JB say "quite frankly"? Its obviously his word crutch and its driving me crazy! LOL

Ok thats all, I <3 websleuths!
All JMO, of course
she didn't plead guilty because, as he said "she felt bad about it all along" she pled guilty because they could not escape the video evidence. Had there been no security film of casey she would still be lying about it, and so would jb.

while i agree with what you have said here, respectfully, it is my personal opinion that she is not in fact sorry for "being a bad friend" but is sorry she was caught.

The reason people are saying, "oh what a jerk, that was insincere" is because it very clearly was insincere.
I just re-watched the entire hearing again today, the first time (while watching it live) i just kind of listened while i was working, this time i watched, and i rewound the "apology" several times and kept watching. Watch her first "tear" swipe on the left side of her face.....she doesn't even come close to wiping a tear, it is an instinctive habit that she has from faking crying all the other times in court. Lets not forget, kc, by her own words, will "lie cheat and steal and do whatever it takes". She had no remorse for stealing from ah and that is quite clear when you look at the receipts and what she bought. This wasn't, "man i really could use 20 bucks to buy some beer or food or something." this was blatant cleaning out her friends bank account. That is just nutso, who does that?? Ah deserves a handwritten letter from kc or a phone call apology; not one meant specifically for the public to hear, to presumably "humanize" her in the potential jury pools eyes.
If she had been sincere, i think it would have been just as obvious as it was that she was in fact, insincere for the duration of said apology.
I remember seeing one of the legal eagles post way back in the beginning of all of the pretrial hearings and stuff, that every single thing either side says in court, is scripted, and every word is planned. I don't for a second believe that excuse for an "apology" came from kc's heart. It came from jb or al's pen.

I also want to point out that i went to a funeral for my uncle in law last week, whom i have only met a few times, and i cried more real tears for that man than kc has for her own daughter. I was thisclose to posting a picture of what my kleenex looked like after not even an hour long funeral for a man i barely knew and i was going to compare it to kc's "crying" kleenex and show you the difference in the two. The only reason i didn't, was because i lost the kleenex during the drive to the burial. Dangit!
In addition, my face was red and splotchy and it was very obvious who had been crying and who hadn't. The sheer lack of respect for caylee that this "mother" has shown, brings me to tears. I would have gladly taken this child, as i have not been able to have children of my own.
Just goes to show, just because you gave birth, it does not make you a good mother.

Sorry this is so long, but lastly, when referring to the amount of evidence yet to come, i did hear that she said at least 90% had been handed over "if not more". So that makes me think there is more that the state has not handed over, in addition to the latent prints that the fbi is holding. I for one am dying to know what the extra info is, because honestly, i remember there being more "nails in the coffin" evidence that came out in the beginning of the discovery dumps, than in the end.......and that scares me. I am hoping a praying that this girl does not walk free.

Ok final thing i wanted to say, last thing for real this time, (sorry, i don't post often, it has been building up, haha!) is anyone else sick to death of hearing jb say "quite frankly"? Its obviously his word crutch and its driving me crazy! Lol

ok thats all, i <3 websleuths!
All jmo, of course

can you please give me website to watch the hearing. I was sick in bed yesterday and didn't get to watch it thank you
I found the Today show bit on Casey Anthony this morning very
disappointing in that they leaned heavily on the Media being at fault
for the huge interest in the story. Nothing said about KC creating the
public interest. A mother who showed us she did'nt care that her child
was missing and lied to LE when they were trying to find Caylee.
Not to mention all the videos from jail and she never asked if
there was any news of the where abiouts of Caylee. Oh, but she did remark that all everyone cared about was Caylee.
Then the reporter talked about the ex wife and how Kronk duct taped
her once. They were married back in the early 90's for 4 months and
she waits till now to say anything. I say give her a lie detector test.
The defense is (IMO) lovin this. Fame and Sympathy:furious:
BBM. There you have it folks! Now we know why donkeys fly!

Seriously...she could have done this so much sooner. It wasn't her decision to have the trial commence now. If she felt sooooooo bad, you'd think she would have demanded her team to get it done PDQ (yeah, right). There was one reason and one reason only this happened now...and it was no thanks to Casey.
I seem to always be the one to say this - wasn't it quite normal for KC to speak to the court and apologize?

if she did not, people would say oh what a jerk, she doesnt even pretend to be sorry.

she does, and everyone says oh what a jerk, that was insincere.

whatever her reasons, be it she is truly sorry, or her lawyers coaching her, both, neither, it was the right thing to do, and she did it.
I think she was hoping Amy would be there...not so she could personally apologize to her, but to make the moment that much more dramatic. This girl has chutzpah...that much I'll give her...who would cash a stolen check at the bank? My goodness...there are cameras everywhere!!
Life for me lately has been too busy for me to read as much as I want to about this case.

Please excuse me if this is the wrong thread or if this has been discussed to the moon and back but why did she plead?

That came as a surprise to me given ol' Baez soundbites I've seen over the past few months about KC.

I am wondering what the Defense is doing, can this possibly benefit KC's case in the long run? I am trying to get a handle on the Defense's strategy, because even though I have no respect of confidence in Baez---there is AL also.

TIA to anyone who takes the time to give me their two cents on what in the world the defense is doing right about now.

I saw a TH last night as I was flipping past either JVM or the NG show and she was stridently saying that the pleading in this check case would not effect the murder trial but I disagree----I think that when KC goes to trial for the murder of Caylee the very fact that she pleaded guilty to these charges --- because of the fact that it occurred when Caylee was missing (unknown to anyone else at the time except to her own Mother who murdered her).

Actions speak louder than words.

Any clue on what they might be doing? Thank you very much! I'll try to check back today or tomorrow to see if anyone responded! :)
Yes, it was your YouTube video. Thank you so much for doing them for us. By the way, I agree completely with your comment.

I went back and found that it was near the beginning on the #6 tape. As I kept listening to it again and again, it almost sounded as if he was really asking for Strickland to set a bond. Maybe someone else has better ears...

No, he really was just being an *advertiser censored**. After he said it, he had this stupid grin on his face for like 10secs before he turned around and realized nobody was paying attention to him or looking at him like he was a complete moron. Even casey had a look of "you're an idiot".

P.S Thanks patty for making me laugh during that moment that you made that comment. Sadly though, it was the highlight of my day.
I know Casey got probation and time served for her guilty plea. I just thought of something though. Did the Judge give an underlying sentence for the probation? Usually to have probation you have a suspended sentence like 45 days or something. That way if the offender violates the terms of their probation the suspended sentence is then activated. That and did the judge make it supervised or unsupervised probation?
nice meeting you at hearing! the sound was so bad i had to go home and watch it on internet. i could hardley hear what they said.

Thanks for your comments - it is interesting to hear what someone who was actually there has to say. I wondered why you weren't posting immediately and now I know - as you say you had to rush home and watch it on TV.

On the video, the courtroom didn't look that big - like there were only maybe 8 or 10 rows on each side, one side for the defense and one side for the prosecution. The defense side didn't look full, and we didn't ever get a shot of the prosecution side - that I saw at least. So did you mean the judge was a long way away from you, plus the attorney's tables or what exactly? There was initially problems with the sound when the video started at the beginning, with a lot of buzzing, but it didn't switch on until the session actually started and was shut off the minute court was adjourned. Annoying, we couldn't hear anything we weren't supposed to hear. So can you give more info - where did you sit - blah, blah, was Kathy there? I saw BS at the beginning talking to the SA's but no sound. Any detail will be interesting!
I know Casey got probation and time served for her guilty plea. I just thought of something though. Did the Judge give an underlying sentence for the probation? Usually to have probation you have a suspended sentence like 45 days or something. That way if the offender violates the terms of their probation the suspended sentence is then activated. That and did the judge make it supervised or unsupervised probation?

That seems to be up in the air because the Lawyer, George, was arguing how could she get probation if she is in jail, and will be at least until the trial and perhaps for much longer than that. I believe they said they would talk among themselves and with the judge and work something out in the next 10 days. Baez the Bumbler suggested they let her serve her probation out on Bond. If you watch that part of the video you can practically hear that bright idea hit the floor with a loud thud.
I haven't had time to read through the thread, so sorry if this is a repeat.

1. Was anyone else getting the Amscott ad playing before they showed her apology? HA! Was it coincidence, or could they be cashing in on the case too?
2. I'm thinking they smeared some vicks under KC's eyes, to help her cry.

3. The way her atty cuddled her in a motherly way after her apology made me want to vomit. But then I thought of the pavlov response.

If she gets enough positive reinforcement for telling the truth then maybe its not too late for her to learn how to be honest. And maybe one day we will finally learn the whole truth about what happened with Caylee.

They need someone in that cell with her saying "Is your name Casey Anthony"?
When she answers yes, she gets a hug.

"Do you love to go on shopping sprees, spending other peoples money"
If she says yes, she gets a hug.

"Do you love men in uniform"? Yes- followed by hug......

If she says no- she gets a spray of water in her face. (I'd like to think of a mild electric current, but don't think that one would fly. LOL)

You get the drift.....Over and over like 20 hours a day. Every day.

Not that I think she's deserving of hugs, but positive reinforcement has been proven in the world of science, and parenting ,and in schools, and the workplace.
But maybe I'm giving her too much credit,thinking she could be as smart as a lab rat.
OMG! Baez with more poor KC, being discriminated against. Such baloney. He needs to shut up. How does he live with himself.

Pleads the day before appearance, absolutely shows no remorse. KC acts so entitled, like her attorney. I can't say anymore, this is just so sickening.

Wish Caylee would had someone to stick up for her in this way.
That and with probation if she is placed on supervised probation she would be given a payment schedule to pay off her restitution and the state would add supervision fees every month on top of that. If she didn't pay the monies in a timely manner she could also be in violation of her probation. I don't think she could be placed on unsupervised until her restitution and court costs are paid either. I know you can't in NC.
I seem to always be the one to say this - wasn't it quite normal for KC to speak to the court and apologize?

if she did not, people would say oh what a jerk, she doesnt even pretend to be sorry.

she does, and everyone says oh what a jerk, that was insincere.

whatever her reasons, be it she is truly sorry, or her lawyers coaching her, both, neither, it was the right thing to do, and she did it.
I am with you here. I was kind of surprised that she extended herself as much as she did.
In the scheme of things this apology means very little, but I don't doubt she is sorry that she ripped off Amy...very sorry.
Directly after the trial, did anybody wonder what in the world Baez was thinking inviting Amy to remain friends with Casey and contact his office any time when the judge just ruled that Casey is to have NO CONTACT WITH AMY, DIRECT OR INDIRECT.

You just can't make this stuff up!

I haven't had time to read through the thread, so sorry if this is a repeat.

1. Was anyone else getting the Amscott ad playing before they showed her apology? HA! Was it coincidence, or could they be cashing in on the case too?
2. I'm thinking they smeared some vicks under KC's eyes, to help her cry.

3. The way her atty cuddled her in a motherly way after her apology made me want to vomit. But then I thought of the pavlov response.

If she gets enough positive reinforcement for telling the truth then maybe its not too late for her to learn how to be honest. And maybe one day we will finally learn the whole truth about what happened with Caylee.

They need someone in that cell with her saying "Is your name Casey Anthony"?
When she answers yes, she gets a hug.

"Do you love to go on shopping sprees, spending other peoples money"
If she says yes, she gets a hug.

"Do you love men in uniform"? Yes- followed by hug......

If she says no- she gets a spray of water in her face. (I'd like to think of a mild electric current, but don't think that one would fly. LOL)

You get the drift.....Over and over like 20 hours a day. Every day.

Not that I think she's deserving of hugs, but positive reinforcement has been proven in the world of science, and parenting ,and in schools, and the workplace.
But maybe I'm giving her too much credit,thinking she could be as smart as a lab rat.

:dance: Too funny and worthy of repeating!!!
Directly after the trial, did anybody wonder what in the world Baez was thinking inviting Amy to remain friends with Casey and contact his office any time when the judge just ruled that Casey is to have NO CONTACT WITH AMY, DIRECT OR INDIRECT.

You just can't make this stuff up!



I totally caught that too. What was that all about? I hadn't seen anything mentioned anywhere about it......but I find it curious that he would make a statement like that on camera..........or do I?
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